Example #1
 def displayClicked(self):
     #add an SVG object to the main window, make this re-render that
     self.statusBar.showMessage("Displaying, please wait...")
     css = open('world2.css').read()
     cfg = options.read_map_config(open('world.json'))
     self.K.generate(cfg, outfile='world.svg', stylesheet=css, preview = False)
     self.statusBar.showMessage("Map Displayed.")
     if self.CountryInput.text() and not self.CountryInput.text() in self.existingChecks:
         tempWidget = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.CountryInput.text(), self)
         self.grid.addWidget(tempWidget, self.bottomCheck, 1)
         self.bottomCheck += 1
Example #2
    print 'I need a shapefile to test with. Will download one from naturalearthdata.com\n'
    from subprocess import call
    call(['wget', 'http://www.naturalearthdata.com/http//www.naturalearthdata.com/download/50m/cultural/ne_50m_admin_0_countries.zip'])
    print '\nUnzipping...\n'
    call(['unzip', 'ne_50m_admin_0_countries.zip', '-d', 'data'])

passed = 0
failed = 0

log = open('log.txt', 'w')

for fn in glob('configs/*.*'):
    fn_parts = splitext(basename(fn))
    print 'running text', basename(fn), '...',
        cfg = read_map_config(open(fn))
        K = Kartograph()
        css_url = 'styles/' + fn_parts[0] + '.css'
        css = None
        if exists(css_url):
            css = open(css_url).read()
        svg_url = 'results/' + fn_parts[0] + '.svg'
        if exists(svg_url):
        K.generate(cfg, 'results/' + fn_parts[0] + '.svg', preview=False, format='svg', stylesheet=css)
        print 'ok.'
        passed += 1
    except Exception, e:
        import traceback
        ignore_path_len = len(__file__) - 7
        exc = sys.exc_info()
Example #3
def generate_zipcodes_map(data, zipcode, identifier, key_field, algorithm):
    Generate a map with provided data. It will cache the maps based on the 
    identifier, which will be the name. The zipcode is used to find the kml.

    The key_field will be the field taken into account for the heat map. The algorithm
    must be one of the "Algorithms" (e.g., Algorithms.LINEAR).

    Example. Providing this data:

        '28004' : { # Each external zipcode

            'key1' : 154,
            'key2' : 153,
            'key3' : 155,
        '28009' : { # Each external zipcode

            'key1' : 300,
            'key2' : 100,
            'key3' :  50,
    A zipcode called '28008', an identifier 'heatmap_incomes', and a key_field 'key1', it will generate and cache a map where the zipcodes 28004 and 28009 will appear, being the latter closer to red since its 'key1' is higher.
    data_hash = hashlib.new("md5", repr(data)).hexdigest()

    svg_file = 'intellidata/static/geo/%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.svg' % (zipcode, identifier, key_field, algorithm, data_hash)
    json_svg_file = 'intellidata/static/geo/%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.svg.json' % (zipcode, identifier, key_field, algorithm, data_hash)

    if CACHE_MAP and os.path.exists(svg_file):
        return svg_file

    shp_file_path = obtain_shp_file(data, zipcode, identifier, key_field, data_hash, algorithm)

    # TODO: improve this. It's already done before
    all_fields = set()

    for zdata in data.values():
        for field in zdata:

    sorted_fields = sorted(list(all_fields))
    attributes = {'Position' : 'Position', 'ZCode' : 'ZCode'}
    for sorted_field in sorted_fields:
        attributes[sorted_field.title()] = sorted_field.title()

    kartograph_settings = OrderedDict()
    kartograph_settings["proj"] = { "id": "sinusoidal", "lon0": 20 }
    kartograph_settings["layers"] = OrderedDict()
    kartograph_settings["layers"]["background"] = {"special": "sea"}
    kartograph_settings["layers"]["graticule"] = { "special": "graticule", 
            "latitudes": 1, 
            "longitudes": 1, 
            "styles": { "stroke-width": "0.3px" } 
    kartograph_settings["layers"]["world"] = {
            "src": "data/geo/ne_10m_admin_0_countries_cropped.shp"
    kartograph_settings["layers"]["provinces"] = {
        "src" : "data/geo/provincias.shp"
#    kartograph_settings["layers"]["world"] = {
#            "src": "data/geo/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.shp"
#        }
    kartograph_settings["layers"]["zipcodes"] = {
           "src": shp_file_path,
           "attributes": attributes
    kartograph_settings["bounds"] = {
        "mode": "bbox",
        "data": [-10, 35, 5, 45],
        "crop": [-12, 33, 7, 47]

    json_svg_file_sio = StringIO.StringIO(json.dumps(kartograph_settings, indent = 4))
    json_svg_file_sio.name = json_svg_file
    K = Kartograph()
    css = open("intellidata/static/geo/maps.css").read()
    cfg = read_map_config(json_svg_file_sio)
    K.generate(cfg, outfile=svg_file, format='svg', stylesheet=css)
    return svg_file
Example #4
from kartograph import Kartograph
from kartograph.options import read_map_config
import sys
K = Kartograph()
K.generate(cfg, outfile='level3_wgs84.svg',format='svg')