Example #1
class Config(object):
    """ This class has a shared state like a Borg.

    This is a Kaptan class that infers the file handler
    from the file extension using the `from_file` function.

    handler: str or kaptan.BaseHandler
        This parameter is to keep compatibility with Kaptan's instantiation protocol.
        See its documentation on how to use it: http://emre.github.io/kaptan/
        I personally prefer to use the `from_file` function.
    __shared_state = {}

    def __init__(self, handler=None):
        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
        self._cpt = Kaptan(handler)

    def from_file(cls, file_path):
        """ Returns a Config instance with the data from

        file_path: str
            Path to a configuration file.
            Its extension can be any from config.HANDLER_EXT, i.e.,
            {'conf': 'ini',
             'ini': 'ini',
             'json': 'json',
             'py': 'file',
             'yaml': 'yaml',
             'yml': 'yaml'}

        cfg: Config
        cfg = Config()
        cfg._cpt = _load_config(file_path)
        return cfg

    def update_from_file(self, file_path):
        """ Updates the config parameters with the data from

        file_path: str
            Path to a configuration file.
            Its extension can be any from config.HANDLER_EXT, i.e.,
            {'conf': 'ini',
             'ini': 'ini',
             'json': 'json',
             'py': 'file',
             'yaml': 'yaml',
             'yml': 'yaml'}

        cfg: Config
        cpt = _load_config(file_path)

        params = cpt.configuration_data
        _update_kaptan(self._cpt, params)

    def check_file(self, item):
        """ This is a __getitem__ operator for file path values, if the file does not exist an IOError is raised."""
            fpath = self.__getitem__(item)
        except KeyError:
            if not op.exists(fpath):
                raise IOError(
                    'Could not find file for key {} in the {}.'.format(
                        item, fpath))
            return fpath

    def update(self, adict):
        for k, v in adict.items():
            self._cpt.upsert(k, v)

    def keys(self):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.keys()

    def items(self):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.items()

    def get(self, item, default=None):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.get(item, default)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item not in self._cpt.configuration_data:
            raise KeyError(
                'Could not find key {} in configuration content.'.format(item))
        return self._cpt.configuration_data[item]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return self._cpt.upsert(key, value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<config.Config> ({})'.format('\n'.join(
            [str(i) for i in self.items()]))
Example #2
class Config(object):
    """ This class has a shared state like a Borg.

    This is a Kaptan class that infers the file handler
    from the file extension using the `from_file` function.

    handler: str or kaptan.BaseHandler
        This parameter is to keep compatibility with Kaptan's instantiation protocol.
        See its documentation on how to use it: http://emre.github.io/kaptan/
        I personally prefer to use the `from_file` function.
    __shared_state = {}

    def __init__(self, handler=None):
        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
        self._cpt = Kaptan(handler)

    def from_file(cls, file_path):
        """ Returns a Config instance with the data from

        file_path: str
            Path to a configuration file.
            Its extension can be any from config.HANDLER_EXT, i.e.,
            {'conf': 'ini',
             'ini': 'ini',
             'json': 'json',
             'py': 'file',
             'yaml': 'yaml',
             'yml': 'yaml'}

        cfg: Config
        cfg = Config()
        cfg._cpt = _load_config(file_path)
        return cfg

    def update_from_file(self, file_path):
        """ Updates the config parameters with the data from

        file_path: str
            Path to a configuration file.
            Its extension can be any from config.HANDLER_EXT, i.e.,
            {'conf': 'ini',
             'ini': 'ini',
             'json': 'json',
             'py': 'file',
             'yaml': 'yaml',
             'yml': 'yaml'}

        cfg: Config
        cpt = _load_config(file_path)

        params = cpt.configuration_data
        _update_kaptan(self._cpt, params)

    def check_file(self, item):
        """ This is a __getitem__ operator for file path values, if the file does not exist an IOError is raised."""
            fpath = self.__getitem__(item)
        except KeyError:
            if not op.exists(fpath):
                raise IOError('Could not find file for key {} in the {}.'.format(item, fpath))
            return fpath

    def update(self, adict):
        for k, v in adict.items():
            self._cpt.upsert(k, v)

    def keys(self):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.keys()

    def items(self):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.items()

    def get(self, item, default=None):
        return self._cpt.configuration_data.get(item, default)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item not in self._cpt.configuration_data:
            raise KeyError('Could not find key {} in configuration content.'.format(item))
        return self._cpt.configuration_data[item]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return self._cpt.upsert(key, value)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<config.Config> ({})'.format('\n'.join([str(i) for i in self.items()]))