class KglmDisc(Model): """ Knowledge graph language model discriminator (for importance sampling). Parameters ---------- vocab : ``Vocabulary`` The model vocabulary. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, token_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, entity_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, relation_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, knowledge_graph_path: str, use_shortlist: bool, hidden_size: int, num_layers: int, cutoff: int = 30, tie_weights: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.4, dropouth: float = 0.3, dropouti: float = 0.65, dropoute: float = 0.1, wdrop: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 2.0, beta: float = 1.0, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator()) -> None: super(KglmDisc, self).__init__(vocab) # We extract the `Embedding` layers from the `TokenEmbedders` to apply dropout later on. # pylint: disable=protected-access self._token_embedder = token_embedder._token_embedders['tokens'] self._entity_embedder = entity_embedder._token_embedders['entity_ids'] self._relation_embedder = relation_embedder._token_embedders['relations'] self._recent_entities = RecentEntities(cutoff=cutoff) self._knowledge_graph_lookup = KnowledgeGraphLookup(knowledge_graph_path, vocab=vocab) self._use_shortlist = use_shortlist self._hidden_size = hidden_size self._num_layers = num_layers self._cutoff = cutoff self._tie_weights = tie_weights # Dropout self._locked_dropout = LockedDropout() self._dropout = dropout self._dropouth = dropouth self._dropouti = dropouti self._dropoute = dropoute self._wdrop = wdrop # Regularization strength self._alpha = alpha self._beta = beta # RNN Encoders. entity_embedding_dim = entity_embedder.get_output_dim() token_embedding_dim = token_embedder.get_output_dim() self.entity_embedding_dim = entity_embedding_dim self.token_embedding_dim = token_embedding_dim rnns: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] for i in range(num_layers): if i == 0: input_size = token_embedding_dim else: input_size = hidden_size if i == num_layers - 1: output_size = token_embedding_dim + 2 * entity_embedding_dim else: output_size = hidden_size rnns.append(torch.nn.LSTM(input_size, output_size, batch_first=True)) rnns = [WeightDrop(rnn, ['weight_hh_l0'], dropout=wdrop) for rnn in rnns] self.rnns = torch.nn.ModuleList(rnns) # Various linear transformations. self._fc_mention_type = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=token_embedding_dim, out_features=4) if not use_shortlist: self._fc_new_entity = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=entity_embedding_dim, out_features=vocab.get_vocab_size('entity_ids')) if tie_weights: self._fc_new_entity.weight = self._entity_embedder.weight self._state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None # Metrics self._unk_index = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_OOV_TOKEN) self._unk_penalty = math.log(vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens_unk')) self._avg_mention_type_loss = Average() self._avg_new_entity_loss = Average() self._avg_knowledge_graph_entity_loss = Average() self._new_mention_f1 = F1Measure(positive_label=1) self._kg_mention_f1 = F1Measure(positive_label=2) self._new_entity_accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() self._new_entity_accuracy20 = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=20) self._parent_ppl = Ppl() self._relation_ppl = Ppl() initializer(self) def sample(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], reset: torch.Tensor, metadata: Dict[str, Any], alias_copy_inds: torch.Tensor, shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: # **kwargs intended to eat the other fields if they are provided. """ Sampling annotations for the generative model. Note that unlike forward, this function expects inputs from a **generative** dataset reader, not a **discriminative** one. """ # Tensorize the alias_database - this will only perform the operation once. alias_database = metadata[0]['alias_database'] alias_database.tensorize(vocab=self.vocab) # Reset the model if needed if reset.any() and (self._state is not None): for layer in range(self._num_layers): h, c = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] h[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(h[:, reset, :]) c[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(c[:, reset, :]) self._state['layer_%i' % layer] = (h, c) self._recent_entities.reset(reset) logp = 0.0 mask = get_text_field_mask(target).byte() # We encode the target tokens (**not** source) since the discriminative model makes # predictions on the current token, but the generative model expects labels for the # **next** (e.g. target) token! encoded, *_ = self._encode_source(target['tokens']) splits = [self.token_embedding_dim] + [self.entity_embedding_dim] * 2 encoded_token, encoded_head, encoded_relation = encoded.split(splits, dim=-1) # Compute new mention logits mention_logits = self._fc_mention_type(encoded_token) mention_probs = F.softmax(mention_logits, dim=-1) mention_type = parallel_sample(mention_probs) mention_logp = mention_probs.gather(-1, mention_type.unsqueeze(-1)).log() mention_logp[~mask] = 0 mention_logp = mention_logp.sum() # Compute entity logits new_entity_mask = mention_type.eq(1) new_entity_logits = self._new_entity_logits(encoded_head + encoded_relation, shortlist) if self._use_shortlist: # If using shortlist, then samples are indexed w.r.t the shortlist and entity_ids must be looked up shortlist_mask = get_text_field_mask(shortlist) new_entity_probs = masked_softmax(new_entity_logits, shortlist_mask) shortlist_inds = torch.zeros_like(mention_type) # Some sequences may be full of padding in which case the shortlist # is empty not_just_padding = shortlist_mask.byte().any(-1) shortlist_inds[not_just_padding] = parallel_sample(new_entity_probs[not_just_padding]) shortlist_inds[~new_entity_mask] = 0 _new_entity_logp = new_entity_probs.gather(-1, shortlist_inds.unsqueeze(-1)).log() new_entity_samples = shortlist['entity_ids'].gather(1, shortlist_inds) else: new_entity_logits = new_entity_logits # If not using shortlist, then samples are indexed w.r.t to the global vocab new_entity_probs = F.softmax(new_entity_logits, dim=-1) new_entity_samples = parallel_sample(new_entity_probs) _new_entity_logp = new_entity_probs.gather(-1, new_entity_samples.unsqueeze(-1)).log() shortlist_inds = None # Zero out masked tokens and non-new entity predictions _new_entity_logp[~mask] = 0 _new_entity_logp[~new_entity_mask] = 0 new_entity_logp = _new_entity_logp.sum() # Start filling in the entity ids entity_ids = torch.zeros_like(target['tokens']) entity_ids[new_entity_mask] = new_entity_samples[new_entity_mask] # ...UGH we also need the raw ids - remapping time raw_entity_ids = torch.zeros_like(target['tokens']) for *index, entity_id in nested_enumerate(entity_ids.tolist()): token = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(entity_id, 'entity_ids') raw_entity_id = self.vocab.get_token_index(token, 'raw_entity_ids') raw_entity_ids[tuple(index)] = raw_entity_id # Derived mentions need to be computed sequentially. parent_ids = torch.zeros_like(target['tokens']).unsqueeze(-1) derived_entity_mask = mention_type.eq(2) derived_entity_logp = 0.0 sequence_length = target['tokens'].shape[1] for i in range(sequence_length): current_mask = derived_entity_mask[:, i] & mask[:, i] # ------------------- SAMPLE PARENTS --------------------- # Update recent entities with **current** entity only current_entity_id = entity_ids[:, i].unsqueeze(1) candidate_ids, candidate_mask = self._recent_entities(current_entity_id) # If no mentions are derived, there is no point continuing after entities have been updated. if not current_mask.any(): continue # Otherwise we proceed candidate_embeddings = self._entity_embedder(candidate_ids) # Compute logits w.r.t **current** hidden state only current_head_encoding = encoded_head[:, i].unsqueeze(1) selection_logits = torch.bmm(current_head_encoding, candidate_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) selection_probs = masked_softmax(selection_logits, candidate_mask) # Only sample if there is at least one viable candidate (e.g. if a sampling distribution # has no probability mass we cannot sample from it). Return zero as the parent for # non-viable distributions. viable_candidate_mask = candidate_mask.any(-1).squeeze() _parent_ids = torch.zeros_like(current_entity_id) parent_logp = torch.zeros_like(current_entity_id, dtype=torch.float32) if viable_candidate_mask.any(): viable_candidate_ids = candidate_ids[viable_candidate_mask] viable_candidate_probs = selection_probs[viable_candidate_mask] viable_parent_samples = parallel_sample(viable_candidate_probs) viable_logp = viable_candidate_probs.gather(-1, viable_parent_samples.unsqueeze(-1)).log() viable_parent_ids = viable_candidate_ids.gather(-1, viable_parent_samples) _parent_ids[viable_candidate_mask] = viable_parent_ids parent_logp[viable_candidate_mask] = viable_logp.squeeze(-1) parent_ids[current_mask, i] = _parent_ids[current_mask] # TODO: Double-check derived_entity_logp += parent_logp[current_mask].sum() # ---------------------- SAMPLE RELATION ----------------------------- # Lookup sampled parent ids in the knowledge graph indices, parent_ids_list, relations_list, tail_ids_list = self._knowledge_graph_lookup(_parent_ids) relation_embeddings = [self._relation_embedder(r) for r in relations_list] # Sample tail ids current_relation_encoding = encoded_relation[:, i].unsqueeze(1) _raw_tail_ids = torch.zeros_like(_parent_ids).squeeze(-1) _tail_ids = torch.zeros_like(_parent_ids).squeeze(-1) for index, relation_embedding, tail_id_lookup in zip(indices, relation_embeddings, tail_ids_list): # Compute the score for each relation w.r.t the current encoding. NOTE: In the loss # code index has a slice. We don't need that here since there is always a # **single** parent. logits =, current_relation_encoding[index]) # Convert to probability tail_probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) # Sample tail_sample = torch.multinomial(tail_probs, 1) # Get logp. Ignoring the current_mask here is **super** dodgy, but since we forced # null parents to zero we shouldn't be accumulating probabilities for unused predictions. tail_logp = tail_probs.gather(-1, tail_sample).log() derived_entity_logp += tail_logp.sum() # Sum is redundant, just need it to make logp a scalar # Map back to raw id raw_tail_id = tail_id_lookup[tail_sample] # Convert raw id to id tail_id_string = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(raw_tail_id.item(), 'raw_entity_ids') tail_id = self.vocab.get_token_index(tail_id_string, 'entity_ids') _raw_tail_ids[index[:-1]] = raw_tail_id _tail_ids[index[:-1]] = tail_id raw_entity_ids[current_mask, i] = _raw_tail_ids[current_mask] # TODO: Double-check entity_ids[current_mask, i] = _tail_ids[current_mask] # TODO: Double-check self._recent_entities.insert(_tail_ids, current_mask) # --------------------- CONTINUE MENTIONS --------------------------------------- continue_mask = mention_type[:, i].eq(3) & mask[:, i] if not current_mask.any() or i == 0: continue raw_entity_ids[continue_mask, i] = raw_entity_ids[continue_mask, i-1] entity_ids[continue_mask, i] = entity_ids[continue_mask, i-1] entity_ids[continue_mask, i] = entity_ids[continue_mask, i-1] parent_ids[continue_mask, i] = parent_ids[continue_mask, i-1] if self._use_shortlist: shortlist_inds[continue_mask, i] = shortlist_inds[continue_mask, i-1] alias_copy_inds[continue_mask, i] = alias_copy_inds[continue_mask, i-1] # Lastly, because entities won't always match the true entity ids, # we need to zero out any alias copy ids that won't be valid. if 'raw_entity_ids' in kwargs: true_raw_entity_ids = kwargs['raw_entity_ids']['raw_entity_ids'] invalid_id_mask = ~true_raw_entity_ids.eq(raw_entity_ids) alias_copy_inds[invalid_id_mask] = 0 # Pass denotes fields that are passed directly from input to output. sample = { 'source': source, # Pass 'target': target, # Pass 'reset': reset, # Pass 'metadata': metadata, # Pass 'mention_type': mention_type, 'raw_entity_ids': {'raw_entity_ids': raw_entity_ids}, 'entity_ids': {'entity_ids': entity_ids}, 'parent_ids': {'entity_ids': parent_ids}, 'relations': {'relations': None}, # We aren't using them - eventually should remove entirely 'shortlist': shortlist, # Pass 'shortlist_inds': shortlist_inds, 'alias_copy_inds': alias_copy_inds } logp = mention_logp + new_entity_logp + derived_entity_logp return {'sample': sample, 'logp': logp} @overrides def forward(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], reset: torch.Tensor, metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]], mention_type: torch.Tensor = None, raw_entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, parent_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, relations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Tensorize the alias_database - this will only perform the operation once. alias_database = metadata[0]['alias_database'] alias_database.tensorize(vocab=self.vocab) # Reset the model if needed if reset.any() and (self._state is not None): for layer in range(self._num_layers): h, c = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] h[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(h[:, reset, :]) c[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(c[:, reset, :]) self._state['layer_%i' % layer] = (h, c) self._recent_entities.reset(reset) if entity_ids is not None: output_dict = self._forward_loop( source=source, alias_database=alias_database, mention_type=mention_type, raw_entity_ids=raw_entity_ids, entity_ids=entity_ids, parent_ids=parent_ids, relations=relations, shortlist=shortlist, shortlist_inds=shortlist_inds) else: # TODO: Figure out what we want here - probably to do some king of inference on # entities / mention types. output_dict = {} return output_dict def _encode_source(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: # Extract and embed source tokens. source_embeddings = embedded_dropout( embed=self._token_embedder, words=source, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) source_embeddings = self._locked_dropout(source_embeddings, self._dropouti) # Encode. current_input = source_embeddings hidden_states = [] for layer, rnn in enumerate(self.rnns): # Retrieve previous hidden state for layer. if self._state is not None: prev_hidden = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] else: prev_hidden = None # Forward-pass. output, hidden = rnn(current_input, prev_hidden) output = output.contiguous() # Update hidden state for layer. hidden = tuple(h.detach() for h in hidden) hidden_states.append(hidden) # Apply dropout. if layer == self._num_layers - 1: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropout) else: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropouth) current_input = dropped_output encoded = current_input alpha_loss = dropped_output.pow(2).mean() beta_loss = (output[:, 1:] - output[:, :-1]).pow(2).mean() # Update state. self._state = {'layer_%i' % i: h for i, h in enumerate(hidden_states)} return encoded, alpha_loss, beta_loss def _mention_type_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, mention_type: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the loss for predicting whether or not the the next token will be part of an entity mention. """ logits = self._fc_mention_type(encoded) mention_type_loss = sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, mention_type, mask, average='token') # if not self._new_mention_f1(predictions=logits, gold_labels=mention_type, mask=mask) self._kg_mention_f1(predictions=logits, gold_labels=mention_type, mask=mask) return mention_type_loss def _new_entity_logits(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, shortlist: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: if self._use_shortlist: # Embed the shortlist entries shortlist_embeddings = embedded_dropout( embed=self._entity_embedder, words=shortlist['entity_ids'], dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) # Compute logits using inner product between the predicted entity embedding and the # embeddings of entities in the shortlist encodings = self._locked_dropout(encoded, self._dropout) logits = torch.bmm(encodings, shortlist_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) else: logits = self._fc_new_entity(encoded) return logits def _new_entity_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, target_inds: torch.Tensor, shortlist: torch.Tensor, target_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Parameters ========== target_inds : ``torch.Tensor`` Either the shortlist inds if using shortlist, otherwise the target entity ids. """ logits = self._new_entity_logits(encoded, shortlist) if self._use_shortlist: # Take masked softmax to get log probabilties and gather the targets. shortlist_mask = get_text_field_mask(shortlist) log_probs = masked_log_softmax(logits, shortlist_mask) else: logits = logits log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) num_categories = log_probs.shape[-1] log_probs = log_probs.view(-1, num_categories) target_inds = target_inds.view(-1) target_log_probs = torch.gather(log_probs, -1, target_inds.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) mask = ~target_inds.eq(0) target_log_probs[~mask] = 0 if mask.any(): self._new_entity_accuracy(predictions=log_probs[mask], gold_labels=target_inds[mask]) self._new_entity_accuracy20(predictions=log_probs[mask], gold_labels=target_inds[mask]) return -target_log_probs.sum() / (target_mask.sum() + 1e-13) def _parent_log_probs(self, encoded_head: torch.Tensor, entity_ids: torch.Tensor, parent_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Lookup recent entities (which are candidates for parents) and get their embeddings. candidate_ids, candidate_mask = self._recent_entities(entity_ids) logger.debug('Candidate ids shape: %s', candidate_ids.shape) candidate_embeddings = embedded_dropout(self._entity_embedder, words=candidate_ids, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) # Logits are computed using a general bilinear form that measures the similarity between # the projected hidden state and the embeddings of candidate entities encoded = self._locked_dropout(encoded_head, self._dropout) selection_logits = torch.bmm(encoded, candidate_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) # Get log probabilities using masked softmax (need to double check mask works properly). # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_candidates) log_probs = masked_log_softmax(selection_logits, candidate_mask) # Now for the tricky part. We need to convert the parent ids to a mask that selects the # relevant probabilities from log_probs. To do this we need to align the candidates with # the parent ids, which can be achieved by an element-wise equality comparison. We also # need to ensure that null parents are not selected. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_parents, 1) _parent_ids = parent_ids.unsqueeze(-1) batch_size, num_candidates = candidate_ids.shape # shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) _candidate_ids = candidate_ids.view(batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_parents, num_candidates) is_parent = _parent_ids.eq(_candidate_ids) # shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) non_null = ~_candidate_ids.eq(0) # Since multiplication is addition in log-space, we can apply mask by adding its log (+ # some small constant for numerical stability). mask = is_parent & non_null masked_log_probs = log_probs.unsqueeze(2) + (mask.float() + 1e-45).log() logger.debug('Masked log probs shape: %s', masked_log_probs.shape) # Lastly, we need to get rid of the num_candidates dimension. The easy way to do this would # be to marginalize it out. However, since our data is sparse (the last two dims are # essentially a delta function) this would add a lot of unneccesary terms to the computation graph. # To get around this we are going to try to use a gather. _, index = torch.max(mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True) target_log_probs = torch.gather(masked_log_probs, dim=-1, index=index).squeeze(-1) return target_log_probs def _relation_log_probs(self, encoded_relation: torch.Tensor, raw_entity_ids: torch.Tensor, parent_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Lookup edges out of parents indices, parent_ids_list, relations_list, tail_ids_list = self._knowledge_graph_lookup(parent_ids) # Embed relations relation_embeddings = [self._relation_embedder(r) for r in relations_list] # Logits are computed using a general bi-linear form that measures the similarity between # the projected hidden state and the embeddings of relations encoded = self._locked_dropout(encoded_relation, self._dropout) # This is a little funky, but to avoid massive amounts of padding we are going to just # iterate over the relation and tail_id vectors one-by-one. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_parents, num_relations) target_log_probs = encoded.new_empty(*parent_ids.shape).fill_(math.log(1e-45)) for index, parent_id, relation_embedding, tail_id in zip(indices, parent_ids_list, relation_embeddings, tail_ids_list): # First we compute the score for each relation w.r.t the current encoding, and convert # the scores to log-probabilities logits =, encoded[index[:-1]]) logger.debug('Relation logits shape: %s', logits.shape) log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) # Next we gather the log probs for edges with the correct tail entity and sum them up target_id = raw_entity_ids[index[:-1]] mask = tail_id.eq(target_id) relevant_log_probs = log_probs.masked_select(tail_id.eq(target_id)) target_log_prob = torch.logsumexp(relevant_log_probs, dim=0) target_log_probs[index] = target_log_prob return target_log_probs def _knowledge_graph_entity_loss(self, encoded_head: torch.Tensor, encoded_relation: torch.Tensor, raw_entity_ids: torch.Tensor, entity_ids: torch.Tensor, parent_ids: torch.Tensor, target_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # First get the log probabilities of the parents and relations that lead to the current # entity. parent_log_probs = self._parent_log_probs(encoded_head, entity_ids, parent_ids) relation_log_probs = self._relation_log_probs(encoded_relation, raw_entity_ids, parent_ids) # Next take their product + marginalize combined_log_probs = parent_log_probs + relation_log_probs target_log_probs = torch.logsumexp(combined_log_probs, dim=-1) # Zero out any non-kg predictions mask = ~parent_ids.eq(0).all(dim=-1) target_log_probs = target_log_probs * mask.float() # If validating, measure ppl of the predictions: # if not self._parent_ppl(-torch.logsumexp(parent_log_probs, dim=-1)[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum()) self._relation_ppl(-torch.logsumexp(relation_log_probs, dim=-1)[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum()) # Lastly return the tokenwise average loss return -target_log_probs.sum() / (target_mask.sum() + 1e-13) def _forward_loop(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], alias_database: AliasDatabase, mention_type: torch.Tensor, raw_entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], parent_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], relations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Get the token mask and extract indexed text fields. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length) target_mask = get_text_field_mask(source) source = source['tokens'] raw_entity_ids = raw_entity_ids['raw_entity_ids'] entity_ids = entity_ids['entity_ids'] parent_ids = parent_ids['entity_ids'] relations = relations['relations'] logger.debug('Source & Target shape: %s', source.shape) logger.debug('Entity ids shape: %s', entity_ids.shape) logger.debug('Relations & Parent ids shape: %s', relations.shape) logger.debug('Shortlist shape: %s', shortlist['entity_ids'].shape) # Embed source tokens. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim) encoded, alpha_loss, beta_loss = self._encode_source(source) splits = [self.token_embedding_dim] + [self.entity_embedding_dim] * 2 encoded_token, encoded_head, encoded_relation = encoded.split(splits, dim=-1) # Predict whether or not the next token will be an entity mention, and if so which type. mention_type_loss = self._mention_type_loss(encoded_token, mention_type, target_mask) self._avg_mention_type_loss(float(mention_type_loss)) # For new mentions, predict which entity (among those in the supplied shortlist) will be # mentioned. if self._use_shortlist: new_entity_loss = self._new_entity_loss(encoded_head + encoded_relation, shortlist_inds, shortlist, target_mask) else: new_entity_loss = self._new_entity_loss(encoded_head + encoded_relation, entity_ids, None, target_mask) self._avg_new_entity_loss(float(new_entity_loss)) # For derived mentions, first predict which parent(s) to expand... knowledge_graph_entity_loss = self._knowledge_graph_entity_loss(encoded_head, encoded_relation, raw_entity_ids, entity_ids, parent_ids, target_mask) self._avg_knowledge_graph_entity_loss(float(knowledge_graph_entity_loss)) # Compute total loss loss = mention_type_loss + new_entity_loss + knowledge_graph_entity_loss # Activation regularization if self._alpha: loss = loss + self._alpha * alpha_loss # Temporal activation regularization (slowness) if self._beta: loss = loss + self._beta * beta_loss return {'loss': loss} @overrides def train(self, mode=True): # TODO: This is a temporary hack to ensure that the internal state resets when the model # switches from training to evaluation. The complication arises from potentially differing # batch sizes (e.g. the `reset` tensor will not be the right size). # In future implementations this should be handled more robustly. super().train(mode) self._state = None @overrides def eval(self): # TODO: See train. super().eval() self._state = None def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: out = { 'type': self._avg_mention_type_loss.get_metric(reset), 'new': self._avg_new_entity_loss.get_metric(reset), 'kg': self._avg_knowledge_graph_entity_loss.get_metric(reset), } # if not p, r, f = self._new_mention_f1.get_metric(reset) out['new_p'] = p out['new_r'] = r out['new_f1'] = f p, r, f = self._kg_mention_f1.get_metric(reset) out['kg_p'] = p out['kg_r'] = r out['kg_f1'] = f out['new_ent_acc'] = self._new_entity_accuracy.get_metric(reset) out['new_ent_acc_20'] = self._new_entity_accuracy20.get_metric(reset) out['parent_ppl'] = self._parent_ppl.get_metric(reset) out['relation_ppl'] = self._relation_ppl.get_metric(reset) return out
class AliasCopynet(Model): """ Oracle alias copynet language model. Parameters ---------- vocab : ``Vocabulary`` The model vocabulary. text_field_embedder : ``TextFieldEmbedder`` Used to embed tokens. encoder : ``Seq2SeqEncoder`` Used to encode the sequence of token embeddings. embedding_dim : ``int`` The dimension of entity / length embeddings. Should match the encoder output size. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, token_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, entity_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, alias_encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder, hidden_size: int, num_layers: int, dropout: float = 0.4, dropouth: float = 0.3, dropouti: float = 0.65, dropoute: float = 0.1, wdrop: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 2.0, beta: float = 1.0, tie_weights: bool = False, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator()) -> None: super(AliasCopynet, self).__init__(vocab) # Model architecture - Note: we need to extract the `Embedding` layers from the # `TokenEmbedders` to apply dropout later on. # pylint: disable=protected-access self._token_embedder = token_embedder._token_embedders['tokens'] self._entity_embedder = entity_embedder._token_embedders['entity_ids'] self._alias_encoder = alias_encoder self._hidden_size = hidden_size self._num_layers = num_layers self._tie_weights = tie_weights # Dropout self._locked_dropout = LockedDropout() self._dropout = dropout self._dropouth = dropouth self._dropouti = dropouti self._dropoute = dropoute self._wdrop = wdrop # Regularization strength self._alpha = alpha self._beta = beta # RNN Encoders. TODO: Experiment with seperate encoder for aliases. entity_embedding_dim = entity_embedder.get_output_dim() token_embedding_dim = entity_embedder.get_output_dim() assert entity_embedding_dim == token_embedding_dim embedding_dim = token_embedding_dim rnns: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] for i in range(num_layers): if i == 0: input_size = token_embedding_dim else: input_size = hidden_size if (i == num_layers - 1) and tie_weights: output_size = token_embedding_dim else: output_size = hidden_size rnns.append(torch.nn.LSTM(input_size, output_size, batch_first=True)) rnns = [WeightDrop(rnn, ['weight_hh_l0'], dropout=wdrop) for rnn in rnns] self.rnns = torch.nn.ModuleList(rnns) # Various linear transformations. self._fc_mention = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=embedding_dim, out_features=2) self._fc_entity = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=embedding_dim, out_features=embedding_dim) self._fc_condense = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=2 * embedding_dim, out_features=embedding_dim) self._fc_generate = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=embedding_dim, out_features=vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens')) self._fc_copy = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=embedding_dim, out_features=embedding_dim) if tie_weights: self._fc_generate.weight = self._token_embedder.weight self._state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]= None # Metrics # self._avg_mention_loss = Average() # self._avg_entity_loss = Average() # self._avg_vocab_loss = Average() self._unk_index = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_OOV_TOKEN) self._unk_penalty = math.log(vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens_unk')) self._ppl = Ppl() self._upp = Ppl() self._kg_ppl = Ppl() # Knowledge-graph ppl self._bg_ppl = Ppl() # Background ppl initializer(self) @overrides def forward(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], reset: torch.Tensor, entity_ids: torch.Tensor = None, shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor = None, alias_copy_inds: torch.Tensor = None, alias_tokens: torch.Tensor = None, alias_inds: torch.Tensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: alias_tokens = alias_tokens['tokens'] # Inds have fixed size and don't get truncated on split so truncate # now. alias_inds = alias_inds[:, :, :alias_tokens.shape[2]] # Reset the model if needed if reset.any() and (self._state is not None): for layer in range(self._num_layers): h, c = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] h[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(h[:, reset, :]) c[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(c[:, reset, :]) self._state['layer_%i' % layer] = (h, c) if entity_ids is not None: output_dict = self._forward_loop( source=source, target=target, alias_copy_inds=alias_copy_inds, alias_tokens=alias_tokens, alias_inds=alias_inds) else: # TODO: Figure out what we want here - probably to do some king of inference on # entities / mention types. output_dict = {} return output_dict def _mention_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the loss for predicting whether or not the the next token will be part of an entity mention. """ logits = self._fc_mention(encoded) mention_loss = sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets, mask, average='token') return mention_loss def _entity_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, shortlist_embeddings: torch.Tensor, shortlist_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Logits are computed using a bilinear form that measures the similarity between the # projected hidden state and the embeddings of entities in the shortlist projected = self._fc_entity(encoded) projected = self._locked_dropout(projected, self._dropout) logits = torch.bmm(projected, shortlist_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) # There are technically two masks that need to be accounted for: a class-wise mask which # specifies which logits to ignore in the class dimension, and a token-wise mask (e.g. # `mask`) which avoids measuring loss for predictions on non-mention tokens. In practice, # we only need the class-wise mask since the non-mention tokens cannot be associated with a # valid target. batch_size = encoded.shape[0] entity_loss = 0.0 for i in range(batch_size): entity_loss += F.cross_entropy( input=logits[i], target=targets[i], weight=shortlist_mask[i].float(), reduction='sum') entity_loss = entity_loss / (mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) return entity_loss def _copy_scores(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, alias_tokens: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Begin by flattening the tokens so that they fit the expected shape of a # ``Seq2SeqEncoder``. batch_size, sequence_length, alias_length = alias_tokens.shape flattened = alias_tokens.view(-1, alias_length) copy_mask = flattened != 0 if copy_mask.sum() == 0: return encoded.new_zeros((batch_size, sequence_length, alias_length), dtype=torch.float32) # Embed and encode the alias tokens. embedded = self._token_embedder(flattened) mask = encoded_aliases = self._alias_encoder(embedded, mask) # Equation 8 in the CopyNet paper recommends applying the additional step. projected = torch.tanh(self._fc_copy(encoded_aliases)) projected = self._locked_dropout(projected, self._dropout) # This part gets a little funky - we need to make sure that the first dimension in # `projected` and `hidden` is batch_size x sequence_length. encoded = encoded.view(batch_size * sequence_length, 1, -1) projected = projected.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1, alias_length) copy_scores = torch.bmm(encoded, projected).squeeze() copy_scores = copy_scores.view(batch_size, sequence_length, -1).contiguous() return copy_scores def _vocab_loss(self, generate_scores: torch.Tensor, copy_scores: torch.Tensor, target_tokens: torch.Tensor, target_alias_indices: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, alias_indices: torch.Tensor, alias_tokens: torch.Tensor): mention_mask = batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size = generate_scores.shape copy_sequence_length = copy_scores.shape[-1] # Flat sequences make life **much** easier. flattened_targets = target_tokens.view(batch_size * sequence_length, 1) flattened_mask = mask.view(-1, 1).byte() alias_mask = alias_indices.view(batch_size, sequence_length, -1).gt(0) # The log-probability distribution is then given by taking the masked log softmax. generate_log_probs = masked_log_softmax(generate_scores, torch.ones_like(generate_scores)) copy_log_probs = masked_log_softmax(copy_scores, alias_mask) # GENERATE LOSS ### # The generated token loss is a simple cross-entropy calculation, we can just gather # the log probabilties... flattened_log_probs = generate_log_probs.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1) generate_log_probs = flattened_log_probs.gather(1, flattened_targets) # ...except we need to ignore the contribution of UNK tokens that are # copied (always in the simplified model). To do that we create a mask # which is 1 only if the token is not a copied UNK (or padding). unks = target_tokens.eq(self._unk_index).view(-1, 1) copied =, 1) generate_mask = ~copied & flattened_mask # Since we are in log-space we apply the mask by addition. generate_log_probs = generate_log_probs + (generate_mask.float() + 1e-45).log() # COPY LOSS ### copy_log_probs = copy_log_probs.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1) # When computing the loss we need to get the log probability of **only** the copied tokens. alias_indices = alias_indices.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1) target_alias_indices = target_alias_indices.view(-1, 1) copy_mask = alias_indices.eq(target_alias_indices) & flattened_mask & copy_log_probs = copy_log_probs + (copy_mask.float() + 1e-45).log() # COMBINED LOSS ### # The final loss term is computed using our log probs computed w.r.t to the entire # vocabulary. kg_mask = (mention_mask & mask.byte()).view(-1) bg_mask = (~mention_mask & mask.byte()).view(-1) mask = mask.byte().view(-1) combined_log_probs =, copy_log_probs), dim=1) combined_log_probs = torch.logsumexp(combined_log_probs, dim=1) vocab_loss = -combined_log_probs[mask].sum() / (mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) # PERPLEXITY ### # Our perplexity terms are computed using the log probs computed w.r.t the source # vocabulary. # For UPP we penalize **only** p(UNK); not the copy probabilities! penalized_log_probs = generate_log_probs - self._unk_penalty * unks.float() penalized_log_probs =, copy_log_probs), dim=1) penalized_log_probs = torch.logsumexp(penalized_log_probs, dim=1) self._ppl(-combined_log_probs[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) self._upp(-penalized_log_probs[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) if kg_mask.any(): self._kg_ppl(-combined_log_probs[kg_mask].sum(), kg_mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) if bg_mask.any(): self._bg_ppl(-combined_log_probs[bg_mask].sum(), bg_mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) return vocab_loss def _forward_loop(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], alias_copy_inds: torch.Tensor, alias_tokens: torch.Tensor, alias_inds: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Get the token mask and unwrap the target tokens. target_mask = get_text_field_mask(target) target = target['tokens'] # Embed source tokens. source = source['tokens'] source_embeddings = embedded_dropout( embed=self._token_embedder, words=source, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) source_embeddings = self._locked_dropout(source_embeddings, self._dropouti) # Encode source tokens. current_input = source_embeddings hidden_states = [] for layer, rnn in enumerate(self.rnns): # Retrieve previous hidden state for layer. if self._state is not None: prev_hidden = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] else: prev_hidden = None # Forward-pass. output, hidden = rnn(current_input, prev_hidden) output = output.contiguous() # Update hidden state for layer. hidden = tuple(h.detach() for h in hidden) hidden_states.append(hidden) # Apply dropout. if layer == self._num_layers - 1: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropout) else: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropouth) current_input = dropped_output encoded = current_input self._state = {'layer_%i' % i: h for i, h in enumerate(hidden_states)} # Predict generation-mode scores. Start by concatenating predicted entity embeddings with # the encoder output - then feed through a linear layer. generate_scores = self._fc_generate(encoded) # Predict copy-mode scores. # alias_tokens, alias_inds = alias_database.lookup(entity_ids) copy_scores = self._copy_scores(encoded, alias_tokens) # Combine scores to get vocab loss vocab_loss = self._vocab_loss(generate_scores, copy_scores, target, alias_copy_inds, target_mask, alias_inds, alias_tokens) # Compute total loss loss = vocab_loss # Activation regularization if self._alpha: loss = loss + self._alpha * dropped_output.pow(2).mean() # Temporal activation regularization (slowness) if self._beta: loss = loss + self._beta * (output[:, 1:] - output[:, :-1]).pow(2).mean() return {'loss': loss} @overrides def train(self, mode=True): # TODO: This is a temporary hack to ensure that the internal state resets when the model # switches from training to evaluation. The complication arises from potentially differing # batch sizes (e.g. the `reset` tensor will not be the right size). In future # implementations this should be handled more robustly. super().train(mode) self._state = None @overrides def eval(self): # TODO: See train. super().eval() self._state = None def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: return { 'ppl': self._ppl.get_metric(reset), 'upp': self._upp.get_metric(reset), 'kg_ppl': self._kg_ppl.get_metric(reset), 'bg_ppl': self._bg_ppl.get_metric(reset) }
class AwdLstmLanguageModel(Model): """ Port of the awd-lstm-lm model from: Parameters ---------- vocab : ``Vocabulary`` The model vocabulary. text_field_embedder : ``TextFieldEmbedder`` Used to embed tokens. hidden_size : ``int`` LSTM hidden layer size (note: not needed if num_layers == 1) num_layers : ``int`` Number of LSTM layers to use in encoder. splits : ``List[int]``, optional (default=``[]``) Splits to use in adaptive softmax. A bunch of optional dropout parameters... tie_weights : ``bool``, optional (default=``False``) Whether to tie embedding and output projection weights. initializer: ``InitializerApplicator``, optional (default=``InitializerApplicator()``) Used to initialize the model parameters. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, embedding_size: int, hidden_size: int, num_layers: int, splits: List[int] = [], dropout: float = 0.4, dropouth: float = 0.3, dropouti: float = 0.65, dropoute: float = 0.1, wdrop: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 2.0, beta: float = 1.0, tie_weights: bool = False, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator()) -> None: super(AwdLstmLanguageModel, self).__init__(vocab) # Model architecture self.embedding_size = embedding_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.tie_weights = tie_weights self.splits = splits self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta # Dropout stuff self.locked_dropout = LockedDropout() self.dropouti = dropouti self.dropouth = dropouth self.dropoute = dropoute self.dropout = dropout # Initialize empty state dict self._state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None # Tokens are manually embedded instead of using a TokenEmbedder to make using # embedding_dropout easier. self.embedder = torch.nn.Embedding(vocab.get_vocab_size(namespace='tokens'), embedding_size) rnns: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] for i in range(num_layers): if i == 0: input_size = embedding_size else: input_size = hidden_size if (i == num_layers - 1) and tie_weights: output_size = embedding_size else: output_size = hidden_size rnns.append(torch.nn.LSTM(input_size, output_size, batch_first=True)) rnns = [WeightDrop(rnn, ['weight_hh_l0'], dropout=wdrop) for rnn in rnns] self.rnns = torch.nn.ModuleList(rnns) self.decoder = torch.nn.Linear(output_size, vocab.get_vocab_size(namespace='tokens')) # Optionally tie weights if tie_weights: # pylint: disable=protected-access self.decoder.weight = self.embedder.weight initializer(self) self._unk_index = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_OOV_TOKEN) self._unk_penalty = math.log(vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens_unk')) self.ppl = Ppl() self.upp = Ppl() @overrides def forward(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], reset: torch.Tensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # THE BELOW ONLY NEEDS TO BE SATISFIED FOR THE FANCY ITERATOR, MERITY # ET AL JUST PROPOGATE THE HIDDEN STATE NO MATTER WHAT # To make life easier when evaluating the model we use a BasicIterator # so that we do not need to worry about the sequence truncation # performed by our splitting iterators. To accomodate this, we assume # that if reset is not given, then everything gets reset. if reset is None: self._state = None elif reset.all() and (self._state is not None): logger.debug('RESET') self._state = None elif reset.any() and (self._state is not None): for layer in range(self.num_layers): h, c = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] h[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(h[:, reset, :]) c[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(c[:, reset, :]) self._state['layer_%i' % layer] = (h, c) target_mask = get_text_field_mask(target) source = source['tokens'] target = target['tokens'] embeddings = embedded_dropout(self.embedder, source, dropout=self.dropoute if else 0) embeddings = self.locked_dropout(embeddings, self.dropouti) # Iterate through RNN layers current_input = embeddings current_hidden = [] outputs = [] dropped_outputs = [] for layer, rnn in enumerate(self.rnns): # Bookkeeping if self._state is not None: prev_hidden = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] else: prev_hidden = None # Forward-pass output, hidden = rnn(current_input, prev_hidden) # More bookkeeping output = output.contiguous() outputs.append(output) hidden = tuple(h.detach() for h in hidden) current_hidden.append(hidden) # Apply dropout if layer == self.num_layers - 1: current_input = self.locked_dropout(output, self.dropout) dropped_outputs.append(output) else: current_input = self.locked_dropout(output, self.dropouth) dropped_outputs.append(current_input) # Compute logits and loss logits = self.decoder(current_input) loss = sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, target.contiguous(), target_mask, average="token") num_tokens = target_mask.float().sum() + 1e-13 # Activation regularization if self.alpha: loss = loss + self.alpha * current_input.pow(2).mean() # Temporal activation regularization (slowness) if self.beta: loss = loss + self.beta * (output[:, 1:] - output[:, :-1]).pow(2).mean() # Update metrics and state unks = target.eq(self._unk_index) unk_penalty = self._unk_penalty * unks.float().sum() self.ppl(loss * num_tokens, num_tokens) self.upp(loss * num_tokens + unk_penalty, num_tokens) self._state = {'layer_%i' % l: h for l, h in enumerate(current_hidden)} return {'loss': loss} def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: return { 'ppl': self.ppl.get_metric(reset), 'upp': self.upp.get_metric(reset) }
class NoStory(Model): """ Knowledge graph language model - generative story Parameters ---------- vocab : ``Vocabulary`` The model vocabulary. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, token_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, entity_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, alias_encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder, use_shortlist: bool, hidden_size: int, num_layers: int, cutoff: int = 30, tie_weights: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.4, dropouth: float = 0.3, dropouti: float = 0.65, dropoute: float = 0.1, wdrop: float = 0.5, alpha: float = 2.0, beta: float = 1.0, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator()) -> None: super(NoStory, self).__init__(vocab) # We extract the `Embedding` layers from the `TokenEmbedders` to apply dropout later on. # pylint: disable=protected-access self._token_embedder = token_embedder._token_embedders['tokens'] self._entity_embedder = entity_embedder._token_embedders['entity_ids'] self._alias_encoder = alias_encoder self._recent_entities = RecentEntities(cutoff=cutoff) self._use_shortlist = use_shortlist self._hidden_size = hidden_size self._num_layers = num_layers self._cutoff = cutoff self._tie_weights = tie_weights # Dropout self._locked_dropout = LockedDropout() self._dropout = dropout self._dropouth = dropouth self._dropouti = dropouti self._dropoute = dropoute self._wdrop = wdrop # Regularization strength self._alpha = alpha self._beta = beta # RNN Encoders. entity_embedding_dim = entity_embedder.get_output_dim() token_embedding_dim = token_embedder.get_output_dim() self.entity_embedding_dim = entity_embedding_dim self.token_embedding_dim = token_embedding_dim rnns: List[torch.nn.Module] = [] for i in range(num_layers): if i == 0: input_size = token_embedding_dim else: input_size = hidden_size if (i == num_layers - 1): output_size = token_embedding_dim + entity_embedding_dim else: output_size = hidden_size rnns.append(torch.nn.LSTM( input_size, output_size, batch_first=True)) rnns = [WeightDrop(rnn, ['weight_hh_l0'], dropout=wdrop) for rnn in rnns] self.rnns = torch.nn.ModuleList(rnns) # Various linear transformations. self._fc_mention_type = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=token_embedding_dim, out_features=2) if not use_shortlist: self._fc_new_entity = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=entity_embedding_dim, out_features=vocab.get_vocab_size('entity_ids')) if tie_weights: self._fc_new_entity.weight = self._entity_embedder.weight self._fc_condense = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=token_embedding_dim + entity_embedding_dim, out_features=token_embedding_dim) self._fc_generate = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=token_embedding_dim, out_features=vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens')) self._fc_copy = torch.nn.Linear( in_features=token_embedding_dim, out_features=token_embedding_dim) if tie_weights: self._fc_generate.weight = self._token_embedder.weight self._state: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None # Metrics self._unk_index = vocab.get_token_index(DEFAULT_OOV_TOKEN) self._unk_penalty = math.log(vocab.get_vocab_size('tokens_unk')) self._ppl = Ppl() self._upp = Ppl() self._kg_ppl = Ppl() # Knowledge-graph ppl self._bg_ppl = Ppl() # Background ppl self._avg_mention_type_loss = Average() self._avg_new_entity_loss = Average() self._avg_vocab_loss = Average() self._new_mention_f1 = F1Measure(positive_label=1) self._new_entity_accuracy = CategoricalAccuracy() self._new_entity_accuracy20 = CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=20) initializer(self) @overrides def forward(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], reset: torch.Tensor, metadata: List[Dict[str, Any]], mention_type: torch.Tensor = None, raw_entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, parent_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, relations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = None, shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor = None, alias_copy_inds: torch.Tensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Tensorize the alias_database - this will only perform the operation once. alias_database = metadata[0]['alias_database'] alias_database.tensorize(vocab=self.vocab) # Reset the model if needed if reset.any() and (self._state is not None): for layer in range(self._num_layers): h, c = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] h[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(h[:, reset, :]) c[:, reset, :] = torch.zeros_like(c[:, reset, :]) self._state['layer_%i' % layer] = (h, c) self._recent_entities.reset(reset) if entity_ids is not None: output_dict = self._forward_loop( source=source, target=target, alias_database=alias_database, mention_type=mention_type, raw_entity_ids=raw_entity_ids, entity_ids=entity_ids, parent_ids=parent_ids, relations=relations, shortlist=shortlist, shortlist_inds=shortlist_inds, alias_copy_inds=alias_copy_inds) else: # TODO: Figure out what we want here - probably to do some king of inference on # entities / mention types. output_dict = {} return output_dict def _encode_source(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: # Extract and embed source tokens. source_embeddings = embedded_dropout( embed=self._token_embedder, words=source, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) source_embeddings = self._locked_dropout( source_embeddings, self._dropouti) # Encode. current_input = source_embeddings hidden_states = [] for layer, rnn in enumerate(self.rnns): # Retrieve previous hidden state for layer. if self._state is not None: prev_hidden = self._state['layer_%i' % layer] else: prev_hidden = None # Forward-pass. output, hidden = rnn(current_input, prev_hidden) output = output.contiguous() # Update hidden state for layer. hidden = tuple(h.detach() for h in hidden) hidden_states.append(hidden) # Apply dropout. if layer == self._num_layers - 1: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropout) else: dropped_output = self._locked_dropout(output, self._dropouth) current_input = dropped_output encoded = current_input alpha_loss = dropped_output.pow(2).mean() beta_loss = (output[:, 1:] - output[:, :-1]).pow(2).mean() # Update state. self._state = {'layer_%i' % i: h for i, h in enumerate(hidden_states)} return encoded, alpha_loss, beta_loss def _mention_type_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, mention_type: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes the loss for predicting whether or not the the next token will be part of an entity mention. """ logits = self._fc_mention_type(encoded) mention_type_loss = sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, mention_type, mask, average='token') # if not self._new_mention_f1(predictions=logits, gold_labels=mention_type, mask=mask) return mention_type_loss def _new_entity_loss(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, target_inds: torch.Tensor, shortlist: torch.Tensor, target_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Parameters ========== target_inds : ``torch.Tensor`` Either the shortlist inds if using shortlist, otherwise the target entity ids. """ if self._use_shortlist: # First we embed the shortlist entries shortlist_mask = get_text_field_mask(shortlist) shortlist_embeddings = embedded_dropout( embed=self._entity_embedder, words=shortlist['entity_ids'], dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) # Logits are computed using the inner product that between the predicted entity embedding # and the embeddings of entities in the shortlist encodings = self._locked_dropout(encoded, self._dropout) logits = torch.bmm(encodings, shortlist_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) # Take masked softmax to get log probabilties and gather the targets. log_probs = masked_log_softmax(logits, shortlist_mask) target_log_probs = torch.gather( log_probs, -1, target_inds.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # If not generating a new mention, the action is deterministic - so the loss is 0 for these tokens. mask = ~target_inds.eq(0) target_log_probs[~mask] = 0 # if not self._new_entity_accuracy(predictions=log_probs[mask], gold_labels=target_inds[mask]) self._new_entity_accuracy20(predictions=log_probs[mask], gold_labels=target_inds[mask]) # Return the token-wise average loss return -target_log_probs.sum() / (target_mask.sum() + 1e-13) else: logits = self._fc_new_entity(encoded) log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) num_categories = log_probs.shape[-1] flat_log_probs = log_probs.view(-1, num_categories) flat_target_inds = target_inds.view(-1) target_log_probs = torch.gather( flat_log_probs, -1, flat_target_inds.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) mask = ~flat_target_inds.eq(0) target_log_probs[~mask] = 0 self._new_entity_accuracy(predictions=flat_log_probs[mask], gold_labels=flat_target_inds[mask]) self._new_entity_accuracy20(predictions=flat_log_probs[mask], gold_labels=flat_target_inds[mask]) return -target_log_probs.sum() / (target_mask.sum() + 1e-13) def _parent_log_probs(self, encoded_head: torch.Tensor, entity_ids: torch.Tensor, parent_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Lookup recent entities (which are candidates for parents) and get their embeddings. candidate_ids, candidate_mask = self._recent_entities(entity_ids) logger.debug('Candidate ids shape: %s', candidate_ids.shape) candidate_embeddings = embedded_dropout(self._entity_embedder, words=candidate_ids, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) # Logits are computed using a general bilinear form that measures the similarity between # the projected hidden state and the embeddings of candidate entities encoded = self._locked_dropout(encoded_head, self._dropout) selection_logits = torch.bmm( encoded, candidate_embeddings.transpose(1, 2)) # Get log probabilities using masked softmax (need to double check mask works properly). # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_candidates) log_probs = masked_log_softmax(selection_logits, candidate_mask) # Now for the tricky part. We need to convert the parent ids to a mask that selects the # relevant probabilities from log_probs. To do this we need to align the candidates with # the parent ids, which can be achieved by an element-wise equality comparison. We also # need to ensure that null parents are not selected. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_parents, 1) _parent_ids = parent_ids.unsqueeze(-1) batch_size, num_candidates = candidate_ids.shape # shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) _candidate_ids = candidate_ids.view(batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, num_parents, num_candidates) is_parent = _parent_ids.eq(_candidate_ids) # shape: (batch_size, 1, 1, num_candidates) non_null = ~_candidate_ids.eq(0) # Since multiplication is addition in log-space, we can apply mask by adding its log (+ # some small constant for numerical stability). mask = is_parent & non_null masked_log_probs = log_probs.unsqueeze( 2) + (mask.float() + 1e-45).log() logger.debug('Masked log probs shape: %s', masked_log_probs.shape) # Lastly, we need to get rid of the num_candidates dimension. The easy way to do this would # be to marginalize it out. However, since our data is sparse (the last two dims are # essentially a delta function) this would add a lot of unneccesary terms to the computation graph. # To get around this we are going to try to use a gather. _, index = torch.max(mask, dim=-1, keepdim=True) target_log_probs = torch.gather( masked_log_probs, dim=-1, index=index).squeeze(-1) return target_log_probs def _generate_scores(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, entity_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: entity_embeddings = embedded_dropout(embed=self._entity_embedder, words=entity_ids, dropout=self._dropoute if else 0) concatenated =, entity_embeddings), dim=-1) condensed = self._fc_condense(concatenated) return self._fc_generate(condensed) def _copy_scores(self, encoded: torch.Tensor, alias_tokens: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Begin by flattening the tokens so that they fit the expected shape of a # ``Seq2SeqEncoder``. batch_size, sequence_length, num_aliases, alias_length = alias_tokens.shape flattened = alias_tokens.view(-1, alias_length) copy_mask = flattened != 0 if copy_mask.sum() == 0: return encoded.new_zeros((batch_size, sequence_length, num_aliases * alias_length), dtype=torch.float32) # Embed and encode the alias tokens. embedded = self._token_embedder(flattened) mask = encoded_aliases = self._alias_encoder(embedded, mask) # Equation 8 in the CopyNet paper recommends applying the additional step. projected = torch.tanh(self._fc_copy(encoded_aliases)) projected = self._locked_dropout(projected, self._dropout) # This part gets a little funky - we need to make sure that the first dimension in # `projected` and `hidden` is batch_size x sequence_length. encoded = encoded.view(batch_size * sequence_length, 1, -1) projected = projected.view( batch_size * sequence_length, -1, num_aliases * alias_length) copy_scores = torch.bmm(encoded, projected).squeeze() copy_scores = copy_scores.view( batch_size, sequence_length, -1).contiguous() logger.debug('Copy scores shape: %s', copy_scores.shape) return copy_scores def _vocab_loss(self, generate_scores: torch.Tensor, copy_scores: torch.Tensor, target_tokens: torch.Tensor, target_alias_indices: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor, alias_indices: torch.Tensor, mention_mask: torch.Tensor): batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size = generate_scores.shape copy_sequence_length = copy_scores.shape[-1] # Flat sequences make life **much** easier. flattened_targets = target_tokens.view(batch_size * sequence_length, 1) flattened_mask = mask.view(-1, 1).byte() # In order to obtain proper log probabilities we create a mask to omit padding alias tokens # from the calculation. alias_mask = alias_indices.view(batch_size, sequence_length, -1).gt(0) score_mask = mask.new_ones( batch_size, sequence_length, vocab_size + copy_sequence_length) score_mask[:, :, vocab_size:] = alias_mask # The log-probability distribution is then given by taking the masked log softmax. concatenated_scores =, copy_scores), dim=-1) log_probs = masked_log_softmax(concatenated_scores, score_mask) # GENERATE LOSS ### # The generated token loss is a simple cross-entropy calculation, we can just gather # the log probabilties... flattened_log_probs = log_probs.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1) generate_log_probs_source_vocab = flattened_log_probs.gather( 1, flattened_targets) # ...except we need to ignore the contribution of UNK tokens that are copied (only when # computing the loss). To do that we create a mask which is 1 only if the token is not a # copied UNK (or padding). unks = target_tokens.eq(self._unk_index).view(-1, 1) copied =, 1) generate_mask = ~(unks & copied) & flattened_mask # Since we are in log-space we apply the mask by addition. generate_log_probs_extended_vocab = generate_log_probs_source_vocab + \ (generate_mask.float() + 1e-45).log() # COPY LOSS ### copy_log_probs = flattened_log_probs[:, vocab_size:] # When computing the loss we need to get the log probability of **only** the copied tokens. alias_indices = alias_indices.view(batch_size * sequence_length, -1) target_alias_indices = target_alias_indices.view(-1, 1) copy_mask = alias_indices.eq( target_alias_indices) & flattened_mask & copy_log_probs = copy_log_probs + (copy_mask.float() + 1e-45).log() # COMBINED LOSS ### # The final loss term is computed using our log probs computed w.r.t to the entire # vocabulary. combined_log_probs_extended_vocab =, copy_log_probs), dim=1) combined_log_probs_extended_vocab = torch.logsumexp(combined_log_probs_extended_vocab, dim=1) flattened_mask = flattened_mask.squeeze() # Zero out padding loss combined_log_probs_extended_vocab = combined_log_probs_extended_vocab * \ flattened_mask.float() vocab_loss = -combined_log_probs_extended_vocab.sum() / (mask.sum() + 1e-13) # Unknown penalty - only applies to non-copied unks true_unks = unks.squeeze() & ~copied.squeeze() & flattened_mask penalized_log_probs = combined_log_probs_extended_vocab - \ self._unk_penalty * true_unks.float() penalized_log_probs[~flattened_mask] = 0 penalized_vocab_loss = -penalized_log_probs.sum() / (mask.sum() + 1e-13) # PERPLEXITY ### # Our perplexity terms are computed using the log probs computed w.r.t the source # vocabulary. combined_log_probs_source_vocab =, copy_log_probs), dim=1) combined_log_probs_source_vocab = torch.logsumexp(combined_log_probs_source_vocab, dim=1) # For UPP we penalize **only** p(UNK); not the copy probabilities! penalized_log_probs_source_vocab = generate_log_probs_source_vocab - \ self._unk_penalty * unks.float() penalized_log_probs_source_vocab =, copy_log_probs), dim=1) penalized_log_probs_source_vocab = torch.logsumexp(penalized_log_probs_source_vocab, dim=1) kg_mask = (mention_mask * mask.byte()).view(-1) bg_mask = ((1 - mention_mask) * mask.byte()).view(-1) mask = (kg_mask | bg_mask) self._ppl(-combined_log_probs_source_vocab[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) self._upp(-penalized_log_probs_source_vocab[mask].sum(), mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) if kg_mask.any(): self._kg_ppl(-combined_log_probs_source_vocab[kg_mask].sum( ), kg_mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) if bg_mask.any(): self._bg_ppl(-combined_log_probs_source_vocab[bg_mask].sum( ), bg_mask.float().sum() + 1e-13) return vocab_loss, penalized_vocab_loss def _forward_loop(self, source: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], alias_database: AliasDatabase, mention_type: torch.Tensor, raw_entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], entity_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], parent_ids: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], relations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], shortlist: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], shortlist_inds: torch.Tensor, alias_copy_inds: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # Get the token mask and extract indexed text fields. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length) target_mask = get_text_field_mask(target) source = source['tokens'] target = target['tokens'] raw_entity_ids = raw_entity_ids['raw_entity_ids'] entity_ids = entity_ids['entity_ids'] logger.debug('Source & Target shape: %s', source.shape) logger.debug('Entity ids shape: %s', entity_ids.shape) logger.debug('Shortlist shape: %s', shortlist['entity_ids'].shape) # Embed source tokens. # shape: (batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_dim) encoded, alpha_loss, beta_loss = self._encode_source(source) splits = [self.token_embedding_dim] + [self.entity_embedding_dim] encoded_token, encoded_head = encoded.split(splits, dim=-1) # Predict whether or not the next token will be an entity mention, and if so which type. mention_type = # Map 1, 2 -> 1 mention_type_loss = self._mention_type_loss( encoded_token, mention_type, target_mask) self._avg_mention_type_loss(float(mention_type_loss)) # For new mentions, predict which entity (among those in the supplied shortlist) will be # mentioned. if self._use_shortlist: new_entity_loss = self._new_entity_loss(encoded_head, shortlist_inds, shortlist, target_mask) else: new_entity_loss = self._new_entity_loss(encoded_head, entity_ids, None, target_mask) self._avg_new_entity_loss(float(new_entity_loss)) # Predict generation-mode scores. Note: these are W.R.T to entity_ids since we need the embedding. generate_scores = self._generate_scores(encoded_token, entity_ids) # Predict copy-mode scores. Note: these are W.R.T raw_entity_ids since we need to look up aliases. alias_tokens, alias_inds = alias_database.lookup(raw_entity_ids) copy_scores = self._copy_scores(encoded_token, alias_tokens) # Combine scores to get vocab loss vocab_loss, penalized_vocab_loss = self._vocab_loss(generate_scores, copy_scores, target, alias_copy_inds, target_mask, alias_inds, self._avg_vocab_loss(float(vocab_loss)) # Compute total loss. Also compute logp (needed for importance sampling evaluation). loss = vocab_loss + mention_type_loss + new_entity_loss logp = -(vocab_loss + mention_type_loss + new_entity_loss) * target_mask.sum() penalized_logp = - \ (penalized_vocab_loss + mention_type_loss + new_entity_loss) * target_mask.sum() # Activation regularization if self._alpha: loss = loss + self._alpha * alpha_loss # Temporal activation regularization (slowness) if self._beta: loss = loss + self._beta * beta_loss return {'loss': loss, 'logp': logp, 'penalized_logp': penalized_logp} @overrides def train(self, mode=True): # TODO: This is a temporary hack to ensure that the internal state resets when the model # switches from training to evaluation. The complication arises from potentially differing # batch sizes (e.g. the `reset` tensor will not be the right size). In future # implementations this should be handled more robustly. super().train(mode) self._state = None @overrides def eval(self): # TODO: See train. super().eval() self._state = None def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: out = { 'ppl': self._ppl.get_metric(reset), 'upp': self._upp.get_metric(reset), 'kg_ppl': self._kg_ppl.get_metric(reset), 'bg_ppl': self._bg_ppl.get_metric(reset), 'type': self._avg_mention_type_loss.get_metric(reset), 'new': self._avg_new_entity_loss.get_metric(reset), 'vocab': self._avg_vocab_loss.get_metric(reset), } # if not p, r, f = self._new_mention_f1.get_metric(reset) out['new_p'] = p out['new_r'] = r out['new_f1'] = f out['new_ent_acc'] = self._new_entity_accuracy.get_metric(reset) out['new_ent_acc_20'] = self._new_entity_accuracy20.get_metric(reset) return out