Example #1
 def __getitem__(self, key):
     if isinstance(key, slice):
         return self._values.__getitem__(key)
     elif is_int(key):
         return self._values.__getitem__(key)
     elif key in self._keyhash:
         index = self._keyhash[key]
         return self._values.__getitem__(index)
         raise Exception("Couldn't find value {0} in IndexDict".format(key))
Example #2
 def __setitem__(self, key, value):
     if is_int(key):
         #'key' is actually an index,
         #must be an already existing item
         self._values[key] = value
         len_vals = len(self._values)
         index = self._keyhash.get(key, len_vals)
         if index >= len(self._values):
             self._keyhash[key] = len(self._values)
             self._values[index] = value
def process_dict_list_obj(dict_list_obj, path):
    """json-style nested objects consisting of
    a (dictionary OR list) of (dictionary OR list) of (dictionary OR list) etc
    if not isinstance(path, list):
        t = type(path)
        raise Exception("process_dict_list_obj function argument path requires a list, received '{path}', type {t}".format(**vars()))
    end_node = follow_path(dict_list_obj, path)
    if isinstance(end_node, list):
        cols = set()
        for n in end_node:
            if isinstance(n, dict):
                cols = cols.union(six.viewkeys(n))
            elif isinstance(n, (list,tuple)):
                #write a csv from a list of lists
                #by using a dummy header (eg 0,1,2,...)
                #[["a","b"],["c","d"],["e","f"]] ->
                cols = cols.union(range(len(n)))
                raise Exception("Can't convert simple list to csv.")
            # else isinstance(n, list):
            #     raise Exception("can't convert nested lists to csv -- try using a deeper path")
        cols = sorted(list(cols))
        yield cols
        for n in end_node:
            if isinstance(n, dict):
                r = [n.get(c,"") for c in cols]
                #don't use dumps on a string or it'll create an extra pair of quotes
                r = [json.dumps(x,ensure_ascii = False) if isinstance(x,(tuple,list,dict)) else x for x in r]
                yield r
            elif isinstance(n,(list,tuple)):
                r = [n[c] if (jtutils.is_int(c) and c < len(n)) else "" for c in cols]
                #don't use dumps on a string or it'll create an extra pair of quotes
                r = [json.dumps(x,ensure_ascii = False) if isinstance(x,(tuple,list,dict)) else x for x in r]
                yield r
                raise Exception("Not a dict, list or tuple!")
    elif isinstance(end_node, dict):
        cols = list(six.viewkeys(end_node))
        yield cols
        r = [end_node.get(c,"") for c in cols]
        #don't use dumps on a string or it'll create an extra pair of quotes
        r = [json.dumps(x,ensure_ascii = False) if isinstance(x,(list,dict)) else x for x in r]
        yield r
Example #4
def gen_outhdr(hdr, add_list, keep_list, drop_list):
    outhdr = hdr[:]
    if keep_list:
        if not add_list:
            add_list = [x for x in keep_list if x not in hdr and not is_int(x)]
        #example tmp_dict = {0:"col1",1:"col2",2:"col3","col1":"col1","col2":"col2","col3":"col3"}
        tmp_dict = dict(
            list(enumerate(outhdr)) + list(zip(outhdr, outhdr)) +
            list(zip(add_list, add_list)))
        outhdr = [tmp_dict[x] for x in keep_list
                  ]  #first include already existing columns from -c argument
    if add_list:
        outhdr += [x for x in add_list if x not in outhdr]
    if drop_list:
        outhdr = [
            x for ix, x in enumerate(outhdr)
            if (ix not in drop_list and x not in drop_list)
    return outhdr