Example #1
attenuation = 20
fft_gain = 4
df_baseband_target = 15e3
f_start = 2.4e9
f_stop = 3.1e9
overlap_fraction = 0.5
f_baseband_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency
f_baseband_maximum = 200e6  # Keep the tones below this frequency
length_seconds = 0  # Take the minimum amount of data, in this case one block
filterbank_bin_separation = 2  # The minimum number of PFB bins that separate tones
df_lo = 2.5e3  # The minimum
num_tones_maximum = 128  # Imposed by the data streaming rate

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield_pocket',
                        state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
led = hardware.Thing(name='led', state={'bias_current_mA': 10})
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h14_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)

# Calculate sweep parameters, LO and baseband sweep frequencies
ri_state = ri.state
tone_sample_exponent = int(
    np.round(np.log2(ri_state.adc_sample_rate / df_baseband_target)))
df_baseband = ri_state.adc_sample_rate / 2**tone_sample_exponent
logger.info("Baseband resolution is {:.0f} Hz using 2^{:d} samples".format(
    df_baseband, tone_sample_exponent))
Example #2
# Parameters
f0_MHz = np.array([2201.8, 2378.8, 2548.9, 2731.5, 2905.1, 3416.0])
num_offsets = 100
span_MHz = 20
minimum_MHz = 10
round_to_MHz = 2
lo_MHz = round_to_MHz * np.round(
    (f0_MHz - span_MHz / 2 - minimum_MHz) / round_to_MHz)
offsets_MHz = np.linspace(minimum_MHz, minimum_MHz + span_MHz, num_offsets)
num_tone_samples = 2**19
length_seconds = 0.1

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
magnet = hardware.Thing('canceling_magnet', {
    'orientation': 'up',
    'distance_from_base_mm': 25
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, magnet)
ri = hardware_tools.r2_with_mk2()

# Run
ncf = acquire.new_nc_file(suffix='sweep')
tic = time.time()
    for lo in progress(lo_MHz):
        state = hw.state()
        state['temperature'] = {
            'package': temps.get_temperature_at(time.time())
fractional_frequency_shift = 0
f_center *= (1 + fractional_frequency_shift)
df_baseband_target = 10e3
fine_sweep_num_linewidths = 5
Q_max_expected = 30e3
df_coarse_sweep = f_center.min(
) / Q_max_expected  # A coarse sweep with a resolution of one linewidth should work
df_total = 2e6  # The total span of the baseband tones
df_lo = 2.5e3  # This is the smallest resolution available
f_baseband_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
sweep_length_seconds = 0  # Take the minimum amount of data, in this case one block
stream_length_seconds = 10

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield_pocket',
                        state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
generator = hardware.Thing(name='generator',
                               'waveform': 'pulse',
                               'V_pp': 0,
                               'frequency': 100,
                               'duty_cycle': 0.01
resistor = hardware.Thing(name='resistor',
                              'resistance_ohms': 47,
                              'V_pp': 0
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield, generator, resistor)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
Example #4
fractional_frequency_shift = 0
f_center *= (1 + fractional_frequency_shift)
df_baseband_target = 10e3
fine_sweep_num_linewidths = 5
Q_max_expected = 30e3
df_coarse_sweep = f_center.min(
) / Q_max_expected  # A coarse sweep with a resolution of one linewidth should work
df_total = 2e6  # The total span of the baseband tones
df_lo = 2.5e3  # This is the smallest resolution available
f_baseband_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
sweep_length_seconds = 0  # Take the minimum amount of data, in this case one block
stream_length_seconds = 10

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield_pocket',
                        state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
generator = hardware.Thing(name='generator',
                               'waveform': 'square',
                               'V_pp': 0
resistor = hardware.Thing(name='resistor',
                              'resistance_ohms': 677,
                              'V_pp': 0
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield, generator, resistor)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
ri.lo_valon.set_ref_select(1)  # external
Example #5
all_f0_MHz = np.array(
    [2254.837, 2326.842, 2483.490, 3313.270, 3378.300, 3503.600, 3524.435])
f0 = all_f0_MHz[3:4]
attenuations = [40]
# The minimum for sweep resolution: gives 2 ** 5 tones per bin
tone_sample_exponent = 16
# This should sweep across one entire bin, with 32 / 4 = 8 tones in the bin.
n_lo_offset = np.arange(-32, 33, 4)
length_seconds_sweep = 0.1
length_seconds_stream = 10

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
magnet = hardware.Thing(name='magnet_array',
                            'orientation': 'up',
                            'distance_from_base_mm': 276
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, magnet)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
ri.lo_valon.set_ref_select(1)  # external

# Calculate LO and baseband frequencies
roach_state = ri.state
df_tone = roach_state.adc_sample_rate / 2**tone_sample_exponent
df_filterbank = roach_state.adc_sample_rate / roach_state.num_filterbank_channels
minimum_integer_sweep = int(f_minimum / df_tone)
n_baseband_sweep = minimum_integer_sweep + np.arange(num_tones_sweep)
f_baseband_MHz_sweep = 1e-6 * df_tone * n_baseband_sweep
Example #6
frequency_shift = 1 - 0
f0_MHz *= frequency_shift
attenuations = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]
sweep_interval = 32
tone_sample_exponent = 18
sweep_length_seconds = 0.1
stream_length_seconds = 30
lo_round_to_MHz = 2
f_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
f_stream_offset_MHz = 10  # Set a second tone away from the resonance by this amount
num_sweep_tones = 127

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
magnet = hardware.Thing('canceling_magnet_quincunx', {
    'orientation': 'up',
    'ruler_to_base_mm': magnet_distance_mm
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, magnet)
ri = hardware_tools.r1_with_mk2()

# Calculate LO and baseband frequencies
num_tone_samples = 2**tone_sample_exponent
f_resolution = ri.state.adc_sample_rate / num_tone_samples
minimum_integer = int(f_minimum / f_resolution)
offset_integers = minimum_integer + sweep_interval * np.arange(num_sweep_tones)
offset_frequencies_MHz = 1e-6 * f_resolution * offset_integers
offset_array_MHz = offset_frequencies_MHz[:, np.newaxis] + np.array(
    [0, f_stream_offset_MHz])[np.newaxis, :]
lo_MHz = lo_round_to_MHz * np.round(
    (f0_MHz - offset_frequencies_MHz.mean()) / lo_round_to_MHz)
Example #7
fractional_frequency_shift = 0
f_center *= (1 + fractional_frequency_shift)
df_baseband_target = 5e3
fine_sweep_num_linewidths = 5
Q_max_expected = 50e3
df_coarse_sweep = f_center.min(
) / Q_max_expected  # A coarse sweep with a resolution of one linewidth should work
df_total = 4e6  # The total span of the baseband tones
df_lo = 2.5e3  # This is the smallest resolution available
f_baseband_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
sweep_length_seconds = 0  # Take the minimum amount of data, in this case one block
stream_length_seconds = 10

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield_pocket',
                        state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
hittite = hardware.Thing(name='hittite', state={'output_dBm': 0})
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield, hittite)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
ri.lo_valon.set_ref_select(1)  # external

# Calculate sweep parameters, LO and baseband sweep frequencies
ri_state = ri.state
tone_sample_exponent = int(
    np.round(np.log2(ri_state.adc_sample_rate / df_baseband_target)))
df_baseband = ri_state.adc_sample_rate / 2**tone_sample_exponent
logger.info("Baseband resolution is {:.0f} Hz using 2^{:d} samples".format(
    df_baseband, tone_sample_exponent))
num_sweep_tones = min(int(df_total / df_baseband),
Example #8
logger = acquire.get_script_logger(__file__)

# Parameters
dummy_MHz = 170
f0_MHz = np.array([78.350, 116.164, 160.815, dummy_MHz])
attenuations = [17, 23, 29, 35, 41]
tone_sample_exponent = 21
sweep_length_seconds = 0.1
stream_length_seconds = 30
num_sweep_tones = 128

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.Baseband()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield', state={})
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield)
ri = r2baseband.Roach2Baseband(roachip=ROACH2_IP, adc_valon=ROACH2_VALON)

# Calculate baseband frequencies
num_tone_samples = 2**tone_sample_exponent
f_resolution = ri.state.adc_sample_rate / num_tone_samples
offset_integers = np.arange(-num_sweep_tones / 2, num_sweep_tones / 2)
offset_frequencies_MHz = 1e-6 * f_resolution * offset_integers
sweep_frequencies_MHz = offset_frequencies_MHz[:, np.newaxis] + f0_MHz[np.newaxis, :]
logger.info("Frequency spacing is {:.3f} kHz".format(1e3 * (offset_frequencies_MHz[1] - offset_frequencies_MHz[0])))
logger.info("Sweep span is {:.3f} MHz".format(offset_frequencies_MHz.ptp()))

# Run
Example #9
f_center = f_center_all  # select a subset of the frequencies
fractional_frequency_shift = 0
f_center *= (1 + fractional_frequency_shift)
df_baseband_target = 200e3
fine_sweep_num_linewidths = 7
Q_max_expected = 5e3
df_coarse_sweep = f_center.min() / Q_max_expected  # A coarse sweep with a resolution of one linewidth should work
df_total = 10e6  # The total span of the baseband tones
df_lo = 2.5e3  # This is the smallest resolution available
f_baseband_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
sweep_length_seconds = 0  # Take the minimum amount of data, in this case one block
stream_length_seconds = 10

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='magnetic_shield_pocket', state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
ri.lo_valon.set_ref_select(1)  # external

# Calculate sweep parameters, LO and baseband sweep frequencies
ri_state = ri.state
tone_sample_exponent = int(np.round(np.log2(ri_state.adc_sample_rate / df_baseband_target)))
df_baseband = ri_state.adc_sample_rate / 2 ** tone_sample_exponent
logger.info("Baseband resolution is {:.0f} Hz using 2^{:d} samples".format(df_baseband, tone_sample_exponent))
num_sweep_tones = min(int(df_total / df_baseband), ri.max_num_waveforms(2 ** tone_sample_exponent))
logger.info("Using {:d} tones".format(num_sweep_tones))
f_baseband = f_baseband_minimum + ri.state.adc_sample_rate / 2**tone_sample_exponent * np.arange(num_sweep_tones)
logger.info("Coarse sweep span is {:.1f} MHz".format(1e-6 * f_baseband.ptp()))
coarse_stride = max(df_coarse_sweep // df_baseband, 1)
bands = band_dict.values()[3:]
attenuations_list = [(10, ), (25, ), (20, ), (23, ), (20, ), (10, ), (5, ),
                     (5, )][3:]

# Hardware
temperature = starcryo_temps.Temperature()
lock = lockin.SR830(serial_device=LOCKIN_SERIAL_PORT)
lock.identification  # This seems to be necessary to wake up the lockin
mmw = mmwave_source.MMWaveSource()
mmw.set_attenuator_ticks(0, 0)
mmw.multiplier_input = 'thermal'
mmw.ttl_modulation_source = 'roach_2'
mmw.waveguide_twist_angle = 0
heater = hardware.Thing(name='heater',
                            'voltage': 1.70,
                            'resistance': 1021
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
hw = hardware.Hardware(temperature, lock, mmw, heater, conditioner)
ri = hardware_tools.r2h14_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.iq_delay = -1
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
assert np.all(ri.adc_valon.get_phase_locks())

# Calculate sweep parameters, LO and baseband sweep frequencies
ri_state = ri.state
tone_sample_exponent = int(
    np.round(np.log2(ri_state.adc_sample_rate / df_baseband_target)))
df_baseband = ri_state.adc_sample_rate / 2**tone_sample_exponent
Example #11
frequency_shift = 1
f0_MHz *= frequency_shift
attenuations = [10, 20, 30]
sweep_interval = 2
tone_sample_exponent = 18
sweep_length_seconds = 0.1
stream_length_seconds = 10
lo_round_to_MHz = 0.1
f_minimum = 10e6  # Keep the tones away from the LO by at least this frequency.
f_stream_offset_MHz = 10  # Set a second tone away from the resonance by this amount
num_sweep_tones = 127
fft_gain = 3

# Hardware
conditioner = analog.HeterodyneMarkII()
shield = hardware.Thing(name='mu_metal_pocket',
                        state={'orientation': 'horizontal'})
hw = hardware.Hardware(conditioner, shield)
ri = hardware_tools.r1h11_with_mk2(initialize=True, use_config=False)
ri.adc_valon.set_ref_select(0)  # internal
ri.lo_valon.set_ref_select(1)  # external

# Calculate LO and baseband frequencies
num_tone_samples = 2**tone_sample_exponent
f_resolution = ri.state.adc_sample_rate / num_tone_samples
minimum_integer = int(f_minimum / f_resolution)
offset_integers = minimum_integer + sweep_interval * np.arange(num_sweep_tones)
offset_frequencies_MHz = 1e-6 * f_resolution * offset_integers
offset_array_MHz = offset_frequencies_MHz[:, np.newaxis] + np.array(
    [0, f_stream_offset_MHz])[np.newaxis, :]
all_lo_MHz = lo_round_to_MHz * np.round(