Example #1
class PythonProvider:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mk_manager = MultiKernelManager()

    def start(self, user_id):
        Runs jupyter kernel in new container

    def restart(self, user_id):
        Restarts jupyter kernel

    def get_client_by(self, user_id):
        Get client connected to kernel
            kernel_manager = self.mk_manager.get_kernel(user_id)
        except KeyError:
            kernel_manager = self.mk_manager.get_kernel(user_id)
        return kernel_manager.client()

    def execute(self, user_id, command):
        Executes command for custom user
        If connections was closed  returns None,
        else returns command result
        if not all((user_id, command)):
            return None

        client = self.get_client_by(user_id)

        output = ''
        while True:
            msg = client.get_iopub_msg()

            if msg['msg_type'] == 'execute_result':
                output += msg['content']['data']['text/plain']
            elif msg['msg_type'] == 'stream':
                output += msg['content']['text']
            elif msg['msg_type'] == 'error':
                output += '\n'.join(msg['content']['traceback'])
            elif msg.get('content', {}).get('execution_state') == 'idle':

        return output
Example #2
 def _kernel_manager(self):
     """ simplest reasonable kernel manager
     return MultiKernelManager(parent=self)
Example #3
 def init_kernel_manager(self):
     self._km = MultiKernelManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
     self._ksm = KernelSpecManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
     self._kernels = {}
Example #4
class Knitpy(LoggingConfigurable):
    """Engine used to convert from python markdown (``*.pymd``) to html/latex/..."""
    keep_md = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to keep the temporary md files""")

    log_to_file = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to send the log to a file""")

    extra_document_configs = List(default_value=[], config=True,
                           help="Additional configurations for FinalOutputDocuments")

    default_export_format = CaselessStrEnum(VALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT_NAMES,
        help="""The export format to be used (can't by from extra_document_configs!)."""

    kernel_debug = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to output kernel messages to the (debug) log""")

    timeout = Integer(10, config=True, help="timeout for individual code executions")

    # Things for the parser...
    chunk_begin = CRegExpMultiline(r'^\s*```+\s*{[.]?(?P<engine>[a-z]+)\s*(?P<args>.*)}\s*$',
                                   config=True, help="chunk begin regex (must include the named "
                                                     "group 'engine' and 'args'")
    chunk_end = CRegExpMultiline(r'^\s*```+\s*$', config=True, help="chunk end regex")
    inline_code = CRegExpMultiline(r'`(?P<engine>[a-z]+) +([^`]+)\s*`', config=True,
                                   help="inline code regex (must include a named group 'engine')")
    comment_line = CRegExp(r'^\s*#',config=True, help="comment line regex")
    yaml_separator = CRegExpMultiline(r"^---\s*$", config=True,
                                      help="separator for the yaml metadata")

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def init_kernel_manager(self):
        self._km = MultiKernelManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
        self._ksm = KernelSpecManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
        self._kernels = {}

    def init_engines(self):
        self._engines = {}
        self._engines["python"] = PythonKnitpyEngine(parent=self)
        # TODO: check that every kernel_name is in ksm.find_kernel_specs()

    def init_output_configurations(self):
        self._outputs = {}
        for config in DEFAULT_FINAL_OUTPUT_FORMATS:
            fod = FinalOutputConfiguration(parent=self, **config)
            self._outputs[config["name"]] = fod
            self._outputs[config["alias"]] = fod
        for config in self.extra_document_configs:
            fod = FinalOutputConfiguration(parent=self, **config)
            self._outputs[config["name"]] = fod
            self._outputs[config["alias"]] = fod

    def parse_document(self,input):
        if os.path.exists(input):
            filename = input
            f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', 'UTF-8')
            doc = f.read()
            doc = input
            filename = "anonymous_input"

        # the yaml can stay in the doc, pandoc will remove '---' blocks
        # pandoc will also do it's own interpretation and use title/author and so on...
        # ToDo: not sure of that should stay or if we should start with clean metadata
        # title, author, date
        # title: "A first try"
        # author: "Jan Schulz"
        # date: "Monday, February 23, 2015"
        # default values
        metadata = {"title":filename,
                         "date": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")}

        pos = 0
        start = self.yaml_separator.search(doc, pos)
        if not start is None:
            end = self.yaml_separator.search(doc, start.end())
            if end is None:
                raise ParseException("Found no metadata end separator.")
                res = yaml.load(doc[start.end():end.start()])
                self.log.debug("Metadata: %s", res)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseException("Malformed metadata: %s" % str(e))

        parsed_doc = self._parse_blocks(doc)
        return parsed_doc, metadata

    def _parse_blocks(self, doc):
        result = []
        doc_pos = 0
        blocks = self.chunk_begin.finditer(doc)
        for block_start in blocks:
            # process the text before the match
            text = doc[doc_pos:block_start.start()]
            self._parse_inline(text, result)
            # TODO: somehow a empty line before a codeblock vanishes, so add one here
            # now the block itself
            # find the end of the block
            block_end = self.chunk_end.search(doc, block_start.end())
            if block_end is None:
                raise ParseException("Found no end for the block starting at pos %s" % block_start.end())
            result.append((TBLOCK,(doc[block_start.end():block_end.start()], block_start.groupdict())))
            doc_pos = block_end.end()
        # text after the last block
        self._parse_inline(doc[doc_pos:], result)
        return result

    def _parse_inline(self, text, result):
        text_pos = 0
        for inline in self.inline_code.finditer(text):
            # text before inline code
            result.append((TTEXT,text[text_pos: inline.start()]))
            # inline code
            engine_offset = len(inline.group('engine'))+1
            result.append((TINLINE,(text[inline.start()+engine_offset+1:inline.end()-1], inline.groupdict())))
            text_pos = inline.end()
        # text after the last inline code

    def _all_lines_comments(self, lines):
        for line in lines.split("\n"):
            if not self.comment_line.match(line):
                return False
        return True

    def convert(self, parsed, output):

        context = ExecutionContext(output=output)

        for entry in parsed:
            if entry[0] == TBLOCK:
                self._process_code(entry[1], context=context)
            elif entry[0] == TINLINE:
                self._process_code(entry[1], context=context)
            elif entry[0] == TTEXT:
                raise ParseException("Found something unexpected: %s" % entry)
        # process_code opened kernels, so close them here
        # workaround for https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/8007
        # FIXME: remove if IPython >3.0 is in require
        self._kernels = {}
        return output

    def _process_code(self, input, context):


        # setup the execution context
        code = input[0]
        intro = input[1]
        engine_name =  intro["engine"]
        raw_args = intro.get("args","")

        args = self._parse_args(raw_args)

        # for compatibility with knitr, where python is specified via "{r engine='python'}"
        if "engine" in args:
            engine_name = args.pop("engine")
            self.log.debug("Running on engine: %s", engine_name)

            engine = self._engines[engine_name]
            raise ParseException("Unknown codeblock type: %s" % engine_name)
        assert not engine is None, "Engine is None"
        context.engine = engine
        if not engine.name in context.enabled_documents:
            plotting_formats = context.output.export_config.accepted_image_formats
            plot_code = engine.get_plotting_format_code(plotting_formats)
            self._run_silently(context.engine.kernel, plot_code)
            self.log.info("Enabled image formats '%s' in engine '%s'.",

        # configure the context

        if "include" in args:
            include = args.pop("include")
            if not include:
                context.echo = False
                context.results = "hide"

        if "echo" in args:
            context.echo = args.pop("echo")

        # eval=False means that we don't execute the block at all
        if "eval" in args:
            _eval = args.pop("eval")
            if _eval is False:
                # We still should add the code block if echo is True.
                if context.echo:
                    code = code.replace(os.linesep, "\n").lstrip("\n")
                    context.output.add_code(code, language=engine.language)

        if "results" in args:
            context.results = args.pop("results")

        if "chunk_label" in args:
            context.chunk_label = args.pop("chunk_label")
            context.chunk_label = u"unnamed-chunk-%s" % context.chunk_number

        if "comment" in args:
            context.comment = args.pop("comment")

        if args:
            self.log.debug("Found unhandled args: %s", args)

        lines = ''
        code_lines = code.split('\n')
        space_re =re.compile(r'^([\s]+)')
        spaces = []

        # TODO: this whole "merge with the next line" should be rewritten as a generator
        def loop_continues(line_no):
            if len(code_lines) <= line_no:
                return False

            candidate = code_lines[line_no]
            # comments should be swallowed if a line further down has code in it with the
            # right number of spaces in front
            while candidate.strip() == "" or self._all_lines_comments(candidate):
                line_no +=  1
                if len(code_lines) <= line_no:
                    return False
                candidate = code_lines[line_no]
            # the next code line must have either the same number of spaces (still in a loop),
            # or less spaces as in 'spaces' (nested loop) or none (end of loop). If more spaces
            # are found or different types of spaces, this will result in an error which will be
            # shown when the code is executed...
            while spaces:
                possible_space = spaces[-1]
                if candidate[:len(possible_space)] == possible_space:
                    # ok, we are at the "right" level of space
                    return True
                # not our "space", so remove it and try the one one nesting above
            return False
        for line_no in range(len(code_lines)):
            cur_line = code_lines[line_no]
            lines = lines + cur_line
            # check if we are in a loop and if so, if the next line also belongs to this loop
            # this only catches the case where we are *in* a loop and not the loop start (the line
            #  with a ':' in it. That line is catched by the is_complete call below. nested loops
            #  are also catched due to the space in front of it
            m = space_re.match(cur_line)
            if m:
                cur_space = m.group(0)
                if loop_continues(line_no +1):
                    lines += "\n"

            if spaces:
                # we are in a loop, as spaces has some spaces in it, but the code above didn't find
                # any spaces in front of the line -> this is the case when loop_continues found a
                # new codeline from this loop after a comment with different spaces in front of
                # it or an empty line. This could be such an empty/comment line and we have to
                # look at the next line as well!
                if cur_line.strip() == "" or self._all_lines_comments(cur_line):
                    lines += "\n"
            # we have a block of code, including all lines of a loop
            msg = engine.kernel.is_complete(lines+"\n\n")
            reply = engine.kernel.get_shell_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            assert reply['msg_type'] == 'is_complete_reply', str(reply)
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("completion_request: %s", msg)
            if reply['content']['status'] == 'complete':
                if lines.strip() == "":
                    # No requests for "no code"
                    lines = ""
                elif self._all_lines_comments(lines):
                    # comments should go to to the next code block
                    lines += "\n"
                # run the lines
                self._run_lines(lines+"\n", context)
                lines = ""
            elif reply['content']['status'] == 'invalid':
                # TODO: not sure how this should be handled
                # Either abort execution of the whole file or just retry with the next line?
                # However this should be handled via a user message
                self.log.info("Code invalid:\n%s",  lines)
                context.output.add_code(lines, language=engine.language)
                context.output.add_execution_error("Code invalid")
                lines = ""
                # the "incomplete" case: don't run anything wait for the next line
                lines += "\n"

        # This can only happen if the last line is incomplete
        # This will always result in an error!
        if lines.strip() != "":
            self._run_lines(lines, context)


    def _parse_args(self, raw_args):
        # Todo: knitr interprets all values, so code references are possible
        # This also means that we have to do args parsing at interpretation time, so that
        # variable from other code can be taken into account..

        args = {}
        if raw_args.strip() == "":
            return args

        converter = {
            "T":True, # Rs True/False
            # treat Rs NA as None, probably overkill to look for float("NA")

        # The first is special as that can be the name of the chunk
        first = True
        for arg in raw_args.split(","):
            arg = arg.strip()
            if not "=" in arg:
                if not first:
                    raise ParseException("Malformed options for code chunk: '%s' in '%s'" % (
                        arg, raw_args))
                args["chunk_label"] = arg
            first = False
            label, value = arg.split("=")
            v = value.strip()
            # convert to real types.
            # TODO: Should be done by submitting the whole thing to the kernel, like knitr does
            # -> variables form one codecell can be used in the args of the next one ...
            if (v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"'):
                v = v[1:-1]
            elif (v[0] == "'" and v[-1] == "'"):
                v = v[1:-1]
            elif v in converter:
                v = converter[v]
                    v = int(v)
                    self.log.error("Could not decode option value: '%s=%s'. Discarded...", label, v)

            args[label.strip()] = v

        return args

    def _run_lines(self, lines, context):
        kernel = context.engine.kernel
        msg_id = kernel.execute(lines)
        if self.kernel_debug:
            self.log.debug("Executing lines (msg_id=%s):\n%s", msg_id, lines)
        # wait for finish, with timeout
        # At first we have to wait until the kernel tells us it is finished with running the code
        while True:
                msg = kernel.shell_channel.get_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
                if self.kernel_debug:
                    self.log.debug("shell msg: %s", msg)
            except Empty:
                # This indicates that something bad happened, as AFAIK this should return...
                self.log.error("Timeout waiting for execute reply")
                raise KnitpyException("Timeout waiting for execute reply.")
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == msg_id:
                # It's finished, and we got our reply, so next look at the results
                # not our reply
                self.log.debug("Discarding message from a different client: %s" % msg)

        # Now look at the results of our code execution and earlier completion requests
        # We handle messages until the kernel indicates it's ide again
        status_idle_again = False
        while True:
                msg = kernel.get_iopub_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            except Empty:
                # There should be at least some messages: we just executed code!
                # The only valid time could be when the timeout happened too early (aka long
                # running code in the document) -> we handle that below
                self.log.warn("Timeout waiting for expected IOPub output")

            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') != msg_id:
                if msg['parent_header'].get(u'msg_type') != u'is_complete_request':
                    # not an output from our execution and not one of the complete_requests
                    self.log.debug("Discarding output from a different client: %s" % msg)
                    # complete_requests are ok

            # Here we have some message which corresponds to our code execution
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            content = msg['content']

            # The kernel indicates some status: executing -> idle
            if msg_type == 'status':
                if content['execution_state'] == 'idle':
                    # When idle, the kernel has executed all input
                    status_idle_again = True
                    # the "starting execution" messages
            elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
                # we don't handle that!?
                self.log.debug("Discarding unexpected 'clear_output' message: %s" % msg)
            ## So, from here on we have a messages with real content
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("iopub msg (%s): %s",msg_type, msg)
            self._handle_return_message(msg, context)

        if not status_idle_again:
            self.log.error("Code lines didn't execute in time. Don't use long-running code in "
                           "documents or increase the timeout!")
            self.log.error("line(s): %s" % lines)

    def _handle_return_message(self, msg, context):
        if context.mode == "inline":
            #self.log.debug("inline: %s" % msg)
            if msg["msg_type"] == "execute_result":
        elif context.mode == "block":
            #self.log.debug("block: %s" % msg)
            type = msg["msg_type"]
            if type == "execute_input":
                if context.echo:
            elif type == "stream":
                # {u'text': u'a\nb\nc\n', u'name': u'stdout'}
                # TODO: format stdout and stderr differently?
                txt = msg["content"].get("text","")
                if txt.strip() == "":
                if context.results == 'markup':
                elif context.results == 'asis':
                elif context.results == 'hide':
                    # TODO: implement a caching system... again...
                    self.log.warn("Can't handle results='hold' yet, falling back to 'markup'.")
            elif (type == "execute_result") or (type == "display_data"):
                if context.results == 'hide':
                if context.results == 'hold':
                    self.log.warn("Can't handle results='hold' yet, falling back to 'markup'.")

                # Here we handle the output from the IPython display framework.
                # 1. If a object has a _display_ipython(), that will be called. This method should
                #    publish (one) display_data message and return -> the content ends up in
                #    "display_data" msg and the "executive_result" has no data
                # 2. else try different IPython.core.formatters for the object, which basically
                #    call the right _repr_<whatever>_ method to get a formated string in that
                #    mimetype. This is added as alternatives under content.data of the
                #    "executive_result".

                # data has/can have multiple types of the same message
                data = msg[u"content"][u'data']

                # handle plots
                #self.log.debug("Accepted image mimetypes: %s", context.output.export_config.accepted_image_mimetypes)
                for mime_type in context.output.export_config.accepted_image_mimetypes:
                    mime_data = data.get(mime_type, None)
                    if mime_data is None:
                        self.log.debug("No image found: %s", mime_type)
                        self.log.debug("Trying to include image...")
                        context.output.add_image(mime_type, mime_data, title="")
                    except KnitpyOutputException as e:
                        self.log.info("Couldn't include image: %s", e)

                # now try some marked up text formats
                for mime_type in context.output.markup_mimetypes:
                    mime_data = data.get(mime_type, None)
                    if mime_data is None:
                        self.log.debug("Trying to include markup text...")
                        context.output.add_markup_text(mime_type, mime_data)
                    except KnitpyOutputException as e:
                        self.log.info("Couldn't include markup text: %s", e)

                # as a last resort, try plain text...
                if u'text/plain' in data:
                    txt = data.get(u"text/plain", "")
                    if txt != "":
                        if context.results == 'markup':
                            if txt[-1] != "\n":
                        elif context.results == 'asis':
                            if txt[-1] != "\n":


                # If we are here,  we couldn't handle any of the more specific data types
                # and didn't find any output text
                excuse = "\n(Found data of type '{}', but couldn't handle it)\n"
            elif (type == "error"):
                ename = msg["content"].get("ename","unknown exception")
                evalue = msg["content"].get("evalue","unknown exception value")
                tb = msg["content"].get("traceback","<not available>")
                if not is_string(tb):
                    # remove the first line...
                    tb = "\n".join(tb[1:])
                #there are ansi escape sequences in the traceback, which kills pandoc :-(
                if u"\x1b[1;32m" in tb:
                    tb = "!! traceback unavailable due to included color sequences;\n" \
                         "!! execute `%colors NoColor` once before this line to remove them!"
                context.output.add_execution_error("%s: %s" % (ename, evalue), tb)
                self.log.debug("Ignored msg of type %s" % type)

    def _run_silently(self, kc, lines):
            msg_id = kc.execute(lines + "\n\n", silent=self.kernel_debug, store_history=False)
            self.log.debug("Executed silent code: %s", lines)
            reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            assert reply['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == msg_id, "Wrong reply! " + str(reply)
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("Silent code shell reply: %s", reply)
        except Empty:
            self.log.error("Code took too long:\n %s", lines)

        # now empty the iopub channel (there is at least a "starting" message)
        while True:
                msg = kc.get_iopub_msg(timeout=0.1)
                if self.kernel_debug:
                    self.log.debug("Silent code iopub msg: %s", msg)
            except Empty:

    def _get_kernel(self, engine):
        kernel_name = engine.kernel_name
        kernel_startup_lines = engine.startup_lines

        if not kernel_name in self._kernels:
            self.log.info("Starting a new kernel: %s" % kernel_name)
            kernelid = self._km.start_kernel(kernel_name=kernel_name)
            kn = self._km.get_kernel(kernelid)
            kc = kn.client()
            self._kernels[kernel_name] = kc
            # now initalize the channels
            self._run_silently(kc, kernel_startup_lines)
            self.log.info("Executed kernel startup lines for engine '%s'.", engine.name)

        return self._kernels[kernel_name]

    def get_output_format(self, fmt_name, config=None):
        fod = self._outputs.get(fmt_name).copy()
        # self.log.info("%s: %s", fmt_name, config)
        if not config:
        elif isinstance(config, dict):
        elif config == "default":
            # html_document: default
            self.log.error("Unknown config for document '%s': '%s'. Ignored...",
                           fmt_name, config)
        return fod

    def _knit(self, input, outputdir_name, final_format="html", config=None):
        """Internal function to aid testing"""

        parsed, metadata = self.parse_document(input) # sets kpydoc.parsed and
        final_format = self.get_output_format(final_format, config=config)

        md_temp = TemporaryOutputDocument(fileoutputs=outputdir_name,
                                          log=self.log, parent=self)

        # get the temporary md file
        self.convert(parsed, md_temp)

        return md_temp.content

    def render(self, filename, output=None):
        Convert the filename to the given output format(s)
        # Export each documents
        conversion_success = 0
        converted_docs = []

        # save here to change back after the conversation.
        orig_cwd = getcwd()
        needs_chdir = False
        # save original filename as pass in so we can include it in output
        input_filename = filename

        # expand $HOME and so on...
        filename = expand_path(filename)
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        self.log.info("Converting %s..." % filename)

        basedir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]

        # no reason to continue past this point if we dont have
        # a valid file path, so check it here and provide a clear
        # failure message since this a common mistake
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            raise IOError('File not found: %s\nExpanded path: %s' % (input_filename, filename))

        # It's easier if we just change wd to the dir of the file
        if unicode_type(basedir) != getcwd():
            needs_chdir = True
            self.log.info("Changing to working dir: %s" % basedir)
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        outputdir_name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] + "_files"

        # parse the input document
        parsed, metadata = self.parse_document(filename)

        # get the output formats
        # order: kwarg overwrites default overwrites document
        output_formats = [self._outputs[self.default_export_format]]
        if output is None:
            self.log.debug("Converting to default output format [%s]!" % self.default_export_format)
        elif output == "all":
            outputs = metadata.get("output", None)
            # if nothing is specified, we keep the default
            if outputs is None:
                self.log.debug("Did not find any specified output formats: using only default!")
                output_formats = []
                for fmt_name, config in iteritems(outputs):
                    fod = self.get_output_format(fmt_name, config)
                self.log.debug("Converting to all specified output formats: %s" %
                               [fmt.name for fmt in output_formats])
            output_formats = [self._outputs[output]]

        for final_format in output_formats:
            self.log.info("Converting document %s to %s", filename, final_format.name)
            # TODO: build a proper way to specify final output...

            md_temp = TemporaryOutputDocument(fileoutputs=outputdir_name,
                                              log=self.log, parent=self)

            # get the temporary md file
            self.convert(parsed, md_temp)
            if final_format.keep_md or self.keep_md:
                mdfilename = basename+"."+final_format.name+".md"
                self.log.info("Saving the temporary markdown as '%s'." % mdfilename)
                # TODO: remove the first yaml metadata block and
                # put "#<title>\n<author>\n<date>" before the rest
                with codecs.open(mdfilename, 'w+b','UTF-8') as f:

            # convert the md file to the final filetype
            input_format = "markdown" \
                           "+autolink_bare_uris" \
                           "+ascii_identifiers" \
                           "+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures" \

            extra = ["--smart", # typographically correct output (curly quotes, etc)
                     "--email-obfuscation", "none", #do not obfuscation email names with javascript
                     "--self-contained", # include img/scripts as data urls
                     "--standalone", # html with header + footer

            outfilename = basename+"." +final_format.file_extension

            # exported is irrelevant, as we pass in a filename
            exported = pandoc(source=md_temp.content,
            self.log.info("Written final output: %s" % outfilename)
            converted_docs.append(os.path.join(basedir, outfilename))
        if needs_chdir:
        return converted_docs

    def _ensure_valid_output(self, fmt_name):
        if fmt_name in self._outputs:
        raise KnitpyException("Format '%s' is not a valid output format!" % fmt_name)
Example #5
 def _get_ipc_km(self):
     c = Config()
     c.KernelManager.transport = 'ipc'
     c.KernelManager.ip = 'test'
     km = MultiKernelManager(config=c)
     return km
Example #6
 def _get_tcp_km(self):
     c = Config()
     km = MultiKernelManager(config=c)
     return km
Example #7
 def _get_ipc_km():
     c = Config()
     c.KernelManager.transport = "ipc"
     c.KernelManager.ip = "test"
     km = MultiKernelManager(config=c)
     return km
Example #8
 def init_kernel_manager(self):
     self._km = MultiKernelManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
     self._ksm = KernelSpecManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
     self._kernels = {}
Example #9
class Knitpy(LoggingConfigurable):
    """Engine used to convert from python markdown (``*.pymd``) to html/latex/..."""
    keep_md = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to keep the temporary md files""")

    log_to_file = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to send the log to a file""")

    extra_document_configs = List(default_value=[], config=True,
                           help="Additional configurations for FinalOutputDocuments")

    default_export_format = CaselessStrEnum(VALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT_NAMES,
        help="""The export format to be used (can't by from extra_document_configs!)."""

    kernel_debug = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="""Whether to output kernel messages to the (debug) log""")

    timeout = Integer(10, config=True, help="timeout for individual code executions")

    # Things for the parser...
    chunk_begin = CRegExpMultiline(r'^\s*```+\s*{[.]?(?P<engine>[a-z]+)\s*(?P<args>.*)}\s*$',
                                   config=True, help="chunk begin regex (must include the named "
                                                     "group 'engine' and 'args'")
    chunk_end = CRegExpMultiline(r'^\s*```+\s*$', config=True, help="chunk end regex")
    inline_code = CRegExpMultiline(r'`(?P<engine>[a-z]+) +([^`]+)\s*`', config=True,
                                   help="inline code regex (must include a named group 'engine')")
    comment_line = CRegExp(r'^\s*#',config=True, help="comment line regex")
    yaml_separator = CRegExpMultiline(r"^---\s*$", config=True,
                                      help="separator for the yaml metadata")

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def init_kernel_manager(self):
        self._km = MultiKernelManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
        self._ksm = KernelSpecManager(log=self.log, parent=self)
        self._kernels = {}

    def init_engines(self):
        self._engines = {}
        self._engines["python"] = PythonKnitpyEngine(parent=self)
        # TODO: check that every kernel_name is in ksm.find_kernel_specs()

    def init_output_configurations(self):
        self._outputs = {}
        for config in DEFAULT_FINAL_OUTPUT_FORMATS:
            fod = FinalOutputConfiguration(parent=self, **config)
            self._outputs[config["name"]] = fod
            self._outputs[config["alias"]] = fod
        for config in self.extra_document_configs:
            fod = FinalOutputConfiguration(parent=self, **config)
            self._outputs[config["name"]] = fod
            self._outputs[config["alias"]] = fod

    def parse_document(self,input):
        if os.path.exists(input):
            filename = input
            f = codecs.open(filename, 'r', 'UTF-8')
            doc = f.read()
            doc = input
            filename = "anonymous_input"

        # the yaml can stay in the doc, pandoc will remove '---' blocks
        # pandoc will also do it's own interpretation and use title/author and so on...
        # ToDo: not sure of that should stay or if we should start with clean metadata
        # title, author, date
        # title: "A first try"
        # author: "Jan Schulz"
        # date: "Monday, February 23, 2015"
        # default values
        metadata = {"title":filename,
                         "date": datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")}

        pos = 0
        start = self.yaml_separator.search(doc, pos)
        if not start is None:
            end = self.yaml_separator.search(doc, start.end())
            if end is None:
                raise ParseException("Found no metadata end separator.")
                res = yaml.load(doc[start.end():end.start()])
                self.log.debug("Metadata: %s", res)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseException("Malformed metadata: %s" % str(e))

        parsed_doc = self._parse_blocks(doc)
        return parsed_doc, metadata

    def _parse_blocks(self, doc):
        result = []
        doc_pos = 0
        blocks = self.chunk_begin.finditer(doc)
        for block_start in blocks:
            # process the text before the match
            text = doc[doc_pos:block_start.start()]
            self._parse_inline(text, result)
            # TODO: somehow a empty line before a codeblock vanishes, so add one here
            # now the block itself
            # find the end of the block
            block_end = self.chunk_end.search(doc, block_start.end())
            if block_end is None:
                raise ParseException("Found no end for the block starting at pos %s" % block_start.end())
            result.append((TBLOCK,(doc[block_start.end():block_end.start()], block_start.groupdict())))
            doc_pos = block_end.end()
        # text after the last block
        self._parse_inline(doc[doc_pos:], result)
        return result

    def _parse_inline(self, text, result):
        text_pos = 0
        for inline in self.inline_code.finditer(text):
            # text before inline code
            result.append((TTEXT,text[text_pos: inline.start()]))
            # inline code
            engine_offset = len(inline.group('engine'))+1
            result.append((TINLINE,(text[inline.start()+engine_offset+1:inline.end()-1], inline.groupdict())))
            text_pos = inline.end()
        # text after the last inline code

    def _all_lines_comments(self, lines):
        for line in lines.split("\n"):
            if not self.comment_line.match(line):
                return False
        return True

    def convert(self, parsed, output):

        context = ExecutionContext(output=output)

        for entry in parsed:
            if entry[0] == TBLOCK:
                self._process_code(entry[1], context=context)
            elif entry[0] == TINLINE:
                self._process_code(entry[1], context=context)
            elif entry[0] == TTEXT:
                raise ParseException("Found something unexpected: %s" % entry)
        # process_code opened kernels, so close them here
        # workaround for https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/8007
        # FIXME: remove if IPython >3.0 is in require
        self._kernels = {}
        return output

    def _process_code(self, input, context):


        # setup the execution context
        code = input[0]
        intro = input[1]
        engine_name =  intro["engine"]
        raw_args = intro.get("args","")

        args = self._parse_args(raw_args)

        # for compatibility with knitr, where python is specified via "{r engine='python'}"
        if "engine" in args:
            engine_name = args.pop("engine")
            self.log.debug("Running on engine: %s", engine_name)

            engine = self._engines[engine_name]
            raise ParseException("Unknown codeblock type: %s" % engine_name)
        assert not engine is None, "Engine is None"
        context.engine = engine
        if not engine.name in context.enabled_documents:
            plotting_formats = context.output.export_config.accepted_image_formats
            plot_code = engine.get_plotting_format_code(plotting_formats)
            self._run_silently(context.engine.kernel, plot_code)
            self.log.info("Enabled image formats '%s' in engine '%s'.",

        # configure the context
        if "echo" in args:
            context.echo = args.pop("echo")

        # eval=False means that we don't execute the block at all
        if "eval" in args:
            _eval =  args.pop("eval")
            if _eval is False:
                if context.echo:
                    code = code.replace(os.linesep, "\n").lstrip("\n")
                    context.output.add_code(code, language=engine.language)

        if "results" in args:
            context.results = args.pop("results")

        if "include" in args:
            context.include = args.pop("include")

        if "chunk_label" in args:
            context.chunk_label = args.pop("chunk_label")
            context.chunk_label = u"unnamed-chunk-%s" % context.chunk_number

        if "comment" in args:
            context.comment = args.pop("comment")

        if args:
            self.log.debug("Found unhandled args: %s", args)

        lines = ''
        code_lines = code.split('\n')
        space_re =re.compile(r'^([\s]+)')
        spaces = []

        # TODO: this whole "merge with the next line" should be rewritten as a generator
        def loop_continues(line_no):
            if len(code_lines) <= line_no:
                return False

            candidate = code_lines[line_no]
            # comments should be swallowed if a line further down has code in it with the
            # right number of spaces in front
            while candidate.strip() == "" or self._all_lines_comments(candidate):
                line_no +=  1
                if len(code_lines) <= line_no:
                    return False
                candidate = code_lines[line_no]
            # the next code line must have either the same number of spaces (still in a loop),
            # or less spaces as in 'spaces' (nested loop) or none (end of loop). If more spaces
            # are found or different types of spaces, this will result in an error which will be
            # shown when the code is executed...
            while spaces:
                possible_space = spaces[-1]
                if candidate[:len(possible_space)] == possible_space:
                    # ok, we are at the "right" level of space
                    return True
                # not our "space", so remove it and try the one one nesting above
            return False
        for line_no in range(len(code_lines)):
            cur_line = code_lines[line_no]
            lines = lines + cur_line
            # check if we are in a loop and if so, if the next line also belongs to this loop
            # this only catches the case where we are *in* a loop and not the loop start (the line
            #  with a ':' in it. That line is catched by the is_complete call below. nested loops
            #  are also catched due to the space in front of it
            m = space_re.match(cur_line)
            if m:
                cur_space = m.group(0)
                if loop_continues(line_no +1):
                    lines += "\n"

            if spaces:
                # we are in a loop, as spaces has some spaces in it, but the code above didn't find
                # any spaces in front of the line -> this is the case when loop_continues found a
                # new codeline from this loop after a comment with different spaces in front of
                # it or an empty line. This could be such an empty/comment line and we have to
                # look at the next line as well!
                if cur_line.strip() == "" or self._all_lines_comments(cur_line):
                    lines += "\n"
            # we have a block of code, including all lines of a loop
            msg = engine.kernel.is_complete(lines+"\n\n")
            reply = engine.kernel.get_shell_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            assert reply['msg_type'] == 'is_complete_reply', str(reply)
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("completion_request: %s", msg)
            if reply['content']['status'] == 'complete':
                if lines.strip() == "":
                    # No requests for "no code"
                    lines = ""
                elif self._all_lines_comments(lines):
                    # comments should go to to the next code block
                    lines += "\n"
                # run the lines
                self._run_lines(lines+"\n", context)
                lines = ""
            elif reply['content']['status'] == 'invalid':
                # TODO: not sure how this should be handled
                # Either abort execution of the whole file or just retry with the next line?
                # However this should be handled via a user message
                self.log.info("Code invalid:\n%s",  lines)
                context.output.add_code(lines, language=engine.language)
                context.output.add_execution_error("Code invalid")
                lines = ""
                # the "incomplete" case: don't run anything wait for the next line
                lines += "\n"

        # This can only happen if the last line is incomplete
        # This will always result in an error!
        if lines.strip() != "":
            self._run_lines(lines, context)


    def _parse_args(self, raw_args):
        # Todo: knitr interprets all values, so code references are possible
        # This also means that we have to do args parsing at interpretation time, so that
        # variable from other code can be taken into account..

        args = {}
        if raw_args.strip() == "":
            return args

        converter = {
            "T":True, # Rs True/False
            # treat Rs NA as None, probably overkill to look for float("NA")

        # The first is special as that can be the name of the chunk
        first = True
        for arg in raw_args.split(","):
            arg = arg.strip()
            if not "=" in arg:
                if not first:
                    raise ParseException("Malformed options for code chunk: '%s' in '%s'" % (
                        arg, raw_args))
                args["chunk_label"] = arg
            first = False
            label, value = arg.split("=")
            v = value.strip()
            # convert to real types.
            # TODO: Should be done by submitting the whole thing to the kernel, like knitr does
            # -> variables form one codecell can be used in the args of the next one ...
            if (v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"'):
                v = v[1:-1]
            elif (v[0] == "'" and v[-1] == "'"):
                v = v[1:-1]
            elif v in converter:
                v = converter[v]
                    v = int(v)
                    self.log.error("Could not decode option value: '%s=%s'. Discarded...", label, v)

            args[label.strip()] = v

        return args

    def _run_lines(self, lines, context):
        kernel = context.engine.kernel
        msg_id = kernel.execute(lines)
        if self.kernel_debug:
            self.log.debug("Executing lines (msg_id=%s):\n%s", msg_id, lines)
        # wait for finish, with timeout
        # At first we have to wait until the kernel tells us it is finished with running the code
        while True:
                msg = kernel.shell_channel.get_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
                if self.kernel_debug:
                    self.log.debug("shell msg: %s", msg)
            except Empty:
                # This indicates that something bad happened, as AFAIK this should return...
                self.log.error("Timeout waiting for execute reply")
                raise KnitpyException("Timeout waiting for execute reply.")
            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == msg_id:
                # It's finished, and we got our reply, so next look at the results
                # not our reply
                self.log.debug("Discarding message from a different client: %s" % msg)

        # Now look at the results of our code execution and earlier completion requests
        # We handle messages until the kernel indicates it's ide again
        status_idle_again = False
        while True:
                msg = kernel.get_iopub_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            except Empty:
                # There should be at least some messages: we just executed code!
                # The only valid time could be when the timeout happened too early (aka long
                # running code in the document) -> we handle that below
                self.log.warn("Timeout waiting for expected IOPub output")

            if msg['parent_header'].get('msg_id') != msg_id:
                if msg['parent_header'].get(u'msg_type') != u'is_complete_request':
                    # not an output from our execution and not one of the complete_requests
                    self.log.debug("Discarding output from a different client: %s" % msg)
                    # complete_requests are ok

            # Here we have some message which corresponds to our code execution
            msg_type = msg['msg_type']
            content = msg['content']

            # The kernel indicates some status: executing -> idle
            if msg_type == 'status':
                if content['execution_state'] == 'idle':
                    # When idle, the kernel has executed all input
                    status_idle_again = True
                    # the "starting execution" messages
            elif msg_type == 'clear_output':
                # we don't handle that!?
                self.log.debug("Discarding unexpected 'clear_output' message: %s" % msg)
            ## So, from here on we have a messages with real content
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("iopub msg (%s): %s",msg_type, msg)
            if context.include:
                self._handle_return_message(msg, context)

        if not status_idle_again:
            self.log.error("Code lines didn't execute in time. Don't use long-running code in "
                           "documents or increase the timeout!")
            self.log.error("line(s): %s" % lines)

    def _handle_return_message(self, msg, context):
        if context.mode == "inline":
            #self.log.debug("inline: %s" % msg)
            if msg["msg_type"] == "execute_result":
        elif context.mode == "block":
            #self.log.debug("block: %s" % msg)
            type = msg["msg_type"]
            if type == "execute_input":
                if context.echo:
            elif type == "stream":
                # {u'text': u'a\nb\nc\n', u'name': u'stdout'}
                # TODO: format stdout and stderr differently?
                txt = msg["content"].get("text","")
                if txt.strip() == "":
                if context.results == 'markup':
                elif context.results == 'asis':
                elif context.results == 'hide':
                    # TODO: implement a caching system... again...
                    self.log.warn("Can't handle results='hold' yet, falling back to 'markup'.")
            elif (type == "execute_result") or (type == "display_data"):
                if context.results == 'hide':
                if context.results == 'hold':
                    self.log.warn("Can't handle results='hold' yet, falling back to 'markup'.")

                # Here we handle the output from the IPython display framework.
                # 1. If a object has a _display_ipython(), that will be called. This method should
                #    publish (one) display_data message and return -> the content ends up in
                #    "display_data" msg and the "executive_result" has no data
                # 2. else try different IPython.core.formatters for the object, which basically
                #    call the right _repr_<whatever>_ method to get a formated string in that
                #    mimetype. This is added as alternatives under content.data of the
                #    "executive_result".

                # data has/can have multiple types of the same message
                data = msg[u"content"][u'data']

                # handle plots
                #self.log.debug("Accepted image mimetypes: %s", context.output.export_config.accepted_image_mimetypes)
                for mime_type in context.output.export_config.accepted_image_mimetypes:
                    mime_data = data.get(mime_type, None)
                    if mime_data is None:
                        self.log.debug("No image found: %s", mime_type)
                        self.log.debug("Trying to include image...")
                        context.output.add_image(mime_type, mime_data, title="")
                    except KnitpyOutputException as e:
                        self.log.info("Couldn't include image: %s", e)

                # now try some marked up text formats
                for mime_type in context.output.markup_mimetypes:
                    mime_data = data.get(mime_type, None)
                    if mime_data is None:
                        self.log.debug("Trying to include markup text...")
                        context.output.add_markup_text(mime_type, mime_data)
                    except KnitpyOutputException as e:
                        self.log.info("Couldn't include markup text: %s", e)

                # as a last resort, try plain text...
                if u'text/plain' in data:
                    txt = data.get(u"text/plain", "")
                    if txt != "":
                        if context.results == 'markup':
                            if txt[-1] != "\n":
                        elif context.results == 'asis':
                            if txt[-1] != "\n":


                # If we are here,  we couldn't handle any of the more specific data types
                # and didn't find any output text
                excuse = "\n(Found data of type '{}', but couldn't handle it)\n"
            elif (type == "error"):
                ename = msg["content"].get("ename","unknown exception")
                evalue = msg["content"].get("evalue","unknown exception value")
                tb = msg["content"].get("traceback","<not available>")
                if not is_string(tb):
                    # remove the first line...
                    tb = "\n".join(tb[1:])
                #there are ansi escape sequences in the traceback, which kills pandoc :-(
                if u"\x1b[1;32m" in tb:
                    tb = "!! traceback unavailable due to included color sequences;\n" \
                         "!! execute `%colors NoColor` once before this line to remove them!"
                context.output.add_execution_error("%s: %s" % (ename, evalue), tb)
                self.log.debug("Ignored msg of type %s" % type)

    def _run_silently(self, kc, lines):
            msg_id = kc.execute(lines + "\n\n", silent=self.kernel_debug, store_history=False)
            self.log.debug("Executed silent code: %s", lines)
            reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=self.timeout)
            assert reply['parent_header'].get('msg_id') == msg_id, "Wrong reply! " + str(reply)
            if self.kernel_debug:
                self.log.debug("Silent code shell reply: %s", reply)
        except Empty:
            self.log.error("Code took too long:\n %s", lines)

        # now empty the iopub channel (there is at least a "starting" message)
        while True:
                msg = kc.get_iopub_msg(timeout=0.1)
                if self.kernel_debug:
                    self.log.debug("Silent code iopub msg: %s", msg)
            except Empty:

    def _get_kernel(self, engine):
        kernel_name = engine.kernel_name
        kernel_startup_lines = engine.startup_lines

        if not kernel_name in self._kernels:
            self.log.info("Starting a new kernel: %s" % kernel_name)
            kernelid = self._km.start_kernel(kernel_name=kernel_name)
            kn = self._km.get_kernel(kernelid)
            kc = kn.client()
            self._kernels[kernel_name] = kc
            # now initalize the channels
            self._run_silently(kc, kernel_startup_lines)
            self.log.info("Executed kernel startup lines for engine '%s'.", engine.name)

        return self._kernels[kernel_name]

    def get_output_format(self, fmt_name, config=None):
        fod = self._outputs.get(fmt_name).copy()
        # self.log.info("%s: %s", fmt_name, config)
        if not config:
        elif isinstance(config, dict):
        elif config == "default":
            # html_document: default
            self.log.error("Unknown config for document '%s': '%s'. Ignored...",
                           fmt_name, config)
        return fod

    def _knit(self, input, outputdir_name, final_format="html", config=None):
        """Internal function to aid testing"""

        parsed, metadata = self.parse_document(input) # sets kpydoc.parsed and
        final_format = self.get_output_format(final_format, config=config)

        md_temp = TemporaryOutputDocument(fileoutputs=outputdir_name,
                                          log=self.log, parent=self)

        # get the temporary md file
        self.convert(parsed, md_temp)

        return md_temp.content

    def render(self, filename, output=None):
        Convert the filename to the given output format(s)
        # Export each documents
        conversion_success = 0
        converted_docs = []

        # save here to change back after the conversation.
        orig_cwd = getcwd()
        needs_chdir = False

        # expand $HOME and so on...
        filename = expand_path(filename)
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        self.log.info("Converting %s..." % filename)

        basedir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]

        # It's easier if we just change wd to the dir of the file
        if unicode_type(basedir) != getcwd():
            needs_chdir = True
            self.log.info("Changing to working dir: %s" % basedir)
            filename = os.path.basename(filename)

        outputdir_name = os.path.splitext(basename)[0] + "_files"

        # parse the input document
        parsed, metadata = self.parse_document(filename)

        # get the output formats
        # order: kwarg overwrites default overwrites document
        output_formats = [self._outputs[self.default_export_format]]
        if output is None:
            self.log.debug("Converting to default output format [%s]!" % self.default_export_format)
        elif output == "all":
            outputs = metadata.get("output", None)
            # if nothing is specified, we keep the default
            if outputs is None:
                self.log.debug("Did not find any specified output formats: using only default!")
                output_formats = []
                for fmt_name, config in iteritems(outputs):
                    fod = self.get_output_format(fmt_name, config)
                self.log.debug("Converting to all specified output formats: %s" %
                               [fmt.name for fmt in output_formats])
            output_formats = [self._outputs[output]]

        for final_format in output_formats:
            self.log.info("Converting document %s to %s", filename, final_format.name)
            # TODO: build a proper way to specify final output...

            md_temp = TemporaryOutputDocument(fileoutputs=outputdir_name,
                                              log=self.log, parent=self)

            # get the temporary md file
            self.convert(parsed, md_temp)
            if final_format.keep_md or self.keep_md:
                mdfilename = basename+"."+final_format.name+".md"
                self.log.info("Saving the temporary markdown as '%s'." % mdfilename)
                # TODO: remove the first yaml metadata block and
                # put "#<title>\n<author>\n<date>" before the rest
                with codecs.open(mdfilename, 'w+b','UTF-8') as f:

            # convert the md file to the final filetype
            input_format = "markdown" \
                           "+autolink_bare_uris" \
                           "+ascii_identifiers" \
                           "+tex_math_single_backslash-implicit_figures" \

            extra = ["--smart", # typographically correct output (curly quotes, etc)
                     "--email-obfuscation", "none", #do not obfuscation email names with javascript
                     "--self-contained", # include img/scripts as data urls
                     "--standalone", # html with header + footer

            outfilename = basename+"." +final_format.file_extension

            # exported is irrelevant, as we pass in a filename
            exported = pandoc(source=md_temp.content,
            self.log.info("Written final output: %s" % outfilename)
            converted_docs.append(os.path.join(basedir, outfilename))
        if needs_chdir:
        return converted_docs

    def _ensure_valid_output(self, fmt_name):
        if fmt_name in self._outputs:
        raise KnitpyException("Format '%s' is not a valid output format!" % fmt_name)
Example #10
 def __init__(self):
     self.mk_manager = MultiKernelManager()