Example #1
    def get_partition_sizes(self):
        # Get broker partition sizes
        size_re = re.compile("^([0-9]+)\s+.*?\/([a-z0-9_-]+)-([0-9]+)\s*$", re.I)
        for broker_id, broker in self.cluster.brokers.items():
            if broker.hostname is None:
                raise UnknownBrokerException("Cannot get sizes for broker ID {0} which has no hostname. "
                                             "Remove the broker from the cluster before balance".format(broker_id))

            log.info("Getting partition sizes via SSH for {0}".format(broker.hostname))
            self._client.connect(broker.hostname, allow_agent=True)
            stdin, stdout, stderr = self._client.exec_command('du -sk {0}/*'.format(self.args.datadir))
            for ln in stdout.readlines():
                m = size_re.match(ln)
                if m:
                    size = int(m.group(1))
                    topic = m.group(2)
                    pnum = int(m.group(3))

                    if topic not in self.cluster.topics:
                        log.warn("Unknown topic found on disk on broker {0}: {1}".format(broker, topic))
                    elif pnum >= len(self.cluster.topics[topic].partitions):
                        log.warn("Unknown partition found on disk on broker {0}: {1}:{2}".format(broker, topic, pnum))
Example #2
 def log_broker_summary(self):
     for broker_id in sorted(self.brokers.keys()):
         broker = self.brokers[broker_id]
             "Broker {0}: partitions={1}/{2} ({3:.2f}%), size={4}".format(
                 broker_id, broker.num_leaders(), broker.num_partitions(),
                 broker.percent_leaders(), broker.total_size()))
    def execute(self, num, total, zookeeper, tools_path, plugins=[], dry_run=True):
        for plugin in plugins:

        if not dry_run:
            with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as assignfile:
                json.dump(self.dict_for_reassignment(), assignfile)
                proc = subprocess.Popen(['{0}/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh'.format(tools_path), '--execute',
                                         '--zookeeper', zookeeper,
                                         '--reassignment-json-file', assignfile.name])

                # Wait until finished
                while True:
                    remaining_partitions = check_reassignment_completion(zookeeper, tools_path, assignfile.name)
                    if remaining_partitions == 0:

                    log.info('Partition reassignment {0}/{1} in progress [ {2}/{3} partitions remain ]. Sleeping {4} seconds'.format(num,

        for plugin in plugins:
Example #4
 def log_broker_summary(self):
     for broker_id in sorted(self.brokers.keys()):
         broker = self.brokers[broker_id]
         log.info("Broker {0}: partitions={1}/{2} ({3:.2f}%), size={4}".format(broker_id,
Example #5
def run_preferred_replica_elections(batches, args, tools_path, plugins, dry_run):
    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        # Sleep between PLEs
        if i > 0 and not dry_run:
            log.info("Waiting {0} seconds for replica election to complete".format(args.ple_wait))

        log.info("Executing preferred replica election {0}/{1}".format(i + 1, len(batches)))
        batch.execute(i + 1, len(batches), args.zookeeper, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)
Example #6
def check_and_get_sizes(action_cls, args, cluster, sizer_map):
    if action_cls.needs_sizes:
        sizer_to_run = sizer_map[args.sizer](args, cluster)

        if args.size:
            log.info("Partition Sizes:")
            for topic in cluster.topics:
                for partition in cluster.topics[topic].partitions:
                    log.info("{0} {1}:{2}".format(partition.size, topic, partition.num))
Example #7
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by rack")

        # Check if rack information is set for the cluster
        broker_racks = [broker.rack for broker in self.cluster.brokers.values()]
        if len(set(broker_racks)) == 1:
            raise BalanceException("Cannot balance cluster by rack as it has no rack information")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster
        max_rf = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()

        # Balance partitions at each position separately
        for pos in range(max_rf):
Example #8
    def get_partition_sizes(self):
        # Get broker partition sizes
        FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')

        for broker_id, broker in self.cluster.brokers.items():
            if broker.hostname is None:
                raise UnknownBrokerException("Cannot get sizes for broker ID {0} which has no hostname. "
                                             "Remove the broker from the cluster before balance".format(broker_id))

            log.info("Getting partition sizes via SSH for {0}".format(broker.hostname))
            proc = subprocess.Popen(['ssh', broker.hostname, 'du -sk {0}/*'.format(self.properties['datadir'])],
                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=FNULL)
            for line in proc.stdout:
                self.process_df_match(self.size_re.match(line.decode()), broker_id)
Example #9
    def get_partition_sizes(self):
        # Get broker partition sizes
        for broker_id, broker in self.cluster.brokers.items():

            log.info("Getting partition sizes via JMX for {0}".format(broker.hostname))
            jmxurl = self._java_provider.javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL(
                "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://{0}:{1}/jmxrmi".format(broker.hostname, broker.jmx_port))
            jmxsoc = self._java_provider.javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory.connect(jmxurl, self._envhash)

            connection = jmxsoc.getMBeanServerConnection()
            beans = connection.queryNames(self._java_provider.javax.management.ObjectName("kafka.log:name=Size,*"), None)
            for bean in beans:
                self._fetch_bean(connection, bean)

Example #10
    def get_partition_sizes(self):
        # Get broker partition sizes
        FNULL = open(os.devnull, "w")

        for broker_id, broker in self.cluster.brokers.items():
            if broker.hostname is None:
                raise UnknownBrokerException(
                    "Cannot get sizes for broker ID {0} which has no hostname. "
                    "Remove the broker from the cluster before balance".format(broker_id)

            log.info("Getting partition sizes via SSH for {0}".format(broker.hostname))
            proc = subprocess.Popen(
                ["ssh", broker.hostname, "du -sk {0}/*".format(self.args.datadir)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=FNULL
            for line in proc.stdout:
                self.process_df_match(self.size_re.match(line.decode()), broker_id)
Example #11
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by rack")

        # Check if rack information is set for the cluster
        broker_racks = [
            broker.rack for broker in self.cluster.brokers.values()
        if len(set(broker_racks)) == 1:
            raise BalanceException(
                "Cannot balance cluster by rack as it has no rack information")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster
        max_rf = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()

        # Balance partitions at each position separately
        for pos in range(max_rf):
Example #12
def main():
    # Start by loading all the modules
    action_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.actions, kafka.tools.assigner.actions.ActionModule)
    sizer_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.sizers, kafka.tools.assigner.sizers.SizerModule)
    plugins = get_all_plugins()

    # Set up and parse all CLI arguments
    args = set_up_arguments(action_map, sizer_map, plugins)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_arguments', args)

    tools_path = get_tools_path(args.tools_path)

    cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(args.zookeeper)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_cluster', cluster)

    # If the module needs the partition sizes, call a size module to get the information
    check_and_get_sizes(action_map[args.action], args, cluster, sizer_map)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'after_sizes')
    print_leadership("before", cluster, args.leadership)

    # Clone the cluster, and run the action to generate a new cluster state
    newcluster = cluster.clone()
    action_to_run = action_map[args.action](args, newcluster)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_new_cluster', action_to_run.cluster)
    print_leadership("after", newcluster, args.leadership)

    move_partitions = cluster.changed_partitions(action_to_run.cluster)
    batches = split_partitions_into_batches(move_partitions, batch_size=args.moves, use_class=Reassignment)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_batches', batches)

    log.info("Partition moves required: {0}".format(len(move_partitions)))
    log.info("Number of batches: {0}".format(len(batches)))
    dry_run = is_dry_run(args)

    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        log.info("Executing partition reassignment {0}/{1}: {2}".format(i + 1, len(batches), repr(batch)))
        batch.execute(i + 1, len(batches), args.zookeeper, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'before_ple')

    if not args.skip_ple:
        all_cluster_partitions = [p for p in action_to_run.cluster.partitions()]
        batches = split_partitions_into_batches(all_cluster_partitions, batch_size=args.ple_size, use_class=ReplicaElection)
        log.info("Number of replica elections: {0}".format(len(batches)))
        run_preferred_replica_elections(batches, args, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'finished')

    return os.EX_OK
Example #13
    def create_from_zookeeper(cls, zkconnect):
        log.info("Connecting to zookeeper {0}".format(zkconnect))
            zk = KazooClient(zkconnect)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ZookeeperException(
                "Cannot connect to Zookeeper: {0}".format(e))

        # Get broker list
        cluster = cls()
        add_brokers_from_zk(cluster, zk)

        # Get current partition state
        log.info("Getting partition list from Zookeeper")
        for topic in zk.get_children("/brokers/topics"):
            zdata, zstat = zk.get("/brokers/topics/{0}".format(topic))
            add_topic_with_replicas(cluster, topic, json.loads(zdata))

        if cluster.num_topics() == 0:
            raise ZookeeperException(
                "The cluster specified does not have any topics")

        log.info("Closing connection to zookeeper")

        return cluster
Example #14
    def create_from_zookeeper(cls, zkconnect):
        log.info("Connecting to zookeeper {0}".format(zkconnect))
            zk = KazooClient(zkconnect)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ZookeeperException("Cannot connect to Zookeeper: {0}".format(e))

        # Get broker list
        cluster = cls()
        add_brokers_from_zk(cluster, zk)

        # Get current partition state
        log.info("Getting partition list from Zookeeper")
        for topic in zk.get_children("/brokers/topics"):
            zdata, zstat = zk.get("/brokers/topics/{0}".format(topic))
            add_topic_with_replicas(cluster, topic, json.loads(zdata))

        if cluster.num_topics() == 0:
            raise ZookeeperException("The cluster specified does not have any topics")

        log.info("Closing connection to zookeeper")

        return cluster
Example #15
    def _execute(self, num, total, zookeeper, tools_path):
        with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as assignfile:
            json.dump(self.dict_for_reassignment(), assignfile)
            FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
            proc = subprocess.Popen(['{0}/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh'.format(tools_path), '--execute',
                                     '--zookeeper', zookeeper,
                                     '--reassignment-json-file', assignfile.name],
                                    stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)

            # Wait until finished
            while True:
                remaining_partitions = self.check_completion(zookeeper, tools_path, assignfile.name)
                if remaining_partitions == 0:

                log.info('Partition reassignment {0}/{1} in progress [ {2}/{3} partitions remain ]. Sleeping {4} seconds'.format(num,
Example #16
    def create_from_zookeeper(cls, zkconnect):
        log.info("Connecting to zookeeper {0}".format(zkconnect))
            zk = KazooClient(zkconnect)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ZookeeperException("Cannot connect to Zookeeper: {0}".format(e))

        # Get broker list
        cluster = cls()
        for b in zk.get_children("/brokers/ids"):
            broker_data, bstat = zk.get("/brokers/ids/{0}".format(b))
            cluster.add_broker(Broker.create_from_json(int(b), broker_data))
        if cluster.num_brokers() == 0:
            raise ZookeeperException("The cluster specified does not have any brokers")

        # Get current partition state
        log.info("Getting partition list from Zookeeper")
        for topic in zk.get_children("/brokers/topics"):
            zdata, zstat = zk.get("/brokers/topics/{0}".format(topic))
            zj = json.loads(zdata)

            newtopic = Topic(topic, len(zj['partitions']))
            for partition in zj['partitions']:
                for i, replica in enumerate(zj['partitions'][partition]):
                    if replica not in cluster.brokers:
                        # Hit a replica that's not in the ID list (which means it's dead)
                        # We'll add it, but trying to get sizes will fail as we don't have a hostname
                        cluster.add_broker(Broker(replica, None))
                    newtopic.partitions[int(partition)].add_replica(cluster.brokers[replica], i)
        if cluster.num_topics() == 0:
            raise ZookeeperException("The cluster specified does not have any topics")

        log.info("Closing connection to zookeeper")

        return cluster
Example #17
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by size")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster
        max_rf = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()

        # Calculate cluster information and sorted partition lists first
        partitions = {}
        sizes = {}
        targets = {}
        margins = {}
        for pos in range(max_rf):
            sizes[pos] = {}
            targets[pos] = {}
            margins[pos] = {}

            # Create a sorted list of partitions to use at this position (descending size)
            # Throw out partitions that are 4K or less in size, as they are effectively empty
            partitions[pos] = [p for p in self.cluster.partitions() if (len(p.replicas) > pos) and (p.size > 4)]
            partitions[pos].sort(key=attrgetter('size'), reverse=True)

            # Calculate broker size at this position
            for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
                if pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:
                    sizes[pos][broker] = sum([p.size for p in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions[pos]], 0)
                    sizes[pos][broker] = 0

            # Calculate the median size of partitions (margin is median/2) and the average size per broker to target
            # Yes, I know the median calculation is slightly broken (it keeps integers). This is OK
            targets[pos] = sum([p.size for p in partitions[pos]], 0) // len(self.cluster.brokers)
            sizelen = len(partitions[pos])
            if not sizelen % 2:
                margins[pos] = (partitions[pos][sizelen // 2].size + partitions[pos][sizelen // 2 - 1].size) // 4
                margins[pos] = partitions[pos][sizelen // 2].size // 2

        # Balance partitions for each replica position separately
        for pos in range(max_rf):
            log.info("Calculating ideal state for replica position {0}".format(pos))
            log.debug("Target average size per-broker is {0} kibibytes (+/- {1})".format(targets[pos], margins[pos]))

            for broker_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                broker = self.cluster.brokers[broker_id]

                # Skip brokers that are larger than our minimum target size
                min_move = targets[pos] - margins[pos] - sizes[pos][broker_id]
                max_move = min_move + (margins[pos] * 2)
                if min_move <= 0:
                log.debug("Moving between {0} and {1} kibibytes to broker {2}".format(min_move, max_move, broker_id))

                # Find partitions to move to this broker
                for partition in partitions[pos]:
                    # We can use this partition if all of the following are true: the partition has a replica at this position,
                    # it's size is less than or equal to the max move size, the broker at this replica position would not go out
                    # of range, and it doesn't already exist on this broker at this position
                    if ((len(partition.replicas) <= pos) or (partition.size > max_move) or
                       ((sizes[pos][partition.replicas[pos].id] - partition.size) < (targets[pos] - margins[pos])) or
                       (partition.replicas[pos] == broker)):

                    # We can only use a partition that this replica exists on if swapping positions wouldn't hurt balance of the other position or broker
                    source = partition.replicas[pos]
                    if broker in partition.replicas:
                        other_pos = partition.replicas.index(broker)
                        if ((sizes[other_pos][broker_id] - partition.size < targets[other_pos] - margins[other_pos]) or
                           (sizes[other_pos][source.id] + partition.size > targets[pos] + margins[pos]) or
                           (sizes[pos][broker_id] + partition.size > targets[pos] + margins[pos]) or
                           (sizes[pos][source.id] - partition.size < targets[pos] - margins[pos])):

                        partition.swap_replica_positions(source, broker)
                        sizes[other_pos][broker_id] -= partition.size
                        sizes[other_pos][source.id] += partition.size
                        # Move the partition and adjust sizes
                        partition.swap_replicas(source, broker)
                    sizes[pos][broker_id] += partition.size
                    sizes[pos][source.id] -= partition.size
                    min_move -= partition.size
                    max_move -= partition.size

                    # If we have moved enough partitions, stop for this broker
                    if min_move <= 0:
Example #18
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by size")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster
        max_rf = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()

        # Calculate cluster information and sorted partition lists first
        partitions = {}
        sizes = {}
        targets = {}
        margins = {}
        for pos in range(max_rf):
            sizes[pos] = {}
            targets[pos] = {}
            margins[pos] = {}

            # Create a sorted list of partitions to use at this position (descending size)
            # Throw out partitions that are 4K or less in size, as they are effectively empty
            partitions[pos] = [
                p for p in self.cluster.partitions()
                if (len(p.replicas) > pos) and (p.size > 4)
            partitions[pos].sort(key=attrgetter('size'), reverse=True)

            # Calculate broker size at this position
            for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
                if pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:
                    sizes[pos][broker] = sum([
                        for p in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions[pos]
                    ], 0)
                    sizes[pos][broker] = 0

            # Calculate the median size of partitions (margin is median/2) and the average size per broker to target
            # Yes, I know the median calculation is slightly broken (it keeps integers). This is OK
            targets[pos] = sum([p.size for p in partitions[pos]], 0) // len(
            sizelen = len(partitions[pos])
            if not sizelen % 2:
                margins[pos] = (partitions[pos][sizelen // 2].size +
                                partitions[pos][sizelen // 2 - 1].size) // 4
                margins[pos] = partitions[pos][sizelen // 2].size // 2

        # Balance partitions for each replica position separately
        for pos in range(max_rf):
                "Calculating ideal state for replica position {0}".format(pos))
                "Target average size per-broker is {0} kibibytes (+/- {1})".
                format(targets[pos], margins[pos]))

            for broker_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                broker = self.cluster.brokers[broker_id]

                # Skip brokers that are larger than our minimum target size
                min_move = targets[pos] - margins[pos] - sizes[pos][broker_id]
                max_move = min_move + (margins[pos] * 2)
                if min_move <= 0:
                log.debug("Moving between {0} and {1} kibibytes to broker {2}".
                          format(min_move, max_move, broker_id))

                # Find partitions to move to this broker
                for partition in partitions[pos]:
                    # We can use this partition if all of the following are true: the partition has a replica at this position,
                    # it's size is less than or equal to the max move size, the broker at this replica position would not go out
                    # of range, and it doesn't already exist on this broker at this position
                    if ((len(partition.replicas) <= pos)
                            or (partition.size > max_move)
                            or ((sizes[pos][partition.replicas[pos].id] -
                                 partition.size) <
                                (targets[pos] - margins[pos]))
                            or (partition.replicas[pos] == broker)):

                    # We can only use a partition that this replica exists on if swapping positions wouldn't hurt balance of the other position or broker
                    source = partition.replicas[pos]
                    if broker in partition.replicas:
                        other_pos = partition.replicas.index(broker)
                        if ((sizes[other_pos][broker_id] - partition.size <
                             targets[other_pos] - margins[other_pos]) or
                            (sizes[other_pos][source.id] + partition.size >
                             targets[pos] + margins[pos])
                                or (sizes[pos][broker_id] + partition.size >
                                    targets[pos] + margins[pos])
                                or (sizes[pos][source.id] - partition.size <
                                    targets[pos] - margins[pos])):

                        partition.swap_replica_positions(source, broker)
                        sizes[other_pos][broker_id] -= partition.size
                        sizes[other_pos][source.id] += partition.size
                        # Move the partition and adjust sizes
                        partition.swap_replicas(source, broker)
                    sizes[pos][broker_id] += partition.size
                    sizes[pos][source.id] -= partition.size
                    min_move -= partition.size
                    max_move -= partition.size

                    # If we have moved enough partitions, stop for this broker
                    if min_move <= 0:
Example #19
def main():
    # Start by loading all the modules
    action_map = get_action_map()
    sizer_map = get_sizer_map()
    plugins_list = get_plugins_list()

    # Instantiate all plugins
    plugins = [plugin() for plugin in plugins_list]

    # Set up and parse all CLI arguments
    args = set_up_arguments(action_map, sizer_map, plugins)

    for plugin in plugins:

    tools_path = get_tools_path(args.tools_path)
    cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(args.zookeeper)

    for plugin in plugins:

    # If the module needs the partition sizes, call a size module to get the information
    check_and_get_sizes(action_map[args.action], args, cluster, sizer_map)

    for plugin in plugins:

    if args.leadership:
        log.info("Cluster Leadership Balance (before):")

    # Clone the cluster, and run the action to generate a new cluster state
    newcluster = cluster.clone()
    action_to_run = action_map[args.action](args, newcluster)

    for plugin in plugins:

    if args.leadership:
        log.info("Cluster Leadership Balance (after):")

    move_partitions = cluster.changed_partitions(action_to_run.cluster)
    batches = split_partitions_into_batches(move_partitions, batch_size=args.moves, use_class=Reassignment)

    for plugin in plugins:

    log.info("Partition moves required: {0}".format(len(move_partitions)))
    log.info("Number of batches: {0}".format(len(batches)))

    dry_run = args.generate or not args.execute
    if dry_run:
        log.info("--execute flag NOT specified. DRY RUN ONLY")

    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        log.info("Executing partition reassignment {0}/{1}: {2}".format(i + 1, len(batches), repr(batch)))
        batch.execute(i + 1, len(batches), args.zookeeper, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    for plugin in plugins:

    if not args.skip_ple:
        batches = split_partitions_into_batches(move_partitions, batch_size=args.moves, use_class=ReplicaElection)
        log.info("Number of replica elections: {0}".format(len(batches)))
        run_preferred_replica_elections(batches, args, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    for plugin in plugins:

    return 0
Example #20
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by count")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster and sort all partition lists by size (ascending)
        max_pos = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()
        for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
            for pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:

        # Calculate partition counts for each position first
        max_count = {}
        for pos in range(max_pos):
            # Calculate the maximum number of partitions each broker should have (floor(average))
            # We'll also track a remainder and make sure they only go 1 per broker
            pcount = 0
            for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
                if pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:
                    pcount += self.cluster.brokers[
            max_count[pos] = [
                pcount / len(self.cluster.brokers),
                pcount % len(self.cluster.brokers)
                "Calculating ideal state for replica position {0} - max {1} partitions"
                .format(pos, max_count[pos][0] + 1))

        # Balance partition counts for each replica position separately
        for pos in range(max_pos):
            for broker_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                broker = self.cluster.brokers[broker_id]
                # Figure out how many more partitions this broker needs
                diff = max_count[pos][0]
                if max_count[pos][1]:
                    diff += 1
                    max_count[pos][1] -= 1
                if pos in broker.partitions:
                    diff -= broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)

                if diff > 0:
                    log.debug("Moving {0} partitions to broker {1}".format(
                        diff, broker_id))

                    # Iterate through the largest brokers to find diff partitions to move to this broker
                    for source_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                        source = self.cluster.brokers[source_id]
                        if diff == 0:
                        if pos not in source.partitions:

                        iterlist = list(source.partitions[pos])
                        for partition in iterlist:
                            # If we have moved enough partitions from this broker, exit out of the inner loop
                            if (source.num_partitions_at_position(pos) <
                                    max_count[pos][0]) or (diff == 0):

                            # Skip topics that are being excluded
                            if partition.topic.name in self.args.exclude_topics:

                            # If the partition is already on the target, swap positions only if it makes the balance better
                            if broker in partition.replicas:
                                other_pos = partition.replicas.index(broker)
                                if (other_pos in source.partitions
                                    ) and (source.num_partitions_at_position(
                                        other_pos) < max_count[other_pos][0]):
                                        source, broker)
                                partition.swap_replicas(source, broker)
                                diff -= 1

                    log.debug("Finish broker {0} with {1} partitions".format(
                        broker_id, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
                elif diff < 0:
                    log.debug("Moving {0} partitions off broker {1}".format(
                        -diff, broker_id))

                    # Iterate through the smallest brokers to find diff partitions to move off this broker
                    for target_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                        target = self.cluster.brokers[target_id]
                        if diff == 0:
                        if (pos in target.partitions) and (
                                target.num_partitions_at_position(pos) >
                            (max_count[pos][0] + 1)):

                        iterlist = list(broker.partitions[pos])
                        for partition in iterlist:
                            # If we have moved enough partitions to this broker, exit out of the inner loop
                            if ((pos in target.partitions) and
                                (target.num_partitions_at_position(pos) >=
                                 max_count[pos][0])) or (diff == 0):
                            # Skip partitions that are already on the target broker
                            if target in partition.replicas:

                            partition.swap_replicas(broker, target)
                            diff += 1

                    log.debug("Finish broker {0} with {1} partitions".format(
                        broker, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
                        "Skipping broker {0} which has {1} partitions".format(
                            broker, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
Example #21
    def process_cluster(self):
        log.info("Starting partition balance by count")

        # Figure out the max RF for the cluster and sort all partition lists by size (ascending)
        max_pos = self.cluster.max_replication_factor()
        for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
            for pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:

        # Calculate partition counts for each position first
        max_count = {}
        for pos in range(max_pos):
            # Calculate the maximum number of partitions each broker should have (floor(average))
            # We'll also track a remainder and make sure they only go 1 per broker
            pcount = 0
            for broker in self.cluster.brokers:
                if pos in self.cluster.brokers[broker].partitions:
                    pcount += self.cluster.brokers[broker].num_partitions_at_position(pos)
            max_count[pos] = [pcount / len(self.cluster.brokers), pcount % len(self.cluster.brokers)]
            log.info("Calculating ideal state for replica position {0} - max {1} partitions".format(pos, max_count[pos][0] + 1))

        # Balance partition counts for each replica position separately
        for pos in range(max_pos):
            for broker_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                broker = self.cluster.brokers[broker_id]
                # Figure out how many more partitions this broker needs
                diff = max_count[pos][0]
                if max_count[pos][1]:
                    diff += 1
                    max_count[pos][1] -= 1
                if pos in broker.partitions:
                    diff -= broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)

                if diff > 0:
                    log.debug("Moving {0} partitions to broker {1}".format(diff, broker_id))

                    # Iterate through the largest brokers to find diff partitions to move to this broker
                    for source_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                        source = self.cluster.brokers[source_id]
                        if diff == 0:
                        if pos not in source.partitions:

                        iterlist = list(source.partitions[pos])
                        for partition in iterlist:
                            # If we have moved enough partitions from this broker, exit out of the inner loop
                            if (source.num_partitions_at_position(pos) < max_count[pos][0]) or (diff == 0):

                            # Skip topics that are being excluded
                            if partition.topic.name in self.args.exclude_topics:

                            # If the partition is already on the target, swap positions only if it makes the balance better
                            if broker in partition.replicas:
                                other_pos = partition.replicas.index(broker)
                                if (other_pos in source.partitions) and (source.num_partitions_at_position(other_pos) < max_count[other_pos][0]):
                                    partition.swap_replica_positions(source, broker)
                                partition.swap_replicas(source, broker)
                                diff -= 1

                    log.debug("Finish broker {0} with {1} partitions".format(broker_id, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
                elif diff < 0:
                    log.debug("Moving {0} partitions off broker {1}".format(-diff, broker_id))

                    # Iterate through the smallest brokers to find diff partitions to move off this broker
                    for target_id in self.cluster.brokers:
                        target = self.cluster.brokers[target_id]
                        if diff == 0:
                        if (pos in target.partitions) and (target.num_partitions_at_position(pos) > (max_count[pos][0] + 1)):

                        iterlist = list(broker.partitions[pos])
                        for partition in iterlist:
                            # If we have moved enough partitions to this broker, exit out of the inner loop
                            if ((pos in target.partitions) and (target.num_partitions_at_position(pos) >= max_count[pos][0])) or (diff == 0):
                            # Skip partitions that are already on the target broker
                            if target in partition.replicas:

                            partition.swap_replicas(broker, target)
                            diff += 1

                    log.debug("Finish broker {0} with {1} partitions".format(broker, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
                    log.debug("Skipping broker {0} which has {1} partitions".format(broker, broker.num_partitions_at_position(pos)))
Example #22
def print_leadership(type_str, cluster, dont_skip):
    if dont_skip:
        log.info("Cluster Leadership Balance (before):")
Example #23
def is_dry_run(args):
    if args.generate or not args.execute:
        log.info("--execute flag NOT specified. DRY RUN ONLY")
        return True
    return False
Example #24
def print_leadership(type_str, cluster, dont_skip):
    if dont_skip:
        log.info("Cluster Leadership Balance (before):")
Example #25
def is_dry_run(args):
    if args.generate or not args.execute:
        log.info("--execute flag NOT specified. DRY RUN ONLY")
        return True
    return False