Example #1
    def list_consumer_groups(self, node=None, command_config=None):
        """ Get list of consumer groups.
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        consumer_group_script = self.path.script("kafka-consumer-groups.sh",

        if command_config is None:
            command_config = ""
            command_config = "--command-config " + command_config

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s --bootstrap-server %s %s --list" % \
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            if not line.startswith("SLF4J"):
                output += line
        return output
Example #2
    def execute_reassign_partitions(self, reassignment, node=None,
        """Run the reassign partitions admin tool in "verify" mode
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        json_file = "/tmp/%s_reassign.json" % str(time.time())

        # reassignment to json
        json_str = json.dumps(reassignment)
        json_str = json.dumps(json_str)

        # create command
        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "echo %s > %s && " % (json_str, json_file)
        cmd += "%s " % self.path.script( "kafka-reassign-partitions.sh", node)
        cmd += self._connect_setting_reassign_partitions(node)
        cmd += "--reassignment-json-file %s " % json_file
        cmd += "--execute"
        if throttle is not None:
            cmd += " --throttle %d" % throttle
        cmd += " && sleep 1 && rm -f %s" % json_file

        # send command
        self.logger.info("Executing parition reassignment...")
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            output += line

        self.logger.debug("Verify partition reassignment:")
    def start_cmd(self, node):
        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += self.path.script("kafka-run-class.sh", node)
        cmd += " "
        cmd += self.java_class_name()
        cmd += " --topic %s --broker-list %s" % (
            self.topic, self.kafka.bootstrap_servers(self.security_protocol))

        if self.max_messages > 0:
            cmd += " --max-messages %s" % str(self.max_messages)
        if self.security_protocol != SecurityConfig.PLAINTEXT:
            cmd += " --security-protocol %s" % str(self.security_protocol)
        if self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SSL or self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL:
            cmd += " --ssl-truststore-location %s" % str(
            cmd += " --ssl-truststore-password %s" % str(
        if self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_PLAINTEXT or \
                self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_SSL or \
                self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_MECHANISM_GSSAPI or \
                self.security_protocol == SecurityConfig.SASL_MECHANISM_PLAIN:
            cmd += " --sasl-kerberos-service-name %s" % str('kafka')
            cmd += " --client-jaas-conf-path %s" % str(
            cmd += " --kerb5-conf-path %s" % str(SecurityConfig.KRB5CONF_PATH)

        cmd += " 2>> /mnt/kafka_log4j_appender.log | tee -a /mnt/kafka_log4j_appender.log &"
        return cmd
Example #4
    def search_data_files(self, topic, messages):
        """Check if a set of messages made it into the Kakfa data files. Note that
        this method takes no account of replication. It simply looks for the
        payload in all the partition files of the specified topic. 'messages' should be
        an array of numbers. The list of missing messages is returned.
        payload_match = "payload: " + "$|payload: ".join(str(x) for x in messages) + "$"
        found = set([])
        self.logger.debug("number of unique missing messages we will search for: %d",
        for node in self.nodes:
            # Grab all .log files in directories prefixed with this topic
            files = node.account.ssh_capture("find %s* -regex  '.*/%s-.*/[^/]*.log'" % (KafkaService.DATA_LOG_DIR_PREFIX, topic))

            # Check each data file to see if it contains the messages we want
            for log in files:
                cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
                cmd += "%s kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --print-data-log --files %s | grep -E \"%s\"" % \
                      (self.path.script("kafka-run-class.sh", node), log.strip(), payload_match)

                for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd, allow_fail=True):
                    for val in messages:
                        if line.strip().endswith("payload: "+str(val)):
                            self.logger.debug("Found %s in data-file [%s] in line: [%s]" % (val, log.strip(), line.strip()))

        self.logger.debug("Number of unique messages found in the log: %d",
        missing = list(set(messages) - found)

        if len(missing) > 0:
            self.logger.warn("The following values were not found in the data files: " + str(missing))

        return missing
Example #5
    def describe_consumer_group(self, group, node=None, command_config=None):
        """ Describe a consumer group.
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        consumer_group_script = self.path.script("kafka-consumer-groups.sh", node)

        if command_config is None:
            command_config = ""
            command_config = "--command-config " + command_config

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s --bootstrap-server %s %s --group %s --describe" % \
               command_config, group)

        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            if not (line.startswith("SLF4J") or line.startswith("TOPIC") or line.startswith("Could not fetch offset")):
                output += line
        return output
    def start_cmd(self, node, idx):
        cmd = "export LOG_DIR=%s;" % VerifiableProducer.LOG_DIR
        if self.kafka_opts_override:
            cmd += " export KAFKA_OPTS=\"%s\";" % self.kafka_opts_override
            cmd += " export KAFKA_OPTS=%s;" % self.security_config.kafka_opts

        cmd += fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += " export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % VerifiableProducer.LOG4J_CONFIG
        cmd += self.impl.exec_cmd(node)
        cmd += " --topic %s --broker-list %s" % (
                self.security_config.security_protocol, True,
        if self.max_messages > 0:
            cmd += " --max-messages %s" % str(self.max_messages)
        if self.throughput > 0:
            cmd += " --throughput %s" % str(self.throughput)
        if self.message_validator == is_int_with_prefix:
            cmd += " --value-prefix %s" % str(idx)
        if self.acks is not None:
            cmd += " --acks %s " % str(self.acks)
        if self.create_time > -1:
            cmd += " --message-create-time %s " % str(self.create_time)
        if self.repeating_keys is not None:
            cmd += " --repeating-keys %s " % str(self.repeating_keys)

        cmd += " --producer.config %s" % VerifiableProducer.CONFIG_FILE

        cmd += " 2>> %s | tee -a %s &" % (VerifiableProducer.STDOUT_CAPTURE,
        return cmd
Example #7
    def alter_message_format(self, topic, msg_format_version, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        self.logger.info("Altering message format version for topic %s with format %s", topic, msg_format_version)

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --entity-name %s --entity-type topics --alter --add-config message.format.version=%s" % \
              (self.path.script("kafka-configs.sh", node), self._connect_setting_kafka_configs(node), topic, msg_format_version)
        self.logger.info("Running alter message format command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #8
    def list_topics(self, node=None, use_zk_to_list_topic=True):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --list %s" % (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node, use_zk_to_list_topic),
                                   self._connect_setting(node, use_zk_to_list_topic),
                                   self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node, use_zk_to_list_topic))
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            if not line.startswith("SLF4J"):
                yield line.rstrip()
Example #9
 def _acl_cmd_prefix(self, kafka, node, force_use_zk_connection):
     :param node: Node to use when determining connection settings
     :param force_use_zk_connection: forces the use of ZooKeeper when true, otherwise AdminClient is used when available
     :return command prefix for running kafka-acls
     cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
     cmd += "%s %s %s" % (
         kafka.kafka_acls_cmd(node, force_use_zk_connection),
         self._acl_command_connect_setting(kafka, node,
         self._kafka_acls_cmd_config(kafka, node, force_use_zk_connection))
     return cmd
Example #10
    def list_topics(self, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]

        force_use_zk_connection = not self.all_nodes_topic_command_supports_bootstrap_server()

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --list %s" % (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node, force_use_zk_connection),
                                   self._topic_command_connect_setting(node, force_use_zk_connection),
                                   self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node, force_use_zk_connection))
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            if not line.startswith("SLF4J"):
                yield line.rstrip()
Example #11
    def set_unclean_leader_election(self, topic, value=True, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        if value is True:
            self.logger.info("Enabling unclean leader election for topic %s", topic)
            self.logger.info("Disabling unclean leader election for topic %s", topic)

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --entity-name %s --entity-type topics --alter --add-config unclean.leader.election.enable=%s" % \
              (self.path.script("kafka-configs.sh", node), self._connect_setting_kafka_configs(node), topic, str(value).lower())
        self.logger.info("Running alter unclean leader command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #12
    def describe_topic(self, topic, node=None, use_zk_to_describe_topic=True):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --topic %s --describe %s" % \
              (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_describe_topic),
               self._connect_setting(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_describe_topic),
               topic, self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_describe_topic))

        self.logger.info("Running topic describe command...\n%s" % cmd)
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            output += line
        return output
Example #13
    def start_cmd(self, node):
        cmd = "export JMX_PORT=%d; " % self.jmx_port
        cmd += "export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % self.LOG4J_CONFIG
        heap_kafka_opts = "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=%s" % \
        security_kafka_opts = self.security_config.kafka_opts.strip('\"')

        cmd += fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "export KAFKA_OPTS=\"%s %s %s\"; " % (heap_kafka_opts, security_kafka_opts, self.extra_kafka_opts)
        cmd += "%s %s 1>> %s 2>> %s &" % \
               (self.path.script("kafka-server-start.sh", node),
        return cmd
 def exec_cmd (self, node):
     """ :return: command to execute to start instance
     Translates Verifiable* to the corresponding Java client class name """
     cmd = ""
     if self.java_class_name == 'VerifiableProducer' and node.version <= LATEST_0_8_2:
         # 0.8.2.X releases do not have VerifiableProducer.java, so cheat and add
         # the tools jar from trunk to the classpath
         tools_jar = self.parent.path.jar(TOOLS_JAR_NAME, DEV_BRANCH)
         tools_dependant_libs_jar = self.parent.path.jar(TOOLS_DEPENDANT_TEST_LIBS_JAR_NAME, DEV_BRANCH)
         cmd += "for file in %s; do CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$file; done; " % tools_jar
         cmd += "for file in %s; do CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$file; done; " % tools_dependant_libs_jar
         cmd += "export CLASSPATH; "
     cmd += fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
     cmd += self.parent.path.script("kafka-run-class.sh", node) + " org.apache.kafka.tools." + self.java_class_name
     return cmd
Example #15
    def start_cmd(self, node, connector_configs):
        cmd = "( export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%s\"; " % self.LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE
        heap_kafka_opts = "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=%s" % \
        other_kafka_opts = self.security_config.kafka_opts.strip('\"')

        cmd += fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "export KAFKA_OPTS=\"%s %s\"; " % (heap_kafka_opts,
        for envvar in self.environment:
            cmd += "export %s=%s; " % (envvar, str(self.environment[envvar]))
        cmd += "%s %s " % (self.path.script("connect-standalone.sh",
                                            node), self.CONFIG_FILE)
        cmd += " ".join(connector_configs)
        cmd += " & echo $! >&3 ) 1>> %s 2>> %s 3> %s" % (
            self.STDOUT_FILE, self.STDERR_FILE, self.PID_FILE)
        return cmd
Example #16
    def describe_topic(self, topic, node=None):
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]

        force_use_zk_connection = not self.all_nodes_topic_command_supports_bootstrap_server()

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --topic %s --describe %s" % \
              (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node, force_use_zk_connection),
               self._topic_command_connect_setting(node, force_use_zk_connection),
               topic, self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node, force_use_zk_connection))

        self.logger.info("Running topic describe command...\n%s" % cmd)
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            output += line
        return output
Example #17
    def create_topic(self, topic_cfg, node=None, use_zk_to_create_topic=True):
        """Run the admin tool create topic command.
        Specifying node is optional, and may be done if for different kafka nodes have different versions,
        and we care where command gets run.

        If the node is not specified, run the command from self.nodes[0]
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        self.logger.info("Creating topic %s with settings %s",
                         topic_cfg["topic"], topic_cfg)

        use_zk_connection = topic_cfg.get('if-not-exists',
                                          False) or use_zk_to_create_topic

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%(kafka_topics_cmd)s %(connection_string)s --create --topic %(topic)s " % {
            self._kafka_topics_cmd(node, use_zk_connection),
            self._topic_command_connect_setting(node, use_zk_connection),
        if 'replica-assignment' in topic_cfg:
            cmd += " --replica-assignment %(replica-assignment)s" % {
                'replica-assignment': topic_cfg.get('replica-assignment')
            cmd += " --partitions %(partitions)d --replication-factor %(replication-factor)d" % {
                'partitions': topic_cfg.get('partitions', 1),
                'replication-factor': topic_cfg.get('replication-factor', 1)

        if topic_cfg.get('if-not-exists', False):
            cmd += ' --if-not-exists'

        if "configs" in topic_cfg.keys() and topic_cfg["configs"] is not None:
            for config_name, config_value in topic_cfg["configs"].items():
                cmd += " --config %s=%s" % (config_name, str(config_value))

        cmd += self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node, use_zk_connection)

        self.logger.info("Running topic creation command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #18
    def list_consumer_groups(self, node=None, command_config=None):
        """ Get list of consumer groups.
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        consumer_group_script = self.path.script("kafka-consumer-groups.sh", node)

        if command_config is None:
            command_config = ""
            command_config = "--command-config " + command_config

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s --bootstrap-server %s %s --list" % \
        return self.run_cli_tool(node, cmd)
Example #19
    def delete_topic(self, topic, node=None, use_zk_to_delete_topic=False):
        Delete a topic with the topics command
        :param topic:
        :param node:
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        self.logger.info("Deleting topic %s" % topic)

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --topic %s --delete %s" % \
               (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_delete_topic),
                self._topic_command_connect_setting(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_delete_topic),
                topic, self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node=node, use_zk_connection=use_zk_to_delete_topic))
        self.logger.info("Running topic delete command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #20
    def get_offset_shell(self, topic, partitions, max_wait_ms, offsets, time):
        node = self.nodes[0]

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += self.path.script("kafka-run-class.sh", node)
        cmd += " kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell"
        cmd += " --topic %s --broker-list %s --max-wait-ms %s --offsets %s --time %s" % (topic, self.bootstrap_servers(self.security_protocol), max_wait_ms, offsets, time)

        if partitions:
            cmd += '  --partitions %s' % partitions

        cmd += " 2>> %s/get_offset_shell.log" % KafkaService.PERSISTENT_ROOT
        cmd += " | tee -a %s/get_offset_shell.log &" % KafkaService.PERSISTENT_ROOT
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            output += line
        return output
Example #21
    def delete_topic(self, topic, node=None):
        Delete a topic with the topics command
        :param topic:
        :param node:
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        self.logger.info("Deleting topic %s" % topic)

        force_use_zk_connection = not self.all_nodes_topic_command_supports_bootstrap_server()

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "%s %s --topic %s --delete %s" % \
               (self._kafka_topics_cmd(node, force_use_zk_connection),
                self._topic_command_connect_setting(node, force_use_zk_connection),
                topic, self._kafka_topics_cmd_config(node, force_use_zk_connection))
        self.logger.info("Running topic delete command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #22
    def delete_topic(self, topic, node=None):
        Delete a topic with the topics command
        :param topic:
        :param node:
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]
        self.logger.info("Deleting topic %s" % topic)
        kafka_topic_script = self.path.script("kafka-topics.sh", node)

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += kafka_topic_script + " "
        cmd += "--bootstrap-server %(bootstrap_servers)s --delete --topic %(topic)s " % {
            'bootstrap_servers': self.bootstrap_servers(self.security_protocol),
            'topic': topic
        self.logger.info("Running topic delete command...\n%s" % cmd)
Example #23
    def verify_reassign_partitions(self, reassignment, node=None):
        """Run the reassign partitions admin tool in "verify" mode
        if node is None:
            node = self.nodes[0]

        json_file = "/tmp/%s_reassign.json" % str(time.time())

        # reassignment to json
        json_str = json.dumps(reassignment)
        json_str = json.dumps(json_str)

        # create command
        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "echo %s > %s && " % (json_str, json_file)
        cmd += "%s " % self.path.script("kafka-reassign-partitions.sh", node)
        cmd += self._connect_setting_reassign_partitions(node)
        cmd += "--reassignment-json-file %s " % json_file
        cmd += "--verify "
        cmd += "&& sleep 1 && rm -f %s" % json_file

        # send command
        self.logger.info("Verifying partition reassignment...")
        output = ""
        for line in node.account.ssh_capture(cmd):
            output += line


        if re.match(".*Reassignment of partition.*failed.*",
                    output.replace('\n', '')) is not None:
            return False

        if re.match(".*is still in progress.*",
                    output.replace('\n', '')) is not None:
            return False

        return True
Example #24
    def start_cmd(self, node):
        """Return the start command appropriate for the given node."""
        args = self.args.copy()
        args['broker_list'] = self.kafka.bootstrap_servers(
        if not self.new_consumer:
            args['zk_connect'] = self.kafka.zk_connect_setting()
        args['stdout'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE
        args['stderr'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDERR_CAPTURE
        args['log_dir'] = ConsoleConsumer.LOG_DIR
        args['log4j_config'] = ConsoleConsumer.LOG4J_CONFIG
        args['config_file'] = ConsoleConsumer.CONFIG_FILE
        args['stdout'] = ConsoleConsumer.STDOUT_CAPTURE
        args['jmx_port'] = self.jmx_port
        args['console_consumer'] = self.path.script(
            "kafka-console-consumer.sh", node)

        if self.kafka_opts_override:
            args['kafka_opts'] = "\"%s\"" % self.kafka_opts_override
            args['kafka_opts'] = self.security_config.kafka_opts

        cmd = fix_opts_for_new_jvm(node)
        cmd += "export JMX_PORT=%(jmx_port)s; " \
              "export LOG_DIR=%(log_dir)s; " \
              "export KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS=\"-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%(log4j_config)s\"; " \
              "export KAFKA_OPTS=%(kafka_opts)s; " \
              "%(console_consumer)s " \
              "--topic %(topic)s " \
              "--consumer.config %(config_file)s " % args

        if self.new_consumer:
            assert node.version.consumer_supports_bootstrap_server(), \
                "new_consumer is only supported if version >=, version %s" % str(node.version)
            if node.version <= LATEST_0_10_0:
                cmd += " --new-consumer"
            cmd += " --bootstrap-server %(broker_list)s" % args
            if node.version >= V_0_11_0_0:
                cmd += " --isolation-level %s" % self.isolation_level
            assert node.version < V_2_0_0, \
                "new_consumer==false is only supported if version < 2.0.0, version %s" % str(node.version)
            cmd += " --zookeeper %(zk_connect)s" % args

        if self.from_beginning:
            cmd += " --from-beginning"

        if self.consumer_timeout_ms is not None:
            # version 0.8.X and below do not support --timeout-ms option
            # This will be added in the properties file instead
            if node.version > LATEST_0_8_2:
                cmd += " --timeout-ms %s" % self.consumer_timeout_ms

        if self.print_timestamp:
            cmd += " --property print.timestamp=true"

        if self.print_key:
            cmd += " --property print.key=true"

        if self.print_partition:
            cmd += " --property print.partition=true"

        # LoggingMessageFormatter was introduced after 0.9
        if node.version > LATEST_0_9:
            cmd += " --formatter kafka.tools.LoggingMessageFormatter"

        if self.enable_systest_events:
            # enable systest events is only available in 0.10.0 and later
            # check the assertion here as well, in case node.version has been modified
            assert node.version >= V_0_10_0_0
            cmd += " --enable-systest-events"

        if self.consumer_properties is not None:
            for k, v in self.consumer_properties.items():
                cmd += " --consumer-property %s=%s" % (k, v)

        cmd += " 2>> %(stderr)s | tee -a %(stdout)s &" % args
        return cmd