Example #1
def r2h11nc_with_mk2(**kwargs):
    if MARK2_VALON is None:  # If lo_valon is None the roach will use its internal valon, with unfortunate results.
        raise ValueError("MARK2_VALON is None.")
    r2 = r2heterodyne.Roach2Heterodyne11NarrowChannel(roachip=ROACH2_IP, adc_valon=ROACH2_VALON,
                                                      host_ip=ROACH2_GBE_HOST_IP, lo_valon=MARK2_VALON,
                                                      attenuator=attenuator.Attenuator(), **kwargs)
    return r2
Example #2
def r1h11_with_mk2(**kwargs):
    if MARK2_VALON is None:  # If lo_valon is None the roach will use its internal valon, with unfortunate results.
        raise ValueError("MARK2_VALON is None.")
    return heterodyne.Roach1Heterodyne11(roachip=ROACH1_IP, adc_valon=ROACH1_VALON, host_ip=ROACH1_HOST_IP,
                                         lo_valon=MARK2_VALON, attenuator=attenuator.Attenuator(), **kwargs)