Example #1
def copyThemeFilesToConfigDir(widget):
    # Copy files
    for file in Globals().nsCGuiFiles:
        source = karamba.readThemeFile( widget, file )
        dest   = open( os.path.join( Globals().nsCGuiBaseDir, file ), "w" )
        tools.msgDebug("Copying file: %s" % file, __name__)
        print >> dest, source
Example #2
def copyThemeFilesToConfigDir(widget):
    # Copy files
    for file in Globals().nsCGuiFiles:
        source = karamba.readThemeFile(widget, file)
        dest = open(os.path.join(Globals().nsCGuiBaseDir, file), "w")
        tools.msgDebug("Copying file: %s" % file, __name__)
        print >> dest, source
Example #3
    def _readThemeInfos(self, theme):
        self.themeName = theme
        self.themePath = os.path.join("themes", self.themeName)
        themeInfo = os.path.join( self.themePath, "theme.info" )
        themeInfoContent = karamba.readThemeFile( Applet.widget, themeInfo )

        if themeInfoContent == "":
            tools.msgDebug("Error finding/reading %s..." % themeInfo, __name__)
            # Try to fallback to the default theme
            self.themeName = Globals().defaultThemeName
            self.themePath = os.path.join("themes", self.themeName)
            themeInfo = os.path.join( self.themePath, "theme.info" )
            themeInfoContent = karamba.readThemeFile( Applet.widget, themeInfo )
            if themeInfoContent == "":
                tools.msgDebug("Error finding/reading %s..." % themeInfo, __name__)
                return False

        # FIXME: Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly feed ConfigParser
        # with a str()....
        # Yep! That's another ugly hack!
        tempName = os.tempnam()
        fp = open( tempName, "w" )
        fp.write( themeInfoContent )
        fp = open( tempName, "r" )
        scp = SafeConfigParser()
        scp.readfp( fp )
        os.unlink( tempName )

        self.themeHeaderImg = os.path.join( self.themePath, scp.get( "images", "header" ) )
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitle = scp.get( "header", "title_text" )
        X = scp.getint( "header", "title_pos_x" )
        Y = scp.getint( "header", "title_pos_y" )
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitleXY = ( X, Y )
        W = scp.getint( "header", "title_width" )
        H = 0
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitleWH = ( W, H )
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhen = scp.get( "header", "when_text" )
        X = scp.getint( "header", "when_pos_x" )
        Y = scp.getint( "header", "when_pos_y" )
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhenXY = ( X, Y )
        W = scp.getint( "header", "when_width" )
        H = 0
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhenWH = ( W, H )
        self.themeBodyImg   = os.path.join( self.themePath, scp.get( "images", "body"   ) )
        X = scp.getint( "body", "title_pos_x" )
        Y = scp.getint( "body", "title_pos_y" )
        self.themeBodyTitleXY = ( X, Y )
        W = scp.getint( "body", "title_width" )
        H = scp.getint( "body", "title_height" )
        self.themeBodyTitleWH = ( W, H )
        X = scp.getint( "body", "when_pos_x" )
        Y = scp.getint( "body", "when_pos_y" )
        self.themeBodyWhenXY = ( X, Y )
        W = scp.getint( "body", "when_width" )
        H = scp.getint( "body", "when_height" )
        self.themeBodyWhenWH = ( W, H )
        self.themeFooterImg = os.path.join( self.themePath, scp.get( "images", "footer" ) )
Example #4
    def _readThemeInfos(self, theme):
        self.themeName = theme
        self.themePath = os.path.join("themes", self.themeName)
        themeInfo = os.path.join(self.themePath, "theme.info")
        themeInfoContent = karamba.readThemeFile(Applet.widget, themeInfo)

        if themeInfoContent == "":
            tools.msgDebug("Error finding/reading %s..." % themeInfo, __name__)
            # Try to fallback to the default theme
            self.themeName = Globals().defaultThemeName
            self.themePath = os.path.join("themes", self.themeName)
            themeInfo = os.path.join(self.themePath, "theme.info")
            themeInfoContent = karamba.readThemeFile(Applet.widget, themeInfo)
            if themeInfoContent == "":
                tools.msgDebug("Error finding/reading %s..." % themeInfo,
                return False

        # FIXME: Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly feed ConfigParser
        # with a str()....
        # Yep! That's another ugly hack!
        tempName = os.tempnam()
        fp = open(tempName, "w")
        fp = open(tempName, "r")
        scp = SafeConfigParser()

        self.themeHeaderImg = os.path.join(self.themePath,
                                           scp.get("images", "header"))
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitle = scp.get("header", "title_text")
        X = scp.getint("header", "title_pos_x")
        Y = scp.getint("header", "title_pos_y")
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitleXY = (X, Y)
        W = scp.getint("header", "title_width")
        H = 0
        self.themeHeaderTxtTitleWH = (W, H)
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhen = scp.get("header", "when_text")
        X = scp.getint("header", "when_pos_x")
        Y = scp.getint("header", "when_pos_y")
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhenXY = (X, Y)
        W = scp.getint("header", "when_width")
        H = 0
        self.themeHeaderTxtWhenWH = (W, H)
        self.themeBodyImg = os.path.join(self.themePath,
                                         scp.get("images", "body"))
        X = scp.getint("body", "title_pos_x")
        Y = scp.getint("body", "title_pos_y")
        self.themeBodyTitleXY = (X, Y)
        W = scp.getint("body", "title_width")
        H = scp.getint("body", "title_height")
        self.themeBodyTitleWH = (W, H)
        X = scp.getint("body", "when_pos_x")
        Y = scp.getint("body", "when_pos_y")
        self.themeBodyWhenXY = (X, Y)
        W = scp.getint("body", "when_width")
        H = scp.getint("body", "when_height")
        self.themeBodyWhenWH = (W, H)
        self.themeFooterImg = os.path.join(self.themePath,
                                           scp.get("images", "footer"))