Example #1
        dec = dec2
        print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'

    # set observatory parameters
    altitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOELEV'])
    latitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOLAT'])
    longitude = float(h[0].header['ESO TEL GEOLON'])
    epoch = 2000.

    iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers(baryc_dir, mjd - 999.0, mjd + 999.0)
    obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0(latitude, altitude)
    obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos(longitude, obsradius, R0)

    jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir(baryc_dir, ephemeris)
    jplephem.set_observer_coordinates(float(obpos[0]), float(obpos[1]),

    res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(float(ra / 15.0), float(dec), long(mjd),
                                    float(mjd % 1), 1, 0.0)
    lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
    bcvel_baryc = (lbary_ltopo - 1.0) * 2.99792458E5

    print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc

    res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra / 15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd % 1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs = ephem.Observer()
    gobs.name = 'VLT'
    gobs.lat = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees
Example #2
    dec = h[ih].header['DEC-D']
    epoch = h[ih].header['EQUINOX']

    ra2, dec2 = GLOBALutils.getcoords(obname, mjd, filen=reffile)
    if ra2 != 0 and dec2 != 0:
        ra = ra2
        dec = dec2
        print '\t\tUsing the coordinates found in the image header.'

    iers = GLOBALutils.JPLiers(baryc_dir, mjd - 999.0, mjd + 999.0)
    obsradius, R0 = GLOBALutils.JPLR0(latitude, altitude)
    obpos = GLOBALutils.obspos(longitude, obsradius, R0)

    jplephem.set_ephemeris_dir(baryc_dir, ephemeris)
    jplephem.set_observer_coordinates(obpos[0], obpos[1], obpos[2])

    res = jplephem.doppler_fraction(ra / 15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd % 1, 1, 0.0)
    lbary_ltopo = 1.0 + res['frac'][0]
    bcvel_baryc = (lbary_ltopo - 1.0) * 2.99792458E5

    print "\t\tBarycentric velocity:", bcvel_baryc

    res = jplephem.pulse_delay(ra / 15.0, dec, int(mjd), mjd % 1, 1, 0.0)
    mbjd = mjd + res['delay'][0] / (3600.0 * 24.0)

    # Moon Phase Calculations
    gobs = ephem.Observer()
    gobs.name = 'Clay_Mag_2'
    gobs.lat = rad(latitude)  # lat/long in decimal degrees
    gobs.long = rad(longitude)