def _print_semexes_header(ctx): """ Pretty prints the semexes """ pp("Path Sets: ") for name, semex in ctx.semexes().iteritems(): pp(" %s %s" % (name, semex.semex))
def _print_most_likely_paths(ctx, node): """ Calculates and prints the most likely endpoints for all semexes in the context provided. """ indent() graph = ctx.graph num_nodes = ctx.graph_number_of_nodes() for name, val in ctx.semexes().iteritems(): if not continue # Calculate semex starting at this neighbor node semex = val.semex this_semex = make_semex_starting_here(ctx.transition, ctx.transition_op, graph, num_nodes, semex, node) most_likely = most_likely_endpoints(this_semex, num_nodes) nodes = graph.nodes() # cache this lookup pp("%s"%name) indent() for (idx, val) in most_likely: endpoint = nodes[idx] # Skip current if endpoint == ctx.posn or endpoint == node: continue pp("%s [%e]" % (str(endpoint)[:80], val)) deindent() deindent()
def semex_add(ctx, args): """ Adds a semex to the context's list of semexes. Args: ctx (context.Context) args (kct.argparse.Namepsace) (str) - used to refer to the semex args.semex-str (str) - the semex in string form. A valid argument to semex.parser.compile_regex Returns: None """ from vinge.semex.parser import compile_regex, RegexParseException from vinge.semex.ast_to_semex import ast_to_semex name = # argparse gives us an array of strings as the semex-str. We want a string semex_str = ' '.join(getattr(args, 'semex-str')) try: semex_ast = compile_regex(semex_str) semex = ast_to_semex(ctx.graph, ctx.transition, ctx.transition_op, semex_ast) # Add to the context ctx.add_semex(name, semex) pp('Successfully added path set') except RegexParseException, rpe: error("Error parsing path set (semex) '%s': %s"%(semex_str, rpe.message))
def repl(ctx): parser = _setup_command_parser() while True: output.pp("> ", newline=False) str_args = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() parser_args = str_args.split() try: args = parser.parse_args(parser_args) except _CommandParsingError, cpe: print "Error %s" % cpe.message continue args.func(ctx, args)
def semex_peek(ctx, args): name = node_ref_str = getattr(args, 'node-ref') node_ref = parse_node_ref(node_ref_str) if node_ref is None: error("Error %s is not a valid node-ref" % node_ref_str) return node = ctx.node_by_node_ref(node_ref) active_semex = ctx.semexes().get(name) if active_semex is None: error("Error unknown path set '%s'" % name) semex = active_semex.semex new_semex = make_semex_starting_here(ctx.transition, ctx.transition_op, ctx.graph, ctx.graph_number_of_nodes(), semex, node) most_likely = most_likely_endpoints(new_semex, ctx.graph_number_of_nodes()) for (idx, val) in most_likely: endpoint = ctx.graph.nodes()[idx] pp("%s [%e]" % (str(endpoint)[:80], val))
def semex_list(ctx, args): """ Prints the current semexes. """ for name, semex in ctx.semexes().iteritems(): pp(" %s: %s" % (name, str(semex.semex)))
def do_help(ctx, args): topic = args.topic # General help message if not topic: pp("help <topic>") for key in sorted(_HELP.iterkeys()): pp(key, indent=1) # Top level (we're only going one level if this gets much more complex # I'm going back to trying to make argparse work) elif _HELP.get(topic[0]): if len(topic) == 1: pp('%s ' % color.bold(topic[0]), newline=False) pp(_HELP[topic[0]]['_msg']) # Check if there's sub topics subtopics = filter(lambda s: s != '_msg', _HELP[topic[0]].keys()) if len(subtopics) > 0: pp(' Subtopics') for key in sorted(subtopics): pp(key, indent=2) elif _HELP[topic[0]].get(topic[1]): pp('%s %s ' % (color.bold(topic[0]), topic[1]), newline=False) pp(_HELP[topic[0]][topic[1]]) else: pp("Unknown action: %s" % ' '.join(topic)) # Nothing else: pp("Unknown action: %s" % ' '.join(topic))