Example #1
def bom_ascii_to_nc(year,dates,froot):

    debug = False
    latvec = None
    lonvec = None
    ncobj = None
    latslice = slice(None,None,None)
    lonslice = slice(None,None,None)
    missed_dates = []
    adict = {}

    latvec,lonvec,adict = get_basics()
    miss = adict['missing']

    for dti,dt in enumerate(dates):
        index = (slice(dti,None,None),latslice,lonslice)

        # Initialise the netcdf object
        if ncobj is None:
            if debug: print "Define ncobj:",dt
            dni_var = 'solar_dni'
            ghi_var = 'solar_ghi'
            obs_var = 'obs_time'
            ncobj = nb.nc_open(froot+'.nc','w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj,'crs',dims=(),dtype="i4")  # Grid mapping container

            dni_nc = ncobj.variables[dni_var]
            ghi_nc = ncobj.variables[ghi_var]
            obs_nc = ncobj.variables[obs_var]

        # Calculate the observation time layer
        obs_data = create_obs_time(latvec,lonvec,dt)
        obs_nc[dti,:,:] = obs_data
    # Add time values

    # Create an ordered metadata dictionary
    meta = create_meta(dates[0],dates[-1],adict)

    # Output the file-specific metadata to a JSON file regardless of the
    # requested output formats
    jh.json_dump(meta, froot+'.json')
    # Setting attributes here is optional in this example because it is
    # known that netcdf_json_wrapper.py will be called next with
    # 'froot+".json"' as one of the input files.
    if debug: print "Added attributes"
    print "Wrote: "+froot+".nc"
    return froot
def asciigrid_to_nc(arcfilename,fileroot):
    The main routine that calls the calls other routines to prepare the data
    and metadata and create the netCDF file.
    # Read ascii grid file
    asciihead,asciidata,asciitail = split_asciigrid(arcfilename)
    meta = arcasciihdr_to_dict(asciihead)

    # Create numpy components
    latvec,lonvec,datadict = set_latlon(meta)
    data,datadict = asciigrid_to_numpy(asciidata,meta,datadict)

    # Resample or edit array
    # Add a default no_data value if required.
    miss = -999.0
    if 'nodata_value' in meta: miss = float(meta['nodata_value'])
    datadict['missing'] = miss
    #data,latvec,lonvec,datadict = resample_array(data,latvec,lonvec,datadict)

    # Prepare time, variable name and metadata
    d1,d2,datadict = set_datetime(arcfilename,datadict)
    datadict = set_varname(arcfilename,datadict)
    attributes = set_attributes(arcfilename,meta,datadict)

    # Netcdf options
    # http://netcdf4-python.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/netCDF4-module.html
    nc_format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC'
    nc_compress = True
    debug = False

    # Write netcdf file
    if os.path.exists(fileroot+'.nc'): os.remove(fileroot+'.nc')
    varname = datadict['varname']
    vartype = datadict['datatype']
    fillval = datadict['missing']
    timevec = [d1]
    ncobj = nb.ncopen(fileroot+'.nc','w',format=nc_format)
    nb.set_timelatlon(ncobj,None,len(latvec),len(lonvec)) # unlimited time
    nb.set_variable(ncobj,'crs',dims=(),dtype="i4")  # Grid mapping container
    if debug:
        print varname,data.shape
    # nb.add_data should work but is presently broken. Use direct method
    #ncobj.variables[varname][0,:,:] = data  # 2D numpy array
    ncobj.variables[varname][:] = data  # 3D numpy array
    print 'Wrote:',fileroot+'.nc'

    # Write metadata to json
    if os.path.exists(fileroot+'.json'): os.remove(fileroot+'.json')
def bom_ascii_to_nc(year,dates,froot):

    latvec = None
    lonvec = None
    ncobj = None
    latslice = slice(None,None,None)
    lonslice = slice(None,None,None)
    missed_dates = []

    for dti,dt in enumerate(dates):
        dni,ghi = get_solar_files(str(year),dt)
        index = (slice(dti,None,None),latslice,lonslice)

        if dni is not None:
            # Split the input file into metadata and data components
            dni_head,dni_rows,dni_history = split_bom_file(dni)
            # Resample the data
            dni_data,dni_lat,dni_lon,dni_dict = resample_data(dni_rows,dni_head)

        if ghi is not None:
            # Split the input file into metadata and data components
            ghi_head,ghi_rows,ghi_history = split_bom_file(ghi)
            # Resample the data
            ghi_data,ghi_lat,ghi_lon,ghi_dict = resample_data(ghi_rows,ghi_head)

        # Skip initial dates until we get a valid file because we need lat,lon
        if latvec is None and dni is not None:
            latvec = dni_lat
            lonvec = dni_lon
            miss = dni_dict['missing']
        if latvec is None and ghi is not None:
            latvec = ghi_lat
            lonvec = ghi_lon
            miss = ghi_dict['missing']
        if latvec is None:

        # Initialise the netcdf object
        if ncobj is None:
            dni_var = 'solar_dni'
            ghi_var = 'solar_ghi'
            obs_var = 'obs_time'
            ncobj = nb.nc_open(froot+'.nc','w')
            #ncobj = nb.nc_open(froot+'.nc','w',format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj,'crs',dims=(),dtype="i4")  # Grid mapping container

            dni_nc = ncobj.variables[dni_var]
            ghi_nc = ncobj.variables[ghi_var]
            obs_nc = ncobj.variables[obs_var]

        # Add observation time layers for any missed dates
        for mi,md in enumerate(missed_dates):
            obs_data = create_obs_time(latvec,lonvec,md)
            #               index=(slice(mi,None,None),latslice,lonslice))
            obs_nc[mi,:,:] = obs_data
            missed_dates = []

        # Calculate the observation time layer
        obs_data = create_obs_time(latvec,lonvec,dt)
        obs_nc[dti,:,:] = obs_data

        # Add data
        if dni is not None:
            dni_nc[dti,:,:] = dni_data
        if ghi is not None:
            ghi_nc[dti,:,:] = ghi_data
    # Add time values

    # Create an ordered metadata dictionary
    meta = create_meta(dates[0],dates[-1],dni_dict)

    # Output the file-specific metadata to a JSON file regardless of the
    # requested output formats
    jh.json_dump(meta, froot+'.json')
    # Setting attributes here is optional in this example because it is
    # known that netcdf_json_wrapper.py will be called next with
    # 'froot+".json"' as one of the input files.
    print "Added attributes"
    print "Wrote: "+froot+".nc"
    return froot
Example #4
def asciigrid_to_nc(arcfilename, fileroot):
    The main routine that calls the calls other routines to prepare the data
    and metadata and create the netCDF file.
    # Read ascii grid file
    asciihead, asciidata, asciitail = split_asciigrid(arcfilename)
    meta = arcasciihdr_to_dict(asciihead)

    # Create numpy components
    latvec, lonvec, datadict = set_latlon(meta)
    data, datadict = asciigrid_to_numpy(asciidata, meta, datadict)

    # Resample or edit array
    # Add a default no_data value if required.
    miss = -999.0
    if 'nodata_value' in meta: miss = float(meta['nodata_value'])
    datadict['missing'] = miss
    #data,latvec,lonvec,datadict = resample_array(data,latvec,lonvec,datadict)

    # Prepare time, variable name and metadata
    d1, d2, datadict = set_datetime(arcfilename, datadict)
    datadict = set_varname(arcfilename, datadict)
    attributes = set_attributes(arcfilename, meta, datadict)

    # Netcdf options
    # http://netcdf4-python.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/docs/netCDF4-module.html
    nc_format = 'NETCDF4_CLASSIC'
    nc_compress = True
    debug = False

    # Write netcdf file
    if os.path.exists(fileroot + '.nc'): os.remove(fileroot + '.nc')
    varname = datadict['varname']
    vartype = datadict['datatype']
    fillval = datadict['missing']
    timevec = [d1]
    ncobj = nb.ncopen(fileroot + '.nc', 'w', format=nc_format)
    nb.set_timelatlon(ncobj, None, len(latvec), len(lonvec))  # unlimited time
    nb.set_variable(ncobj, 'crs', dims=(),
                    dtype="i4")  # Grid mapping container
    nb.add_time(ncobj, timevec)
    nb.add_data(ncobj, 'latitude', latvec)
    nb.add_data(ncobj, 'longitude', lonvec)
    if debug:
        print varname, data.shape
    # nb.add_data should work but is presently broken. Use direct method
    #ncobj.variables[varname][0,:,:] = data  # 2D numpy array
    ncobj.variables[varname][:] = data  # 3D numpy array
    nb.set_attributes(ncobj, attributes)
    print 'Wrote:', fileroot + '.nc'

    # Write metadata to json
    if os.path.exists(fileroot + '.json'): os.remove(fileroot + '.json')
    jh.json_dump(attributes, fileroot + '.json')
def bom_ascii_to_nc(year, dates, froot):

    debug = False
    latvec = None
    lonvec = None
    ncobj = None
    latslice = slice(None, None, None)
    lonslice = slice(None, None, None)
    missed_dates = []
    adict = {}

    for dti, dt in enumerate(dates):
        dni, ghi = get_solar_files(str(year), dt)
        index = (slice(dti, None, None), latslice, lonslice)

        if dni is not None:
            # Split the input file into metadata and data components
            dni_head, dni_rows, dni_history = split_bom_file(dni)
            # Resample the data
            dni_data, dni_lat, dni_lon, dni_dict = resample_data(
                dni_rows, dni_head)
            if debug: print "No dni data:", dt

        if ghi is not None:
            # Split the input file into metadata and data components
            ghi_head, ghi_rows, ghi_history = split_bom_file(ghi)
            # Resample the data
            ghi_data, ghi_lat, ghi_lon, ghi_dict = resample_data(
                ghi_rows, ghi_head)
            if debug: print "No ghi data:", dt

        # Skip initial dates until we get a valid file because we need lat,lon
        if latvec is None and dni is not None:
            if debug: print "Using dni_lat:", dt
            latvec = dni_lat
            lonvec = dni_lon
            adict = dni_dict
            miss = adict['missing']
        if latvec is None and ghi is not None:
            if debug: print "Using ghi_lat:", dt
            latvec = ghi_lat
            lonvec = ghi_lon
            adict = ghi_dict
            miss = adict['missing']
        if latvec is None:
            if debug: print "Save miss:", dt

        # Initialise the netcdf object
        if ncobj is None:
            if debug: print "Define ncobj:", dt
            dni_var = 'solar_dni'
            ghi_var = 'solar_ghi'
            obs_var = 'obs_time'
            ncobj = nb.nc_open(froot + '.nc', 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
            nb.nc_set_timelatlon(ncobj, None, len(latvec), len(lonvec))
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj, dni_var, fill=miss, zlib=True)
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj, ghi_var, fill=miss, zlib=True)
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj, obs_var, fill=miss, zlib=True)
            nb.nc_set_var(ncobj, 'crs', dims=(),
                          dtype="i4")  # Grid mapping container
            nb.nc_add_data(ncobj, 'latitude', latvec)
            nb.nc_add_data(ncobj, 'longitude', lonvec)

            dni_nc = ncobj.variables[dni_var]
            ghi_nc = ncobj.variables[ghi_var]
            obs_nc = ncobj.variables[obs_var]

        # Add observation time layers for any missed dates
        for mi, md in enumerate(missed_dates):
            if debug: print "Add missed:", md
            obs_data = create_obs_time(latvec, lonvec, md)
            #               index=(slice(mi,None,None),latslice,lonslice))
            obs_nc[mi, :, :] = obs_data
            missed_dates = []

        # Calculate the observation time layer
        obs_data = create_obs_time(latvec, lonvec, dt)
        obs_nc[dti, :, :] = obs_data

        # Add data
        if dni is not None:
            if debug: print "Add dni:", dni
            dni_nc[dti, :, :] = dni_data
        if ghi is not None:
            if debug: print "Add ghi:", ghi
            ghi_nc[dti, :, :] = ghi_data

    # Add time values
    nb.nc_add_time(ncobj, dates)

    # Create an ordered metadata dictionary
    meta = create_meta(dates[0], dates[-1], adict)

    # Output the file-specific metadata to a JSON file regardless of the
    # requested output formats
    jh.json_dump(meta, froot + '.json')

    # Setting attributes here is optional in this example because it is
    # known that netcdf_json_wrapper.py will be called next with
    # 'froot+".json"' as one of the input files.
    nb.nc_set_attributes(ncobj, meta)
    if debug: print "Added attributes"
    print "Wrote: " + froot + ".nc"
    return froot