Example #1
 def merge(self):
     merger = Merger(self.schema)
     self.merged = self.jsons[0]
     for i in range(1, len(self.jsons), 1):
         self.merged = merger.merge(self.merged, self.jsons[i])
     return self
Example #2
    def __init__(self):

        for domain in self.DOMAINS:

        for entry2 in self.subDomainsBrute():
            duplicate = False
            for i, entry in enumerate(self.data):
                if entry['name'] == entry2['name']:
                    duplicate = True
                    merger = Merger(self.SCHEMA)
                    self.data[i] = merger.merge(entry, entry2)
            if not duplicate:

        for _ in self.IPS:
            for entry2 in self.ip(_):
                duplicate = False
                for i, entry in enumerate(self.data):
                    if 'addresses' in entry.keys():
                        for address in entry['addresses']:
                            if address['ip'] == entry2['addresses'][0]['ip']:
                                duplicate = True

                    if duplicate:

                if not duplicate:
Example #3
def merge_data_sources(path_from: str, path_to: str):
    from_dirs = os.listdir(path_from)
    to_dirs = os.listdir(path_to)

    schema = {'properties': {'submissions': {'mergeStrategy': 'append'}}}
    merger = Merger(schema)

    for rd in from_dirs:
        from_dir = OPJ(path_from, rd)
        to_dir = OPJ(path_to, rd)
        if rd not in to_dirs:
            shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True)

        with open(OPJ(to_dir, 'meta.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            lhs_meta_json = json.load(fp)

        with open(OPJ(from_dir, 'meta.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            rhs_meta_json = json.load(fp)

        result = merger.merge(lhs_meta_json, rhs_meta_json)
        shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True)

        with open(OPJ(to_dir, 'meta.json'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            json.dump(result, fp, indent=4)
Example #4
def merge_clinical_trial_metadata(patch: dict,
                                  target: dict) -> Tuple[dict, List[str]]:
    Merges two clinical trial metadata objects together
        patch: the metadata object to add
        target: the existing metadata object
        arg1: the merged metadata object
        arg2: list of validation errors

    validator: _Validator = load_and_validate_schema("clinical_trial.json",

    # uncomment to assert original object is valid
    # try:
    #     validator.validate(target)
    # except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
    #     raise InvalidMergeTargetException(
    #         f"Merge target is invalid: {target}\n{e}"
    #     ) from e

    # assert the un-mutable fields are equal
    # these fields are required in the schema
    # so previous validation assert they exist
    if patch.get(PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME) != target.get(PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME):
        raise InvalidMergeTargetException(
            "Unable to merge trials with different " + PROTOCOL_ID_FIELD_NAME)

    # merge the two documents
    merger = Merger(validator.schema, strategies=PRISM_MERGE_STRATEGIES)
    merged = merger.merge(target, patch)

    return merged, list(validator.iter_error_messages(merged))
Example #5
def get_data_zomato_api(*args, **kwargs):

    api_hook = HttpHook(http_conn_id="zomato_api", method='GET')

    data_dict = {}

    schema = {"properties": {"restaurants": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}
    merger = Merger(schema)

    for i in range(0, 100, 20):

        endpoint_url = "search?entity_id=3&entity_type=city&start={}&count=20&sort=rating".format(

        resp_url = api_hook.run(endpoint=endpoint_url)
        resp = json.loads(resp_url.content)

        if i == 0:

            result = data_dict
            result = merger.merge(result, resp)
        with open(
                "w") as f:
            json.dump(result, f)
Example #6
def test_overwrite_any():
    """Test that the alias for jsonmerge.strategies.Overwrite is set up properly"""
    schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "a": {
                "type": "object",
                "mergeStrategy": "overwriteAny"
            "b": {
                "type": "number"

    merger = Merger(schema, strategies=prism_merger.PRISM_MERGE_STRATEGIES)

    # Updates to "a" should be allowed
    base = {"a": {"foo": "bar"}, "b": 1}
    head = {"a": {"foo": "buzz"}, "b": 1}
    assert merger.merge(base, head) == head

    # Updates to "b" still should not be allowed
    head["b"] = 2
    with pytest.raises(prism_merger.MergeCollisionException,
                       match="mismatch of b=1.*and b=2"):
        merger.merge(base, head)
def result():
    chat_name = request.form.get("chat_room_name")
    name_check = 1
    chatnamelist = {"main" , "blue"}

    schema = {
            "properties" : {
                chat_name: {
                    "mergeStrategy": "append"
    merger = Merger(schema)
    chatdat = {}
    with open('datas.json', 'r') as readfile:
            chatdata = json.load(readfile)
    for names in chatdata:
        if names == chat_name:
            name_check = 0
            name_check = 1

    if name_check == 0:
        return render_template ("error.html", message = "Chat room name has alreade used. Please choose other name")
        result = merger.merge(chatdat, chatdata)
        with open('datas.json', 'w') as outfile:
            json.dump(result, outfile, indent=4)

            return render_template("error.html",message ="success of chatroom")
Example #8
def users_validate(jsonfile, verbose, debug):
    """Check users validation."""
    click.secho('Validate user file', fg='green')

    path = current_jsonschemas.url_to_path(get_schema_for_resource('ptrn'))
    ptrn_schema = current_jsonschemas.get_schema(path=path)
    ptrn_schema = records_state.replace_refs(ptrn_schema)
    # TODO: get user schema path programaticly
    # path = current_jsonschemas.url_to_path(get_schema_for_resource('user'))
    path = 'users/user-v0.0.1.json'
    user_schema = current_jsonschemas.get_schema(path=path)
    user_schema = records_state.replace_refs(user_schema)

    merger_schema = {"properties": {"required": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}
    merger = Merger(merger_schema)
    schema = merger.merge(user_schema, ptrn_schema)
    schema['required'] = [
        s for s in schema['required'] if s not in ['$schema', 'user_id']

    datas = read_json_record(jsonfile)
    for idx, data in enumerate(datas):
        if verbose:
            click.echo(f'\tTest record: {idx}')
            validate(data, schema)
        except ValidationError as err:
                f'Error validate in record: {idx} pid: {data.get("pid")}',
            if debug:
                trace_lines = traceback.format_exc(1).split('\n')
Example #9
    def make_merger(self, stratname, typename):
        return a Merger instance using a set of strategies having a name
        and a schema for a given type.  

        :param stratname str:  a name for the set of strategies to use.  This 
                               corresponds to a set of schemas that have merge 
                               strategies encoded into them.  
        :param typename  str:  a name for the particular type that the data
                               to be merged conform to.  
        stratdir = os.path.join(self.root, stratname)
        if stratname.startswith('.') or not os.path.exists(stratdir):
            raise MergeError("Strategy convention not recognized: " +

        cache = ejsl.DirectorySchemaCache(stratdir)

        schemafile = os.path.join(stratdir, "{0}-schema.json".format(typename))
        if not os.path.exists(schemafile):
            raise MergeError("Schema Type name not supported: " + typename)

        with open(schemafile) as fd:
            schema = json.load(fd)

        out = Merger(schema, self.strategies, 'OrderedDict')
        for schema in list(cache.schemas().values()):

        return out
def merge_all_jsons(directory=r'/content/jsons/'):
    # define o schema (regras para o merge)
    schema = {"properties": {"denotations": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}
    # cria o objeto de merge:
    merger = Merger(schema)
    # armazena as informações do 1° arquivo .json, para depois adicionar mais informações a ele:
    with open('/content/jsons/ner0.json', 'r') as f:
        result = json.load(f)
# adiciona o atributo "parcial_text" nas anotações do 1° arquivo .json (acima)
# esse atributo será útil para saber de qual bloco de texto a palavras será recuperada depois
    for i in range(len(result['denotations'])):
        result['denotations'][i].update({'parcial_text': 0})
# percorre o diretório de todos os arquivos .json:
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        if (filename != 'final.json' and filename != 'ner0.json'
                and filename.endswith('.json')):
            with open(directory + filename) as f:
                jsonObject = json.load(f)  # lê o arquivo e cria o objeto json
        flag = 'denotations' in jsonObject
        if (flag):
            for i in range(len(jsonObject['denotations'])
                           ):  # percorre as anotações e adiciona o atributo
                    {'parcial_text': int(filename[3])})
        result = merger.merge(result,
                              jsonObject)  # faz o merge das informações
# escreve o arquivo .json final:
    with open('content/jsons/final.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(result, f, indent=4)
def create_new_style(multiple_style_data, new_style_data,
    Create the new style with the new layer
    # Merge the sources of the original style with the new style into the
    schema_sources = {"properties": {"sources": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}

    merger = Merger(schema_sources)
    sources = merger.merge(new_style_data['sources'],
    multiple_style_data['sources'] = sources

    # Add the layers of the new style into the original style
    for i in range(len(new_style_data['layers'])):

    # Clean the json file
    if multiple_style_state:
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace("True", "true")
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace(
            "False", "true")

    remove_char = "'"

    for char in remove_char:
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace(char, '"')

    multiple_style_json = ujson.loads(multiple_style_data[1:-1])

    # Create the new multiple style file
    with open(settings.MULTIPLE_STYLE_DIR, "w") as new_style_file:
        new_style_file.write(ujson.dumps(multiple_style_json, indent=4))
Example #12
def join_json_state(record_json_dir, agents, finished_at, config):
    '''Combines all of the json state files into one'''
    json_schema = {"properties": {"state": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}

    json_template = {
        "agents": agents,
        "finished_at": finished_at,
        "config": config,
        "state": []

    merger = Merger(json_schema)
    base = merger.merge({}, json_template)

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(record_json_dir):
        for name in files:
            path = os.path.join(record_json_dir, name)
            if name.endswith('.json') and "game_state" not in name:
                with open(path) as data_file:
                    data = json.load(data_file)
                    head = {"state": [data]}
                    base = merger.merge(base, head)

    with open(os.path.join(record_json_dir, 'game_state.json'), 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(base, sort_keys=True, indent=4))

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(record_json_dir):
        for name in files:
            if "game_state" not in name:
                os.remove(os.path.join(record_json_dir, name))
Example #13
def test_merge_core():

    # create aliquot
    aliquot = {"cimac_aliquot_id": "1234"}

    # create the sample.
    sample = {
        "cimac_sample_id": "S1234",
        "site_sample_id": "blank",
        "aliquots": [aliquot]

    # create the participant
    participant = {
        "cimac_participant_id": "P1234",
        "trial_participant_id": "blank",
        "samples": [sample]

    # create the trial
    ct1 = {"lead_organization_study_id": "test", "participants": [participant]}

    # create validator assert schemas are valid.
    validator = load_and_validate_schema("clinical_trial.json",
    schema = validator.schema

    # create a copy of this, modify participant id
    ct2 = copy.deepcopy(ct1)
    ct2['participants'][0]['cimac_participant_id'] = "PABCD"

    # merge them
    merger = Merger(schema)
    ct3 = merger.merge(ct1, ct2)

    # assert we have two participants and their ids are different.
    assert len(ct3['participants']) == 2
    assert ct3['participants'][0]['cimac_participant_id'] == ct1[
    assert ct3['participants'][1]['cimac_participant_id'] == ct2[

    # now lets add a new sample to one of the participants
    ct4 = copy.deepcopy(ct3)
    sample2 = ct4['participants'][0]['samples'][0]
    sample2['cimac_sample_id'] = 'new_id_1'

    ct5 = merger.merge(ct3, ct4)
    assert len(ct5['participants'][0]['samples']) == 2

    # now lets add a new aliquot to one of the samples.
    ct6 = copy.deepcopy(ct5)
    aliquot2 = ct6['participants'][0]['samples'][0]['aliquots'][0]
    aliquot2['cimac_aliquot_id'] = 'new_ali_id_1'

    ct7 = merger.merge(ct5, ct6)
    assert len(ct7['participants'][0]['samples'][0]['aliquots']) == 2
Example #14
def person_put(person_id=''):
        Update an existing person

        swagger_from_file: api_doc/person_put.yml

    if request.headers.get('Content-Type') == 'application/json':

        if is_token_valid(request.headers.get('Authorization')):

            addition_person = json.loads(request.data.decode("utf-8"))

            result = persistence.get_person(person_id)

            if result:

                original_person = json.loads(result.get('wtf_json'))

                if addition_person.get('id') and addition_person.get(
                        'id') != original_person.get('id'):

                    return make_response(
                        'Conflict: The ID of the additional data already exists as "same_as"! Please check your data!',
                    # init merger "person"
                    with open('conf/person_merger.schema.json') as data_file:
                        schema_person_merger = json.load(data_file)

                    merger = Merger(schema_person_merger)

                    # merge it!
                    merged_person = merger.merge(original_person,

                    # load it!
                    form = PersonAdminForm.from_json(merged_person)
                    form.changed.data = timestamp()
                    doit, new_id, message = persistence.person2solr(
                        form, action='update')

                    response_json = {
                        "message": message,
                        "person": merged_person

                    return make_response(json.dumps(response_json, indent=4),
                return make_response(
                    'person resource \'%s\' not found!' % person_id, 404)
            return make_response('Unauthorized', 401)
        return make_response('Bad request: invalid accept header!', 400)
Example #15
def load(files):
    schema = {"properties": {"bar": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}
    merger = Merger(schema)
    config = json.load(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +

    for file in files:
        custom_config = json.load(open(file))
        config = merger.merge(config, custom_config)
    return config
Example #16
 def merge(self, *args):
     """public method that allows the addition of an arbitrary number of objects"""
     merger = Merger(self.m_schema)
     checker = FormatChecker()
     res = None
     for item in args:
             validate(item, self.v_schema, format_checker=checker)
             res = merger.merge(res, item)
         except Exception as e:
     return res
Example #17
def merge_head_to_base(base, head):
    schema = {
        "properties": {
            "ConnectorGallery": {
                "type": "array",
                "mergeStrategy": "arrayMergeById",
                "mergeOptions": {
                    "idRef": "Id"
    merger = Merger(schema)
    result = merger.merge(base, head)
    return result
Example #18
    def scan(self):
        bannerGrabResults = self.bannerGrab()
        nmapScriptResults = self.runNmapScripts()
        fileListingResults = self.getFiles()

        schema = {'properties': {'items': {'type': 'objects'}}}

        merger = Merger(schema)

        results = None
        results = merger.merge(results, bannerGrabResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, nmapScriptResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, fileListingResults)

        return {self.port: results}
Example #19
def archive():

    with open("schema2.json") as out:
        schem = json.loads(out.read())

    merger = Merger(schem)
    titre = time.strftime('%x').replace('/', '-')

    #---Var.price convertit en json array----
    ArchStream = "["
    for x in range(1, len(Var.price["Time"]) - 1):
        ArchStream += str(nonArchiver(x)) + ","
    ArchStream = ArchStream[:-1]  # Remove last virgule
    ArchStream += "]"

    try:  # x pour create rights only
        open("archive/" + titre + '.json', 'x')
    except FileExistsError as e:
        pass  # <--warning/log

    with open("archive/" + titre + '.json', 'r+') as out:
        a = out.read()
        if not a:  # en pratique je crois qu'il n'est jamais invoqué
            base = {
                "instrumentType": "",
                "metadata": {},
                "prices": {
                    "snapshotTime": "01/01/2017 00:00:00",
                    "snapshotTimeUTC": "01/01/2017T00:00:00",
                    "closePrice": {
                        "bid": 0,
                        "ask": 0,
                        "lastTraded": 0

            base = ast.literal_eval(a)

        head = json.loads(ArchStream.replace("'", '"'))
        newBase = merger.merge(base, head)
        json.dump(newBase, out)

Example #20
 def download_data(self):
     counter = 0
     interface.status.set("Downloading data please wait..." +
                          " \n Data sets downloaded: " + str(counter))
     api_endpoint = 'https://arbeidsplassen.nav.no/public-feed/api/v1/ads?size=100'
     api_headers = {
         'accept': 'application/json',
         'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.token
     merg_schema = {"properties": {"content": {"mergeStrategy": "append"}}}
     merger = Merger(merg_schema)
     download = requests.get(url=api_endpoint, headers=api_headers)
     if download.status_code == 200:
         self.data = download.json()
         download_active = True
         while download_active is True:
             latest_download = (
                 self.data['content'][len(self.data['content']) -
             download = requests.get(url=api_endpoint + "&published=[*," +
                                     latest_download + ")",
             counter += 1
             interface.status.set("Downloading data please wait..." +
                                  " \n Data sets downloaded: " +
                                  str(counter) +
                                  " \n Total job ads fetched: " +
             self.data = merger.merge(self.data, download.json())
             # if counter == 2:   # Dev option to not download all ads, but instead a limited number, makes for faster testing. remove the # on this and the line bellow to use
             #    download_active = False
             if latest_download == (
                     self.data['content'][len(self.data['content']) -
                 download_active = False
     elif download.status_code == 401:
             "Error 401 not authorized, public token likely expired \n go to settings --> 'update Token' and input a new one, then press Re-download in the settings menu to update. \n Get a new token at: https://github.com/navikt/pam-public-feed"
         interface.status.set(" http error: " + str(download.status_code) +
                              "\n program failed try again")
Example #21
def merge_object(data_dir, max_file_size):
    Generates and returns a merge object for merging files
    with open(data_dir) as input_file:
        obj = json.load(input_file)
        if sizeof(obj) > max_file_size:
            raise ValueError
        return Merger(schema_builder(obj)), list(obj.keys())
def merge_jsons(dir, clean_files = True):
    json_list = [pos_json for pos_json in os.listdir(dir) if pos_json.endswith('.json')]
    if "annotations.json" in json_list:
    json_list = sorted(json_list, key=lambda i: int(i.split("_")[1])) #not necessary, comment out if names of jsons don't contain numbers
    merger = Merger(schema)
    annot = None
    for i in json_list:
        with open(os.path.join(dir, i), "r") as f:
            if annot is None:
                annot = json.load(f)
                a = json.load(f)
                annot = merger.merge(annot, a)
            if clean_files:
                os.remove(os.path.join(args.d, i))

    with open(os.path.join(args.d, "annotations.json"), "w") as f:
        json.dump(annot, f)
Example #23
    def run(self):

        self.results = {"pass": 0, "fail": 0, "skip": 0, "timeout": 0}

        with open(fs.join(path.TEST_ROOT, "testsets.json")) as testsets_file:
            testsets = json.load(testsets_file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

        if self.testsets:
            with open(fs.join(path.TEST_ROOT, self.testsets)) as testsets_file:
                ext_testsets = json.load(testsets_file,
                merger = Merger(JSON_SCHEMA)
                testsets = merger.merge(testsets, ext_testsets)

        for testset, tests in testsets.items():
            self.run_testset(testset, tests)

Example #24
def main(args=None):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('base', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf_8'),
                        help='the document we are merging changes into')
    parser.add_argument('head', nargs='+', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf_8'),
                        help='changed documents')
    parser.add_argument('--schema', type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf_8'),
                        help='JSON schema that defines merge strategies')

    namespace = parser.parse_args(args)

    schema = {}
    if namespace.schema is not None:
        schema = json.load(namespace.schema)
    merger = Merger(schema)
    result = functools.reduce(lambda x,y: merger.merge(x, json.load(y)), namespace.head, json.load(namespace.base))
    json.dump(result, sys.stdout)

def loadData(base_url,days_to_report,merge_field = "Groupings",debug=False):
    moreData = True
    data = None
    data_full = dict()
    records_read = 100

    # Add date filters to the url
    date_filter_url = base_url + "&" + getStartEndFilterString(days_to_report)

    # We need to handle merging the data into one response
    # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jsonmerge

    schema = json.loads('{ "properties": { "' + merge_field + '": { "mergeStrategy": "append"}}}')
    if debug: log("schema is %s" % schema)
    merger = Merger(schema)

    calling_url = date_filter_url
    while moreData:
        if debug: log("Calling URL %s" % str(calling_url))
            response = urllib2.urlopen(calling_url)
            data = json.loads(response.read())
        except urllib2.URLError as e:
            log("ERROR: Unable to open URL %s : %s" % (date_filter_url,e.reason))

        # Merge the results...needed if the data is paginated.
        if data:
            data_full = merger.merge(data_full,data)

        # Result data could be paginated
        # See http://support.cloudcheckr.com/cloudcheckr-api-userguide/
        if data and 'HasNext' in data and data['HasNext'] == True:
            log("Read %s records.  More data to read" % records_read)
            if debug: log("more data to read")
            calling_url = date_filter_url + "&next_token=" + data['NextToken']
            records_read = records_read+100
            moreData = False

    return data_full
Example #26
def merge(base: dict, head: dict) -> dict:
    Merge base with head dict.

    :param base: dict to get merged with head.
    :type base: dict
    :param head: dict to merge in base.
    :type head: dict
    :return: The merged dict.
    :rtype: dict
    merger = Merger(
            "oneOf": [
                {"type": "array", "mergeStrategy": "append"},
                {"type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"$ref": "#"}},
                {"type": "string"},
                {"type": "number"},
    return merger.merge(base, head)
def create_new_style(multiple_style_data, new_style_data, multiple_style_state):
    Create the new style with the new layer
    # Merge the sources of the original style with the new style into the
    schema_sources = {
        "properties": {
            "sources": {
                "mergeStrategy": "append"

    merger = Merger(schema_sources)
    sources = merger.merge(new_style_data['sources'], multiple_style_data['sources'])
    multiple_style_data['sources'] = sources

    # Add the layers of the new style into the original style
    for i in range(len(new_style_data['layers'])):

    # Clean the json file
    if multiple_style_state:
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace("True", "true")
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace("False", "true")

    remove_char = "'"

    for char in remove_char:
        multiple_style_data = repr(multiple_style_data).replace(char, '"')

    multiple_style_json = ujson.loads(multiple_style_data[1:-1])

    # Create the new multiple style file
    with open(settings.MULTIPLE_STYLE_DIR, "w") as new_style_file:
        new_style_file.write(ujson.dumps(multiple_style_json, indent=4))
def vote(data):

    selection = data["selection"]
    message = data["message"]
    loginname = data["loginname"]
    chat_name = data["chat_name"]
    timestamp1 = datetime.datetime.now()
    schema = {
            "properties" : {
                chat_name: {
                    "mergeStrategy": "append"
    merger = Merger(schema)

    with open('datas.json', 'r') as readfile:
        chatdata = json.load(readfile)

    fullcount = len(chatdata[chat_name])
    while count < fullcount:
        del chatdata[chat_name][-1]
        count = count + 1

    chatdat = {}
    chatdat[chat_name].append({'chatter':loginname, 'message':message, 'timestamp': timestamp})
    result = merger.merge(chatdat, chatdata)

    with open('datas.json', 'w') as outfile:

        json.dump(result, outfile, indent=4)

    emit("announce vote", {"timestamp": timestamp , "message": message, "loginname": loginname }, broadcast=True)
Example #29
 def __init__(self, folder_path, prefix='domain', output='aggregated_domains.yaml'):
     self.output = os.path.join(folder_path, output)
     self.schema = {
         "properties": {
             "actions": {
                 "mergeStrategy": "arrayMergeById",
                 "mergeOptions": {"idRef": "/"}
             "intents": {
                 "mergeStrategy": "arrayMergeById",
                 "mergeOptions": {"idRef": "/"}
             "entities": {
                 "mergeStrategy": "arrayMergeById",
                 "mergeOptions": {"idRef": "/"}
     path_pattern = u'{}/{}*.y*ml'.format(folder_path, prefix)
     self.list_of_files = glob.glob(path_pattern)
     self.jsons = []
     self.merger = Merger(self.schema)
     self.merged = {}
     yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, DomainsMerger.represent_ordereddict)
Example #30
    def scan(self):
        bruteResults = self.dirBrute()
        nmapScriptResults = self.runNmapScripts()
        bannerGrabResults = self.bannerGrab()
        spiderResults = self.spider()
        htmlCommentResults = self.getHtmlComments()

        schema = {'properties': {'items': {'type': 'objects'}}}

        merger = Merger(schema)

        results = None
        results = merger.merge(results, bruteResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, nmapScriptResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, bannerGrabResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, spiderResults)
        results = merger.merge(results, htmlCommentResults)

        return {self.port: results}
Example #31
 def __merge_scan_res(self):
     """merge of the received object with the main storage"""
     merger = Merger(self.m_schema)
     self.data = merger.merge(self.data, self.last_received)
Example #32
def test_assay_merge():

    # two wes assays.
    a1 = {
        "participants": [{
            "samples": [{
                "aliquots": [{
                    "assay": {
                        "wes": {
                            "Mount Sinai",
                            "Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)",
                            "KAPA - Hyper Prep",
                            "Illumina - NextSeq 550",
                            "records": [{
                                "library_kit_lot": "lot abc",
                                "enrichment_vendor_lot": "lot 123",
                                "library_prep_date": "2019-05-01 00:00:00",
                                "capture_date": "2019-05-02 00:00:00",
                                "input_ng": 100,
                                "library_yield_ng": 700,
                                "average_insert_size": 250
                    "cimac_aliquot_id": "Aliquot 1"
                "Sample 1"
            "Patient 1"

    # create a2 and modify ids to trigger merge behavior
    a2 = copy.deepcopy(a1)
        'cimac_sample_id'] = "something different"

    # create validator assert schemas are valid.
    validator = load_and_validate_schema("clinical_trial.json",
    schema = validator.schema

    # merge them
    merger = Merger(schema)
    a3 = merger.merge(a1, a2)
    assert len(a3['participants']) == 1
    assert len(a3['participants'])