def get_karma_given_total(uid, raw_events=None): if not raw_events: raw_events = db.get_karma_given_raw(uid) return get_karma_total_from_events(raw_events)
def get_karma_given_breakdown(uid, raw_events=None): if not raw_events: raw_events = db.get_karma_given_raw(uid) return get_karma_breakdown_from_events(raw_events, "user_id")
def get_karma_breakdown_user(uid, command_type, guild): me = guild.get_member(int(uid)) given_raw = db.get_karma_given_raw(uid) received_raw = db.get_karma_received_raw(uid) if not received_raw: return None, None # Get the breakdown of who + and -d your karma given_breakdown = sh.get_karma_given_breakdown(uid, given_raw) received_breakdown = sh.get_karma_received_breakdown(uid, received_raw) # Order the breakdowns given_breakdown_nice = sorted(given_breakdown, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) given_breakdown_bulli = sorted(given_breakdown, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) received_breakdown_nice = sorted( received_breakdown, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) received_breakdown_bulli = sorted( received_breakdown, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) # Net gained and lost per day, on the days you received karma received_dates = sh.get_karma_received_dates(uid, received_raw) # Get all the karma to figure out an overall ranking karma_list = db.get_all_karma() sorted_karma = sorted(karma_list, key=lambda k: k.karma, reverse=True) karma_position_list = [ i for i, v in enumerate(sorted_karma) if v.discord_id == uid ] karma_position = karma_position_list[0] + 1 if len( karma_position_list) > 0 else 0 # Get for each current karma user how much they've given and taken away karma_users_given_totals = [{ "discord_id": karma.discord_id, "totals": sh.get_karma_given_total(karma.discord_id) } for karma in karma_list] karma_users_given_totals_nice = sorted( karma_users_given_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) karma_users_given_totals_bulli = sorted( karma_users_given_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) given = next( (user for user in karma_users_given_totals if user["discord_id"] == uid), None) given_totals = given["totals"] # Get for each current karma user how much they've received and had removed karma_users_received_totals = [{ "discord_id": karma.discord_id, "totals": sh.get_karma_received_total(karma.discord_id) } for karma in karma_list] karma_users_received_totals_nice = sorted( karma_users_received_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) karma_users_received_totals_bulli = sorted( karma_users_received_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) received = next( (user for user in karma_users_received_totals if user["discord_id"] == uid), None) received_totals = received["totals"] # Ready to build ... output = discord.Embed(title=f'Stats Summary for {}', colour=discord.Colour.purple()) if (command_type in ['received', 'all']): output.add_field( name='Karma Collector :crown:', value="You've gained **{} karma**, and lost **{} karma**, making for a total of **{} karma**, putting you at overall position **#{}**.".\ format(received_totals["positive"], received_totals["negative"], received_totals["positive"] - received_totals["negative"], karma_position ), inline=False ) output.add_field( name='Karma Climb :chart_with_upwards_trend: (karma gained rank)', value="Position: **#{}**".format( karma_users_received_totals_nice.index(received) + 1), inline=True) output.add_field( name='Karma Crash :chart_with_downwards_trend: (karma lost rank)', value="Position: **#{}**".format( karma_users_received_totals_bulli.index(received) + 1), inline=True) karma_companions = build_ranking(received_breakdown_nice, "positive", guild) karma_killers = build_ranking(received_breakdown_bulli, "negative", guild) output.add_field( name='Karma Companions :heart_eyes: (gave the most karma to you)', value=karma_companions, inline=True) output.add_field( name='Karma Killers :skull: (took the most karma from you)', value=karma_killers, inline=True) if (command_type in ['given', 'all']): output.add_field( name='Karma Circulator :repeat:', value="You've given **{} karma**, and taken **{} karma**, making for a total of **{} +/- karma** distributed".\ format(given_totals["positive"], given_totals["negative"], given_totals["positive"] + given_totals["negative"], ) + " (or **{:.2%}** of total karma transactions)".\ format((given_totals["positive"] + given_totals["negative"]) / db.get_all_karma_events_count()), inline=False ) output.add_field( name='Karma Conferred :ok_woman: (karma given rank)', value= f'Position: **#{karma_users_given_totals_nice.index(given) + 1}**', inline=True) output.add_field( name='Karma Clobbered :no_good: (karma taken rank)', value= f'Position: **#{karma_users_given_totals_bulli.index(given) + 1}**', inline=True) karma_contributions = build_ranking(given_breakdown_nice, "positive", guild) karma_killed = build_ranking(given_breakdown_bulli, "negative", guild) output.add_field( name='Karma Contributions :gift: (you gave the most karma to)', value=karma_contributions, inline=True) output.add_field( name= 'Karma Killed :regional_indicator_f: (you took the most karma from)', value=karma_killed, inline=True) img_file = None if (command_type in ['bff', 'all']): # Get BFF bff, bff_score, err = calculate_bff(uid, {uid: given_breakdown}) output.add_field( name=':sparkling_heart: Karma BFF :sparkling_heart:', value=err if err else "Your BFF is **{}**, with a BFF score of **{:.2f}**".format( get_username(bff, guild), bff_score), inline=False) if (command_type in ['graph', 'all']): # Graph time x_coords, y_coords = zip(*((point["date"], point["diff"]["positive"] - point["diff"]["negative"]) for point in received_dates)) max_karma = max(y_coords) accumulated = list(accumulate(y_coords)) buffer = generate_graph([(me, x_coords, accumulated)], f'Karma over time for {}') img_file = discord.File(buffer, filename="stats.png") output.set_image(url="attachment://stats.png") output.add_field( name='Karma Chart :bar_chart:', value='Below is a graph of your karma over time.' + ('' if max_karma <= 0 else f' Your max karma earned on a day is **{max_karma}**. Wow!'), inline=False) return output, img_file
def get_karma_given_dates(uid, raw_events=None): if not raw_events: raw_events = db.get_karma_given_raw(uid) return get_date_range_from_events(raw_events)
def get_karma_breakdown_server(command_type, guild): # Go and fetch every single person karma_list = db.get_all_karma() if not karma_list: return None, None sorted_karma = sorted(karma_list, key=lambda k: k.karma, reverse=True) raw = {} totals = {} breakdowns = {} dates = {} # For each person in the server, break it down into karma given / received for karma in karma_list: uid = karma.discord_id raw[uid] = {} given = db.get_karma_given_raw(uid) received = db.get_karma_received_raw(uid) raw[uid]["given"] = given, raw[uid]["received"] = received breakdowns[uid] = {} breakdowns[uid]["given"] = sh.get_karma_given_breakdown(uid, given) breakdowns[uid]["received"] = sh.get_karma_received_breakdown( uid, received) dates[uid] = {} dates[uid]["given"] = sh.get_karma_given_dates(uid, given) dates[uid]["received"] = sh.get_karma_given_dates(uid, received) # This code is a copy pasta of part of what is in the user break, so really they should be merged # Get for each current karma user how much they've given and taken away karma_users_given_totals = [{ "discord_id": karma.discord_id, "totals": sh.get_karma_given_total(karma.discord_id) } for karma in karma_list] karma_users_given_totals_nice = sorted( karma_users_given_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) karma_users_given_totals_bulli = sorted( karma_users_given_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) # Get for each current karma user how much they've received and had removed karma_users_received_totals = [{ "discord_id": karma.discord_id, "totals": sh.get_karma_received_total(karma.discord_id) } for karma in karma_list] karma_users_received_totals_nice = sorted( karma_users_received_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) karma_users_received_totals_bulli = sorted( karma_users_received_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) karma_users_given_top_nice = [] karma_users_given_top_bulli = [] # Get the top karma given for each person for uid, breakdown in breakdowns.items(): if breakdown["given"]: karma_users_given_top_nice.append( (uid, max(breakdown["given"], key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"]))) karma_users_given_top_bulli.append( (uid, max(breakdown["given"], key=lambda user: user["totals"]["negative"]))) karma_users_given_top_nice = sorted( karma_users_given_top_nice, key=lambda pair: pair[1]["totals"]["positive"], reverse=True) karma_users_given_top_bulli = sorted( karma_users_given_top_bulli, key=lambda pair: pair[1]["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) # Ready to build ... output = discord.Embed(title=f'Stats Summary for {}', colour=discord.Colour.purple()) img_file = None if (command_type in ['received', 'all']): top_score = get_username(sorted_karma[0].discord_id, guild) top_karma = sorted_karma[0].karma text = f'The current top karma user is **{top_score}**, with **{top_karma}** karma.' if len(sorted_karma) > 1: second_score = get_username(sorted_karma[1].discord_id, guild) second_karma = sorted_karma[1].karma diff = top_karma - second_karma text += f' **{second_score}** is **{diff}** karma behind them, with **{second_karma}** karma.' output.add_field(name='Karma Collector :crown:', value=text, inline=False) rec_positive_ranking = build_ranking(karma_users_received_totals_nice, "positive", guild) rec_negative_ranking = build_ranking(karma_users_received_totals_bulli, "negative", guild) output.add_field( name= 'Karma Climb :chart_with_upwards_trend: (most karma gained rank)', value=rec_positive_ranking, inline=True) output.add_field( name= 'Karma Crash :chart_with_downwards_trend: (most karma lost rank)', value=rec_negative_ranking, inline=True) output.add_field( name='Karma Companions :heart_eyes: / Karma Killers :skull:', value= 'For information about karma received / removed, please see the mirrored given stats.', inline=False) if (command_type in ['given', 'all']): total_given_positive = 0 total_given_negative = 0 for total in karma_users_given_totals: total_given_positive += total["totals"]["positive"] total_given_negative += total["totals"]["negative"] correct_sum = db.get_all_karma_events_count() sorted_totals = sorted(karma_users_given_totals, key=lambda user: user["totals"]["positive"] + user["totals"]["negative"], reverse=True) top_given_score = get_username(sorted_totals[0]["discord_id"], guild) top_given_total = sorted_totals[0]["totals"][ "positive"] + sorted_totals[0]["totals"]["negative"] given_text = "**{}** has been given, and **{}** has been taken, making for a total of **{} +/- karma** distributed.\n".format( total_given_positive, total_given_negative, correct_sum) given_text += "**{}** has moved the most karma, with **{} +/- karma** (or **{:.2%}** of total karma transactions).".format( top_given_score, top_given_total, top_given_total / correct_sum) if len(sorted_totals) > 1: second_given_score = get_username(sorted_totals[1]["discord_id"], guild) second_given_total = sorted_totals[1]["totals"][ "positive"] + sorted_totals[1]["totals"]["negative"] given_diff = top_given_total - second_given_total given_text += "\n**{}** is **{}** karma behind them, with with **{} +/- karma** (or **{:.2%}** of total karma transactions).".format( second_given_score, given_diff, second_given_total, second_given_total / correct_sum) output.add_field(name='Karma Circulator :repeat:', value=given_text, inline=False) given_positive_ranking = build_ranking(karma_users_given_totals_nice, "positive", guild) given_negative_ranking = build_ranking(karma_users_given_totals_bulli, "negative", guild) output.add_field( name='Karma Conferred :ok_woman: (most karma given rank)', value=given_positive_ranking, inline=True) output.add_field( name='Karma Clobbered :no_good: (most karma taken rank)', value=given_negative_ranking, inline=True) karma_contributions = build_relo_ranking(karma_users_given_top_nice, "positive", guild) karma_killed = build_relo_ranking(karma_users_given_top_bulli, "negative", guild) output.add_field( name= 'Karma Contributions :gift: (people who have given most karma to someone else)', value=karma_contributions, inline=True) output.add_field( name= 'Karma Killed :regional_indicator_f: (people who have taken most karma from someone else)', value=karma_killed, inline=True) if (command_type in ['bff', 'all']): # Get all BFFs # Not transitive so we have to do it this way top_friend = None top_friends_friend = None top_friend_score = 0 positive_impact_cache = {} given_breakdown_cache = {} for uid in breakdowns.keys(): given_breakdown_cache[uid] = breakdowns[uid]["given"] for karma in karma_list: name = get_username(karma.discord_id, guild) bff, bff_score, err = calculate_bff(karma.discord_id, given_breakdown_cache, positive_impact_cache) if not err: if bff_score > top_friend_score: top_friend = name top_friend_score = bff_score top_friends_friend = get_username(bff, guild) if top_friend_score == 0: # Wow, nobody has BFFs cause everyone is rude value = "Sorry, top BFF can't be calculated as there is no pair that has positively impacted each other." else: value = "The best BFF pair is **{}** and **{}**, with a whopping score of **{:.2f}**".format( top_friend, top_friends_friend, top_friend_score) output.add_field(name=':sparkling_heart: Karma BFF :sparkling_heart:', value=value, inline=False) if (command_type in ['graph', 'all']): graph_points = [] karma_days = {} for karma in karma_list: user = guild.get_member(int(karma.discord_id)) name = get_username(karma.discord_id, guild) received_dates = dates[karma.discord_id]["received"] if received_dates: for day in received_dates: if day["date"] not in karma_days: karma_days[day["date"]] = 0 karma_days[day["date"]] += day["diff"]["positive"] + day[ "diff"]["negative"] x_coords, y_coords = zip(*((point["date"], point["diff"]["positive"] - point["diff"]["negative"]) for point in received_dates)) accumulated = list(accumulate(y_coords)) graph_points.append((user, x_coords, accumulated)) max_day = max(karma_days, key=karma_days.get) max_amount = karma_days[max_day] buffer = generate_graph(graph_points, 'Karma over time for server', True) img_file = discord.File(buffer, filename="stats.png") output.set_image(url="attachment://stats.png") output.add_field( name='Karma Chart :bar_chart:', value= f'Below is a graph of the karma over time for the server. The day with the biggest karma change was **{max_day}** with **{max_amount}** karma +/-', inline=False) return output, img_file