Example #1
 def _parseids(self, ids):
     if isinstance(ids, tuple):
         raise IndexError('too many dimensions for array')
     if (listable(ids) and checkany(ids, isstring)) or isstring(ids):
         return self.idsof(ids, safe=False)
     if listable(ids) and checkany(ids, lambda v: isinstance(v, bool)):
         return np.where(ids)[0]
     if ids is None: return slice(None)
     return ids
Example #2
    def delete(self,
               pos: Indices2D,
               axis: Optional[int] = 0,
               inline: bool = False) -> StructuredArray:
        narr = self if inline else self.copy()
        if isstring(pos):
            del narr._arrs[pos]
            return narr

        sids, aids = self._parseids(pos, axis=axis, mapslice=False)
        slic = isinstance(sids, slice) and sids == slice(None)
        alic = isinstance(aids,
                          slice) and aids == slice(None) and (missing(axis)
                                                              or axis == 0)

        if slic and alic:
            narr._arrs = OrderedDict()
            narr._length = None
        elif slic and not alic:
            if listable(aids) and len(aids) == 1 and aids[0] < 0:
                aids = aids[
                    0]  # fix the issue that currently negative indices are ignored by np.delete
            for k, v in narr._arrs.items():
                narr._arrs[k] = np.delete(v, aids)
            narr._length = len(narr._arrs[l(narr._arrs.keys())[0]])
        elif not slic and alic:
            if isinstance(sids, slice) or sids.dtype.kind not in ('S', 'U'):
                sids = narr.names[sids]
            for k in sids:
                del narr._arrs[k]
            raise IndexError('unable to delete portion of the array')

        return narr
Example #3
    def append(self,
               value: Union[str, Iterable[str]],
               inline: bool = False) -> NamedIndex:
        val = self._parsevals(value)
        if not listable(val): val = [val]

        nid = self if inline else self.copy()
        for i, n in enumerate(val):
            nid._nidct[n] = nid.size + i
        nid._names = np.hstack([nid._names, val])

        if len(nid._names) != len(nid._nidct):
            raise KeyError('index names not unique')
        return nid
Example #4
    def _parseids(self, idx, axis=None, mapslice=True):
        if missing(axis):
            sids, aids = (idx, slice(None)) if not isinstance(idx, tuple) else \
                         (idx[0], slice(None)) if len(idx) == 1 else idx
            if isinstance(idx, tuple):
                raise IndexError('too many dimensions for array')
            if axis not in (0, 1): raise IndexError('invalid axis value')
            sids, aids = (idx, slice(None)) if axis == 0 else (slice(None),

        def _wrap(ids):
            if ids is None: return slice(None)
            if isinstance(ids, slice): return ids
            if not listable(ids): return [ids]
            return ids

        sids, aids = smap((sids, aids), _wrap)

        if (isinstance(sids, slice) and mapslice) or (
                listable(sids) and checkany(sids, lambda x: not isstring(x))):
            sids = self.names[sids]
        return sids, aids
Example #5
 def _mapids(ids, names):
     if isinstance(ids, NamedIndex): ids = np.array(ids)
     if not listable(ids): ids = [ids]
     if not checkany(ids, isstring): return ids
     if missing(names): raise KeyError('table names not set')
     return names.idsof(ids, safe = False)
Example #6
 def _wrap(ids):
     if ids is None: return slice(None)
     if isinstance(ids, slice): return ids
     if not listable(ids): return [ids]
     return ids