def base_lstm_subword(vocabulary_size: int, embedding_size: int,
                      max_char_length: int, max_seq_length: int,
                      embedding_matrix: np.array, y_dictionary: dict) -> Model:
    input = Input(shape=(max_char_length, ), name='main_input')
    mask = Input(shape=(
    ), name='mask_input')

    embedding = Embedding(
    embedding = Dropout(0.4)(embedding)
    model = Lambda(lambda values: K.batch_dot(values[0], values[1]))(
        [mask, embedding])

    #model = Dropout(0.4)(model)
    model = Bidirectional(LSTM(256))(model)
    model = Dense(len(y_dictionary), activation='softmax')(model)
    model = Model([input, mask], model)

    optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.001, decay=0.00005)

    return model
Example #2
    def __build_model__(self):

         # The input of the NN will be the stacked frames dimensions
         # That is:
         #          -   Height: Image/State's height
         #          -   Width: Image/State's width
         #          -   Depth: Number of stacked frames (3 by default)
        inputs = Input(shape=(self.state_size_h, self.state_size_w, self.stack_size), name="main_input")

        # There will be four layers of convolutions performed on the stack of images input
        model = Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(8,8), strides=(4,4), activation="relu",
            padding="valid", kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name="conv1")(inputs)

        model = Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(4,4), strides=(2,2), activation="relu",
            padding="valid", kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name="conv2")(model)
        model = Conv2D(filters=64, kernel_size=(3,3), strides=(1,1), activation="relu",
            padding="valid", kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name="conv3")(model)
        model = Conv2D(filters=self.final_conv_layer_size, kernel_size=(7,7), strides=(1,1), activation="relu",
            padding="valid", kernel_initializer=self.kernel_initializer, name="conv4")(model)
        # Dueling DQN

        # We then separate the final convolution layer into an advantage and value
        # stream. The value function is how well off you are in a given state. Every 
        # state has its associated value (i.e. being off the road). From that 
        # point, the advantage represents how much better off you end up after performing
        # one action in that state. Q is the value function of a state after a given action.
        # Advantage(state, action) = Q(state, action) - Value(state)
        # Q values is now easier to compute
        # We give each stream half of the final Conv2D output
        #   Advantage Stream Compute (AC): 0->(final_conv_layer_size // 2)
        #   Value Stream Compute (VC): (final_conv_layer_size // 2) -> final_conv_layer_size
        stream_AC = Lambda(lambda layer: layer[:,:,:,:self.final_conv_layer_size // 2], name="advantage")(model)
        stream_VC = Lambda(lambda layer: layer[:,:,:,self.final_conv_layer_size // 2:], name="value")(model)
        # We then flatten the advantage and value functions: We transform
        # the depth to be just 1
        stream_AC = Flatten(name="advantage_flatten")(stream_AC)
        stream_VC = Flatten(name="value_flatten")(stream_VC)
        # We define weights for our advantage and value layers. We will train these
        # layers so the matmul will match the expected value and advantage from play
        # Remember that the advantage references each action
        # The value is just how well we are in a single state
        advantage_layer = Dense(len(self.actions),name="advantage_final")(stream_AC)
        value_layer = Dense(1, name="value_final")(stream_VC)

        # To get the Q output, we need to add the value to the advantage.
        # But adding them directly is not correct! (Given Q we're unable to
        # find A(s,a) and V(s))
        #   Q(s,a) != V(s) + A(s, a)
        # We can solve this by substracting the mean of the Advante to A(s,a)
        model = Lambda(lambda val_adv: val_adv[0] + 
            (val_adv[1] - K.mean(val_adv[1], axis=1, keepdims=True)), 
            name="final_out")([value_layer, advantage_layer])

        model = Model(inputs, model)
        model.compile(self.optimizer, self.loss_function) = self.learning_rate

        return model