def get_lst_ts(x, y, lst_file): ds = nc.Dataset(lst_file) ts = ds['lst'][y, x, :] ts_sd = ds['lst_sd'][y, x, :] date = [julday.jul2date2(d).date() for d in ds['date_jul']] return ts, ts_sd, date
def jul_range(self, jd01, jd02, step=1): """ Define output dates. We want to work with whole years :param jd01: :param jd02: :return: t """ year = julday.jul2date2(jd01).year jd1 = julday.date2jul(, 1, 1)) year = julday.jul2date2(jd02).year jd2 = julday.date2jul(, 12, 31)) t = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, step) return t
def get_sar_ts(x, y, sar_file): ds = nc.Dataset(sar_file) ts = ds['bs'][y, x, :] ts_sd = ds['bs_sd'][y, x, :] date = [julday.jul2date2(d).date() for d in ds['date_jul']] return ts, ts_sd, date
def get_rho_ts(x, y, year_range, band, rho_file): rho = [] rho_sd = [] unc = [] jd = [] errors = [5000, 500, 5000, 5000, 5000, 5000] for year in year_range: print rho_file % year ds = nc.Dataset(rho_file % year) tmp = ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x] try: tmp = ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x] rho = np.append(rho, tmp) except: print 'year %d is corrupted' % year ds.close() ds = nc.Dataset(rho_file % (year - 1)) rho = np.append( rho, ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x]) rho_sd0 = ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d_sd' % (band)][:, y, x] jd = np.append(jd, ds.variables['julday']) err = 5 * np.arange(-1, 1, 2 / float(ds.groups['reflectance']. \ variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x].shape[0])) ** 2 unc_0 = 1 / (ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x] * errors[band]) * err ind = np.where( ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band)][:, y, x] <= 0) unc_0[ind] = 1 unc = np.append(unc, unc_0) rho_sd0[ind] = 1 rho_sd = np.append(rho_sd, rho_sd0) dates = np.array([julday.jul2date2(d).date() for d in jd]) return rho, unc, dates
def get_rho(data_dir, lon_arr, lat_arr, year_range, band, file_pattern): """ Parameters ---------- lon_arr lat_arr year_range band file_pattern Returns ------- """ rho = [] rho_sd = [] unc = [] dates_fwd = [] dates_orig = [] y_fwd = [] y_orig = [] dates = [] errors = [5000, 500, 5000, 5000, 5000, 5000] for year in year_range: print file_pattern % year ds = nc.Dataset(data_dir + file_pattern % year) x = np.argmin(np.abs(ds['lon'][:] - lon_arr[0])) xy = np.unravel_index(x, ds['lon'][:].shape) print 'lon:', ds['lon'][xy[0], xy[1]] x = xy[1] y = np.argmin(np.abs(ds['lat'][:] - lat_arr[0])) xy = np.unravel_index(y, ds['lat'][:].shape) print 'lat:', ds['lat'][xy[0], xy[1]] y = xy[0] print 'x, y = ', x, y tmp = ds['reflectance/refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x] # print 'ds[reflectance/refl_b%d][:, %d, %d]: ' % (band+1, y,x), ds['reflectance/refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x].shape # print ds['reflectance/refl_b1'] # print ds['julday'] # try: tmp = ds['reflectance/refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x] rho = np.append(rho, tmp) date_tmp = np.array([julday.jul2date2(d).date() for d in ds['julday']]) dates = np.append(dates, date_tmp) # except: # print 'year %d is corrupted' % year # ds.close() # ds = nc.Dataset(file_pattern % (year - 1)) # # rho = np.append(rho, ds['reflectance/refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x]) # dates = np.append(dates, np.array([julday.jul2date2(d).date() for d in ds['julday']])) # print 'shapes:', rho.shape, dates.shape rho_sd0 = ds['reflectance/refl_b%d_sd' % (band + 1)][:, y, x] err = 5 * np.linspace( -1, 1, ds['reflectance/refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x].shape[0])**2 unc_0 = 1 / (ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x] * errors[band]) * err ind = np.where( ds.groups['reflectance'].variables['refl_b%d' % (band + 1)][:, y, x] <= 0) unc_0[ind] = 1 unc = np.append(unc, unc_0) rho_sd0[ind] = 1 rho_sd = np.append(rho_sd, rho_sd0) # print data_dir + '' % year # ds_fwd = nc.Dataset(data_dir + '' % year) fname_fwd = file_pattern.split('.')[0] + '' print file_pattern.split('/')[-1].split('.') print fname_fwd ds_fwd = nc.Dataset(data_dir + fname_fwd % year) # print ds_fwd['y_fwd'] ind = np.where(ds_fwd['y_fwd'][:, band, y, x] > 0) y_fwd = np.append(y_fwd, ds_fwd['y_fwd'][:, band, y, x][ind]) dates_fwd = np.append(dates_fwd, date_tmp[ind]) # print 'y_fwd:', y_fwd.shape ind = np.where(ds_fwd['y_orig'][:, band, y, x] > 0) y_orig = np.append(y_orig, ds_fwd['y_orig'][:, band, y, x][ind]) dates_orig = np.append(dates_orig, date_tmp[ind]) # print dates_fwd # print year, rho.shape, dates.shape return rho, rho_sd, y_fwd, y_orig, dates, dates_fwd, dates_orig
def do_opt(self, obs, obs_sd, date_jul, gamma=70, t=np.arange(1, 365, 1)): """ Do optimization for given vector of observation obs :param obs: vector of observations :param obs_sd: observational uncertainties :param date_jul: vector of julian days :param gamma: dynamical model error (smoothness) :param t: time grid :return: """ # Define output dates. # We want to work with whole years year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year jd1 = julday.date2jul(, 1, 1)) year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year jd2 = julday.date2jul(, 12, 31)) # t = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, 4) t_obs = np.arange(jd1, jd2 + 1, 1) x_prior = np.ones_like(t) * np.mean(obs) y_obs = np.zeros(t_obs.shape) sigma_obs = np.zeros(t_obs.shape) for i in xrange(t_obs.shape[0] - 1): for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]): if t_obs[i] == date_jul[j]: y_obs[i] = obs[j] sigma_obs[i] = obs_sd[j] obs_mask = np.zeros(t.shape[0]).astype(bool) obs_mask = np.where(sigma_obs > 0, True, False) sigma_obs_t = np.zeros(t.shape) sigma_prior = 100. retval = np.zeros(x_prior.shape[0]) post_sd = np.zeros(x_prior.shape[0]) # Sometimes fmin_bfgs() can give "input/output error". The reasons are unknown for me. So if this happens we can # simply return zeros what flags this pixel as a bad one. try: retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function_t, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function_t, \ args=(y_obs, x_prior, sigma_obs, sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask, t, t_obs), disp=1, retall=1)[0] except: print 'An error in fmin_bfgs():', sys.exc_info()[0] return retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t # Calculate observational uncertainty in grid of output. # This is requared for calculation of posteriour uncertainty for i in xrange(t.shape[0] - 1): ind = np.logical_and(t_obs >= t[i], t_obs < t[i + 1]) k = 0 for j in xrange(t_obs[ind].shape[0]): if y_obs[ind][j] != 0: sigma_obs_t[i] = sigma_obs_t[i] + sigma_obs[ind][j] k += 1 if k != 0: sigma_obs_t[i] = sigma_obs_t[i] / k # der_j_obs[i] = (x[i] - y[ind][j]) ** 2 / sigma_obs[ind][j] ** 2 # We assume that uncertainty of no observation is very large sigma_obs_t[sigma_obs_t == 0] = 999 # pdb.set_trace() # Do uncertainty post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t, gamma) return retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t
def do_job(self, ncd_out, downsample_dir, file_pattern, year, tile, ulx, uly, lrpx, lrpy, cc, rr, step=1): print 'Starting doing main job with ' + ncd_out site ='' #f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + sent1_mod_file)]) file_in_1 = file_pattern % (year, tile) # get backscatter for the current year for block (ulx, uly) with size cc/rr (columns rows) sent1_in, sent1_in_sd, date_jul, date = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_1, ulx, uly, cc, rr) # get first and last julian days for 'year' year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year d1 = julday.date2jul(, 1, 1)) d2 = julday.date2jul(, 12, 31)) # get temporal range self.t = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1, 1) t_out = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1, step) head_flag = False tail_flag = False # get filename for previous year file_in_0 = file_pattern % (year - 1, tile) f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + file_in_0)]) # if data exist get backscatter for previous year if len(f_list) != 0: sent1_in_0, sent1_in_0_sd, date_jul_0, date_0 = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_0, ulx, uly, cc, rr) # get data if we have any good pixels if np.max(sent1_in_0[:]) != -99: # we need last day for this year therefore looping backward for i in xrange(sent1_in_0.shape[0]-1, 0, -1): if np.max(sent1_in_0[i, :, :]) != -99: tmp = np.zeros((sent1_in.shape[0]+1, sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2])) tmp[1:,:, :] = sent1_in[:] tmp[0, :, :] = sent1_in_0[i, :, :] sent1_in = tmp.copy() tmp[1:,:, :] = sent1_in_sd[:] tmp[0, :, :] = sent1_in_0_sd[i,:,:] sent1_in_sd = tmp.copy() head_flag = True break # add first date date_jul = np.append(d1, date_jul) date = np.append(, 1, 1), date) # get filename for next year file_in_2 = file_pattern % (year + 1, tile) f_list = np.array([file for file in glob.glob(downsample_dir + file_in_2)]) if len(f_list) != 0: sent1_in_2, sent1_in_2_sd, date_jul_2, date_2 = self.get_back(downsample_dir, file_in_2, ulx, uly, cc, rr) if np.max(sent1_in_2[:]) != -99: for i in xrange(0, sent1_in_2.shape[2]): if np.max(sent1_in_2[i, :, :]) != -99: tmp = np.zeros((sent1_in.shape[0]+1, sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2])) tmp[:-1,:, :] = sent1_in[:] tmp[-1, :, :] = sent1_in_2[i, :, :] sent1_in = tmp.copy() tmp[:-1, :, :] = sent1_in_sd[:] tmp[-1, :, :] = sent1_in_2_sd[i, :, :] sent1_in_sd = tmp.copy() tail_flag = True break # add last date date_jul = np.append(date_jul, d2) date = np.append(date,, 12, 31)) #t = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1) sent1_out = np.zeros((t_out.shape[0], sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2])) sent1_out_sd = np.zeros((t_out.shape[0], sent1_in.shape[1], sent1_in.shape[2])) if np.max(sent1_in) != -99: for i in xrange(sent1_in.shape[1]): for j in xrange(sent1_in.shape[2]): #print 'pixel %d %d' % (i,j) # retval, post_sd = self.do_opt2(sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], date_jul, date, t_out) retval, post_sd, sigma_prior, sigma_obs_t = self.do_opt3(sent1_in[:, i, j],\ sent1_in_sd[:, i, j],\ date_jul, gamma=1, t=t_out) # sent1_out[i, j, :] = 10 * np.log10(retval) # sent1_out_sd[i, j, :] = 10 * np.log10(post_sd) sent1_out[:, i, j] = retval sent1_out_sd[:, i, j] = post_sd if head_flag == True: sent1_in = np.delete(sent1_in, 0, axis=0) sent1_in_sd = np.delete(sent1_in_sd, 0, axis=0) date_jul = np.delete(date_jul, 0) date = np.delete(date, 0) if tail_flag == True: sent1_in = np.delete(sent1_in, -1, axis=0) sent1_in_sd = np.delete(sent1_in_sd, -1, axis=0) date_jul = np.delete(date_jul, -1) date = np.delete(date, -1) print 'sent1_in:', sent1_in.shape # self.save_netcdf(sent1_out, sent1_out_sd, self.t, 'sentinel/' % (ulx, uly, cc, rr)) #ind = np.in1d(self.t, date_jul) ind = [] for ii, d0 in enumerate(self.t): for d1 in date_jul: if d0 == d1: ind = np.append(ind, ii).astype(int) bs_orig = np.ones(sent1_in.shape) * 10000 bs_orig_sd = np.ones(sent1_in.shape) * 10000 # bs_orig[:,:,ind] = sent1_in # bs_orig_sd[:, :, ind] = sent1_in_sd bs_orig[:] = sent1_in bs_orig_sd[:] = sent1_in_sd bs_orig[np.isnan(bs_orig)] = 10000 bs_orig_sd[np.isnan(bs_orig_sd)] = 10000 # Save result to netCDF file self.save_netcdf(bs_orig, bs_orig_sd, date_jul, sent1_out, sent1_out_sd, t_out, ncd_out) print 'run_job series is done!!!' do_plot = False if do_plot: i = 0 j = 0 # t = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1) ci_5 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.05) ci_25 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.25) ci_75 = np.sqrt(2) * ssp.erfinv(0.75) plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_75 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_75 * post_sd, color='0.9') plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_25 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_25 * post_sd, color='0.8') plt.fill_between(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j] - ci_5 * post_sd, sent1_out[:, i, j] + ci_5 * post_sd, color='0.6') # plt.fill_between(t, retval[0]) print i,j plt.plot(t_out, sent1_out[:, i, j], label='Interpolated backscatter') # plt.errorbar(date_jul, 10 * np.log10(sent1_in[i, j, :]), yerr=10 * np.log10(sent1_in_sd[i, j, :]), # marker='o', ls='') ind = sent1_in[:, i, j] > -90 try: plt.errorbar(date_jul[ind], sent1_in[ind, i, j], yerr=sent1_in_sd[ind, i, j], marker='o', ls='', label='Observations') except: print 'can not plot errorbar. sorry.' #plt.ylim(-5, -15) plt.xlabel('Julian day', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Backscatter', fontsize='large') plt.legend(loc=0, fontsize='large')
def do_opt2(self, back_scat, back_scat_sd, date_jul, date, t = np.arange(1, 365, 1)): """ Find optimal smooth solution for time series of backsctter data taking uncertainties into account. :param back_scat: :param back_scat_sd: :param date_jul: :param date: :return: """ # back_scat = bs # back_scat = bs_sd # date_jul = dj_opt # date = d_opt year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year d1 = julday.date2jul(, 1, 1)) year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year d2 = julday.date2jul(, 12, 31)) x = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1) ind = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(back_scat), back_scat > -90) back_scat = back_scat[ind] back_scat_sd = back_scat_sd[ind] date_jul = date_jul[ind] date = date[ind] x_prior = np.ones_like(x) * np.mean(back_scat) y_obs = np.zeros(x.shape) sigma_obs = np.zeros(x.shape) sigma_obs[:] = 99 for i in xrange(x.shape[0]): for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]): if x[i] == date_jul[j]: y_obs[i] = back_scat[j] sigma_obs[i] = back_scat_sd[j] obs_mask = np.ones(x.shape[0]).astype(int) obs_mask = np.where(y_obs != 0, True, False) sigma_prior = 100. gamma = 1 # Do optimization of sentinel data in order to restore gaps # print 'starting fmin_bfgs with y_obs ', y_obs[obs_mask].shape # plt.plot(y_obs[obs_mask]) # plt.plot(x_prior[obs_mask]) # # retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \ # args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, # obs_mask), disp=1, retall=15, maxiter=1500) bounds = np.zeros((x_prior.shape[0], 2)) bounds[:, 0] = -200 bounds[:, 1] = 0.5 if y_obs[obs_mask] != []: retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \ args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask),\ bounds = bounds, factr=10000000, pgtol=1e-05, maxiter=1500,\ iprint=0)[0] # disp=0, # Do uncertainty try: post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval, sigma_prior, sigma_obs, gamma, obs_mask) except: print 'jc.posterior_covariance exception' post_sd = np.ones(x.shape[0]) else: retval = np.ones(x.shape[0]) post_sd = np.ones(x.shape[0]) ind = [] for jj in xrange(x.shape[0]): if x[jj] in self.t:#x0: ind = np.append(ind, jj).astype(int) return retval[ind], post_sd[ind]
def do_opt(self, bs, bs_sd, dj_opt, d_opt): """ Find optimal smooth solution for time series of backsctter data taking uncertainties into account. :param back_scat: :param back_scat_sd: :param date_jul: :param date: :return: """ # bs = np.concatenate((sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in[i, j, :], sent1_in[i, j, :])) # bs_sd = np.concatenate((sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :], sent1_in_sd[i, j, :])) # dj_opt = np.concatenate((date_jul_1, date_jul, date_jul_2)) # d_opt = np.concatenate((date_1, date, date_2)) # date0 = [] #x0 = np.arange(dj_opt[0] - 1, dj_opt[-1] + 1) dj_opt1 = [] dj_opt2 = [] d_opt1 = [] d_opt2 = [] for jd in dj_opt: d = julday.jul2date2(jd).date() # print d d0 = - 1, d.month, d_opt1 = np.append(d_opt1, d0) # print date0[-1] dj_opt1 = np.append(dj_opt1, julday.date2jul(d0)) d0 = + 1, d.month, d_opt2 = np.append(d_opt2, d0) dj_opt2 = np.append(dj_opt2, julday.date2jul(d0)) # date_1 = np.append(date_1, back_scat = np.concatenate((bs, bs, bs)) back_scat_sd = np.concatenate((bs_sd, bs_sd, bs_sd)) date_jul = np.concatenate((dj_opt1, dj_opt, dj_opt2)) date = np.concatenate((d_opt1, d_opt, d_opt2)) # back_scat = bs # back_scat_sd = bs_sd # date_jul = dj_opt # date = d_opt year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[0]).year d1 = julday.date2jul(, 1, 1)) year = julday.jul2date2(date_jul[-1]).year d2 = julday.date2jul(, 12, 31)) x = np.arange(d1, d2 + 1) #x = np.arange(date_jul[0] - 1, date_jul[-1] + 1) ind = ~np.isnan(back_scat) back_scat = back_scat[ind] back_scat_sd = back_scat_sd[ind] date_jul = date_jul[ind] date = date[ind] x_prior = np.ones_like(x) * np.mean(back_scat) # print x y_obs = np.zeros(x.shape) sigma_obs = np.zeros(x.shape) for i in xrange(x.shape[0]): for j in xrange(date_jul.shape[0]): if x[i] == date_jul[j]: y_obs[i] = back_scat[j] sigma_obs[i] = back_scat_sd[j] obs_mask = np.ones(x.shape[0]).astype(int) obs_mask = np.where(y_obs > 0, True, False) # print 'obs_mask\n', obs_mask # print 'y_obs\n', y_obs sigma_prior = 100. gamma = 1 # sigma_obs = 0.015 # os.chdir('/home/ucfamc3/max_python/baci_brdf/') # Do optimization of sentinel data in order to restore gaps print 'starting fmin_bfgs with y_obs ', y_obs[obs_mask].shape retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \ args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask), disp=1, retall=15, maxiter=1500) bounds = bounds = np.zeros((x_prior.shape[0], 2)) bounds[:, 0] = 0 bounds[:, 1] = 0.5 # retval = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(jc.cost_function, x_prior, fprime=jc.der_cost_function, \ # args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, # obs_mask),\ # bounds = bounds, factr=10000000, pgtol=1e-05, maxiter=1500, disp=1) # retval = scipy.optimize.minimize(jc.cost_function, x_prior, method="L-BFGS-B", \ # jac=True, bounds=the_bounds, options=self.optimisation_options) # retval = scipy.optimize.minimize(jc.cost_function, x_prior, method="L-BFGS-B", \ # args=(y_obs[obs_mask], x_prior, sigma_obs[obs_mask], sigma_prior, gamma, obs_mask),\ # jac=False) # # self.optimisation_options = {"factr": 1000, \ # "m": 400, "pgtol": 1e-12, "maxcor": 200, \ # "maxiter": 1500, "disp": True} # Do uncertainty post_sd = jc.posterior_covariance(retval[0], sigma_prior, sigma_obs, gamma, obs_mask) ind = [] for jj in xrange(x.shape[0]): if x[jj] in self.t:#x0: ind = np.append(ind, jj).astype(int) return retval[0][ind], post_sd[ind]