def __init__(self, facility, *args, **kwargs): super(FacilityUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["default_language"].choices = [ (lang_code, get_language_name(lang_code)) for lang_code in get_installed_language_packs() ] # Select the initial default language, # but only if we're not in the process of updating it to something else. if not self.fields[ "default_language"].initial and "default_language" not in self.changed_data: self.fields["default_language"].initial = ( self.instance and self.instance.default_language) or get_default_language() # Passwords only required on new, not on edit self.fields["password_first"].required = == "" self.fields["password_recheck"].required = == "" # Across POST and GET requests self.fields["zone_fallback"].initial = facility.get_zone() self.fields["facility"].initial = facility self.fields["facility"].queryset = Facility.objects.by_zone( facility.get_zone()) self.fields["group"].queryset = FacilityGroup.objects.filter( facility=facility)
def _facility_user(request, facility, title, is_teacher=False, new_user=False, user_being_edited=None): """ Different codepaths for the following: * Django admin/teacher creates student (add_facility_student) * Django admin creates teacher * Django admin/edits a user, self, or student edits self (edit_facility_user) * Student creates self (facility_user_signup) Each has its own message and redirect. """ next = or request.get_full_path() or reverse("homepage") # Data submitted to create/edit the user. if request.method == "POST": form = FacilityUserForm(facility, data=request.POST, instance=user_being_edited) if not form.is_valid(): messages.error(request, _("There was a problem saving the information provided; please review errors below.")) else: # In case somebody tries to check the hidden 'is_teacher' field if form.cleaned_data["is_teacher"] and not request.is_admin: raise PermissionDenied(_("You must be a teacher to edit or create a teacher.")) if form.cleaned_data["password_first"]: form.instance.set_password(form.cleaned_data["password_first"]) # Editing self if request.session.get("facility_user") and request.session.get("facility_user").id == messages.success(request, _("You successfully updated your user settings.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(next) # Editing another user elif not new_user: messages.success(request, _("Changes saved for user '%(username)s'") % {"username": form.instance.get_name()}) if return HttpResponseRedirect(next) # New user created by admin elif request.is_admin or request.is_django_user: messages.success(request, _("You successfully created user '%(username)s'") % {"username": form.instance.get_name()}) if return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: zone_id = getattr(facility.get_zone(), "id", None) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("facility_management", kwargs={"zone_id": zone_id, "facility_id":})) # New student signed up else: # Double check permissions messages.success(request, _("You successfully registered.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("homepage")) # render form for editing elif user_being_edited: form = FacilityUserForm(facility=facility, instance=user_being_edited) # in all other cases, we are creating a new user else: form = FacilityUserForm(facility, initial={ "group": request.GET.get("group"), "is_teacher": is_teacher, "default_language": get_default_language(), }) if is_teacher or (not (request.is_admin or request.is_teacher) and FacilityGroup.objects.filter(facility=facility).count() == 0) or (not new_user and not (request.is_admin or request.is_teacher)): form.fields['group'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() if Facility.objects.count() < 2 or (not new_user and not request.is_admin): form.fields['facility'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() return { "title": title, "new_user": new_user, "form": form, "facility": facility, "teacher": is_teacher, }
def __init__(self, facility, *args, **kwargs): super(FacilityUserForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["default_language"].choices = [(lang_code, get_language_name(lang_code)) for lang_code in get_installed_language_packs()] # Select the initial default language, # but only if we're not in the process of updating it to something else. if not self.fields["default_language"].initial and "default_language" not in self.changed_data: self.fields["default_language"].initial = (self.instance and self.instance.default_language) or get_default_language() # Passwords only required on new, not on edit self.fields["password_first"].required = == "" self.fields["password_recheck"].required = == "" # Across POST and GET requests self.fields["zone_fallback"].initial = facility.get_zone() self.fields["facility"].initial = facility self.fields["facility"].queryset = Facility.objects.by_zone(facility.get_zone()) self.fields["group"].queryset = FacilityGroup.objects.filter(facility=facility)
def _facility_user(request, facility, title, is_teacher=False, new_user=False, user_being_edited=None): """ Different codepaths for the following: * Django admin/teacher creates student (add_facility_student) * Django admin creates teacher * Django admin/edits a user, self, or student edits self (edit_facility_user) * Student creates self (facility_user_signup) Each has its own message and redirect. """ next = or request.get_full_path() or reverse("homepage") # Data submitted to create/edit the user. if request.method == "POST": form = FacilityUserForm(facility, data=request.POST, instance=user_being_edited) if not form.is_valid(): messages.error( request, _("There was a problem saving the information provided; please review errors below." )) else: # In case somebody tries to check the hidden 'is_teacher' field if form.cleaned_data["is_teacher"] and not request.is_admin: raise PermissionDenied( _("You must be a teacher to edit or create a teacher.")) if form.cleaned_data["password_first"]: form.instance.set_password(form.cleaned_data["password_first"]) # Editing self if request.session.get("facility_user") and request.session.get( "facility_user").id == messages.success( request, _("You successfully updated your user settings.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(next) # Editing another user elif not new_user: messages.success( request, _("Changes saved for user '%(username)s'") % {"username": form.instance.get_name()}) if return HttpResponseRedirect(next) # New user created by admin elif request.is_admin or request.is_django_user: messages.success( request, _("You successfully created user '%(username)s'") % {"username": form.instance.get_name()}) if return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: zone_id = getattr(facility.get_zone(), "id", None) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("facility_management", kwargs={ "zone_id": zone_id, "facility_id": })) # New student signed up else: # Double check permissions messages.success(request, _("You successfully registered.")) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("homepage")) # render form for editing elif user_being_edited: form = FacilityUserForm(facility=facility, instance=user_being_edited) # in all other cases, we are creating a new user else: form = FacilityUserForm(facility, initial={ "group": request.GET.get("group"), "is_teacher": is_teacher, "default_language": get_default_language(), }) if is_teacher or (not (request.is_admin or request.is_teacher) and FacilityGroup.objects.filter(facility=facility).count() == 0) or (not new_user and not (request.is_admin or request.is_teacher)): form.fields['group'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() if Facility.objects.count() < 2 or (not new_user and not request.is_admin): form.fields['facility'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() return { "title": title, "new_user": new_user, "form": form, "facility": facility, "teacher": is_teacher, }