Example #1
def search(request):
	query = request.GET.get('q')
	page = request.GET.get('page') or 1
	from django.db.models import Q
	import operator
	words = query.split(' ')
	qs = []
	for word in words:
	posts = Post.objects.filter(reduce(operator.or_, qs))
	paginator = Paginator(posts, 5)
		p = paginator.page(page)
	except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
		p = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
	results = p.object_list
	for result in results:
		result.permalink = make_permalink(result, absolute=True, request=request)
	meta = {'query': query}
	return render('search.html', {'results': results, 'meta': meta, 'paginator': p}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #2
def render(template_name, context={}, **kwargs):
	# Generate the navigation options based on what's in the navigation tables.
	# Loop through the items and add them to the navigation dict, which is passed
	# with the context in the global variable. This can be used in your templates
	# by accessing global.navigation.menuslug (no spaces, dots or dashes in the slugs).
	navigation = {}
	available_menus = Menu.objects.all()
	for menu in available_menus:
		navigation[menu.slug] = []
		menu.populate() # Populates the menu permalinks from linked objects
		for item in menu.items:
				'caption': item.caption,
				'permalink': item.permalink,

	# Form the global context here, these variables are passed to each and every template
	# rendered via juice.front.views.render(). You can add additional variables which can
	# be used in your base template or children.
	context['global'] = {
		'title': 'Juice',
		'home': make_permalink(),
		'navigation': navigation,
		'tags': Term.objects.filter(taxonomy='category')
	# Render the final response based on the JUICE_THEME Django setting. Note that this structure
	# is mandatory for Juice templates to work correctly. If you're looking to change URL styles
	# to access dynamic and static data, use the permalinks.py file and urls.py respectively.
	return render_to_response(template_name, context, **kwargs)
Example #3
def single(request, post_slug):
	p = Post.objects.get(slug=post_slug, published__lte=datetime.now())
	p.ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Post)
	# Apply the shortcodes to the post content
	p.content = shortcodes.apply(p.content, request)
	# read the relations with posts and terms
	rel_tags = TermRelation.objects.filter(content_type__pk=p.ctype.id, object_id=p.id, term__taxonomy='tag')
	rel_categories = TermRelation.objects.filter(content_type__pk=p.ctype.id, object_id=p.id, term__taxonomy='category')
	p.tags = []
	p.categories = []

	for tag in rel_tags:
	for category in rel_categories:
	# set the permalinks
	p.permalink = make_permalink(p)
	for c in p.categories:
		c.permalink = make_permalink(c)
	for t in p.tags:
		t.permalink = make_permalink(t)
	# comments
	p.comments = Comment.tree.filter(content_type__pk=p.ctype.id, object_id=p.id)
	for c in p.comments:
		c.permalink = make_permalink(c)
	p.comments_count = p.comments.count()
	CommentForm = FormsAPI.by_slug('comment-form')
	comment_form, feedback = FormsAPI.process_form(CommentForm, request, content_object=p, feedback=True)
	for entry in feedback:
		action, arg = entry
		if action == "redirect_to":
			return HttpResponseRedirect(arg)
	return render('post.html', {'post': p, 'comment_form': comment_form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #4
def page(request, page_slug, page_id=False):
	if page_id:
		page = Page.objects.get(id=page_id)
		page = Page.objects.get(slug=page_slug)

	page.content = shortcodes.apply(page.content, request)
	page.permalink = make_permalink(page)
	return render('page.html', {'page': page}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #5
def index(request, page=1):
	posts_list = Post.objects.filter(published__lte=datetime.now()).order_by('-published')
	paginator = Paginator(posts_list, 5)
		p = paginator.page(page)
	except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
		p = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
	posts = p.object_list

	p.next_link = reverse('juice.front.views.index', kwargs={'page': p.next_page_number()})
	p.previous_link = reverse('juice.front.views.index', kwargs={'page': p.previous_page_number()})
	posts_ctype = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Post)

	for post in posts:
		post.permalink = make_permalink(post)
		post.permalink_abs = make_permalink(post, absolute=True, request=request)
		post.comments_count = Comment.objects.filter(content_type__pk=posts_ctype.id, object_id=post.id).count()
		post.content = shortcodes.apply(post.content, request)

	return render('home.html', {'posts': posts, 'paginator': p}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Example #6
	def create_menu(menu):
		menu.items = MenuItem.objects.filter(menu__id=menu.id).order_by('order')
		for item in menu.items:
			item.permalink = make_permalink(item)
		return menu
Example #7
	def populate(self):
		self.items = MenuItem.objects.filter(menu__id=self.id).order_by('order')
		for item in self.items:
			if item.content_object:
				item.permalink = make_permalink(item.content_object)