Example #1
def create_testcase04():

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    y_pla = instrument['RV_offset1'] + \
                             planet_b['o']) + \

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, instrument['RV_precision'])

    #Tcent_b = kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref
    Tcent_b = np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0, 10) * planet_b['P'] + kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(
            planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref,

    Tcent_c = np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0, 10) * planet_c['P'] + kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(
            planet_c['P'], planet_c['f'], planet_c['e'], planet_c['o']) + Tref,

    fileout = open('TestCase04_RV.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(
            b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('TestCase04_Tcent_b.dat', 'w')
    for i_Tc, v_Tc in enumerate(Tcent_b):
        fileout.write('{0:d}  {1:.4f}  {2:.4f}  {3:d}\n'.format(
            i_Tc, v_Tc, instrument['T0_precision'], 0))

    fileout = open('TestCase04_Tcent_c.dat', 'w')
    for i_Tc, v_Tc in enumerate(Tcent_c):
        fileout.write('{0:d}  {1:.4f}  {2:.4f}  {3:d}\n'.format(
            i_Tc, v_Tc, instrument['T0_precision'], 0))
def create_testcase08():

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(bjd0,
                             planet_b['o']) \
            + instrument['RV_offset1'] \
            + polynomial_trend['c1']*bjd0 + polynomial_trend['c2']*bjd0*bjd0

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, instrument['RV_precision'])

    Tcent_b =  np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0, 5)*planet_b['P'] + kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref,

    fileout = open('TestCase08_RV.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('TestCase08_Tcent_b.dat', 'w')
    for i_Tc, v_Tc in enumerate(Tcent_b):
        fileout.write('{0:d}  {1:.4f}  {2:.4f}  {3:d}\n'.format(i_Tc, v_Tc, instrument['T0_precision'], 0))
def create_testcase03():

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    y_pla = instrument['RV_offset1'] + \
                             planet_b['o']) + \

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, instrument['RV_precision'])

    #Tcent_b = kp.kepler_phase2Tc_Tref(planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref
    Tcent_b = np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0, 5) * planet_b['P'] + kp.kepler_phase2Tc_Tref(
            planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref,

    fileout = open('TestCase03_RV.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(
            b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    #fileout = open('TestCase01_Tcent_b.dat', 'w')
    #for ii in xrange(0, np.size(Transit_Time)):
    #    fileout.write('{0:d} {1:f} {2:f} {3:d} \n'.format(ii, Tcent_b, 0.01, 0))

    fileout = open('TestCase03_Tcent_b.dat', 'w')
    for i_Tc, v_Tc in enumerate(Tcent_b):
        fileout.write('{0:d}  {1:.4f}  {2:.4f}  {3:d}\n'.format(
            i_Tc, v_Tc, instrument['T0_precision'], 0))
Example #4
def create_testcase01():

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(bjd0, planet_b['f'], planet_b['P'], planet_b['K'],
                             planet_b['o']) + instrument['RV_offset1']

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, instrument['RV_precision'])

    fileout = open('TestCase01_RV.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(
            b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))
Example #5
def create_test2():
    x = np.arange(6000, 6100, 1, dtype=np.double)
    x = np.random.normal(x, 0.4)
    Tref = np.mean(x, dtype=np.double)
    x0 = x - Tref

    print Tref
    P = 23.4237346
    K = 43.47672
    phase = 0.34658203
    e = 0.13
    omega = 0.673434
    offset = 45605

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x0, phase, P, K, e, omega) + offset

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, 2)

    trip = np.arange(10, 3, -1)
    Transit_Time = kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(P, phase, e, omega) + Tref - trip * P
    Transit_Time = kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(P, phase, e, omega) + Tref
    print 'Transit Time:', Transit_Time
    print 'transit Time - Tref', Transit_Time - Tref

    plt.scatter(x, mod_pl)

    fileout = open('test2_RV.dat', 'w')
    for ii in xrange(0, np.size(x)):
        fileout.write('{0:14f} {1:14f} {2:14f} {3:5d} {4:5d} {5:5d} \n'.format(
            x[ii], mod_pl[ii], 2., 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('test2_Tcent_0.dat', 'w')
    for ii in xrange(0, np.size(Transit_Time)):
        fileout.write('{0:14f} {1:14f} \n'.format(Transit_Time, 0.01))
Example #6
def create_test1():

    x = np.arange(6000, 6500, 1, dtype=np.double)
    Tref = np.mean(x, dtype=np.double)
    x0 = x - Tref

    P = 23.4237346
    K = 43.47672
    phase = 0.34658203
    e = 0.13
    omega = 0.673434
    offset = 45605

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x0, phase, P, K, e, omega) + offset

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla, 2)

    n_periods = 2
    n_pha = 4
    # Period1

    Prot = 9.234
    pha = np.zeros([n_periods, n_pha], dtype=np.double)
    pha[0, :] = [0.452, 0.894, 0.622, 0.344]
    pha[1, :] = [0.236, 0.522, 0.974, 0.334]

    off = np.zeros(n_periods, dtype=np.double)
    off[:] = 0.56424

    amp = np.zeros([n_periods, n_pha], dtype=np.double)
    amp[0, :] = [35.0, 24.0, 17.0, 7.0]
    amp[1, :] = [30.0, 19.0, 12.0, 8.0]

    p_mask = np.zeros([n_periods, np.size(x)], dtype=np.bool)
    p_mask[0, :] = (x > 5000) & (x < 6250)
    p_mask[1, :] = (x > 6250) & (x < 7000)

    har = np.arange(1, np.size(amp, axis=1) + 1, 1., dtype=np.double)

    mod_rv = np.zeros(np.size(x), dtype=np.double)
    mod_ph1 = np.zeros(np.size(x), dtype=np.double)
    mod_ind = np.zeros([n_periods, np.size(x)], dtype=np.double)
    xph = (x0 / Prot) % 1

    for ii in xrange(0, n_periods):
        for jj in xrange(0, n_pha):
            mod_ind[ii, :] = p_mask[ii, :] * amp[ii, jj] * np.sin(
                (har[jj] * xph + pha[ii, jj] + off[ii]) * 2. * np.pi)
            mod_rv += mod_ind[ii, :]
            # plt.plot(x[p_mask[ii,:]],mod_ind[ii,p_mask[ii,:]])

    amp = np.zeros([n_periods, n_pha], dtype=np.double)
    amp[0, :] = [0.0350, 0.0240, 0.0170, 0.0070]
    amp[1, :] = [0.0300, 0.0190, 0.0120, 0.0080]

    for ii in xrange(0, n_periods):
        for jj in xrange(0, n_pha):
            mod_ind[ii, :] = p_mask[ii, :] * amp[ii, jj] * np.sin(
                (har[jj] * xph + pha[ii, jj]) * 2. * np.pi)
            mod_ph1 += mod_ind[ii, :]
            # plt.plot(x[p_mask[ii,:]],mod_ind[ii,p_mask[ii,:]])

    mod_ph = np.random.normal(mod_ph1, 0.002)

    fileout = open('example/test1_RV.dat', 'w')
    for ii in xrange(0, np.size(x)):
        fileout.write('{0:14f} {1:14f} {2:14f} {3:5d} {4:5d} {5:5d} \n'.format(
            x[ii], mod_rv[ii] + mod_pl[ii], 1., 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('test1/test1_PH.dat', 'w')
    for ii in xrange(0, np.size(x)):
        fileout.write('{0:14f} {1:14f} {2:14f} {3:5d} {4:5d} {5:5d} \n'.format(
            x[ii], mod_ph[ii], 0.002, 0, 0, -1))
        planet['f'] = plsq[0][0]
        if planet['f'] < 0.00:
            planet['f'] += 2 * np.pi
    planet['mA'] = planet['f'] - planet['o']

#for planet_name, planet in planets.items():
for planet_name in config_in['plot_planets']:

    planet = planets[planet_name]

    print(' *** Planet ', planet_name, ' *** ')

    single_orbit_bjd = np.arange(-0.5, 1.5, 0.001, dtype=np.double)
    single_orbit_RV = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(single_orbit_bjd, planet['f'], 1.00000, 1.0000, planet['e'], planet['o'])

    single_orbit_1period_bjd = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.001, dtype=np.double)
    single_orbit_1period_RV = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(single_orbit_1period_bjd, planet['f'], 1.00000, 1.0000, planet['e'], planet['o'])

    #upper_quad = [single_orbit_bjd[np.where(single_orbit_RV > 1.0-planet['quadrature_window'])[0][0]],
    #              single_orbit_bjd[np.where(single_orbit_RV > 1.0-planet['quadrature_window'])[0][-1]]]
    phase_upper_quadrature = single_orbit_1period_bjd[np.argmax(single_orbit_1period_RV)]

    upper_quad = [
        single_orbit_bjd[np.where(single_orbit_bjd > phase_upper_quadrature-planet['quadrature_window'])[0][0]],
        single_orbit_bjd[np.where(single_orbit_bjd < phase_upper_quadrature+planet['quadrature_window'])[0][-1]]]

    print('first upper quadrature since reference time --> ', upper_quad)

    #lower_quad = [single_orbit_bjd[np.where(single_orbit_RV < planet['quadrature_window']-1.0)[0][0]],
    y_kep = np.zeros([np.size(x_kep), 2])

    x_pha = np.arange(-1.00,2.00,0.005,dtype=np.double)
    y_pha = np.zeros([np.size(x_pha), 2])

    y_flg = np.ones(random_n, dtype=bool)

    y_kep_tmp = np.zeros(np.size(x_kep))
    y_pha_tmp = np.zeros(np.size(x_pha))

    if pams_limits[3,0] < 0.02: pams_limits[3,0]=0.00
    for ii in xrange(0,4):
        y_flg = y_flg & (sample_plan[ii_kep, ii]>=pams_limits[ii,0]) & ( sample_plan[ii_kep, ii]<=pams_limits[ii,1])

    y_kep[:,0] = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_kep - Tref, orbit_pam[pp,2], orbit_pam[pp,0], orbit_pam[pp,1], orbit_pam[pp,3], orbit_pam[pp,4])
    y_kep[:,1] = y_kep[:,0]
        # value initialization
    y_pha[:,0] = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_pha*orbit_pam[pp,0], orbit_pam[pp,2], orbit_pam[pp,0], orbit_pam[pp,1], orbit_pam[pp,3], orbit_pam[pp,4])
    y_pha[:,1] = y_pha[:,0]

    fig1 =plt.plot(x_kep,y_kep[:,0],c='g')
    fig2 =plt.plot(x_pha,y_pha[:,0],c='g')

    print 'Accepted randomizations: ', np.sum(y_flg)
    for ii in xrange(0, random_n):
        ir = ii_kep[ii]
        if (y_flg[ii]):
            y_kep_tmp = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_kep - Tref, sample_plan[ir, 2], sample_plan[ir, 0], sample_plan[ir, 1], sample_plan[ir, 3], sample_plan[ir, 4])
            y_pha_tmp = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_pha*sample_plan[ir, 0], sample_plan[ir, 2], sample_plan[ir, 0], sample_plan[ir, 1], sample_plan[ir, 3], sample_plan[ir, 4])
import kepler_exo as kp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

xx = np.arange(0, 1.000, 0.001)

single_orbit_RV = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(xx, np.pi / 2, 1.00000, 1.0000, 0.00,
                                   np.pi / 2)
plt.plot(xx, single_orbit_RV)
def create_testcase07():
    import george

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    err = bjd0 * 0 + instrument['RV_precision']

    gp_pams = np.zeros(4)
    gp_pams[0] = np.log(activity['Hamp_RV1']) * 2
    gp_pams[1] = np.log(activity['Pdec'])*2
    gp_pams[2] = 1. / (2*activity['Oamp'] ** 2)
    gp_pams[3] = np.log(activity['Prot'])

    kernel = np.exp(gp_pams[0]) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(metric=np.exp(gp_pams[1])) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSine2Kernel(gamma=gp_pams[1], log_period=gp_pams[2])

    gp = george.GP(kernel)

    gp.compute(bjd0, err)
    prediction1 = gp.sample(bjd0)

    gp_pams[0] = np.log(activity['Hamp_RV2']) * 2
    kernel = np.exp(gp_pams[0]) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(metric=np.exp(gp_pams[1])) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSine2Kernel(gamma=gp_pams[1], log_period=gp_pams[2])

    gp = george.GP(kernel)

    gp.compute(bjd0, err)
    prediction2 = gp.sample(bjd0)

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(bjd0,

    mod_pl1 = np.random.normal(y_pla + prediction1 + instrument['RV_offset1'], instrument['RV_precision'])
    mod_pl2 = np.random.normal(y_pla + prediction2 + instrument['RV_offset2'], instrument['RV_precision'])

    Tcent_b =  np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0,1)*planet_b['P'] + kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref,

    fileout = open('TestCase07_RV_dataset1.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl1):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('TestCase07_RV_dataset2.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl2):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    fileout = open('TestCase07_Tcent_b.dat', 'w')
    for i_Tc, v_Tc in enumerate(Tcent_b):
        fileout.write('{0:d}  {1:.4f}  {2:.4f}  {3:d}\n'.format(i_Tc, v_Tc, instrument['T0_precision'], 0))
def create_testcase06():
    import george

    bjd0 = photometry['phot_bjd'] - Tref
    err = bjd0 * 0 + photometry['phot_precision']

    """ Conversion of the physical parameter to the internally defined parameter
    to be passed to george 
    gp_pams = np.zeros(4)
    gp_pams[0] = np.log(activity['Hamp_PH']) * 2
    gp_pams[1] = np.log(activity['Pdec']) * 2
    gp_pams[2] = 1. / (2 * activity['Oamp'] ** 2)
    gp_pams[3] = np.log(activity['Prot'])

    kernel = np.exp(gp_pams[0]) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(metric=np.exp(gp_pams[1])) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSine2Kernel(gamma=gp_pams[1], log_period=gp_pams[2])

    gp = george.GP(kernel)

    gp.compute(bjd0, err)
    prediction = gp.sample(bjd0)
    obs_photometry = np.random.normal(prediction, instrument['RV_precision'])

    fileout = open('TestCase06_photometry.dat', 'w')
    for b, p in zip(photometry['phot_bjd'], obs_photometry):
        fileout.write('{0:14f} {1:14f} {2:14f} {3:5d} {4:5d} {5:5d} \n'.format(
            b, p, photometry['phot_precision'], 0, 0, -1))

    bjd0 = bjd_obs - Tref

    err = bjd0 * 0 + instrument['RV_precision']

    gp_pams[0] = np.log(activity['Hamp_RV1']) * 2
    kernel = np.exp(gp_pams[0]) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSquaredKernel(metric=np.exp(gp_pams[1])) * \
             george.kernels.ExpSine2Kernel(gamma=gp_pams[1], log_period=gp_pams[2])

    gp = george.GP(kernel)

    gp.compute(bjd0, err)
    prediction = gp.sample(bjd0)

    y_pla = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(bjd0,
                             planet_b['o']) + instrument['RV_offset1']

    mod_pl = np.random.normal(y_pla + prediction, instrument['RV_precision'])

    Tcent_b =  np.random.normal(
        np.arange(0,1)*planet_b['P'] + kp.kepler_Tcent_T0P(planet_b['P'], planet_b['f'], planet_b['e'], planet_b['o']) + Tref,

    fileout = open('TestCase06_RV.dat', 'w')
    for b, r in zip(bjd_obs, mod_pl):
        fileout.write('{0:f}  {1:.2f}  {2:.2f}  {3:d}  {4:d}  {5:d}\n'.format(b, r, instrument['RV_precision'], 0, 0, -1))
def lnlike(theta):
    ## derived_orb = np.empty(0, dtype=np.double)
    derived_orb = []
    ip = 0
    if flag_rv:
        rv_model = np.zeros(rv_n, dtype=np.double)
        rv_j_add = np.zeros(rv_n, dtype=np.double)

        ## Going trough the orbital parameters of each individual planet
        ## to compute the non-interacting Keplerian RV
        for pp in xrange(0, n_planets):
            e     = np.asarray(0., dtype=np.double)
            omega = np.asarray(0., dtype=np.double)

            ## P and K are converted from their logarithmic value
            P = 10.0 ** (theta[ip + 0])
            k = 10.0 ** (theta[ip + 1])
            ## Their values are stored in output to have the chain and correlation plot
            ## in a readable form

            if (n_orbpams[pp] == 5):
                ## for non-null eccentricity, sqrt(e)*sin(omega) and sqrt(e)*cos(omega)
                ## are converted to e and omega, and their value are given in output
                ## for readable display of chains and triangle diagram
                # theta[ip + 3] = sqrt(e)*sin(omega)
                # theta[ip + 4] = sqrt(e)*cos(omega)
                e = theta[ip + 3] ** 2 + theta[ip + 4] ** 2
                omega = np.arctan2(theta[ip + 3], theta[ip + 4])
            rv_model += kp.kepler_RV_T0P(rv_x0, theta[ip + 2], P, k, e, omega)
            ip += n_orbpams[pp]

        # for ii in xrange(0, n_trends):
        #   rv_model += rv_x0 ** ii * theta[ip + ii]
        # ip += n_trends

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvj): rv_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * rvj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvo): rv_model += theta[ip + ii] * rvo_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvo

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvl): rv_model += theta[ip + ii] * rv_x0 * rvl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvl

    if flag_p1:
        p1_model = np.zeros(p1_n, dtype=np.double)
        p1_j_add = np.zeros(p1_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1j): p1_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * p1j_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1j

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1o): p1_model += theta[ip + ii] * p1o_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1o

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1l): p1_model += theta[ip + ii] * p1_x0 * p1l_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1l

    if flag_p2:
        p2_model = np.zeros(p2_n, dtype=np.double)
        p2_j_add = np.zeros(p2_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2j): p2_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * p2j_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2j

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2o): p2_model += theta[ip + ii] * p2o_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2o

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2l): p2_model += theta[ip + ii] * p2_x0 * p2l_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2l

    if flag_fw:
        fw_model = np.zeros(fw_n, dtype=np.double)
        fw_j_add = np.zeros(fw_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwj): fw_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * fwj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwo): fw_model += theta[ip + ii] * fwo_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwo

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwl): fw_model += theta[ip + ii] * fw_x0 * fwl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwl

    if flag_bs:
        bs_model = np.zeros(bs_n, dtype=np.double)
        bs_j_add = np.zeros(bs_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bsj): bs_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * bsj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bsj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bso): bs_model += theta[ip + ii] * bso_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bso

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bsl): bs_model += theta[ip + ii] * bs_x0 * bsl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bsl

    ## kind_sin option 1 (SPLINE fit) has been removed from this code
    if kind_sin > 1:
        Prot_run = theta[ip]
        ip += 1

        ph_off = np.zeros(n_pof+1, dtype=np.double)

        if (phase_coherence):
            ph_off[0] = theta[ip + n_pof]
            ph_off[1:n_pof+1] = theta[ip:ip + n_pof]

        if ((not phase_synchro) and (not phase_coherence)):
            ph_off[1:n_pof+1] = theta[ip:ip + n_pof]

        ip += n_pof

        for nk in xrange(0, n_periods):

            ph_sin = np.zeros(n_pha, dtype=np.double)

            if (phase_synchro):
                ph_sin[:] = theta[ip]

            if ((not phase_synchro) and (not phase_coherence)):
                ph_sin[:] = theta[ip:ip + n_pha]

            ip += n_pha
            ip_pof = 0

            if rvp_flag[nk]:
                rv_xph = (rv_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_rva):
                    for ii in xrange(0, n_amp[jj]):
                        rv_model += rvp_mask[:,nk] * rva_mask[:, jj] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                            ((ii + 1.) * rv_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[ip_pof])* 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp[jj]
                ip_pof += 1
            if p1p_flag[nk]:
                p1_xph = (p1_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for ii in range(0,n_pho):
                    p1_model += p1p_mask[:,nk] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                        ((ii + 1.) * p1_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                ip += n_pho
                ip_pof += 1
            if p2p_flag[nk]:
                p2_xph = (p2_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                tp_pof = ip_pof - 1
                for ii in range(0, n_pho):
                    p2_model += p2p_mask[:, nk] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                        ((ii + 1.) * p2_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[tp_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                ip += n_pho
                ## ip_pof += 1
            if fwp_flag[nk]:
                fw_xph = (fw_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_fwa):
                    for ii in range(0, n_amp):
                        ## fw_model += fwp_mask[:, nk] * (
                        fw_model += fwp_mask[:, nk] * fwa_mask[:, jj] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                            ((ii + 1.) * fw_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp
                ip_pof += 1
            if bsp_flag[nk]:
                bs_xph = (bs_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_bsa):
                    for ii in range(0, n_amp[jj]):
                        ## bs_model += bsp_mask[:, nk] * (
                        bs_model += bsp_mask[:, nk] * bsa_mask[:, jj] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                            ((ii + 1.) * bs_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp[jj]
                ip_pof += 1

    chi2_OUT = 0.
    if flag_rv:
        rve_env = 1.0 / (rv_e ** 2.0 + rv_j_add ** 2.0)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((rv_y - rv_model) ** 2 * rve_env - np.log(rve_env))
    if flag_p1:
        p1e_env = 1.0 / (p1_e ** 2.0 + p1_j_add ** 2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((p1_y - p1_model) ** 2 * p1e_env - np.log(p1e_env))
    if flag_p2:
        p2e_env = 1.0 / (p2_e ** 2.0 + p2_j_add ** 2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((p2_y - p2_model) ** 2 * p2e_env - np.log(p2e_env))
    if flag_fw:
        fwe_env = 1.0 / (fw_e ** 2.0 + fw_j_add ** 2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((fw_y - fw_model) ** 2 * fwe_env - np.log(fwe_env))
    if flag_bs:
        bse_env = 1.0 / (bs_e ** 2.0 + bs_j_add ** 2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((bs_y - bs_model) ** 2 * bse_env - np.log(bse_env))
    ## print ii_tot,   chi2_bin, chi2_bin/ii_tot, theta[ip]
    return -0.5 * (chi2_OUT), derived_orb
    x_pha = np.arange(-1.00, 2.00, 0.005, dtype=np.double)
    y_pha = np.zeros([np.size(x_pha), 2])

    y_flg = np.ones(random_n, dtype=bool)

    y_kep_tmp = np.zeros(np.size(x_kep))
    y_pha_tmp = np.zeros(np.size(x_pha))

    if pams_limits[3, 0] < 0.02: pams_limits[3, 0] = 0.00
    for ii in xrange(0, 4):
        y_flg = y_flg & (sample_plan[ii_kep, ii] >= pams_limits[ii, 0]) & (
            sample_plan[ii_kep, ii] <= pams_limits[ii, 1])

    y_kep[:, 0] = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_kep - Tref, orbit_pam[pp, 2],
                                   orbit_pam[pp, 0], orbit_pam[pp, 1],
                                   orbit_pam[pp, 3], orbit_pam[pp, 4])
    y_kep[:, 1] = y_kep[:, 0]
    # value initialization
    y_pha[:, 0] = kp.kepler_RV_T0P(x_pha * orbit_pam[pp, 0], orbit_pam[pp, 2],
                                   orbit_pam[pp, 0], orbit_pam[pp, 1],
                                   orbit_pam[pp, 3], orbit_pam[pp, 4])
    y_pha[:, 1] = y_pha[:, 0]

    fig1 = plt.plot(x_kep, y_kep[:, 0], c='g')
    fig2 = plt.plot(x_pha, y_pha[:, 0], c='g')

    print 'Accepted randomizations: ', np.sum(y_flg)
    for ii in xrange(0, random_n):
        ir = ii_kep[ii]
        if (y_flg[ii]):
Example #14
def lnlike(theta):
    ## derived_orb = np.empty(0, dtype=np.double)
    derived_orb = []
    ip = 0
    if flag_rv:
        rv_model = np.zeros(rv_n, dtype=np.double)
        rv_j_add = np.zeros(rv_n, dtype=np.double)

        ## Going trough the orbital parameters of each individual planet
        ## to compute the non-interacting Keplerian RV
        for pp in xrange(0, n_planets):
            e = np.asarray(0., dtype=np.double)
            omega = np.asarray(0., dtype=np.double)

            ## P and K are converted from their logarithmic value
            P = 10.0**(theta[ip + 0])
            k = 10.0**(theta[ip + 1])
            ## Their values are stored in output to have the chain and correlation plot
            ## in a readable form

            if (n_orbpams[pp] == 5):
                ## for non-null eccentricity, sqrt(e)*sin(omega) and sqrt(e)*cos(omega)
                ## are converted to e and omega, and their value are given in output
                ## for readable display of chains and triangle diagram
                # theta[ip + 3] = sqrt(e)*sin(omega)
                # theta[ip + 4] = sqrt(e)*cos(omega)
                e = theta[ip + 3]**2 + theta[ip + 4]**2
                omega = np.arctan2(theta[ip + 3], theta[ip + 4])
            rv_model += kp.kepler_RV_T0P(rv_x0, theta[ip + 2], P, k, e, omega)
            ip += n_orbpams[pp]

        # for ii in xrange(0, n_trends):
        #   rv_model += rv_x0 ** ii * theta[ip + ii]
        # ip += n_trends

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvj):
            rv_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * rvj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvo):
            rv_model += theta[ip + ii] * rvo_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvo

        for ii in xrange(0, n_rvl):
            rv_model += theta[ip + ii] * rv_x0 * rvl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_rvl

    if flag_p1:
        p1_model = np.zeros(p1_n, dtype=np.double)
        p1_j_add = np.zeros(p1_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1j):
            p1_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * p1j_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1j

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1o):
            p1_model += theta[ip + ii] * p1o_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1o

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p1l):
            p1_model += theta[ip + ii] * p1_x0 * p1l_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p1l

    if flag_p2:
        p2_model = np.zeros(p2_n, dtype=np.double)
        p2_j_add = np.zeros(p2_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2j):
            p2_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * p2j_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2j

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2o):
            p2_model += theta[ip + ii] * p2o_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2o

        for ii in xrange(0, n_p2l):
            p2_model += theta[ip + ii] * p2_x0 * p2l_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_p2l

    if flag_fw:
        fw_model = np.zeros(fw_n, dtype=np.double)
        fw_j_add = np.zeros(fw_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwj):
            fw_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * fwj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwo):
            fw_model += theta[ip + ii] * fwo_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwo

        for ii in xrange(0, n_fwl):
            fw_model += theta[ip + ii] * fw_x0 * fwl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_fwl

    if flag_bs:
        bs_model = np.zeros(bs_n, dtype=np.double)
        bs_j_add = np.zeros(bs_n, dtype=np.double)

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bsj):
            bs_j_add += theta[ip + ii] * bsj_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bsj

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bso):
            bs_model += theta[ip + ii] * bso_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bso

        for ii in xrange(0, n_bsl):
            bs_model += theta[ip + ii] * bs_x0 * bsl_mask[:, ii]
        ip += n_bsl

    ## kind_sin option 1 (SPLINE fit) has been removed from this code
    if kind_sin > 1:
        Prot_run = theta[ip]
        ip += 1

        ph_off = np.zeros(n_pof + 1, dtype=np.double)

        if (phase_coherence):
            ph_off[0] = theta[ip + n_pof]
            ph_off[1:n_pof + 1] = theta[ip:ip + n_pof]

        if ((not phase_synchro) and (not phase_coherence)):
            ph_off[1:n_pof + 1] = theta[ip:ip + n_pof]

        ip += n_pof

        for nk in xrange(0, n_periods):

            ph_sin = np.zeros(n_pha, dtype=np.double)

            if (phase_synchro):
                ph_sin[:] = theta[ip]

            if ((not phase_synchro) and (not phase_coherence)):
                ph_sin[:] = theta[ip:ip + n_pha]

            ip += n_pha
            ip_pof = 0

            if rvp_flag[nk]:
                rv_xph = (rv_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_rva):
                    for ii in xrange(0, n_amp[jj]):
                        rv_model += rvp_mask[:, nk] * rva_mask[:, jj] * theta[
                            ip + ii] * np.sin(
                                ((ii + 1.) * rv_xph + ph_sin[ii] +
                                 ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp[jj]
                ip_pof += 1
            if p1p_flag[nk]:
                p1_xph = (p1_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for ii in range(0, n_pho):
                    p1_model += p1p_mask[:, nk] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                        ((ii + 1.) * p1_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[ip_pof]) *
                        2. * np.pi)
                ip += n_pho
                ip_pof += 1
            if p2p_flag[nk]:
                p2_xph = (p2_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                tp_pof = ip_pof - 1
                for ii in range(0, n_pho):
                    p2_model += p2p_mask[:, nk] * theta[ip + ii] * np.sin(
                        ((ii + 1.) * p2_xph + ph_sin[ii] + ph_off[tp_pof]) *
                        2. * np.pi)
                ip += n_pho
                ## ip_pof += 1
            if fwp_flag[nk]:
                fw_xph = (fw_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_fwa):
                    for ii in range(0, n_amp):
                        ## fw_model += fwp_mask[:, nk] * (
                        fw_model += fwp_mask[:, nk] * fwa_mask[:, jj] * theta[
                            ip + ii] * np.sin(
                                ((ii + 1.) * fw_xph + ph_sin[ii] +
                                 ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp
                ip_pof += 1
            if bsp_flag[nk]:
                bs_xph = (bs_x0 / Prot_run) % 1
                for jj in xrange(0, n_bsa):
                    for ii in range(0, n_amp[jj]):
                        ## bs_model += bsp_mask[:, nk] * (
                        bs_model += bsp_mask[:, nk] * bsa_mask[:, jj] * theta[
                            ip + ii] * np.sin(
                                ((ii + 1.) * bs_xph + ph_sin[ii] +
                                 ph_off[ip_pof]) * 2. * np.pi)
                    ip += n_amp[jj]
                ip_pof += 1

    chi2_OUT = 0.
    if flag_rv:
        rve_env = 1.0 / (rv_e**2.0 + rv_j_add**2.0)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((rv_y - rv_model)**2 * rve_env - np.log(rve_env))
    if flag_p1:
        p1e_env = 1.0 / (p1_e**2.0 + p1_j_add**2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((p1_y - p1_model)**2 * p1e_env - np.log(p1e_env))
    if flag_p2:
        p2e_env = 1.0 / (p2_e**2.0 + p2_j_add**2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((p2_y - p2_model)**2 * p2e_env - np.log(p2e_env))
    if flag_fw:
        fwe_env = 1.0 / (fw_e**2.0 + fw_j_add**2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((fw_y - fw_model)**2 * fwe_env - np.log(fwe_env))
    if flag_bs:
        bse_env = 1.0 / (bs_e**2.0 + bs_j_add**2)
        chi2_OUT += np.sum((bs_y - bs_model)**2 * bse_env - np.log(bse_env))
    ## print ii_tot,   chi2_bin, chi2_bin/ii_tot, theta[ip]
    return -0.5 * (chi2_OUT), derived_orb