def build_key_steps( count, new_keys, base_keys, words, bad_words): CONGRATS = [ _('Well done!'), _('Good job.'), _('Awesome!'), _('Way to go!'), _('Wonderful!'), _('Nice work.'), _('You did it!'), ] def get_congrats(): return random.choice(CONGRATS) + ' ' HINTS = [ _('Be careful to use the correct finger to press each key. Look at the keyboard below if you need help remembering.'), _('Try to type at the same speed, all the time. As you get more comfortable you can increase the speed a little.') ] def get_hint(): return random.choice(HINTS) FINGERS = { 'LP': _('left little'), 'LR': _('left ring'), 'LM': _('left middle'), 'LI': _('left index'), 'LT': _('left thumb'), 'RP': _('right little'), 'RR': _('right ring'), 'RM': _('right middle'), 'RI': _('right index'), 'RT': _('right thumb'), } all_keys = new_keys + base_keys good_words = filter_wordlist(words=words, all_keys=all_keys, req_keys=new_keys, minlen=2, maxlen=8, bad_words=bad_words) pairs = get_pairs_from_wordlist(good_words) steps = [] kb = keyboard.KeyboardData() # Attempt to load a letter map for the current locale. code = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] or 'en_US' try: kb.load_letter_map('lessons/%s.key' % code) except: kb.load_letter_map('lessons/en_US.key') kb.set_layout(keyboard.get_layout()) keynames = new_keys[0] if len(new_keys) >= 2: for k in new_keys[1:-1]: keynames += ', ' + k keynames += _(' and %s keys') % new_keys[-1] else: keynames += _(' key') steps.append(make_step( _('In this lesson, you will learn the %(keynames)s.\n\nPress the ENTER key when you are ready to begin!') \ % { 'keynames': keynames }, 'key', '\n')) # for letter in new_keys: # key, state, group = kb.get_key_state_group_for_letter(letter) # # if not key: # error("There is no key combination in the current keymap for the '%s' letter. " % letter + \ # "Are you sure the keymap is set correctly?\n") # # try: # finger = FINGERS[key['key-finger']] # except: # error("The '%s' letter (scan code %x) does not have a finger assigned." % (letter, key['key-scan'])) # # if state == Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: # # Choose the finger to press the SHIFT key with. # if key['key-finger'][0] == 'R': # shift_finger = FINGERS['LP'] # else: # shift_finger = FINGERS['RP'] # # instructions = _('Press and hold the SHIFT key with your %(finger)s finger, ') % { 'finger': shift_finger } # instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger } # # elif state == Gdk.ModifierType.MOD5_MASK: # instructions = _('Press and hold the ALTGR key, ') # instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger } # # elif state == Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK | Gdk.ModifierType.MOD5_MASK: # instructions = _('Press and hold the ALTGR and SHIFT keys, ') # instructions += _('then press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger } # # else: # instructions = _('Press the %(letter)s key with your %(finger)s finger.') % { 'letter': letter, 'finger': finger } # # steps.append(make_step(instructions, 'key', letter)) steps.append(make_step(_("Let\'s learn the new keys."), 'key', ''.join(new_keys) * 4)) steps.append(make_step( get_congrats() + _('Practice typing the keys you just learned.'), 'text', make_random_doubles(new_keys, count))) steps.append(make_step( get_congrats() + _('Now put the keys together into pairs.'), 'text', make_weighted_wordlist_pairs(pairs, new_keys, all_keys, count))) if len(good_words) == 0: steps.append(make_step( get_congrats() + _('Time to type jumbles.'), 'text', make_jumbles(new_keys, all_keys, count, 5))) else: steps.append(make_step( get_congrats() + _('Time to type real words.'), 'text', make_random_words(good_words, new_keys, all_keys, count))) return steps
def __init__(self, lesson, keyboard_images, activity): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.lesson = lesson self.keyboard_images = keyboard_images self.activity = activity # Build the user interface. title = Gtk.Label() title.set_markup("<span size='x-large' weight='bold'>" + lesson['name'] + "</span>") title.set_alignment(1.0, 0.0) stoplabel = Gtk.Label(label=_('Go Back')) stopbtn = Gtk.Button() stopbtn.add(stoplabel) stopbtn.connect('clicked', self.stop_cb) # TODO- These will be replaced by graphical displays using Gtk.DrawingArea. self.wpm = 0 self.accuracy = 0 self.wpmlabel = Gtk.Label() self.accuracylabel = Gtk.Label() #self.wpmarea = Gtk.DrawingArea() #self.wpmarea.connect('expose-event', self.wpm_expose_cb) #self.accuracyarea = Gtk.DrawingArea() #self.accuracyarea.connect('expose-event', self.accuracy_expose_cb) hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(stopbtn, False, False, 10) hbox.pack_start(self.wpmlabel, True, False, 10) hbox.pack_start(self.accuracylabel, True, False, 10) hbox.pack_end(title, False, False, 10) # Set up font styles. self.tagtable = Gtk.TextTagTable() instructions_tag ='instructions') instructions_tag.props.justification = Gtk.Justification.CENTER self.tagtable.add(instructions_tag) text_tag ='text') = 'Monospace' self.tagtable.add(text_tag) spacer_tag ='spacer') spacer_tag.props.size = 3000 self.tagtable.add(spacer_tag) image_tag ='image') image_tag.props.justification = Gtk.Justification.CENTER self.tagtable.add(image_tag) correct_copy_tag ='correct-copy') = 'Monospace' correct_copy_tag.props.foreground = '#0000ff' self.tagtable.add(correct_copy_tag) incorrect_copy_tag ='incorrect-copy') = 'Monospace' incorrect_copy_tag.props.foreground = '#ff0000' self.tagtable.add(incorrect_copy_tag) # Set up the scrolling lesson text view. self.lessonbuffer = self.lessontext = Gtk.TextView.new_with_buffer(self.lessonbuffer) self.lessontext.set_editable(False) self.lessontext.set_left_margin(20) self.lessontext.set_right_margin(20) self.lessontext.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD) self.lessontext.modify_base(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL, Gdk.Color.parse('#ffffcc')[1]) self.lessonscroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.lessonscroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS) self.lessonscroll.add(self.lessontext) frame = Gtk.Frame() frame.add(self.lessonscroll) self.keyboard = keyboard.KeyboardWidget(self.keyboard_images, self.activity) # Attempt to load a letter map for the current locale. code = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] or 'en_US' try: self.keyboard.load_letter_map('lessons/%s.key' % code) except: pass self.keyboard.set_layout(keyboard.get_layout()) self.pack_start(hbox, False, False, 10) self.pack_start(frame, True, True, 0) self.pack_start(self.keyboard, False, True, 0) # Connect keyboard grabbing and releasing callbacks. self.connect('realize', self.realize_cb) self.connect('unrealize', self.unrealize_cb) self.show_all() self.timer_id = None self.begin_lesson()
# window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) Removed above line to because of GtkDeprecation of positional arguments window = Gtk.Window(type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) window.set_title("keyboard widget") window.connect("destroy", lambda w: Gtk.main_quit()) window.show_all() window.realize() image = keyboard.KeyboardImages(800, 400) k = keyboard.KeyboardWidget(image, window, poll_keys=True) try: k.load_letter_map(sys.argv[1]) except: pass k.set_layout(keyboard.get_layout()) savebtn = Gtk.Button() savebtn.add(Gtk.Label(label='Save Keys')) savebtn.connect('clicked', lambda w: k.save_letter_map(sys.argv[1])) quitbtn = Gtk.Button() quitbtn.add(Gtk.Label(label='Quit')) quitbtn.connect('clicked', lambda w: Gtk.main_quit()) hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(savebtn, True, True, 0) hbox.pack_start(quitbtn, True, True, 0) vbox = Gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(k, True, True, 0)
from gi.repository import Gtk window = Gtk.Window(Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL) window.set_title("keyboard widget") window.connect("destroy", lambda w: Gtk.main_quit()) window.show_all() window.realize() image = keyboard.KeyboardImages(800,400) k = keyboard.KeyboardWidget(image, window, poll_keys=True) try: k.load_letter_map(sys.argv[1]) except: pass k.set_layout(keyboard.get_layout()) savebtn = Gtk.Button() savebtn.add(Gtk.Label(label='Save Keys')) savebtn.connect('clicked', lambda w: k.save_letter_map(sys.argv[1])) quitbtn = Gtk.Button() quitbtn.add(Gtk.Label(label='Quit')) quitbtn.connect('clicked', lambda w: Gtk.main_quit()) hbox = Gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(savebtn, True, True, 0) hbox.pack_start(quitbtn, True, True, 0) vbox = Gtk.VBox() vbox.pack_start(k, True, True, 0)