def create_network_sanity(): """ Create network and subnetwork used in sanity_openstack tests """ net_id = network_helper.create_network(name=NETWORK_NAME, cleanup="module")[1] subnet_id = network_helper.create_subnet(name=SUBNET_NAME, network=NETWORK_NAME, subnet_range=SUBNET_RANGE, dhcp=True, ip_version=IP_VERSION, cleanup="module")[1] return net_id, subnet_id
def create_network_performance(): """ Create network and subnetwork used in sanity_openstack tests """ LOG.fixture_step("Creating net and subnet") net_id = network_helper.create_network(name="network-1", cleanup="module")[1] subnet_id = network_helper.create_subnet(name="subnet", network="network-1", subnet_range="", dhcp=True, ip_version=4, cleanup="module")[1] return net_id, subnet_id
def test_port_trunking(): """ Port trunking feature test cases Test Steps: - Create networks - Create subnets - Create a parent port and subports - Create a truck with parent port and subports - Boot the first vm with the trunk - Create the second trunk without subport - Boot the second vm - Add support to trunk - Configure vlan interfaces inside guests - Verify connectivity via vlan interfaces - Remove the subport from trunk and verify connectivity - Add the support to trunk and verify connectivity - Do vm actions and verify connectivity Test Teardown: - Delete vms, ports, subnets, and networks created """ vif_model = 'avp' if system_helper.is_avs() else None network_names = ['network11', 'network12', 'network13'] net_ids = [] sub_nets = ["", "", ""] subnet_ids = [] # parent ports and sub ports for trunk 1 and trunk 2 trunk1_parent_port = 'vrf10' trunk1_subport_1 = 'vrf11' trunk1_subport_2 = 'vrf12' trunk2_parent_port = 'host10' trunk2_subport_1 = 'host11' trunk2_subport_2 = 'host12' # vlan id for the subports segment_1 = 1 segment_2 = 2 LOG.tc_step("Create Networks to be used by trunk") for net in network_names: net_ids.append( network_helper.create_network(name=net, cleanup='function')[1]) LOG.tc_step("Create Subnet on the Network Created") for sub, network in zip(sub_nets, net_ids): subnet_ids.append( network_helper.create_subnet(network=network, subnet_range=sub, gateway='none', cleanup='function')[1]) # Create Trunks LOG.tc_step("Create Parent port for trunk 1") t1_parent_port_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[0], trunk1_parent_port, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] t1_parent_port_mac = network_helper.get_ports( field='mac address', port_name=trunk1_parent_port)[0] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 1") t1_sub_port1_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[1], name=trunk1_subport_1, mac_addr=t1_parent_port_mac, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 1") t1_sub_port2_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[2], name=trunk1_subport_2, mac_addr=t1_parent_port_mac, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] t1_sub_ports = [{ 'port': t1_sub_port1_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_1 }, { 'port': t1_sub_port2_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_2 }] LOG.tc_step("Create port trunk 1") trunk1_id = network_helper.create_trunk(t1_parent_port_id, name='trunk-1', sub_ports=t1_sub_ports, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Boot a VM with mgmt net and trunk port") mgmt_net_id = network_helper.get_mgmt_net_id() nics = [{'net-id': mgmt_net_id}, {'port-id': t1_parent_port_id}] LOG.tc_step("Boot a vm with created ports") vm_id = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='vm-with-trunk1-port', nics=nics, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Setup vlan interfaces inside guest") _bring_up_vlan_interface(vm_id, 'eth1', [segment_1]) # Create second trunk port with out the subports and vm LOG.tc_step("Create Parent port for trunk 2") t2_parent_port_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[0], trunk2_parent_port, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] t2_parent_port_mac = network_helper.get_ports( field='mac address', port_name=trunk2_parent_port)[0] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 2") t2_sub_port1_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[1], name=trunk2_subport_1, mac_addr=t2_parent_port_mac, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 2") t2_sub_port2_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[2], name=trunk2_subport_2, mac_addr=t2_parent_port_mac, wrs_vif=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] t2_sub_ports = [{ 'port': t2_sub_port1_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_1 }, { 'port': t2_sub_port2_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_2 }] LOG.tc_step("Create port trunk 2") trunk2_id = network_helper.create_trunk(t2_parent_port_id, name='trunk-2', cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Boot a VM with mgmt net and trunk port") mgmt_net_id = network_helper.get_mgmt_net_id() nics_2 = [{'net-id': mgmt_net_id}, {'port-id': t2_parent_port_id}] LOG.tc_step("Boot a vm with created ports") vm2_id = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='vm-with-trunk2-port', nics=nics_2, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Add the sub ports to the second truck") network_helper.set_trunk(trunk2_id, sub_ports=t2_sub_ports) LOG.tc_step("Setup VLAN interfaces inside guest") _bring_up_vlan_interface(vm2_id, 'eth1', [segment_1]) # ping b/w 2 vms using the vlan interfaces eth_name = 'eth1.1' with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm_id) as vm_ssh: ip_addr = network_helper.get_ip_for_eth(eth_name=eth_name, ssh_client=vm_ssh) if ip_addr: with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm2_id) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step("Ping on vlan interface from guest") network_helper.ping_server(ip_addr, ssh_client=vm2_ssh, num_pings=20, fail_ok=False) # unset the subport on trunk_1 and try the ping (it will fail) LOG.tc_step( "Removing a subport from trunk and ping on vlan interface inside guest" ) ret_code_10 = network_helper.unset_trunk(trunk1_id, sub_ports=[t1_sub_port1_id])[0] assert ret_code_10 == 0, "Subports not removed as expected." with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm2_id) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step("Ping on vlan interface from guest") ping = network_helper.ping_server(ip_addr, ssh_client=vm2_ssh, num_pings=20, fail_ok=True)[0] assert ping == 100, "Ping did not fail as expected." # set the subport on trunk_1 and try the ping (it will work) LOG.tc_step( " Add back the subport to trunk and ping on vlan interface inside guest" ) t1_sub_port = [{ 'port': t1_sub_port1_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_1 }] network_helper.set_trunk(trunk1_id, sub_ports=t1_sub_port) with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm2_id) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step("Ping on vlan interface from guest") network_helper.ping_server(ip_addr, ssh_client=vm2_ssh, num_pings=20, fail_ok=False) # VM operation and ping for vm_actions in [['pause', 'unpause'], ['suspend', 'resume'], ['live_migrate'], ['cold_migrate']]: LOG.tc_step("Perform following action(s) on vm {}: {}".format( vm2_id, vm_actions)) for action in vm_actions: vm_helper.perform_action_on_vm(vm2_id, action=action) LOG.tc_step("Ping vm from natbox") vm_helper.wait_for_vm_pingable_from_natbox(vm_id) LOG.tc_step( "Verify ping from base_vm to vm_under_test over management networks still works " "after {}".format(vm_actions)) vm_helper.ping_vms_from_vm(to_vms=vm_id, from_vm=vm2_id, net_types=['mgmt']) if vm_actions[0] == 'cold_migrate': LOG.tc_step("Setup VLAN interfaces inside guest") _bring_up_vlan_interface(vm2_id, 'eth1', [segment_1]) with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm2_id) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step( "Ping on vlan interface from guest after action {}".format( vm_actions)) network_helper.ping_server(ip_addr, ssh_client=vm2_ssh, num_pings=20, fail_ok=False) vm_host = vm_helper.get_vm_host(vm2_id) vm_on_target_host = vm_helper.get_vms_on_host(vm_host) LOG.tc_step( "Reboot VMs host {} and ensure vms are evacuated to other host".format( vm_host)) vm_helper.evacuate_vms(host=vm_host, vms_to_check=vm2_id, ping_vms=True) for vm_id_on_target_host in vm_on_target_host: LOG.tc_step("Setup VLAN interfaces inside guest") _bring_up_vlan_interface(vm_id_on_target_host, 'eth1', [segment_1]) with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm2_id) as vm2_ssh: LOG.tc_step("Ping on vlan interface from guest after evacuation") network_helper.ping_server(ip_addr, ssh_client=vm2_ssh, num_pings=20, fail_ok=False) LOG.tc_step( "Attempt to delete trunk when in use, expect pass for AVS only") code = network_helper.delete_trunks(trunks=trunk1_id, fail_ok=True)[0] if system_helper.is_avs(): assert 0 == code, "Failed to delete port trunk when it's used by a running VM wiht AVS" else: assert 1 == code, "Trunk is deleted when it's used by a running VM with OVS"
def test_port_trunking_basic(): """ Port trunking feature test cases Test Steps: - Create networks - Create subnets - Create a parent port and subports - Create a trunk with parent port and subports - Add a sub-port with existing vlan id - Add a sub-port with out of range vlan id - Delete a port that is used by the Trunk Test Teardown: - Delete vms, ports, subnets, and networks created """ network_names = ['network21', 'network22', 'network23'] net_ids = [] sub_nets = ["", "", ""] subnet_ids = [] # parent ports and sub ports for trunk 1 and trunk 2 trunk1_parent_port = 'vrf20' trunk1_subport_1 = 'vrf21' trunk1_subport_2 = 'vrf22' trunk1_subport_3 = 'vrf23' # vlan id for the subports segment_1 = 1 segment_2 = 2 LOG.tc_step("Create Networks to be used by trunk") for net in network_names: net_ids.append( network_helper.create_network(name=net, cleanup='function')[1]) LOG.tc_step("Create Subnet on the Network Created") for sub, network in zip(sub_nets, net_ids): subnet_ids.append( network_helper.create_subnet(network=network, subnet_range=sub, gateway='none', cleanup='function')[1]) # Create Trunks LOG.tc_step("Create Parent port for trunk 1") t1_parent_port_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[0], trunk1_parent_port, cleanup='function')[1] t1_parent_port_mac = network_helper.get_ports( field='mac address', port_name=trunk1_parent_port)[0] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 1") t1_sub_port1_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[1], name=trunk1_subport_1, mac_addr=t1_parent_port_mac, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 1") t1_sub_port2_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[2], name=trunk1_subport_2, mac_addr=t1_parent_port_mac, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Create Subport with parent port mac to be used by trunk 1") t1_sub_port3_id = network_helper.create_port(net_ids[2], name=trunk1_subport_3, cleanup='function')[1] t1_sub_ports = [{ 'port': t1_sub_port1_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_1 }, { 'port': t1_sub_port2_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_2 }] LOG.tc_step("Create port trunk 1") trunk1_id = network_helper.create_trunk(t1_parent_port_id, name='trunk-1', sub_ports=t1_sub_ports, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step( "Attempt to add a port with same segment id and verify it's rejected") t1_sub_port2 = [{ 'port': t1_sub_port3_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': segment_1 }] ret_code = network_helper.set_trunk(trunk1_id, t1_sub_port2, fail_ok=True)[0] assert ret_code == 1, "Subport addition with the same vlan id is not rejected." LOG.tc_step( "Attempt to add subport with out of range vlan id, and verify it's rejected" ) out_of_range_id = 5000 t1_sub_port3 = [{ 'port': t1_sub_port3_id, 'segmentation-type': 'vlan', 'segmentation-id': out_of_range_id }] ret_code_2 = network_helper.set_trunk(trunk1_id, t1_sub_port3, fail_ok=True)[0] assert ret_code_2 == 1, "Subport addition with out of range vlan id is not rejected." LOG.tc_step( "Attempt to delete a port that is used by the trunk, and verify it's rejected" ) ret_code_3 = network_helper.delete_port(port_id=t1_sub_port1_id, fail_ok=True)[0] assert ret_code_3 == 1, "Port that is part of the trunk deletion is not rejected."
def test_ipv6_subnet(vif_model, check_avs_pattern): """ Ipv6 Subnet feature test cases Test Steps: - Create networks - Create Ipv6 enabled subnet - Boot the first vm with the ipv6 subnet - Boot the second vm with ipv6 subnet - Configure interfaces to get ipv6 addr - Verify connectivity ipv6 interfaces - Ping default router Test Teardown: - Delete vms, subnets, and networks created """ network_names = ['network11'] net_ids = [] sub_nets = ["fd00:0:0:21::/64"] gateway_ipv6 = "fd00:0:0:21::1" subnet_ids = [] dns_server = "2001:4860:4860::8888" LOG.tc_step("Create Networks to setup IPV6 subnet") for net in network_names: net_ids.append( network_helper.create_network(name=net, cleanup='function')[1]) LOG.tc_step("Create IPV6 Subnet on the Network Created") for sub, network in zip(sub_nets, net_ids): subnet_ids.append( network_helper.create_subnet(network=network, ip_version=6, dns_servers=dns_server, subnet_range=sub, gateway='none', cleanup='function')[1]) LOG.tc_step("Boot a VM with mgmt net and Network with IPV6 subnet") mgmt_net_id = network_helper.get_mgmt_net_id() nics = [{ 'net-id': mgmt_net_id }, { 'net-id': net_ids[0], 'vif-model': vif_model }] image = None if vif_model == 'e1000': image = glance_helper.create_image(name=vif_model, hw_vif_model=vif_model, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Boot a vm with created nets") vm_id = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='vm-with-ipv6-nic', nics=nics, image_id=image, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Setup interface script inside guest and restart network") _bring_up_interface(vm_id) LOG.tc_step("Boot a second vm with created nets") vm_id2 = vm_helper.boot_vm(name='vm2-with-ipv6-nic', nics=nics, cleanup='function')[1] LOG.tc_step("Setup interface script inside guest and restart network") _bring_up_interface(vm_id2) with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm_id) as vm_ssh: ip_addr = _get_ipv6_for_eth(eth_name='eth1', ssh_client=vm_ssh) if ip_addr is '':'Ip addr is not assigned') assert ip_addr != '', "Failed to assign ip" else:"Got Ipv6 address:{}".format(ip_addr)) with vm_helper.ssh_to_vm_from_natbox(vm_id2) as vm_ssh: LOG.tc_step("ping b/w vms on the ipv6 net") ping = _ping6_vms(ssh_client=vm_ssh, ipv6_addr=ip_addr) assert ping == 0, "Ping between VMs failed" LOG.tc_step("ping Default Gateway from vms on the ipv6 net") ping = _ping6_vms(ssh_client=vm_ssh, ipv6_addr=gateway_ipv6) assert ping == 0, "Ping to default router failed"