def ntp(): = key_store.get('ntp_host') print("NTP Server:", while utime.time() < 10000: # Retry until clock is set ntptime.settime() utime.sleep(1) print('UTC Time: {}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*utime.localtime()))
def ntp(): import ntptime = key_store.get('ntp_host') print("NTP Server: ", start_ntp = utime.ticks_ms() while utime.time() < 10000: # Clock is not set with NTP if unixtime is less than 10000 ntptime.settime() if utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), start_ntp) > 10000: # 10 second timeout print('NTP Timeout... Resetting Device') reset() print(' UTC Time: {}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(*utime.localtime())) print()
import key_store from sys import exit import AnalogDevices_TMP36 if 'TinyPICO' in uname().machine: import TinyPICO_RGB as led # Get Unique Machine ID from client_id import client_id # Get ADC Pin from key_store.db if 'esp32' in uname().sysname: if key_store.get('ADC_PIN') is None: key_store.set('ADC_PIN', input('Enter ADC Pin Number - ')) ADC_PIN = key_store.get('ADC_PIN') elif 'esp8266' in uname().sysname: ADC_PIN = 0 # gpio_pin_number is ignored since there is only one ADC on ESP8266 else: print('unknown hardware') exit(1) # Get InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement from key_store.db # i.e. influxdb.localdomain:8086:test:garage if key_store.get('influxdb') is None: print('Need to add settings to key_store.db...') key_store.set('influxdb', input('Enter InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement - ')) server, port, database, measurement = key_store.get('influxdb').split(':')
# Utilize LED if available #------------------------- if 'TinyPICO' in uname().machine: import TinyPICO_RGB as led #---------------------- # Get Unique Machine ID #---------------------- from client_id import client_id #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Get InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement from key_store.db # i.e. influxdb.localdomain:8086:Garage:DHT22 #---------------------------------------------------------------- if key_store.get('influxdb') is None: print('Need to add settings to key_store.db...') key_store.set('influxdb', input('Enter InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement - ')) server, port, database, measurement = key_store.get('influxdb').split(':') #------------------------------------- # Get Sleep Interval from key_store.db #------------------------------------- if key_store.get('sleep_interval') is None: key_store.set('sleep_interval', input('How many seconds between sensor reads - ')) sleep_interval = int(key_store.get('sleep_interval')) #---------------------------- # Set URL for Database Writes
import key_store from client_id import client_id from sys import exit import Milone_eTape if 'TinyPICO' in uname().machine: import TinyPICO_RGB as led # Get Unique Machine ID from client_id import client_id # Get ADC Pin from key_store.db if 'esp32' in uname().sysname: if key_store.get('ADC_PIN') is None: key_store.set('ADC_PIN', input('Enter ADC Pin Number - ')) ADC_PIN = key_store.get('ADC_PIN') elif 'esp8266' in uname().sysname: ADC_PIN = 0 # gpio_pin_number is ignored since there is only one ADC on ESP8266 else: print('unknown hardware') exit(1) # Get InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement from key_store.db # i.e. influxdb.localdomain:8086:Garage:DHT22 if key_store.get('influxdb') is None: print('Need to add settings to key_store.db...') key_store.set('influxdb', input('Enter InfluxDB server:port:database:measurement - ')) server,port,database,measurement = key_store.get('influxdb').split(':')
import dht from machine import reset, Pin from time import sleep import urequests import key_store from client_id import client_id from sys import exit # Get Unique Machine ID from client_id import client_id print('Client ID:', client_id) # Get InfluxDB server:port:database:location from key_store.db # i.e. influxdb.localdomain:8086:garage:DHT22 server, port, database, name = key_store.get('influxdb').split(':') url = 'http://%s:%s/write?db=%s' % (server, port, database) print(url) sleep_interval = 30 # Seconds # Any GPIO pin should work sensor = dht.DHT22(Pin(18)) def main(): print('=' * 45) print() # Read the Temperature and Humidity sensor.measure()
from machine import reset, deepsleep import mqtt import SparkFun_TMP102 as tmp102 sleep_interval = 20 # Seconds sleep_type = 'normal' # normal or deep # Get Unique Client ID from ubinascii import hexlify from machine import unique_id client_id = hexlify(unique_id()).decode( 'utf-8') # String with Unique Client ID # Get MQTT Broker IP from key_store.db import key_store broker = key_store.get('mqtt_broker') topic = 'devices/' + client_id def main(): # Read Timestamp and Data timestamp = utime.time() # Epoch UTC temperature = round(tmp102.read_temp('F'), 1) # Send Data to MQTT Broker mqtt.publish(broker, topic + '/temp/value', str(temperature)) # Log Timestamp and Data locally? log_local(timestamp, temperature) t = utime.localtime(timestamp)
timestamp = str(utime.time()) key_store.set(timestamp, str(current_power_status)) last_power_status = current_power_status # MQTT pings every 2 seconds of current power status if counter >= 2000: # elapsed milliseconds # If WiFi is down the following will pause for the duration. await client.publish('devices/' + config['client_id'].decode('utf-8') + '/power/value', str(current_power_status), qos=1) counter = 0 else: counter += 100 # Since we are waiting 100ms in asyncio.sleep_ms(100) # Override default config variable settings config['wifi_coro'] = wifi_handler config['ssid'] = key_store.get('ssid_name') config['wifi_pw'] = key_store.get('ssid_pass') config['server'] = key_store.get('mqtt_broker') MQTTClient.DEBUG = False # Optional: print diagnostic messages client = MQTTClient(config) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(main(client)) finally: client.close() # Prevent LmacRxBlk:1 errors
try: if color == 'red': TinyPICO_RGB.solid(255,0,0) elif color == 'blue': TinyPICO_RGB.solid(0,0,255) elif color == 'purple': TinyPICO_RGB.solid(255,0,255) else: except: pass # If is missing do nothing # Load secrets from local key_store.db try: import key_store ssid_name = key_store.get('ssid_name') ssid_pass = key_store.get('ssid_pass') except: try: wdt_feed(WDT_CANCEL) except: pass key_store.init() reset() # Connect to WiFI def wlan_connect(ssid, password): import network from ubinascii import hexlify wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not or not wlan.isconnected():
import key_store from iot_api import iot_api from client_id import client_id import AnalogDevices_TMP36 as tmp36 from sys import exit from uos import uname # Get Unique Machine ID from client_id import client_id print('Client ID:', client_id) # Get ADC Pin from key_store.db if 'esp32' in uname().sysname: ADC_PIN = key_store.get('ADC_PIN') if ADC_PIN is None: key_store.set('ADC_PIN', input('Enter ADC Pin Number - ')) reset() # Get iot-api server:port from key_store.db try: server, port = key_store.get('iot-api').split(':') except: server = input('Enter iot-api server:port - ') key_store.set('iot-api', server) reset() if server == '': client_id = key_store.get('thingspeak_api_key') if not client_id: