def geom_to_bbox(geom, min_area=0):
    from kartograph.geometry import BBox
    from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon
    if True or min_area == 0 or not isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon):
        # if no minimum area ratio is set or the geometry
        # is not a multipart geometry, we simply use the
        # full bbox
        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = geom.bounds
        return BBox(width=maxx - minx, height=maxy - miny, left=minx, top=miny)
        # for multipart geometry we use only the bbox of
        # the 'biggest' sub-geometries, depending on min_area
        bbox = BBox()
        areas = []
        bb = []
        for polygon in geom.geoms:
        max_a = max(areas)
        for i in range(len(geom.geoms)):
            a = areas[i]
            if a < max_a * min_area:
                # ignore this sub polygon since it is too small
    for b in bb:
        bbox.update((b[0], b[2]))
        bbox.update((b[1], b[2]))
        bbox.update((b[0], b[3]))
        bbox.update((b[1], b[3]))
    return bbox
Example #2
def geom_to_bbox(geom, min_area=0):
    from kartograph.geometry import BBox
    from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon
    if True or min_area == 0 or not isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon):
        # if no minimum area ratio is set or the geometry
        # is not a multipart geometry, we simply use the
        # full bbox
        minx, miny, maxx, maxy = geom.bounds
        return BBox(width=maxx - minx, height=maxy - miny, left=minx, top=miny)
        # for multipart geometry we use only the bbox of
        # the 'biggest' sub-geometries, depending on min_area
        bbox = BBox()
        areas = []
        bb = []
        for polygon in geom.geoms:
        max_a = max(areas)
        for i in range(len(geom.geoms)):
            a = areas[i]
            if a < max_a * min_area:
                # ignore this sub polygon since it is too small
    for b in bb:
        bbox.update((b[0], b[2]))
        bbox.update((b[1], b[2]))
        bbox.update((b[0], b[3]))
        bbox.update((b[1], b[3]))
    return bbox
Example #3
def shape2polygon(shp, ignore_holes=False, min_area=False, proj=None):
    converts a shapefile polygon to geometry.MultiPolygon
    # from kartograph.geometry import MultiPolygon
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
    from kartograph.geometry.utils import is_clockwise
    parts =[:]
    exteriors = []
    holes = []
    for j in range(len(parts) - 1):
        pts = shp.points[parts[j]:parts[j + 1]]
        if shp.shapeType == 15:
            # remove z-coordinate from PolygonZ contours (not supported)
            for k in range(len(pts)):
                pts[k] = pts[k][:2]
        if proj:
            project_coords(pts, proj)
        cw = is_clockwise(pts)
        if cw:
    if ignore_holes:
        holes = None
    if len(exteriors) == 1:
        poly = Polygon(exteriors[0], holes)
    elif len(exteriors) > 1:
        # use multipolygon, but we need to assign the holes to the right
        # exteriors
        from kartograph.geometry import BBox
        used_holes = set()
        polygons = []
        for ext in exteriors:
            bbox = BBox()
            my_holes = []
            for pt in ext:
            for h in range(len(holes)):
                if h not in used_holes:
                    hole = holes[h]
                    if bbox.check_point(hole[0]):
                        # this is a very weak test but it should be sufficient
            polygons.append(Polygon(ext, my_holes))
        if min_area:
            # compute maximum area
            max_area = 0
            for poly in polygons:
                max_area = max(max_area, poly.area)
            # filter out polygons that are below min_area * max_area
            polygons = [poly for poly in polygons if poly.area >= min_area * max_area]
        poly = MultiPolygon(polygons)
        raise KartographError('shapefile import failed - no outer polygon found')
    return poly
Example #4
def shape2polygon(shp, ignore_holes=False, min_area=False, proj=None):
    converts a shapefile polygon to geometry.MultiPolygon
    # from kartograph.geometry import MultiPolygon
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
    from kartograph.geometry.utils import is_clockwise
    parts =[:]
    exteriors = []
    holes = []
    for j in range(len(parts) - 1):
        pts = shp.points[parts[j]:parts[j + 1]]
        if shp.shapeType == 15:
            # remove z-coordinate from PolygonZ contours (not supported)
            for k in range(len(pts)):
                pts[k] = pts[k][:2]
        if proj:
            project_coords(pts, proj)
        cw = is_clockwise(pts)
        if cw:
    if ignore_holes:
        holes = None
    if len(exteriors) == 1:
        poly = Polygon(exteriors[0], holes)
    elif len(exteriors) > 1:
        # use multipolygon, but we need to assign the holes to the right
        # exteriors
        from kartograph.geometry import BBox
        used_holes = set()
        polygons = []
        for ext in exteriors:
            bbox = BBox()
            my_holes = []
            for pt in ext:
            for h in range(len(holes)):
                if h not in used_holes:
                    hole = holes[h]
                    if bbox.check_point(hole[0]):
                        # this is a very weak test but it should be sufficient
            polygons.append(Polygon(ext, my_holes))
        if min_area:
            # compute maximum area
            max_area = 0
            for poly in polygons:
                max_area = max(max_area, poly.area)
            # filter out polygons that are below min_area * max_area
            polygons = [poly for poly in polygons if poly.area >= min_area * max_area]
        poly = MultiPolygon(polygons)
        raise KartographError('shapefile import failed - no outer polygon found')
    return poly
Example #5
def shape2polygon(shp, ignore_holes=False, min_area=False, proj=None):
    converts a shapefile polygon to geometry.MultiPolygon
    # ignore_holes=True

    # from kartograph.geometry import MultiPolygon
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
    from kartograph.geometry.utils import is_clockwise
    parts =[:]
    exteriors = []
    rep_point = None
    holes = []
    #    print 'shp.the_feat_name={0}'.format(shp.the_feat_name)
    #    print 'shp.represenative_points={0}'.format(shp.representative_point())
    for j in range(len(parts) - 1):
        pts = shp.points[parts[j]:parts[j + 1]]
        if shp.shapeType == 15:
            # remove z-coordinate from PolygonZ contours (not supported)
            for k in range(len(pts)):
                pts[k] = pts[k][:2]
        if proj and shp.alreadyProj is False:
            project_coords(pts, proj, rep_point=rep_point)
            if shp.bounding:
                #                print 'Already proj, proj exists'
                shp.alreadyProj = True
        elif shp.alreadyProj is False:
            if shp.bounding:
                shp.alreadyProj = True
            #   print 'shp.bounding={0}'.format(shp.bounding)
#           print 'Already proj, no proj exists'
        cw = is_clockwise(pts)
        if cw:
    if ignore_holes:
        print 'ignoring holes'
        holes = None
#    if len(holes) > 0:
#        print '\tThere are {0} holes'.format(len(holes))
    if len(exteriors) == 1:
        #       print 'Single polygon, {0}'.format(shp.the_feat_name)
        poly = Polygon(exteriors[0], holes)
    elif len(exteriors) > 1:
        #        print 'Multipolygon, {0}'.format(shp.the_feat_name)
        # use multipolygon, but we need to assign the holes to the right
        # exteriors
        from kartograph.geometry import BBox
        used_holes = set()
        polygons = []
        for ext in exteriors:
            bbox = BBox()
            my_holes = []
            for pt in ext:
            for h in range(len(holes)):
                if h not in used_holes:
                    hole = holes[h]
                    if bbox.check_point(hole[0]):
                        # this is a very weak test but it should be sufficient
            polygons.append(Polygon(ext, my_holes))
        if min_area:
            # compute maximum area
            max_area = 0
            for poly in polygons:
                max_area = max(max_area, poly.area)
            # filter out polygons that are below min_area * max_area
            polygons = [
                poly for poly in polygons if poly.area >= min_area * max_area
        poly = MultiPolygon(polygons)
        #        return None
        raise KartographError(
            'shapefile import failed - no outer polygon found')

#    print 'poly={0}'.format(poly)
    return poly