def cross_validation_test():

    filename = "/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/Two_thirds_of_SA_1889_dataset.txt"

    #    columns = input("Which columns to include? (Do NOT forget trailing comma if only one column is used, e.g. '3,'\nAvailable columns are: 2, -4, -3, -2, -1. Just press ENTER for all columns.\n")
    #except SyntaxError:
    columns = (2, -4, -3, -2, -1)
    print('\nIncluding columns: ' + str(columns))

    P, T = parse_file(filename, targetcols = [4, 5], inputcols = columns, ignorerows = [0], normalize = True)
    #remove tail censored
    P, T = copy_without_tailcensored(P, T)

    #    comsize = input("Number of networks to cross-validate [10]: ")
    #except SyntaxError:
    comsize = 10
    print('Number of networks to cross-validate: ' + str(comsize))

    #    netsize = input('Number of hidden nodes [3]: ')
    #except SyntaxError as e:
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        netsize = 3
        netsize = sys.argv[1]
    print("Number of hidden nodes: " + str(netsize))

    #    pop_size = input('Population size [50]: ')
    #except SyntaxError as e:
    pop_size = 50
    print("Population size: " + str(pop_size))

    #    mutation_rate = input('Please input a mutation rate (0.25): ')
    #except SyntaxError as e:
    mutation_rate = 0.25
    print("Mutation rate: " + str(mutation_rate))

    #    epochs = input("Number of generations (200): ")
    #except SyntaxError as e:
    epochs = 200
    print("Epochs: " + str(epochs))

    com = build_feedforward_committee(comsize, len(P[0]), netsize, 1, output_function = 'linear')

    #1 is the column in the target array which holds teh binary censoring information
    test_errors, vald_errors = train_committee(com, train_evolutionary, P, T, 1, epochs, error_function = c_index_error, population_size = pop_size, mutation_chance = mutation_rate)

    print('\nTest Errors, Validation Errors:')
    for terr, verr in zip(test_errors.values(), vald_errors.values()):
        print(str(terr) + ", " + str(verr))

    print('\nTest average, Validation average:')
    print(str(sum(test_errors.values()) / len(test_errors.values())) + ', ' + str(sum(vald_errors.values()) / len(vald_errors.values())))
    outputs = net.sim(P)


    plt.title('Scatter plot sum square error\n' + filename)
    plt.xlabel('Survival time years')
    plt.ylabel('Network output')
        plt.scatter(T.flatten(), outputs.flatten(), c = 'g', marker = 's')
        plt.plot(T.flatten(), T.flatten(), 'r-')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)

    p = 4 #number of input covariates
    #net = load_network('/home/gibson/jonask/Projects/aNeuralN/ANNs/PERCEPTRON.ann')
    net = build_feedforward(p, 10, 1, output_function = "linear")
    lineartarget_nn = '/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/fake_data_set/lineartarget_no_noise.txt'
    nonlineartarget_nn = '/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/fake_data_set/nonlineartarget_no_noise.txt'
    lineartarget_wn = '/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/fake_data_set/lineartarget_with_noise.txt'
    nonlineartarget_wn = '/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/fake_data_set/nonlineartarget_with_noise.txt'

    while True:
        experiment(net, nonlineartarget_wn, 500)
Example #3
        #net = train_cox(net, (P, T), (None, None), timeslots, epochs, learning_rate = learning_rate)
        net = traingd(net, (P, T), (None, None), epochs, learning_rate, block_size, error_module = cox_error)
    except FloatingPointError:
    outputs = net.sim(P)
    c_index = get_C_index(T, outputs)"C index = " + str(c_index))


    return net

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)

    filename = "/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/Two_thirds_of_SA_1889_dataset.txt"
    P, T = parse_file(filename, targetcols = [4, 5], inputcols = [2, -4, -3, -2, -1], ignorerows = [0], normalize = True)
    #P, T = parse_file(filename, targetcols = [4, 5], inputcols = [2, -3], ignorerows = [0], normalize = True)

    #Remove tail censored
    P, T = copy_without_tailcensored(P, T)

    #Limit to incourage overtraining!
    #rows = sample(range(len(T)), 100)
    #P = P[rows]
    #T = T[rows]

    p = len(P[0]) #number of input covariates
    outputs = net.sim(P)
    c_index = get_C_index(T, outputs)"C index = " + str(c_index))


    kaplanmeier(time_array = T[:, 0], event_array = T[:, 1], output_array = outputs[:, 0])
    if vP is not None and len(vP) > 0:
        outputs = net.sim(vP)
        kaplanmeier(time_array = vT[:, 0], event_array = vT[:, 1], output_array = outputs[:, 0])

    return net

if __name__ == "__main__":
    logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)

    filename = "/home/gibson/jonask/Dropbox/Ann-Survival-Phd/Two_thirds_of_SA_1889_dataset.txt"

    #    columns = input("Which columns to include? (Do NOT forget trailing comma if only one column is used, e.g. '3,'\nAvailable columns are: 2, -4, -3, -2, -1. Just press ENTER for all columns.\n")
    #except SyntaxError:
    columns = (2, -4, -3, -2, -1)
    print('\nIncluding columns: ' + str(columns))

    P, T = parse_file(filename, targetcols = [4, 5], inputcols = columns, ignorerows = [0], normalize = True)
    #remove tail censored
    #print('\nRemoving tail censored...')
    #P, T = copy_without_tailcensored(P, T)
