Example #1
class Kernel(object):
    # kernel config is stored in a dot file with the active directory
    def __init__(self, config, active_dir, pyspark):
        # right now we're spawning a child process for IPython. we can
        # probably work directly with the IPython kernel API, but the docs
        # don't really explain how to do it.
        log_file = None
        if pyspark:
            os.environ["IPYTHON_OPTS"] = "kernel -f %s" % config
            pyspark = os.path.join(os.environ.get("SPARK_HOME"), "bin/pyspark")
            spark_log = os.environ.get("SPARK_LOG", None)
            if spark_log:
                log_file = open(spark_log, "w")
            spark_opts = os.environ.get("SPARK_OPTS", "")
            args = [pyspark] + spark_opts.split()  # $SPARK_HOME/bin/pyspark <SPARK_OPTS>
            p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=log_file, stderr=log_file)
            args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'IPython', 'kernel', '-f', config]
            p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        # when __this__ process exits, we're going to remove the ipython config
        # file and kill the ipython subprocess

        def remove_config():
            if os.path.isfile(config):

        # i found that if i tried to connect to the kernel immediately, so we'll
        # wait until the config file exists before moving on
        while os.path.isfile(config)==False:

        def close_file():
            if log_file:

        # fire up the kernel with the appropriate config
        self.client = BlockingKernelClient(connection_file=config)
        # load our monkeypatches...
        self.client.execute("%matplotlib inline")
        python_patch_file = os.path.join(dirname, "langs", "python-patch.py")
        self.client.execute("%run " + python_patch_file)

    def _run_code(self, execution_id, code, timeout=0.1):
        # this function executes some code and waits for it to completely finish
        # before returning. i don't think that this is neccessarily the best
        # way to do this, but the IPython documentation isn't very helpful for
        # this particular topic.
        # 1) execute code and grab the ID for that execution thread
        # 2) look for messages coming from the "iopub" channel (this is just a
        #    stream of output)
        # 3) when we get a message that is one of the following, save relevant
        # data to `data`:
        #       - execute_result - content from repr
        #       - stream - content from stdout
        #       - error - ansii encoded stacktrace
        # the final piece is that we check for when the message indicates that
        # the kernel is idle and the message's parent is the original execution
        # ID (msg_id) that's associated with our executing code. if this is the
        # case, we'll return the data and the msg_id and exit
        msg_id = self.client.execute(code, allow_stdin=False)
        request = { "id": execution_id, "msg_id": msg_id, "code": code, "status": "started" }
        sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(request) + '\n')
        output = {
            "id": execution_id,
            "msg_id": msg_id,
            "output": "",
            "stream": None,
            "image": None,
            "error": None
        while True:
                reply = self.client.get_iopub_msg(timeout=timeout)
            except Empty:

            if "execution_state" in reply['content']:
                if reply['content']['execution_state']=="idle" and reply['parent_header']['msg_id']==msg_id:
                    if reply['parent_header']['msg_type']=="execute_request":
                        request["status"] = "complete"
                        sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(request) + '\n')
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="execute_result":
                output['output'] = reply['content']['data'].get('text/plain', '')
                output['stream'] = reply['content']['data'].get('text/plain', '')
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="display_data":
                if 'image/png' in reply['content']['data']:
                    output['image'] = reply['content']['data']['image/png']
                elif 'text/html' in reply['content']['data']:
                    output['html'] = reply['content']['data']['text/html']
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="stream":
                output['output'] += reply['content'].get('text', '')
                output['stream'] = reply['content'].get('text', '')
            elif reply['header']['msg_type']=="error":
                output['error'] = "\n".join(reply['content']['traceback'])

            # TODO: if we have something non-trivial to send back...
            sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(output) + '\n')
            # TODO: should probably get rid of all this
            output['stream'] = None
            output['image'] = None
            output['html'] = None

    def _complete(self, execution_id, code, timeout=0.5):
        # Call ipython kernel complete, wait for response with the correct msg_id,
        # and construct appropriate UI payload.
        # See below for an example response from ipython kernel completion for 'el'
        # {
        # 'parent_header':
        #     {u'username': u'ubuntu', u'version': u'5.0', u'msg_type': u'complete_request',
        #     u'msg_id': u'5222d158-ada8-474e-88d8-8907eb7cc74c', u'session': u'cda4a03d-a8a1-4e6c-acd0-de62d169772e',
        #     u'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 7, 15, 25, 8, 796886)},
        # 'msg_type': u'complete_reply',
        # 'msg_id': u'a3a957d6-5865-4c6f-a0b2-9aa8da718b0d',
        # 'content':
        #     {u'matches': [u'elif', u'else'], u'status': u'ok', u'cursor_start': 0, u'cursor_end': 2, u'metadata': {}},
        # 'header':
        #     {u'username': u'ubuntu', u'version': u'5.0', u'msg_type': u'complete_reply',
        #     u'msg_id': u'a3a957d6-5865-4c6f-a0b2-9aa8da718b0d', u'session': u'f1491112-7234-4782-8601-b4fb2697a2f6',
        #     u'date': datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 7, 15, 25, 8, 803470)},
        # 'buffers': [],
        # 'metadata': {}
        # }
        msg_id = self.client.complete(code)
        request = { "id": execution_id, "msg_id": msg_id, "code": code, "status": "started" }
        sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(request) + '\n')
        output = { "id": execution_id, "msg_id": msg_id, "output": None, "image": None, "error": None }
        while True:
                reply = self.client.get_shell_msg(timeout=timeout)
            except Empty:

            if "matches" in reply['content'] and reply['msg_type']=="complete_reply" and reply['parent_header']['msg_id']==msg_id:
                results = []
                for completion in reply['content']['matches']:
                    result = {
                        "value": completion,
                        "dtype": "---"
                    if "." in code:
                        # result['text'] = result['value'] # ".".join(result['value'].split(".")[1:])
                        result['text'] = result['value'] #.split('.')[-1]
                        result["dtype"] = "function"
                        result['text'] = result['value']
                        result["dtype"] = "" # type(globals().get(code)).__name__
                output['output'] = results
                output['status'] = "complete"
                sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(output) + '\n')

    def execute(self, execution_id, code, complete=False):
        if complete==True:
            return self._complete(execution_id, code)
            result = self._run_code(execution_id, code)
            if re.match("%?reset", code):
                # load our monkeypatches...
                k.client.execute("%matplotlib inline")
            return result

    def get_packages(self):
        return self.execute("__get_packages()")
class SendToIPython(object):
    def __init__(self, nvim):
        self.nvim = nvim
        self.client = None
        self.kerneldir = Path(jupyter_runtime_dir())

    @neovim.function('RunningKernels', sync=True)
    def running_kernels(self, args):
        l = self.kerneldir.glob('kernel-*.json')
        l = sorted(l, reverse=True, key=lambda f: f.stat().st_ctime)
        return [f.name for f in l]

    @neovim.command('SendTo', complete='customlist,RunningKernels', nargs='?')
    def send_to(self, args):
        cfs = args or self.running_kernels(None)
        if not cfs:
            self.nvim.command('echom "No kernel found"')

        if self.client is not None:

        cf = cfs[0]
        self.client = BlockingKernelClient()
        self.client.load_connection_file(self.kerneldir / cf)

        # run function once to register it for the `funcref` function
        self.nvim.command('call SendLinesToJupyter()')
            'let g:send_target = {"send": funcref("SendLinesToJupyter")}')
        self.nvim.command('echom "Sending to %s"' % cf)

    def send_lines(self, args):
        if args:

    @neovim.function('SendComplete', sync=True)
    def complete(self, args):
        findstart, base = args
        if self.client is None:
            return -3  # no client setup yet: cancel silently and leave completion mode

        if findstart:
            line = self.nvim.current.line
            if not line:
                return -2  # empty line: cancel silently but stay in completion mode
            pos = self.nvim.current.window.cursor[1]
                reply = self.client.complete(line,
            except TimeoutError:
                return -2
            self.completions = [{
                'word': w,
                'info': ' '
            } for w in reply['matches']]
            return reply['cursor_start']
            # TODO: use vim's complete_add/complete_check for async operation
            get_info(self.client, self.completions)
            return {'words': self.completions, 'refresh': 'always'}

    @neovim.function('SendCanComplete', sync=True)
    def can_complete(self, args):
        return args[
            0] != '' and self.client is not None and self.client.is_alive()