Example #1
    def testGetForallName(self):
        test_data = [
            (Forall(x, Forall(y, Eq(x, y))), ["x", "y"]),

        for t, res in test_data:
            self.assertEqual(logic.get_forall_names(t), res)
Example #2
    def rec(t):
        if t.is_exists():
            # Obtain the list of variables that t depends on, not
            # counting functions (including skolem functions).
            xs = [v for v in t.arg.body.get_vars() if not v.T.is_fun()]

            # Obtain the new skolem variable.
            nm = "c_" + t.arg.var_name if len(
                xs) == 0 else "f_" + t.arg.var_name
            nm = name.get_variant_name(nm, var_names)

            # Obtain the concrete instantiation of the skolem variable.
            T = TFun(*([x.T for x in xs] + [t.arg.var_T]))
            f = Var(nm, T)(*xs)
            return rec(t.arg.subst_bound(f))
        elif t.is_forall():
            nm = name.get_variant_name(t.arg.var_name, var_names)
            v = Var(nm, t.arg.var_T)
            body = t.arg.subst_bound(v)
            return Forall(v, rec(body))
        elif t.is_conj() or t.is_disj():
            return t.head(rec(t.arg1), rec(t.arg))
            return t
Example #3
    def get_extension(self):
        assert self.error is None, "get_extension"
        res = []
            extension.Constant(self.name, self.type, ref_name=self.cname))

        for rule in self.rules:
            res.append(extension.Theorem(rule['name'], Thm([], rule['prop'])))
            res.append(extension.Attribute(rule['name'], 'hint_backward'))

        # Case rule
        Targs, _ = self.type.strip_type()
        vars = []
        for i, Targ in enumerate(Targs):
            vars.append(Var("_a" + str(i + 1), Targ))

        P = Var("P", BoolType)
        pred = Const(self.name, self.type)
        assum0 = pred(*vars)
        assums = []
        for rule in self.rules:
            prop = rule['prop']
            As, C = prop.strip_implies()
            eq_assums = [Eq(var, arg) for var, arg in zip(vars, C.args)]
            assum = Implies(*(eq_assums + As), P)
            for var in reversed(prop.get_vars()):
                assum = Forall(var, assum)

        prop = Implies(*([assum0] + assums + [P]))
        res.append(extension.Theorem(self.cname + "_cases", Thm([], prop)))

        return res
Example #4
    def testPrintWithType(self):
        test_data = [
            (list.nil(Ta), "([]::'a list)"),
            (Eq(list.nil(Ta), list.nil(Ta)), "([]::'a list) = []"),
            (Forall(a, Eq(a, a)), "!a::'a. a = a"),

        with global_setting(unicode=False):
            for t, s in test_data:
                self.assertEqual(printer.print_term(t), s)
Example #5
File: thm.py Project: bzhan/holpy
    def forall_intr(x, th):
        """Derivation rule FORALL_INTR:

        A |- t
        A |- !x. t    where x does not occur in A.
        if any(hyp.occurs_var(x) for hyp in th.hyps):
            raise InvalidDerivationException("forall_intr")
        elif not (x.is_var() or x.is_svar()):
            raise InvalidDerivationException("forall_intr")
            return Thm(th.hyps, Forall(x, th.prop))
Example #6
    def testPrintUnicode(self):
        test_data = [
            (And(A, B), "A ∧ B"),
            (Or(A, B), "A ∨ B"),
            (Implies(A, B), "A ⟶ B"),
            (Lambda(a, P(a)), "λa. P a"),
            (Forall(a, P(a)), "∀a. P a"),
            (Exists(a, P(a)), "∃a. P a"),
            (Not(A), "¬A"),
            (Lambda(m, m + 2), "λm::nat. m + 2"),
            (Lambda(m, m + n), "λm. m + n"),

        with global_setting(unicode=True):
            for t, s in test_data:
                self.assertEqual(printer.print_term(t), s)
Example #7
 def testPrintHighlight(self):
     """Test highlight"""
     t = Exists(a, Forall(b, R(a, b)))
     with global_setting(unicode=False, highlight=True):
         res = printer.print_term(t)
     self.assertEqual(res, [{
         'color': 0,
         'text': '?'
     }, {
         'color': 1,
         'text': 'a'
     }, {
         'color': 0,
         'text': '. '
     }, {
         'color': 0,
         'text': '!'
     }, {
         'color': 1,
         'text': 'b'
     }, {
         'color': 0,
         'text': '. '
     }, {
         'color': 2,
         'text': 'R'
     }, {
         'color': 0,
         'text': ' '
     }, {
         'color': 1,
         'text': 'a'
     }, {
         'color': 0,
         'text': ' '
     }, {
         'color': 1,
         'text': 'b'
Example #8
    def testPrintLogical(self):
        test_data = [
            # Variables
            (SVar("P", BoolType), "?P"),
            (a, "a"),

            # Equality and implies
            (Eq(a, b), "a = b"),
            (Implies(A, B), "A --> B"),
            (Implies(A, B, C), "A --> B --> C"),
            (Implies(Implies(A, B), C), "(A --> B) --> C"),
            (Implies(A, Eq(a, b)), "A --> a = b"),
            (Eq(Implies(A, B), Implies(B, C)), "(A --> B) <--> (B --> C)"),
            (Eq(A, Eq(B, C)), "A <--> B <--> C"),
            (Eq(Eq(A, B), C), "(A <--> B) <--> C"),

            # Conjunction and disjunction
            (And(A, B), "A & B"),
            (Or(A, B), "A | B"),
            (And(A, And(B, C)), "A & B & C"),
            (And(And(A, B), C), "(A & B) & C"),
            (Or(A, Or(B, C)), "A | B | C"),
            (Or(Or(A, B), C), "(A | B) | C"),
            (Or(And(A, B), C), "A & B | C"),
            (And(Or(A, B), C), "(A | B) & C"),
            (Or(A, And(B, C)), "A | B & C"),
            (And(A, Or(B, C)), "A & (B | C)"),
            (Or(And(A, B), And(B, C)), "A & B | B & C"),
            (And(Or(A, B), Or(B, C)), "(A | B) & (B | C)"),

            # Negation
            (Not(A), "~A"),
            (Not(Not(A)), "~~A"),

            # Constants
            (true, "true"),
            (false, "false"),

            # Mixed
            (Implies(And(A, B), C), "A & B --> C"),
            (Implies(A, Or(B, C)), "A --> B | C"),
            (And(A, Implies(B, C)), "A & (B --> C)"),
            (Or(Implies(A, B), C), "(A --> B) | C"),
            (Not(And(A, B)), "~(A & B)"),
            (Not(Implies(A, B)), "~(A --> B)"),
            (Not(Eq(A, B)), "~(A <--> B)"),
            (Eq(Not(A), B), "~A <--> B"),
            (Eq(Not(A), Not(B)), "~A <--> ~B"),
            (Implies(A, Eq(B, C)), "A --> B <--> C"),
            (Eq(Implies(A, B), C), "(A --> B) <--> C"),

            # Abstraction
            (Lambda(a, And(P(a), Q(a))), "%a. P a & Q a"),

            # Quantifiers
            (Forall(a, P(a)), "!a. P a"),
            (Forall(a, Forall(b, And(P(a), P(b)))), "!a. !b. P a & P b"),
            (Forall(a, And(P(a), Q(a))), "!a. P a & Q a"),
            (And(Forall(a, P(a)), Q(a)), "(!a1. P a1) & Q a"),
            (Forall(a, Implies(P(a), Q(a))), "!a. P a --> Q a"),
            (Implies(Forall(a, P(a)), Q(a)), "(!a1. P a1) --> Q a"),
            (Implies(Forall(a, P(a)),
                     Forall(a, Q(a))), "(!a. P a) --> (!a. Q a)"),
            (Implies(Exists(a, P(a)),
                     Exists(a, Q(a))), "(?a. P a) --> (?a. Q a)"),
            (Eq(A, Forall(a, P(a))), "A <--> (!a. P a)"),
            (Exists(a, P(a)), "?a. P a"),
            (Exists(a, Forall(b, R(a, b))), "?a. !b. R a b"),
            (logic.mk_exists1(a, P(a)), "?!a. P a"),
            (logic.mk_the(a, P(a)), "THE a. P a"),
            (logic.mk_some(a, P(a)), "SOME a. P a"),
            (Forall(a, Exists(b, R(a, b))), "!a. ?b. R a b"),

            # If
            (mk_if(A, a, b), "if A then a else b"),
            (Eq(mk_if(A, a, b), a), "(if A then a else b) = a"),
            (mk_if(A, P, Q), "if A then P else Q"),

        with global_setting(unicode=False):
            for t, s in test_data:
                self.assertEqual(printer.print_term(t), s)
Example #9
 def testForallElimFail2(self):
     P = Var("P", TFun(Ta, BoolType))
     th = Thm([], Forall(x, P(x)))
     self.assertRaises(InvalidDerivationException, Thm.forall_elim, A, th)
Example #10
 def testForallElim(self):
     P = Var("P", TFun(Ta, BoolType))
     th = Thm([], Forall(x, P(x)))
     self.assertEqual(Thm.forall_elim(y, th), Thm([], P(y)))
Example #11
 def testForallIntr2(self):
     """Also OK if the variable does not appear in theorem."""
     th = Thm([], Eq(x,y))
     t_res = Forall(z, Eq(x, y))
     self.assertEqual(Thm.forall_intr(z, th), Thm([], t_res))
Example #12
 def testForallIntr(self):
     th = Thm([], Eq(x,y))
     t_res = Forall(x, Eq(x, y))
     self.assertEqual(Thm.forall_intr(x, th), Thm([], t_res))
Example #13
    def get_extension(self):
        assert self.error is None, "get_extension"
        res = []

        # Add to type and term signature.
        res.append(extension.TConst(self.name, len(self.args)))
        for constr in self.constrs:

        # Add non-equality theorems.
        for constr1, constr2 in itertools.combinations(self.constrs, 2):
            # For each A x_1 ... x_m and B y_1 ... y_n, get the theorem
            # ~ A x_1 ... x_m = B y_1 ... y_n.
            argT1, _ = constr1['type'].strip_type()
            argT2, _ = constr2['type'].strip_type()
            lhs_vars = [Var(nm, T) for nm, T in zip(constr1['args'], argT1)]
            rhs_vars = [Var(nm, T) for nm, T in zip(constr2['args'], argT2)]
            A = Const(constr1['name'], constr1['type'])
            B = Const(constr2['name'], constr2['type'])
            lhs = A(*lhs_vars)
            rhs = B(*rhs_vars)
            neq = Not(Eq(lhs, rhs))
            th_name = "%s_%s_%s_neq" % (self.name, constr1['name'],
            res.append(extension.Theorem(th_name, Thm([], neq)))

        # Add injectivity theorems.
        for constr in self.constrs:
            # For each A x_1 ... x_m with m > 0, get the theorem
            # A x_1 ... x_m = A x_1' ... x_m' --> x_1 = x_1' & ... & x_m = x_m'
            if constr['args']:
                argT, _ = constr['type'].strip_type()
                lhs_vars = [Var(nm, T) for nm, T in zip(constr['args'], argT)]
                rhs_vars = [
                    Var(nm + "1", T) for nm, T in zip(constr['args'], argT)
                A = Const(constr['name'], constr['type'])
                assum = Eq(A(*lhs_vars), A(*rhs_vars))
                concls = [
                    Eq(var1, var2) for var1, var2 in zip(lhs_vars, rhs_vars)
                concl = And(*concls)
                th_name = "%s_%s_inject" % (self.name, constr['name'])
                    extension.Theorem(th_name, Thm([], Implies(assum, concl))))

        # Add the inductive theorem.
        tvars = [TVar(targ) for targ in self.args]
        T = TConst(self.name, *tvars)
        var_P = Var("P", TFun(T, BoolType))
        ind_assums = []
        for constr in self.constrs:
            A = Const(constr['name'], constr['type'])
            argT, _ = constr['type'].strip_type()
            args = [Var(nm, T2) for nm, T2 in zip(constr['args'], argT)]
            C = var_P(A(*args))
            As = [
                var_P(Var(nm, T2)) for nm, T2 in zip(constr['args'], argT)
                if T2 == T
            ind_assum = Implies(*(As + [C]))
            for arg in reversed(args):
                ind_assum = Forall(arg, ind_assum)
        ind_concl = var_P(Var("x", T))
        th_name = self.name + "_induct"
                              Thm([], Implies(*(ind_assums + [ind_concl])))))
        res.append(extension.Attribute(th_name, "var_induct"))

        return res