Example #1
def test_is_tso_nrcgrism_nints1():
    """Test is_tso with NRC_TSGRISM and NINTS=1"""
    model = datamodels.JwstDataModel()
    model.meta.exposure.type = "NRC_TSGRISM"
    model.meta.visit.tsovisit = False
    model.meta.exposure.nints = 10

    # with NINTS>1, should be True
    assert pipe_utils.is_tso(model)

    # with NINTS=1, should be False
    model.meta.exposure.nints = 1
    assert not pipe_utils.is_tso(model)

    # with hardwired TSO EXP_TYPE's, should always be True
    assert (is_tso(model) or model.meta.exposure.type.lower()
            in ['nrc_tsimage', 'nrc_tsgrism'])
Example #2
    def process(self, input):
        '''Process a Stage 0 *_uncal.fits file to Stage 1 *_rate.fits and *_rateints.fits files. 
        Steps taken to perform this processing can follow the default JWST pipeline, or alternative methods.  

        input:  str, tuple, `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`, ndarray, dict, None

            - None: Create a default data model with no shape.

            - tuple: Shape of the data array.
              Initialize with empty data array with shape specified by the.

            - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS or ASDF)

            - readable file object: Initialize from the given file

            - `~astropy.io.fits.HDUList`: Initialize from the given

            - A numpy array: Used to initialize the data array
        out_model:  jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
            The output ImageModel to be returned from the ramp fit step.
        int_model:  jwst.datamodels.CubeModel
            The output CubeModel to be returned from the ramp fit step.

        - October 2021 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer
            Initial version
        - February 2022 Aarynn Carter and Eva-Maria Ahrer
            Updated for JWST version 1.3.3, code restructure    
        with datamodels.RampModel(input) as input_model:
            readnoise_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'readnoise')
            gain_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'gain')

            log.info('Using READNOISE reference file: %s', readnoise_filename)
            log.info('Using GAIN reference file: %s', gain_filename)

            with datamodels.ReadnoiseModel(readnoise_filename) as readnoise_model, \
                 datamodels.GainModel(gain_filename) as gain_model:

                # Try to retrieve the gain factor from the gain reference file.
                # If found, store it in the science model meta data, so that it's
                # available later in the gain_scale step, which avoids having to
                # load the gain ref file again in that step.
                if gain_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor is not None:
                    input_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor = gain_model.meta.exposure.gain_factor

                # Get gain arrays, subarrays if desired.
                frames_per_group = input_model.meta.exposure.nframes
                readnoise_2d, gain_2d = get_reference_file_subarrays(
                    input_model, readnoise_model, gain_model, frames_per_group)

            log.info('Using algorithm = %s' % self.algorithm)
            log.info('Using weighting = %s' % self.weighting)

            buffsize = ramp_fit.BUFSIZE
            if pipe_utils.is_tso(input_model) and hasattr(input_model, 'int_times'):
                input_model.int_times = input_model.int_times
                input_model.int_times = None

            if self.algorithm == 'default':
                # In our case, default just means Optimal Least Squares
                self.algorithm = 'OLS'
                if self.weighting == 'default':
                    # Want to use the default optimal weighting
                elif self.weighting == 'fixed':
                    # Want to use default weighting, but don't want to
                    # change exponent between pixels.
                    if not isinstance(self.fixed_exponent, (int, float)):
                        raise ValueError('Weighting exponent must be of type "int" or "float" for "default_fixed" weighting')

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = partial(fixed_power, weighting_exponent=self.fixed_exponent) #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'interpolated':
                    # Want to use an interpolated version of the default weighting.

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = interpolate_power #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'uniform':
                    # Want each frame and pixel weighted equally

                    # Overwrite the entire optimal calculation function
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_opt_sums = calc_opt_sums_uniform_weight #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                elif self.weighting == 'custom':
                    # Want to manually assign snr bounds for exponent changes

                    # Overwrite the exponent calculation function from ols_fit
                    stcal.ramp_fitting.ols_fit.calc_power = partial(custom_power, snr_bounds=self.custom_snr_bounds, exponents=self.custom_exponents) #Pipeline version 1.3.3
                    raise ValueError('Could not interpret weighting "{}".'.format(self.weighting))

                # Important! Must set the weighting to 'optimal' for the actual
                # ramp_fit() function, previous if statements will have changed
                # it's underlying functionality.
                self.weighting = 'optimal'

                image_info, integ_info, opt_info, gls_opt_model = ramp_fit.ramp_fit(input_model, buffsize, self.save_opt, readnoise_2d,\
                                                                                    gain_2d, self.algorithm, self.weighting,\
                                                                                    self.maximum_cores, dqflags.pixel)
            # FUTURE IMPROVEMENT, WFC3-like differenced frames.
            elif self.algorithm == 'differenced':
                raise ValueError('I do not know how to do differenced frames yet.')
            elif self.algorithm == 'mean':
                image_info, integ_info, opt_info = mean_ramp_fit_single(input_model, buffsize, self.save_opt, readnoise_2d,\
                                                                        gain_2d, self.algorithm, self.weighting,\
                                                                        self.maximum_cores, dqflags.pixel)
                raise ValueError('Ramp fitting algorithm "{}" not implemented.'.format(self.algorithm))

        if image_info is not None:
            out_model = create_image_model(input_model, image_info)
            out_model.meta.bunit_data = 'DN/s'
            out_model.meta.bunit_err = 'DN/s'
            out_model.meta.cal_step.ramp_fit = 'COMPLETE'

        if integ_info is not None:
            int_model = create_integration_model(input_model, integ_info)
            int_model.meta.bunit_data = 'DN/s'
            int_model.meta.bunit_err = 'DN/s'
            int_model.meta.cal_step.ramp_fit = 'COMPLETE'

        return out_model, int_model
Example #3
    def process(self, input_data):
        """Perform outlier detection processing on input data."""
        with datamodels.open(input_data) as input_models:
            self.input_models = input_models
            if not isinstance(self.input_models, datamodels.ModelContainer):
                self.input_container = False
                self.input_container = True

            # Setup output path naming if associations are involved.
            asn_id = None
                asn_id = self.input_models.meta.asn_table.asn_id
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            if asn_id is None:
                asn_id = self.search_attr('asn_id')
            if asn_id is not None:
                _make_output_path = self.search_attr('_make_output_path',

                self._make_output_path = partial(_make_output_path,

            # Setup outlier detection parameters
            pars = {
                'weight_type': self.weight_type,
                'pixfrac': self.pixfrac,
                'kernel': self.kernel,
                'fillval': self.fillval,
                'nlow': self.nlow,
                'nhigh': self.nhigh,
                'maskpt': self.maskpt,
                'grow': self.grow,
                'snr': self.snr,
                'scale': self.scale,
                'backg': self.backg,
                'allowed_memory': self.allowed_memory,
                'save_intermediate_results': self.save_intermediate_results,
                'resample_data': self.resample_data,
                'good_bits': self.good_bits,
                'make_output_path': self.make_output_path,

            # Add logic here to select which version of OutlierDetection
            # needs to be used depending on the input data
            if self.input_container:
                single_model = self.input_models[0]
                single_model = self.input_models
            exptype = single_model.meta.exposure.type

            # check for TSO models first
            if is_tso(single_model) or exptype in CORON_IMAGE_MODES:
                # algorithm selected for TSO data (no resampling)
                pars['resample_data'] = False  # force resampling off...
                detection_step = outlier_registry['imaging']
            elif exptype in IMAGE_MODES:
                # imaging with resampling
                detection_step = outlier_registry['imaging']
                pars['resample_suffix'] = 'i2d'
            elif exptype in SLIT_SPEC_MODES:
                detection_step = outlier_registry['slitspec']
                pars['resample_suffix'] = 's2d'
            elif exptype in IFU_SPEC_MODES:
                # select algorithm for IFU data
                detection_step = outlier_registry['ifu']
                pars['resample_suffix'] = 's3d'
                    "Outlier detection failed for unknown/unsupported ",
                    f"exposure type: {exptype}")
                self.valid_input = False

            if not self.valid_input:
                if self.input_container:
                    for model in self.input_models:
                        model.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = "SKIPPED"
                    self.input_models.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = "SKIPPED"
                self.skip = True
                return self.input_models

                f"Using {detection_step.__name__} class for outlier_detection")
            reffiles = {}

            # Set up outlier detection, then do detection
            step = detection_step(self.input_models, reffiles=reffiles, **pars)

            state = 'COMPLETE'
            if self.input_container:
                for model in self.input_models:
                    model.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = state
                    model.meta.filetype = 'cosmic-ray flagged'
                self.input_models.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = state
                self.input_models.meta.filetype = 'cosmic-ray flagged'

            return self.input_models
Example #4
def test_is_tso_from_tsoflag(tsovisit, expected):
    """Test is_tso integrity based on the TSO flag"""
    model = datamodels.JwstDataModel()
    model.meta.visit.tsovisit = tsovisit
    assert pipe_utils.is_tso(model) is expected
Example #5
def test_is_tso_from_exptype(exp_type, expected):
    """Test is_tso integrity based on exp_type"""
    model = datamodels.JwstDataModel()
    model.meta.exposure.type = exp_type.upper()
    assert pipe_utils.is_tso(model) is expected