Example #1
    def connect(self):
        Connect to the all cluster brokers and populate topic and partition information. If the client was created with
        a zkconnect string, first we connect to Zookeeper to bootstrap the broker and topic information from there,
        and then the client connects to all brokers in the cluster. Otherwise, connect to the bootstrap broker
        specified and fetch the broker and topic metadata for the cluster.

            * Currently assumes everything works. Need to check for failure to connect to
              ZK or bootstrap.
        if self.configuration.zkconnect is not None:
            self.cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(zkconnect=self.configuration.zkconnect, fetch_topics=False)
            self._connected = True
            # Connect to bootstrap brokers until we succeed or exhaust the list
            try_brokers = list(self.configuration.broker_list)
            self._connected = False
            while (len(try_brokers) > 0) and not self._connected:
                self._connected = self._maybe_bootstrap_cluster(try_brokers.pop())

            if not self._connected:
                raise ConnectionError("Unable to bootstrap cluster information")

        # Connect to all brokers
Example #2
    def connect(self):
        Connect to the all cluster brokers and populate topic and partition information. If the client was created with
        a zkconnect string, first we connect to Zookeeper to bootstrap the broker and topic information from there,
        and then the client connects to all brokers in the cluster. Otherwise, connect to the bootstrap broker
        specified and fetch the broker and topic metadata for the cluster.

            * Currently assumes everything works. Need to check for failure to connect to
              ZK or bootstrap.
        if self.configuration.zkconnect is not None:
            self.cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(
                zkconnect=self.configuration.zkconnect, fetch_topics=False)
            self._connected = True
            # Connect to bootstrap brokers until we succeed or exhaust the list
            try_brokers = list(self.configuration.broker_list)
            self._connected = False
            while (len(try_brokers) > 0) and not self._connected:
                self._connected = self._maybe_bootstrap_cluster(

            if not self._connected:
                raise ConnectionError(
                    "Unable to bootstrap cluster information")

        # Connect to all brokers
Example #3
def main():
    # Start by loading all the modules
    action_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.actions, kafka.tools.assigner.actions.ActionModule)
    sizer_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.sizers, kafka.tools.assigner.sizers.SizerModule)
    plugins = get_all_plugins()

    # Set up and parse all CLI arguments
    args = set_up_arguments(action_map, sizer_map, plugins)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_arguments', args)

    tools_path = get_tools_path(args.tools_path)

    cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(args.zookeeper, getattr(args, 'default_retention', 1))
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_cluster', cluster)

    # If the module needs the partition sizes, call a size module to get the information
    check_and_get_sizes(action_map[args.action], args, cluster, sizer_map)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'after_sizes')
    print_leadership("before", cluster, args.leadership)

    # Clone the cluster, and run the action to generate a new cluster state
    newcluster = cluster.clone()
    action_to_run = action_map[args.action](args, newcluster)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_new_cluster', action_to_run.cluster)
    print_leadership("after", newcluster, args.leadership)

    move_partitions = cluster.changed_partitions(action_to_run.cluster)
    batches = split_partitions_into_batches(move_partitions, batch_size=args.moves, use_class=Reassignment)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_batches', batches)

    log.info("Partition moves required: {0}".format(len(move_partitions)))
    log.info("Number of batches: {0}".format(len(batches)))
    dry_run = is_dry_run(args)

    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        log.info("Executing partition reassignment {0}/{1}: {2}".format(i + 1, len(batches), repr(batch)))
        batch.execute(i + 1, len(batches), args.zookeeper, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'before_ple')

    if not args.skip_ple:
        all_cluster_partitions = [p for p in action_to_run.cluster.partitions(args.exclude_topics)]
        batches = split_partitions_into_batches(all_cluster_partitions, batch_size=args.ple_size, use_class=ReplicaElection)
        log.info("Number of replica elections: {0}".format(len(batches)))
        run_preferred_replica_elections(batches, args, tools_path, plugins, dry_run)

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'finished')

    if args.output_json:
        data = {
            'before': cluster.to_dict(),
            'after': action_to_run.cluster.to_dict()
        sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

    return os.EX_OK
Example #4
    def test_cluster_create_with_retention(self):
        self.mock_children.side_effect = [['1', '2'],
                                          ['testTopic1', 'testTopic2']]
        self.mock_get.side_effect = [
              ), None),
              ), None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[1,2],"1":[2,1]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[2,1],"1":[1,2]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{"retention.ms":"172800000"}}', None)
        cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper('zkconnect')

        assert cluster.topics['testTopic1'].retention == 1
        assert cluster.topics['testTopic2'].retention == 172800000
Example #5
    def test_cluster_create_missing_broker(self):
        self.mock_children.side_effect = [['1', '2'],
                                          ['testTopic1', 'testTopic2']]
        self.mock_get.side_effect = [
              ), None),
              ), None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[1,2],"1":[3,1]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[3,1],"1":[1,2]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{}}', None)
        cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper('zkconnect')

        assert len(cluster.brokers) == 3
        b1 = cluster.brokers[1]
        b3 = cluster.brokers[3]
        assert cluster.brokers[3].hostname is None
        assert cluster.topics['testTopic1'].partitions[1].replicas == [b3, b1]
        assert cluster.topics['testTopic2'].partitions[0].replicas == [b3, b1]
Example #6
    def test_cluster_create_from_zookeeper(self):
        self.mock_children.side_effect = [['1', '2'],
                                          ['testTopic1', 'testTopic2']]
        self.mock_get.side_effect = [
              ), None),
              ), None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[1,2],"1":[2,1]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"partitions":{"0":[2,1],"1":[1,2]}}', None),
            ('{"version":1,"config":{}}', None)
        cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper('zkconnect')

        assert len(cluster.brokers) == 2
        b1 = cluster.brokers[1]
        b2 = cluster.brokers[2]
        assert b1.hostname == 'brokerhost1.example.com'
        assert b2.hostname == 'brokerhost2.example.com'

        assert len(cluster.topics) == 2
        assert 'testTopic1' in cluster.topics
        assert 'testTopic2' in cluster.topics

        t1 = cluster.topics['testTopic1']
        assert len(t1.partitions) == 2
        assert t1.partitions[0].replicas == [b1, b2]
        assert t1.partitions[1].replicas == [b2, b1]

        t2 = cluster.topics['testTopic2']
        assert len(t2.partitions) == 2
        assert t2.partitions[0].replicas == [b2, b1]
        assert t2.partitions[1].replicas == [b1, b2]
Example #7
def main():
    # Start by loading all the modules
    action_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.actions,
    sizer_map = get_module_map(kafka.tools.assigner.sizers,
    plugins = get_all_plugins()

    # Set up and parse all CLI arguments
    args = set_up_arguments(action_map, sizer_map, plugins)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_arguments', args)

    tools_path = get_tools_path(args.tools_path)

    cluster = Cluster.create_from_zookeeper(
        args.zookeeper, getattr(args, 'default_retention', 1))
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_cluster', cluster)

    # If the module needs the partition sizes, call a size module to get the information
    check_and_get_sizes(action_map[args.action], args, cluster, sizer_map)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'after_sizes')
    print_leadership("before", cluster, args.leadership)

    # Clone the cluster, and run the action to generate a new cluster state
    newcluster = cluster.clone()
    action_to_run = action_map[args.action](args, newcluster)
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_new_cluster', action_to_run.cluster)
    print_leadership("after", newcluster, args.leadership)

    move_partitions = cluster.changed_partitions(action_to_run.cluster)
    batches = split_partitions_into_batches(move_partitions,
    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'set_batches', batches)

    log.info("Partition moves required: {0}".format(len(move_partitions)))
    log.info("Number of batches: {0}".format(len(batches)))
    dry_run = is_dry_run(args)

    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        log.info("Executing partition reassignment {0}/{1}: {2}".format(
            i + 1, len(batches), repr(batch)))
        batch.execute(i + 1, len(batches), args.zookeeper, tools_path, plugins,

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'before_ple')

    if not args.skip_ple:
        all_cluster_partitions = [
            p for p in action_to_run.cluster.partitions(args.exclude_topics)
        batches = split_partitions_into_batches(all_cluster_partitions,
        log.info("Number of replica elections: {0}".format(len(batches)))
        run_preferred_replica_elections(batches, args, tools_path, plugins,

    run_plugins_at_step(plugins, 'finished')

    return os.EX_OK