Example #1
class ApplyDefaultInfo(OrganizationAction):

    description = _("apply default custom info keynames to all existing entities")

    def __init__(self):
        super(ApplyDefaultInfo, self).__init__()
        self.default_info_api = OrganizationDefaultInfoAPI()

    def setup_parser(self, parser):
        parser.add_option("--name", dest='name', help=_("organization name eg: foo.example.com (required)"))
        parser.add_option("--type", dest='type', help=_("'system' (required)"))

    def check_options(self, validator):
        validator.require(('name', 'type'))

    def run(self):
        org_name = self.get_option('name')
        informable_type = self.get_option('type').lower()
        response = self.default_info_api.apply(org_name, informable_type)

        if response:
            print _("Applied [ %(sys_count)d %(katello_obj)s ] default custom info in Org [ %(org_name)s ]") \
                % {'sys_count': len(response), 'org_name': org_name, 'katello_obj': informable_type.capitalize()}
            print _("Could not apply [ %(katello_obj)s ] default custom info keys to Org [ %(org_name)s ]") \
                % {'org_name': org_name, 'katello_obj': informable_type.capitalize()}
Example #2
class ApplyDefaultInfo(OrganizationAction):

    description = _("apply default custom info keynames to all existing entities")

    def __init__(self):
        super(ApplyDefaultInfo, self).__init__()
        self.default_info_api = OrganizationDefaultInfoAPI()

    def setup_parser(self, parser):
        parser.add_option("--name", dest='name', help=_("organization name eg: foo.example.com (required)"))
        parser.add_option("--type", dest='type', help=_("'system' (required)"))
        parser.add_option("--no-async", dest="no_async",
            action="store_true", default=False, help=_("do not run this action asynchronously"))

    def check_options(self, validator):
        validator.require(('name', 'type'))

    def run(self):
        org_name = self.get_option('name')
        informable_type = self.get_option('type').lower()
        async = not self.get_option('no_async')

        if async:
            task = AsyncTask(self.default_info_api.apply(org_name, informable_type, async)['task'])
            run_spinner_in_bg(wait_for_async_task, [task], message=_("Applying default info, please wait... "))

            return evaluate_task_status(task,
                failed   = _("Organization [ %s ] failed to apply default info") % org_name,
                canceled = _("Organization [ %s ] canceled applying default info") % org_name,
                ok       = _("Organization [ %s ] completed applying default info") % org_name
            self.default_info_api.apply(org_name, informable_type, async)

            print _("Organization [ %s ] completed applying default info") % org_name
            return os.EX_OK