def compute_metrics(files,metrics,verbose=0): list_dict=[] try : for f in files: c = convert(f,verbose) d = {(0,"name"):f[f.rfind(os.sep)+len(os.sep):]} if metrics["halstead"] : d[(1,"halstead")]= halstead(c) if metrics["mccabe"]: d[(2,"mccabe")]= mccabe(c) if metrics["harrison"]: d[(3,"harrison")]= harrison(c) if metrics["oviedo"]: d[(4,"oviedo")]= oviedo(c) if metrics["henry"]: d[(5,"henry")]= henry(c) list_dict.append(d) except Exception,e: print traceback.print_exc() print e print "Failed to compute metrics on "+format(files)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import traceback import os from jshadobf.common.convert import convert from jshadobf.transformations.add_if_statement import add_if_statement if __name__ == "__main__": #input = if len(sys.argv) > 1: prg = sys.argv[1] else: sys.exit() c = convert(prg) for _ in range(10): d = add_if_statement(c) print d
if __name__=="__main__": import sys import optparse optparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]") optparser.add_option("-a" , "--ast" ,dest="ast",default=False, action='store_true',help="print the tree") optparser.add_option("-c" , "--cfg" ,dest="cfg",default=False, action='store_true',help="print the file") optparser.add_option("-f" , "--file" ,dest="file",default="", help="file name") optparser.add_option("-o" , "--output" ,dest="fileo",default="output", help="output basename") optparser.add_option("-v" , "--verbose" ,dest="verbose",default=False, action='store_true',help="verbose") (option , arg ) = optparser.parse_args(sys.argv) if option.file == "": optparser.print_help() sys.exit() c = convert(option.file) if option.ast: gen_dot_file(c,filename=option.fileo+"") os.system("dot -Tpng -o "+option.fileo+".ast.png "+ option.fileo+"") if option.cfg: cfg = cfg_builder(c) # print RED, cfg,BLACK cfg_dot_file(cfg,filename=option.fileo+"") os.system("dot -Tpng -o "+option.fileo+".cfg.png "+ option.fileo+"")
temp = temp.split(" ")[-1] if temp != name: try: times = int(temp) except Exception, e: print e for tt in TRANSFORMATIONS: if tt.__name__.find(name) != -1: to_apply.append((tt, times)) if option.file == "": c = convert_string(, option.verbose > 2) else: c = convert(option.file, option.verbose > 2) d = c # print to_apply for transfo, num in to_apply: if option.verbose > 1: print "Applying transfo : %s , times %d " % (transfo.__name__, num) for i in xrange(num): d = transfo(d, option.verbose) for i in xrange(option.all): for transfo in TRANSFORMATIONS: d = transfo(d, option.verbose) if option.printtree: print_level_order(d, option.verbose)
def convert(self, srccode=None): print self.path if srccode == None: self.tree = convert(self.path) else: self.tree = convert_string(srccode)