Example #1
    def _ensure_tls(self, bundle_type, properties):
        # TODO: We could create some system properties here, that work everywhere
        host = properties.get("host") or properties.get("private-address")
        port = properties.get("port")

        logger.info("Properties before rewrite: %s" % properties)

        default_port = self._get_default_port(bundle_type)

        # By using the default_port again, we can make things easier for clients
        # that don't support the port
        accept = "" + str(default_port)
        connect = host + ":" + str(port)

        stunnel_config = """

""" % (

        changed = False
        if utils.write_file("/etc/stunnel/tlswrap.conf", stunnel_config):
            changed = True

        if utils.update_keyvalue("/etc/default/stunnel4", {"ENABLED": "1"}):
            changed = True

        if changed:
            utils.run_command(["/etc/init.d/stunnel4", "start"])
            utils.run_command(["/etc/init.d/stunnel4", "reload"])

        if "hopst" in properties:
            properties["host"] = Juju.private_address()
        if "private-address" in properties:
            properties["private-address"] = Juju.private_address()
        properties["port"] = str(default_port)

        logger.info("Properties after rewrite: %s" % properties)

        return properties
Example #2
  def _run_loadbalancer_hook(self, action):
    logger.info("Running load-balancer hook %s", action)

    host = Juju.private_address()
    config = Juju.config()
    private_port = config['private-port']
    if private_port == 0:
      logger.info("Private port is 0; won't configure load balancer")

    public_port = config['public-port']
    if public_port == 0:
      logger.info("Public port is 0; won't configure load balancer")

    protocol = config.get('protocol', '').strip().lower()

    service_name = Juju.unit_name()
    service_name = service_name.split('/')[0]

    relation = Relation.default()
    relation_id = relation.relation_id

    servers = []
    servers.append(['s_1', host, private_port, ''])

    service_options = [ 'mode tcp', 'balance leastconn' ]
    if protocol == 'tls':
    service = {}
    service['service_name'] = service_name
    service['service_options'] = service_options
    service['servers'] = servers

    # Must set both service_host and service_port, or else haproxy ignores the other
    service['service_host'] = ''
    service['service_port'] = public_port

    services = []

    new_properties = {}
    new_properties['services'] = yaml.dump(services)

#     relation-set "services=
#     - { service_name: my_web_app,
#         service_options: [mode http, balance leastconn],
#         servers: [[my_web_app_1, $host, $port, option httpchk GET / HTTP/1.0],
#                   [... optionally more servers here ...]]}
#     - { ... optionally more services here ... }
#     "

    if new_properties:
        logger.info("Setting relation properties to: %s", new_properties)