def __select_diff_timezone(current_zone=None): if not current_zone: current_zone = system_helper.get_timezone() zones = list(TIMEZONES) if current_zone in zones: zones.remove(current_zone) return random.choice(zones)
def __select_two_timezones(current_zone=None): if not current_zone: current_zone = system_helper.get_timezone() zones = list(TIMEZONES) if current_zone in zones: zones.remove(current_zone) selected_zones = random.sample(zones, 2)"Timezone selected to test: {}".format(selected_zones)) return selected_zones
def test_modify_timezone_cli_timestamps(stx_openstack_required): """ Test correct timestamps in: - ceilometer - cinder - glance - neutron - nova - sysinv Setups - Get a random timezone for testing - Create cinder volume - Boot a vm Test Steps - Save the pre-timezone-change timestamps from each cli domain - Modify the timezone - Wait for out_of_date alarms to clear - Save the post-timezone-change timestamps from each cli domain - Verify the timestamps have changed to be in line with the timezone change Teardown - Deleted cinder volume - Delete the vm """ services = ('sysinv', 'openstack') prev_timezone = system_helper.get_timezone() post_timezone = __select_diff_timezone(current_zone=prev_timezone) # CHECK PRE TIMEZONE CHANGE CLI TIMESTAMPS LOG.tc_step("Getting CLI timestamps before timezone change for: {}".format(services)) vol_id = cinder_helper.create_volume('timezone_test', cleanup='function')[1] prev_timestamps = get_cli_timestamps(vol_id=vol_id) LOG.tc_step("Modify timezone from {} to {}".format(prev_timezone, post_timezone)) system_helper.modify_timezone(post_timezone) # CHECK POST TIMEZONE CHANGE CLI TIMESTAMPS time.sleep(10) LOG.tc_step("Getting CLI timestamps after timezone change for: {}".format(services)) post_timestamps = get_cli_timestamps(vol_id=vol_id) LOG.tc_step("Comparing timestamps from before and after timezone change for: {}".format(services)) failed_services = [] for i in range(len(services) - 1): # -1 to ignore last item opentack cli (CGTS-10475) if prev_timestamps[i] == post_timestamps[i]: failed_services.append(services[i]) assert not failed_services, "{} timestamp did not update after timezone modify".format(failed_services)
def test_modify_timezone_sys_event_timestamp(): """ Test alarm timestamps line up with a timezone change Prerequisites - N/A Test Setups - Get a random timezone for testing Test Steps - Get the UUID and timestamp from the most recent event - Change the timezone and wait until the change is complete - Wait for out_of_date alarms to clear - Compare the timestamp from the event using the UUID - Verify the timestamp changed with the timezone change Test Teardown - N/A """ LOG.tc_step("Gathering pre-modify timestamp for last event in system event-list") event = system_helper.get_events(fields=('UUID', 'Event Log ID', 'Entity Instance ID', 'State', 'Time Stamp'), limit=1, combine_entries=False)[0] event_uuid, event_log_id, entity_instance_id, event_state, pre_timestamp = event # Pick a random timezone to test that is not the current timezone timezone_to_test = __select_diff_timezone() LOG.tc_step("Modify timezone to {}".format(timezone_to_test)) system_helper.modify_timezone(timezone=timezone_to_test) LOG.tc_step("Waiting for timezone for previous event to change in system event-list") timeout = time.time() + 60 post_timestamp = None while time.time() < timeout: post_timestamp = system_helper.get_events(fields='Time Stamp', event_id=event_log_id, uuid=event_uuid, entity_id=entity_instance_id, state=event_state)[0][0] if pre_timestamp != post_timestamp: break time.sleep(5) else: assert pre_timestamp != post_timestamp, "Timestamp did not change with timezone change." if not system_helper.is_aio_simplex(): LOG.tc_step("Swact and verify timezone persists") host_helper.swact_host() post_swact_timezone = system_helper.get_timezone() assert post_swact_timezone == timezone_to_test post_swact_timestamp = system_helper.get_events(fields='Time Stamp', event_id=event_log_id, uuid=event_uuid, entity_id=entity_instance_id, state=event_state)[0][0] assert post_swact_timestamp == post_timestamp
def test_dc_modify_timezone(prev_check): """ Test timezone modify on system controller and subcloud. Ensure timezone change is not propagated. Setups: - Ensure both central and subcloud regions are configured with UTC - Get the timestamps for host created_at before timezone modify Test Steps - Change the timezone in central region and wait until the change is applied - Change the timezone to a different zone in subcloud and wait until the change is applied - Verify host created_at timestamp updated according to the local timezone for the region - Swact on subcloud and ensure timezone and host created_at timestamp persists locally - Swact central controller and ensure timezone and host created_at timestamp persists in central and subcloud Teardown - Change timezone to UTC in both central and subcloud regions - Ensure host created_at timestamp is reverted to original """ prev_central_time, prev_sub_time, central_zone, sub_zone, central_auth, subcloud_auth, \ subcloud = prev_check LOG.tc_step("Modify timezone to {} in central region".format(central_zone)) system_helper.modify_timezone(timezone=central_zone, auth_info=central_auth) LOG.tc_step( "Waiting for timestamp for host created_at to update in central region" ) post_central_time = wait_for_timestamp_update( prev_timestamp=prev_central_time, auth_info=central_auth) assert post_central_time != prev_central_time, \ "host created_at timestamp did not update after timezone changed " \ "to {} in central region".format(central_zone) LOG.tc_step("Modify timezone to {} in {}".format(sub_zone, subcloud)) system_helper.modify_timezone(timezone=sub_zone, auth_info=subcloud_auth) LOG.tc_step( "Waiting for timestamp for same host created_at to update in {}". format(subcloud)) post_sub_time = wait_for_timestamp_update(prev_timestamp=prev_sub_time, auth_info=subcloud_auth) assert post_sub_time != prev_sub_time, \ "host created_at timestamp did not update after timezone changed to {} " \ "in {}".format(sub_zone, subcloud) assert post_sub_time != post_central_time, \ "Host created_at timestamp is the same on central and {} when configured with different " \ "timezones".format(subcloud) LOG.tc_step( "Ensure host created_at timestamp does not change after subcloud sync audit" ) dc_helper.wait_for_sync_audit(subclouds=subcloud, fail_ok=True, timeout=660) post_sync_sub_time = system_helper.get_host_values( host='controller-0', fields='created_at', auth_info=subcloud_auth)[0] assert post_sub_time == post_sync_sub_time, \ "Host created_at timestamp changed after sync audit on {}".format(subcloud) if not system_helper.is_aio_simplex(): LOG.tc_step( "Swact in {} region and verify timezone persists locally".format( subcloud)) host_helper.swact_host(auth_info=subcloud_auth) post_swact_sub_zone = system_helper.get_timezone( auth_info=subcloud_auth) assert post_swact_sub_zone == sub_zone post_swact_sub_time = system_helper.get_host_values( host='controller-0', fields='created_at', auth_info=subcloud_auth)[0] assert post_swact_sub_time == post_sub_time if system_helper.get_standby_controller_name(auth_info=central_auth): LOG.tc_step( "Swact in central region, and ensure timezone persists locally in central" " and subcloud") host_helper.swact_host(auth_info=central_auth) # Verify central timezone persists post_swact_central_zone = system_helper.get_timezone( auth_info=central_auth) assert post_swact_central_zone == central_zone post_swact_central_time = system_helper.get_host_values( host='controller-0', fields='created_at', auth_info=central_auth)[0] assert post_swact_central_time == post_central_time # Verify subcloud timezone persists post_central_swact_sub_zone = system_helper.get_timezone( auth_info=subcloud_auth) assert post_central_swact_sub_zone == sub_zone post_central_swact_sub_time = system_helper.get_host_values( host='controller-0', fields='created_at', auth_info=subcloud_auth)[0] assert post_central_swact_sub_time == post_sub_time
def test_modify_timezone_log_timestamps(): """ Test correct log timestamps after timezone change Prerequisites - N/A Test Setups - Get a random timezone for testing - Get system time (epoch) before timezone change Test Steps - Modify timezone - While to modification is pending get the last timestamp (epoch) from each log - Wait for out_of_date alarms to clear - Get system time (epoch) after timezone change - Ensure the timezone change effected the date by comparing system time before and after timezone change - For 3 minutes check each log for a new entry - Ensure that the new entry in each log is in line with the timezone change Test Teardown - N/A """ logs = ('auth.log', 'daemon.log', 'fm-event.log', 'fsmond.log', 'kern.log', 'openstack.log', 'pmond.log', 'user.log') # 'sm-scheduler.log' fails (CGTS-10475) LOG.tc_step("Collect timezone, system time, and log timestamps before modify timezone")"Get timezones for testing") prev_timezone = system_helper.get_timezone() post_timezone = __select_diff_timezone(current_zone=prev_timezone) con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() # Saving the last entry from the logs; If it is the same later, there is no new entry in the log. LOG.tc_step("Get last entry from log files and compare with system time") prev_timestamps = {} time.sleep(5) for log in logs: last_line = con_ssh.exec_cmd('tail -n 1 /var/log/{}'.format(log))[1] log_epoch = parse_log_time(last_line) prev_timestamps[log] = log_epoch prev_system_epoch = get_epoch_date(con_ssh=con_ssh) prev_check_fail = [] for log, timestamp in prev_timestamps.items(): if timestamp > prev_system_epoch: prev_check_fail.append(log) assert not prev_check_fail, "{} timestamp does not match system time".format(prev_check_fail) start_time = time.time() LOG.tc_step("Modify timezone from {} to {}".format(prev_timezone, post_timezone)) system_helper.modify_timezone(timezone=post_timezone) end_time = time.time() mod_diff = end_time - start_time LOG.tc_step("Verify system time is updated") time.sleep(10) post_system_epoch = get_epoch_date(con_ssh=con_ssh) time_diff = abs(prev_system_epoch - post_system_epoch) assert time_diff > 3600, "Timezone change did not affect the date""system time is updated after timezone modify") LOG.tc_step("Wait for new logs to generate and verify timestamps for new log entries are updated") logs_to_test = {} timeout = time.time() + 300 while time.time() < timeout: for log_name, value in prev_timestamps.items(): last_line = con_ssh.exec_cmd('tail -n 1 /var/log/{}'.format(log_name))[1] # If last line does not exist in last_log_entries; New line is in the log; Add log to logs_to_test new_log_epoch = parse_log_time(last_line) prev_log_epoch = prev_timestamps[log_name] epoch_diff_prev_log_to_sys = prev_system_epoch - prev_log_epoch epoch_diff_prev_log = new_log_epoch - prev_log_epoch'timezone modify time used: {}; pre-modify sys time - last log time: {}'. format(mod_diff, epoch_diff_prev_log_to_sys)) if abs(epoch_diff_prev_log) > max(mod_diff, 180) + epoch_diff_prev_log_to_sys:"{} has new log entry. Adding to logs_to_test.".format(log_name)) logs_to_test[log_name] = new_log_epoch del prev_timestamps[log_name] break if not prev_timestamps: break time.sleep(10) # Get latest log entries, convert to epoch failed_logs = {} for log_name, value in logs_to_test.items(): time_diff = abs(value - post_system_epoch)"log: {} time diff: {}".format(log_name, time_diff)) if time_diff > 330: failed_logs[log_name] = "time_diff: {}".format(time_diff) assert not failed_logs, "Timestamp for following new logs are different than system time: {}".format(failed_logs)