def GiveBeamMeanAllFreq(self, times, NTimes=None): if self.GD["Beam"]["BeamModel"] == "LOFAR": useArrayFactor = ("A" in self.GD["Beam"]["LOFARBeamMode"]) useElementBeam = ("E" in self.GD["Beam"]["LOFARBeamMode"]) self.MS.LoadSR(useElementBeam=useElementBeam, useArrayFactor=useArrayFactor) elif self.GD["Beam"]["BeamModel"] == "FITS" or self.GD["Beam"][ "BeamModel"] == "ATCA": self.MS.LoadDDFBeam() tmin, tmax = times[0], times[-1] if NTimes is None: DtBeamSec = self.DtBeamMin * 60 DtBeamMin = self.DtBeamMin else: DtBeamSec = (tmax - tmin) / (NTimes + 1) DtBeamMin = DtBeamSec / 60 log.print(" Update beam [Dt = %3.1f min] ... " % DtBeamMin) TimesBeam = np.arange(tmin, tmax, DtBeamSec).tolist() if not (tmax in TimesBeam): TimesBeam.append(tmax) TimesBeam = np.array(TimesBeam) T0s = TimesBeam[:-1] T1s = TimesBeam[1:] Tm = (T0s + T1s) / 2. RA, DEC = self.SM.ClusterCat.ra, self.SM.ClusterCat.dec NDir = RA.size Beam = np.zeros((Tm.size, NDir,, self.MS.NSPWChan, 2, 2), np.complex64) for itime in range(Tm.size): ThisTime = Tm[itime] Beam[itime] = self.MS.GiveBeam(ThisTime, RA, DEC) ###### Normalise rac, decc = self.MS.OriginalRadec if self.GD["Beam"]["CenterNorm"] == 1: for itime in range(Tm.size): ThisTime = Tm[itime] Beam0 = self.MS.GiveBeam(ThisTime, np.array([rac]), np.array([decc])) Beam0inv = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(Beam0) nd, _, _, _, _ = Beam[itime].shape Ones = np.ones((nd, 1, 1, 1, 1), np.float32) Beam0inv = Beam0inv * Ones Beam[itime] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(Beam0inv, Beam[itime]) ###### nt, nd, na, nch, _, _ = Beam.shape Beam = np.mean(Beam, axis=3).reshape((nt, nd, na, 1, 2, 2)) DicoBeam = {} DicoBeam["t0"] = T0s DicoBeam["t1"] = T1s DicoBeam["tm"] = Tm DicoBeam["Jones"] = Beam return DicoBeam
def ApplyCal(self, DicoData, ApplyTimeJones, iCluster): D = ApplyTimeJones Beam = D["Beam"] BeamH = D["BeamH"] lt0, lt1 = D["t0"], D["t1"] ColOutDir = DicoData["data"] A0 = DicoData["A0"] A1 = DicoData["A1"] times = DicoData["times"] na = int(DicoData["infos"][0]) # nt,nd,nd,nchan,_,_=Beam.shape # med=np.median(np.abs(Beam)) # Threshold=med*1e-2 for it in range(lt0.size): t0, t1 = lt0[it], lt1[it] ind = np.where((times >= t0) & (times < t1))[0] if ind.size == 0: continue data = ColOutDir[ind] # flags=DicoData["flags"][ind] A0sel = A0[ind] A1sel = A1[ind] #print("CACA",ChanMap) if "ChanMap" in ApplyTimeJones.keys(): ChanMap = ApplyTimeJones["ChanMap"] else: ChanMap = range(nf) for ichan in range(len(ChanMap)): JChan = ChanMap[ichan] if iCluster != -1: J0 = Beam[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape((na, 4)) JH0 = BeamH[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape((na, 4)) else: J0 = np.mean(Beam[it, :, :, JChan, :, :], axis=1).reshape( (na, 4)) JH0 = np.mean(BeamH[it, :, :, JChan, :, :], axis=1).reshape((na, 4)) J = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(J0) JH = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(JH0) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(J[A0sel, :], data[:, ichan, :]) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(data[:, ichan, :], JH[A1sel, :]) # Abs_g0=(np.abs(J0[A0sel,0])<Threshold) # Abs_g1=(np.abs(JH0[A1sel,0])<Threshold) # flags[Abs_g0,ichan,:]=True # flags[Abs_g1,ichan,:]=True ColOutDir[ind] = data[:]
def ApplyCal(self, DicoData, ApplyTimeJones, iCluster): D = ApplyTimeJones Jones = D["Jones"] JonesH = D["JonesH"] lt0, lt1 = D["t0"], D["t1"] ColOutDir = DicoData["data"] A0 = DicoData["A0"] A1 = DicoData["A1"] times = DicoData["times"] na = int(DicoData["infos"][0]) for it in range(lt0.size): t0, t1 = lt0[it], lt1[it] ind = np.where((times >= t0) & (times < t1))[0] if ind.size == 0: continue data = ColOutDir[ind] # flags=DicoData["flags"][ind] A0sel = A0[ind] A1sel = A1[ind] if "Map_VisToJones_Freq" in ApplyTimeJones.keys(): ChanMap = ApplyTimeJones["Map_VisToJones_Freq"] else: ChanMap = range(nf) for ichan in range(len(ChanMap)): JChan = ChanMap[ichan] if iCluster != -1: J0 = Jones[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape((na, 4)) JH0 = JonesH[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape((na, 4)) else: J0 = np.mean(Jones[it, :, :, JChan, :, :], axis=1).reshape( (na, 4)) JH0 = np.mean(JonesH[it, :, :, JChan, :, :], axis=1).reshape((na, 4)) J = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(J0) JH = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(JH0) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(J[A0sel, :], data[:, ichan, :]) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(data[:, ichan, :], JH[A1sel, :]) # Abs_g0=(np.abs(J0[A0sel,0])<Threshold) # Abs_g1=(np.abs(JH0[A1sel,0])<Threshold) # flags[Abs_g0,ichan,:]=True # flags[Abs_g1,ichan,:]=True ColOutDir[ind] = data[:]
def PrepareJHJ_EKF(self,Pa_in,rms): self.L_JHJinv=[] incr=1 # pylab.figure(1) # pylab.clf() # pylab.imshow(np.abs(self.JHJ),interpolation="nearest") # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) for ipol in range(self.NJacobBlocks_X): PaPol=self.GivePaPol(Pa_in,ipol) Pinv=ModLinAlg.invSVD(PaPol) JHJ=self.L_JHJ[ipol]#*(1./rms**2) JHJ+=Pinv if self.DoReg: JHJ+=self.LQxInv[ipol]*(self.gamma**2) JHJinv=ModLinAlg.invSVD(JHJ) self.L_JHJinv.append(JHJinv)
def PrepareJHJ_LM(self): self.L_JHJinv=[] if self.DataAllFlagged: return for ipol in range(self.NJacobBlocks_X): M=self.L_JHJ[ipol] if self.DoTikhonov: self.LambdaTkNorm=self.LambdaTk*np.mean(np.abs(np.diag(M))) # Lin.shape= (self.NDir,self.NJacobBlocks_X,self.NJacobBlocks_Y) Linv=np.diag(self.Linv[:,ipol,:].ravel()) Linv*=self.LambdaTkNorm/(1.+self.LambdaLM) M2=M+Linv # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(1,2,1) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(M),interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.subplot(1,2,2) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(Linv),interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # stop else: M2=M JHJinv=ModLinAlg.invSVD(M2) #JHJinv=ModLinAlg.invSVD(self.JHJ) self.L_JHJinv.append(JHJinv)
def Stack_SingleTime(self,iTime,iFreq): ra=self.PosArray.ra[0] dec=self.PosArray.dec[0] l, m = self.radec2lm(ra, dec) n = np.sqrt(1. - l**2. - m**2.) self.DicoDATA.reload() self.DicoGrids.reload() #indRow = np.where((self.DicoDATA["times"]==self.times[iTime]))[0] ch0,ch1=self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"][iFreq],self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"][iFreq+1] #print(ch0,ch1) t0,t1=self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"][iTime],self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Time"][iTime+1] try: indRow=np.where((self.DicoDATA["times"]>=t0)&(self.DicoDATA["times"]<t1))[0] except: print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) print(it0,it1) #indRow = np.where((self.DicoDATA["times"]==self.times[it0]))[0] f = self.DicoDATA["flag"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] d = self.DicoDATA["data"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] dp = self.DicoDATA["data_p"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] nrow,nch,_=d.shape weights = (self.DicoDATA["weights"][indRow, ch0:ch1]).reshape((nrow,nch,1)) A0s = self.DicoDATA["A0"][indRow] A1s = self.DicoDATA["A1"][indRow] u0 = self.DicoDATA["u"][indRow].reshape((-1,1,1)) v0 = self.DicoDATA["v"][indRow].reshape((-1,1,1)) w0 = self.DicoDATA["w"][indRow].reshape((-1,1,1)) times=self.DicoDATA["times"][indRow] NTimesBin=np.unique(times).size if NTimesBin==0: return try: i_TimeBin=np.int64(np.argmin(np.abs(times.reshape((-1,1))-np.sort(np.unique(times)).reshape((1,-1))),axis=1).reshape(-1,1))*np.ones((1,nch)) except: print(iTime,iFreq) print(iTime,iFreq) print(iTime,iFreq) print(iTime,iFreq) i_ch=np.int64((np.arange(nch).reshape(1,-1))*np.ones((nrow,1))) i_A0=A0s.reshape((-1,1))*np.ones((1,nch)) i_A1=A1s.reshape((-1,1))*np.ones((1,nch)) i_TimeBin=np.int64(i_TimeBin).ravel() i_ch=np.int64(i_ch).ravel() i_A0=np.int64(i_A0).ravel() i_A1=np.int64(i_A1).ravel() def Give_R(din): d0=(din[:,:,0]+din[:,:,-1])/2. R=np.zeros((NTimesBin*nch*na,na),din.dtype) ind0=i_TimeBin * nch*na**2 + i_ch * na**2 + i_A0 * na + i_A1 ind1=i_TimeBin * nch*na**2 + i_ch * na**2 + i_A1 * na + i_A0 R.flat[ind0]=d0.flat[:] R.flat[ind1]=d0.conj().flat[:] f0=np.ones((R.shape),dtype=np.float64) f0[R==0]=0 # import pylab # R_=R.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) # Rf_=f0.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) # for iT in range(NTimesBin): # for iF in range(nch): # print(iT,iF) # C=R_[iT,iF] # Cn=Rf_[iT,iF] # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(1,2,1) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(C)) # pylab.subplot(1,2,2) # pylab.imshow(Cn) # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # stop return R,f0 iMS = self.DicoDATA["iMS"] chfreq=self.DicoMSInfos[iMS]["ChanFreq"].reshape((1,-1,1)) chfreq_mean=np.mean(chfreq) kk = np.exp(-2.*np.pi*1j* chfreq/const.c.value *(u0*l + v0*m + w0*(n-1)) ) # Phasing term # #ind=np.where((A0s==0)&(A1s==10))[0] # ind=np.where((A0s!=1000))[0] # import pylab # pylab.ion() # pylab.clf() # pylab.plot(np.angle(d[ind,2,0])) # pylab.plot(np.angle(kk[ind,2,0].conj())) # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) f0, _ = self.Freq_minmax DicoMSInfos = self.DicoMSInfos #_,nch,_=self.DicoDATA["data"].shape dcorr=d dcorr[f==1]=0 if self.DoJonesCorr_kMS: self.DicoJones_kMS.reload() tm = self.DicoJones_kMS['tm'] # Time slot for the solution iTJones=np.argmin(np.abs(tm-self.times[iTime])) iDJones=np.argmin(AngDist(ra,self.DicoJones_kMS['ra'],dec,self.DicoJones_kMS['dec'])) _,nchJones,_,_,_,_=self.DicoJones_kMS['G'].shape for iFJones in range(nchJones): nu0,nu1=self.DicoJones_kMS['FreqDomains'][iFJones] fData=self.DicoMSInfos[iMS]["ChanFreq"].ravel() indCh=np.where((fData>=nu0) & (fData<nu1))[0] #iFJones=np.argmin(np.abs(chfreq_mean-self.DicoJones_kMS['FreqDomains_mean'])) # construct corrected visibilities J0 = self.DicoJones_kMS['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A0s, iDJones, 0, 0] J1 = self.DicoJones_kMS['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A1s, iDJones, 0, 0] J0 = J0.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, indCh.size, 1)) J1 = J1.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, indCh.size, 1)) #dcorr[:,indCh,:] = J0.conj() * dcorr[:,indCh,:] * J1 dcorr[:,indCh,:] = 1./J0 * dcorr[:,indCh,:] * 1./J1.conj() # iFJones=np.argmin(np.abs(chfreq_mean-self.DicoJones_kMS['FreqDomains_mean'])) # # construct corrected visibilities # J0 = self.DicoJones_kMS['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A0s, iDJones, 0, 0] # J1 = self.DicoJones_kMS['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A1s, iDJones, 0, 0] # J0 = J0.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, nch, 1)) # J1 = J1.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, nch, 1)) # dcorr = J0.conj() * dcorr * J1 if self.DoJonesCorr_Beam: self.DicoJones_Beam.reload() tm = self.DicoJones_Beam['tm'] # Time slot for the solution iTJones=np.argmin(np.abs(tm-self.times[iTime])) iDJones=np.argmin(AngDist(ra,self.DicoJones_Beam['ra'],dec,self.DicoJones_Beam['dec'])) _,nchJones,_,_,_,_=self.DicoJones_Beam['G'].shape for iFJones in range(nchJones): nu0,nu1=self.DicoJones_Beam['FreqDomains'][iFJones] fData=self.DicoMSInfos[iMS]["ChanFreq"].ravel() indCh=np.where((fData>=nu0) & (fData<nu1))[0] #iFJones=np.argmin(np.abs(chfreq_mean-self.DicoJones_Beam['FreqDomains_mean'])) # construct corrected visibilities J0 = self.DicoJones_Beam['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A0s, iDJones, 0, 0] J1 = self.DicoJones_Beam['G'][iTJones, iFJones, A1s, iDJones, 0, 0] J0 = J0.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, indCh.size, 1)) J1 = J1.reshape((-1, 1, 1))*np.ones((1, indCh.size, 1)) #dcorr[:,indCh,:] = J0.conj() * dcorr[:,indCh,:] * J1 dcorr[:,indCh,:] = 1./J0 * dcorr[:,indCh,:] * 1./J1.conj() RMS=scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation((dcorr[dcorr!=0]).ravel(),scale="normal") df=(dcorr[dcorr!=0]).ravel() if df.size>100: RMS=np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum(df*df.conj()))/df.size) dp[dp==0]=1. # #dcorr/=dp# *= kk # def Give_r(din,iAnt,pol): # ind=np.where(A0s==iAnt)[0] # d0=din[ind,:,pol].ravel() # ind=np.where(A1s==iAnt)[0] # d1=din[ind,:,pol].conj().ravel() # return np.concatenate([d0,d1]).ravel() # def Give_R(din,pol): # r0=Give_r(din,0,pol) # R=np.zeros((r0.size,,dtype=r0.dtype) # R[:,0]=r0 # for iAnt in range(1, # R[:,iAnt]=Give_r(din,iAnt,pol) # Rf=np.ones(R.shape,np.float64) # Rf[R==0]=0 # return R,Rf # R=(Give_R(dcorr,0)+Give_R(dcorr,-1))/2. # if (Rf[Rf==1]).size<100: # return R,Rf=Give_R(dcorr),R),Rf) Cn[Cn==0]=1. C/=Cn #Rp=(Give_R(dp,0)+Give_R(dp,-1))/2. Rp,Rpf=Give_R(dp) #Rpf=np.ones(Rp.shape,np.float64) #Rpf[Rp==0]=0,Rp),Rpf) Cpn[Cpn==0]=1. Cp/=Cpn # print(np.unique(Cn)) # print(np.unique(Cn)) # print(np.unique(Cn)) # RMS=self.DicoDATA["RMS"]**2 # II=np.diag(RMS**2*np.ones((,),C.dtype)) # C=C-II*C # # ################################ # Cr=np.load("Cr.npy") # Cr2=np.abs(,Cr)) # Crn=np.ones_like(Cr) # Crn[Cr==0]=0 # Crn2=np.abs(,Crn)) # Cr2/=Crn2 # R_=R.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) # Rf_=Rf.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) # import pylab # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(2,3,1) # pylab.imshow(Cr2)#,vmin=v0,vmax=v1) # pylab.title("Cr2 Sim") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.subplot(2,3,2) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(C))#,vmin=v0,vmax=v1) # pylab.title("C2 Solve") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.subplot(2,3,3) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(Cr2)-np.abs(C))#,vmin=v0,vmax=v1) # pylab.title("diff") # pylab.subplot(2,3,4) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(Cr))#,vmin=v0,vmax=v1) # pylab.title("Cr Sim") # pylab.colorbar() # c=R_[0,0] # c2=c#np.abs(,c)) # pylab.subplot(2,3,5) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(c))#,vmin=v0,vmax=v1) # pylab.title("single timefreq") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # stop # # ################################ diagC=np.diag(C) ind=np.where(diagC<=0.)[0] for i in ind: C[i,i]=0. # C/=Cp C=np.abs(C) sqrtC=ModLinAlg.sqrtSVD(C[:,:],Rank=1) #sqrtC=ModLinAlg.sqrtSVD(C[:,:]) #C=np.abs(,sqrtC)) #C=sqrtC self.DicoGrids["GridC2"][iTime, iFreq, :,:]=C[:,:] self.DicoGrids["GridC"][iTime, iFreq, :,:]=sqrtC[:,:] #C=ModLinAlg.invSVD(self.DicoGrids["GridSTD"][iTime, :,:]) Want=np.sum(C,axis=0) _,nch,_=self.DicoDATA["data"][indRow,ch0:ch1].shape WOUT=self.DicoDATA["WOUT"][indRow,ch0:ch1] A0s = self.DicoDATA["A0"][indRow] A1s = self.DicoDATA["A1"][indRow] # w0=Want[A0s] # w1=Want[A1s] # w=w0*w1 # w/=np.median(w) # w[w<=0]=0 # w[w>2.]=2 # # ############################### # Cr=np.load("Cr.npy") #,Cr) # C=Cr2 # sqrtC=np.abs(Cr) # sqrtC=np.abs(ModLinAlg.sqrtSVD(Cr2,Rank=1)) # # ############################### Rp,Rpf=Give_R(dp) R_=R.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) Rf_=Rf.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) Rp_=Rp.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) Rpf_=Rpf.reshape((NTimesBin,nch,na,na)) Rp_[Rf_==0]=1. Rp/=np.abs(Rp) # R_/=Rp_ V=np.sum(np.sum(R_*R_.conj(),axis=0),axis=0) Vn=np.sum(np.sum(Rf_*Rf_.conj(),axis=0),axis=0) Vn[V==0]=1. V/=Vn C=V V=C[A0s,A1s] #V=sqrtC[A0s,A0s]+sqrtC[A1s,A1s] #V=C[A0s,A0s]+C[A1s,A1s] #V=sqrtC[A0s,A1s] ind=(V==0) V[ind]=1e10 RMS=0. w=(1./np.abs(np.abs(V)))#+RMS**2) w[ind]=0 #w/=np.median(w) #w[w<=0]=0 #w[w>2.]=2 for ii,iRow in enumerate(indRow): for ich in np.arange(ch0,ch1): self.DicoDATA["WOUT"][iRow,ich]=w[ii]
def MergeJones(self, DicoJ0, DicoJ1): print >> log, "Merging Jones arrays" FreqDomainOut = self.GetMergedFreqDomains(DicoJ0, DicoJ1) DicoOut = {} DicoOut["t0"] = [] DicoOut["t1"] = [] DicoOut["tm"] = [] DicoOut["FreqDomains"] = FreqDomainOut T0 = np.min([DicoJ0["t0"][0], DicoJ1["t0"][0]]) it = 0 CurrentT0 = T0 while True: T0 = CurrentT0 dT0 = DicoJ0["t1"] - T0 dT0 = dT0[dT0 > 0] dT1 = DicoJ1["t1"] - T0 dT1 = dT1[dT1 > 0] if (dT0.size == 0) & (dT1.size == 0): break elif dT0.size == 0: dT = dT1[0] elif dT1.size == 0: dT = dT0[0] else: dT = np.min([dT0[0], dT1[0]]) DicoOut["t0"].append(CurrentT0) T1 = T0 + dT DicoOut["t1"].append(T1) Tm = (T0 + T1) / 2. DicoOut["tm"].append(Tm) CurrentT0 = T1 it += 1 DicoOut["t0"] = np.array(DicoOut["t0"]) DicoOut["t1"] = np.array(DicoOut["t1"]) DicoOut["tm"] = np.array(DicoOut["tm"]) nt0 = DicoJ0["t0"].size nt1 = DicoJ1["t0"].size fm0 = np.mean(DicoJ0["FreqDomains"], axis=1) fm1 = np.mean(DicoJ1["FreqDomains"], axis=1) fmOut = np.mean(DicoOut["FreqDomains"], axis=1) _, nd, na, _, _, _ = DicoJ0["Jones"].shape nt = DicoOut["tm"].size nchOut = fmOut.size DicoOut["Jones"] = np.zeros((nt, nd, na, nchOut, 2, 2), np.complex64) DicoOut["Jones"][:, :, :, :, 0, 0] = 1. DicoOut["Jones"][:, :, :, :, 1, 1] = 1. iG0_t = np.argmin(np.abs(DicoOut["tm"].reshape((nt, 1)) - DicoJ0["tm"].reshape((1, nt0))), axis=1) iG1_t = np.argmin(np.abs(DicoOut["tm"].reshape((nt, 1)) - DicoJ1["tm"].reshape((1, nt1))), axis=1) # print>>log,fmOut,DicoJ0["FreqDomain"],DicoJ1["FreqDomain"] for ich in range(nchOut): # print>>log,fmOut[ich] indChG0 = np.where((fmOut[ich] >= DicoJ0["FreqDomains"][:, 0]) & (fmOut[ich] < DicoJ0["FreqDomains"][:, 1]))[0] if indChG0.size == 0: continue indChG0 = indChG0[0] indChG1 = np.where((fmOut[ich] >= DicoJ1["FreqDomains"][:, 0]) & (fmOut[ich] < DicoJ1["FreqDomains"][:, 1]))[0] if indChG1.size == 0: continue indChG1 = indChG1[0] for itime in range(nt): G0 = DicoJ0["Jones"][iG0_t[itime], :, :, indChG0, :, :] G1 = DicoJ1["Jones"][iG1_t[itime], :, :, indChG1, :, :] DicoOut["Jones"][itime, :, :, ich, :, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G0, G1) return DicoOut
def Stack_SingleTime(self, iA0, iA1): self.DicoDATA.reload() self.DicoGrids.reload() DicoMSInfos = self.DicoMSInfos #indRow = np.where((self.DicoDATA["times"]==self.times[iTime]))[0] #ch0,ch1=self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"][iFreq],self.DicoGrids["DomainEdges_Freq"][iFreq+1] nrow, nch, _ = self.DicoDATA["data"].shape ch0, ch1 = 0, nch #print(ch0,ch1) C0 = (self.DicoDATA["A0"] == iA0) & (self.DicoDATA["A1"] == iA1) indRow = np.where(C0)[0] f = self.DicoDATA["flag"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] d = self.DicoDATA["data"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] dp = self.DicoDATA["data_p"][indRow, ch0:ch1, :] nrow, nch, _ = d.shape weights = (self.DicoDATA["weights"][indRow, ch0:ch1]).reshape( (nrow, nch, 1)) A0s = self.DicoDATA["A0"][indRow] A1s = self.DicoDATA["A1"][indRow] times = self.DicoDATA["times"][indRow] NTimesBin = np.unique(times).size i_TimeBin = np.int64( np.argmin(np.abs( times.reshape((-1, 1)) - np.sort(np.unique(times)).reshape((1, -1))), axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)) * np.ones((1, nch)) i_ch = np.int64((np.arange(nch).reshape(1, -1)) * np.ones((nrow, 1))) i_A0 = A0s.reshape((-1, 1)) * np.ones((1, nch)) i_A1 = A1s.reshape((-1, 1)) * np.ones((1, nch)) i_TimeBin = np.int64(i_TimeBin).ravel() i_ch = np.int64(i_ch).ravel() i_A0 = np.int64(i_A0).ravel() i_A1 = np.int64(i_A1).ravel() na = def Give_R(din): d0 = (din[:, :, 0] + din[:, :, -1]) / 2. R = np.zeros((nch, NTimesBin), din.dtype) ind0 = i_ch * NTimesBin + i_TimeBin R.flat[:] = d0.flat[ind0] R = d0.T Rf = np.ones((R.shape), dtype=np.float64) Rf[R == 0] = 0 return R, Rf iMS = self.DicoDATA["iMS"] f0, _ = self.Freq_minmax dcorr = d dcorr[f == 1] = 0 RMS = scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation((dcorr[dcorr != 0]).ravel(), scale="normal") df = (dcorr[dcorr != 0]).ravel() if df.size > 100: RMS = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.sum(df * df.conj())) / df.size) dp[dp == 0] = 1. R, Rf = Give_R(dcorr) Rp, Rpf = Give_R(dp) Rp[Rpf == 0] = 1. #Rp/=np.abs(Rp) R /= Rp if np.max(np.abs(R)) == 0: return C =, R) Cn =, Rf) Cn[Cn == 0] = 1. C /= Cn # import pylab # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(2,2,1) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(C),aspect="auto",interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.title("%i, %i"%(iA0,iA1)) # pylab.subplot(2,2,2) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(R),aspect="auto",interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.subplot(2,2,3) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(Cn),aspect="auto",interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.title("%i, %i"%(iA0,iA1)) # pylab.subplot(2,2,4) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(Rf),aspect="auto",interpolation="nearest") # pylab.colorbar() # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # return # ################################ Cp =, Rp) Cpn =, Rpf) Cpn[Cpn == 0] = 1. Cp /= Cpn C /= Cp C = np.abs(C) invC = ModLinAlg.invSVD(C[:, :]) w = np.abs(np.sum(invC, axis=0)) WOUT = self.DicoDATA["WOUT"][indRow, ch0:ch1] for ii, iRow in enumerate(indRow): for ich in np.arange(ch0, ch1): self.DicoDATA["WOUT"][iRow, ich] = w[ii]
def predictKernelPolCluster(self, DicoData, SM, iDirection=None, ApplyJones=None, ApplyTimeJones=None, Noise=None, VariableFunc=None): T = ClassTimeIt("predictKernelPolCluster") T.disable() self.DicoData = DicoData self.SourceCat = SM.SourceCat freq = DicoData["freqs"] times = DicoData["times"] nf = freq.size na = int(DicoData["infos"][0]) nrows = DicoData["A0"].size DataOut = np.zeros((nrows, nf, 4), self.CType) if nrows == 0: return DataOut self.freqs = freq self.wave = 299792458. / self.freqs if iDirection != None: ListDirection = [iDirection] else: ListDirection = SM.Dirs #range(SM.NDir) T.timeit("0") A0 = DicoData["A0"] A1 = DicoData["A1"] if ApplyJones != None: na, NDir, _ = ApplyJones.shape Jones = np.swapaxes(ApplyJones, 0, 1) Jones = Jones.reshape((NDir, na, 4)) JonesH = ModLinAlg.BatchH(Jones) T.timeit("1") for iCluster in ListDirection: print("IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII", iCluster) ColOutDir = self.PredictDirSPW(iCluster) T.timeit("2") if ColOutDir is None: continue # print(iCluster,ListDirection) # print(ColOutDir.shape) # ColOutDir.fill(0) # print(ColOutDir.shape) # ColOutDir[:,:,0]=1 # print(ColOutDir.shape) # ColOutDir[:,:,3]=1 # print(ColOutDir.shape) # Apply Jones if ApplyJones != None: J = Jones[iCluster] JH = JonesH[iCluster] for ichan in range(nf): ColOutDir[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot( J[A0, :], ColOutDir[:, ichan, :]) ColOutDir[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot( ColOutDir[:, ichan, :], JH[A1, :]) T.timeit("3") if VariableFunc is not None: #"DicoBeam" in DicoData.keys(): tt = np.unique(times) lt0, lt1 = tt[0:-1], tt[1::] for it in range(lt0.size): t0, t1 = lt0[it], lt1[it] ind = np.where((times >= t0) & (times < t1))[0] if ind.size == 0: continue data = ColOutDir[ind] if "ChanMap" in ApplyTimeJones.keys(): ChanMap = ApplyTimeJones["ChanMap"] else: ChanMap = range(nf) for ichan in range(len(ChanMap)): tc = (t0 + t1) / 2. nuc = freq[ichan] ColOutDir[ind, ichan, :] *= VariableFunc(tc, nuc) # c0=ColOutDir[ind,ichan,:].copy() # ColOutDir[ind,ichan,:]*=VariableFunc(tc,nuc) # print(c0-ColOutDir[ind,ichan,:]) #print(it,ichan,VariableFunc(tc,nuc)) if ApplyTimeJones is not None: #"DicoBeam" in DicoData.keys(): D = ApplyTimeJones #DicoData["DicoBeam"] Beam = D["Beam"] BeamH = D["BeamH"] lt0, lt1 = D["t0"], D["t1"] for it in range(lt0.size): t0, t1 = lt0[it], lt1[it] ind = np.where((times >= t0) & (times < t1))[0] if ind.size == 0: continue data = ColOutDir[ind] A0sel = A0[ind] A1sel = A1[ind] if "ChanMap" in ApplyTimeJones.keys(): ChanMap = ApplyTimeJones["ChanMap"] else: ChanMap = range(nf) #print("ChanMap:",ChanMap) for ichan in range(len(ChanMap)): JChan = ChanMap[ichan] J = Beam[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape((na, 4)) JH = BeamH[it, iCluster, :, JChan, :, :].reshape( (na, 4)) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot( J[A0sel, :], data[:, ichan, :]) data[:, ichan, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot( data[:, ichan, :], JH[A1sel, :]) ColOutDir[ind] = data[:] T.timeit("4") DataOut += ColOutDir T.timeit("5") if Noise is not None: DataOut += Noise / np.sqrt(2.) * (np.random.randn( *ColOutDir.shape) + 1j * np.random.randn(*ColOutDir.shape)) return DataOut
def predictKernelPolClusterCatalog(self, DicoData, SM, iDirection=None, ApplyJones=None, ApplyTimeJones=None, Noise=None): self.DicoData = DicoData self.SourceCat = SM.SourceCat self.SM = SM freq = DicoData["freqs_full"] times = DicoData["times"] nf = freq.size na = DicoData["infos"][0] nrows = DicoData["A0"].size DataOut = np.zeros((nrows, nf, 4), self.CType) if nrows == 0: return DataOut self.freqs = freq self.wave = 299792458. / self.freqs if iDirection != None: ListDirection = [iDirection] else: ListDirection = SM.Dirs #range(SM.NDir) A0 = DicoData["A0"] A1 = DicoData["A1"] if ApplyJones is not None: #print "!!!!!",ApplyJones.shape #print "!!!!!",ApplyJones.shape #print "!!!!!",ApplyJones.shape na, NDir, _ = ApplyJones.shape Jones = np.swapaxes(ApplyJones, 0, 1) Jones = Jones.reshape((NDir, na, 4)) JonesH = ModLinAlg.BatchH(Jones) TSmear = 0. FSmear = 0. DT = DicoData["infos"][1] UVW_dt = DicoData["uvw"] if self.DoSmearing: if "T" in self.DoSmearing: TSmear = 1. UVW_dt = DicoData["UVW_dt"] if "F" in self.DoSmearing: FSmear = 1. # self.SourceCat.m[:]=0 # self.SourceCat.l[:]=0.1 # self.SourceCat.I[:]=10 # self.SourceCat.alpha[:]=0 # DataOut=DataOut[1:2] # self.DicoData["uvw"]=self.DicoData["uvw"][1:2] # self.DicoData["A0"]=self.DicoData["A0"][1:2] # self.DicoData["A1"]=self.DicoData["A1"][1:2] # self.DicoData["IndexTimesThisChunk"]=self.DicoData["IndexTimesThisChunk"][1:2] # self.SourceCat=self.SourceCat[0:1] ColOutDir = np.zeros(DataOut.shape, np.complex64) for iCluster in ListDirection: ColOutDir.fill(0) indSources = np.where(self.SourceCat.Cluster == iCluster)[0] T = ClassTimeIt("predict") T.disable() ### new SourceCat = self.SourceCat[indSources].copy() #l=np.ones((1,),dtype=np.float64)#,float64(SourceCat.l).copy() l = np.require(SourceCat.l, dtype=np.float64, requirements=["A", "C"]) m = np.require(SourceCat.m, dtype=np.float64, requirements=["A", "C"]) #m=SourceCat.m#np.float64(SourceCat.m).copy() I = np.float32(SourceCat.I) Gmaj = np.float32(SourceCat.Gmaj) Gmin = np.float32(SourceCat.Gmin) GPA = np.float32(SourceCat.Gangle) alpha = np.float32(SourceCat.alpha) WaveL = np.float64(299792458. / self.freqs) WaveL = np.require(WaveL, dtype=np.float64, requirements=["A", "C"]) flux = np.float32(SourceCat.I) alpha = SourceCat.alpha dnu = np.float32(self.DicoData["dfreqs_full"]) f0 = (self.freqs / SourceCat.RefFreq[0]) fluxFreq = np.float32( flux.reshape((flux.size, 1)) * (f0.reshape( (1, f0.size)))**(alpha.reshape((alpha.size, 1)))) LSM = [l, m, fluxFreq, Gmin, Gmaj, GPA] LFreqs = [WaveL, np.float32(self.freqs), dnu] LUVWSpeed = [UVW_dt, DT] LSmearMode = [FSmear, TSmear] T.timeit("init") AllowEqualiseChan = IsChanEquidistant(DicoData["freqs_full"]) if ApplyTimeJones != None: #predict.predictJones(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,ParamJonesList) #ColOutDir.fill(0) #predict.predictJones(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,ParamJonesList,0) #d0=ColOutDir.copy() #ColOutDir.fill(0) # predict.predictJones(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,ParamJonesList,AllowEqualiseChan) # ColOutDir0=ColOutDir.copy() # ColOutDir.fill(0) #predict.predictJones2(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,ParamJonesList,AllowEqualiseChan) #print LSmearMode predict.predictJones2_Gauss(ColOutDir, (DicoData["uvw"]), LFreqs, LSM, LUVWSpeed, LSmearMode, AllowEqualiseChan, self.LExp, self.LSinc) T.timeit("predict") ParamJonesList = self.GiveParamJonesList( ApplyTimeJones, A0, A1) ParamJonesList = ParamJonesList + [iCluster] predict.ApplyJones(ColOutDir, ParamJonesList) T.timeit("apply") # print ColOutDir #d1=ColOutDir.copy() #ind=np.where(d0!=0) #print np.max((d0-d1)[ind]/(d0[ind])) #stop else: #predict.predict(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode) #AllowEqualiseChan=0 #predict.predict(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,AllowEqualiseChan) #d0=ColOutDir.copy() #ColOutDir.fill(0) predict.predictJones2_Gauss(ColOutDir, (DicoData["uvw"]), LFreqs, LSM, LUVWSpeed, LSmearMode, AllowEqualiseChan, self.LExp, self.LSinc) #print ColOutDir #predict.predict(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,AllowEqualiseChan) T.timeit("predict") # d0=ColOutDir.copy() # ColOutDir.fill(0) # predict_np19.predict(ColOutDir,(DicoData["uvw"]),LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode,AllowEqualiseChan) # print ColOutDir,d0 # d1=ColOutDir.copy() # ind=np.where(d0!=0) # print np.max((d0-d1)[ind]/(d0[ind])) # stop del (l, m, I, SourceCat, alpha, WaveL, flux, dnu, f0, fluxFreq, LSM, LFreqs) T.timeit("del") # d1=ColOutDir # ind=np.where(d0!=0) # print np.max((d0-d1)[ind]/(d0[ind])) # stop if Noise != None: ColOutDir += Noise * (np.random.randn(*ColOutDir.shape) + 1j * np.random.randn(*ColOutDir.shape)) stop DataOut += ColOutDir T.timeit("add") #del(LFreqs,LSM,LUVWSpeed,LSmearMode) #del(ColOutDir) return DataOut
def MergeJones(self, DicoJ0, DicoJ1): log.print("Merging Jones arrays") FreqDomainOut = self.GetMergedFreqDomains(DicoJ0, DicoJ1) DicoOut = {} DicoOut["t0"] = [] DicoOut["t1"] = [] DicoOut["tm"] = [] DicoOut["FreqDomain"] = FreqDomainOut T0 = np.min([DicoJ0["t0"][0], DicoJ1["t0"][0]]) it = 0 CurrentT0 = T0 while True: T0 = CurrentT0 dT0 = DicoJ0["t1"] - T0 dT0 = dT0[dT0 > 0] dT1 = DicoJ1["t1"] - T0 dT1 = dT1[dT1 > 0] if (dT0.size == 0) & (dT1.size == 0): break elif dT0.size == 0: dT = dT1[0] elif dT1.size == 0: dT = dT0[0] else: dT = np.min([dT0[0], dT1[0]]) DicoOut["t0"].append(CurrentT0) T1 = T0 + dT DicoOut["t1"].append(T1) Tm = (T0 + T1) / 2. DicoOut["tm"].append(Tm) CurrentT0 = T1 it += 1 DicoOut["t0"] = np.array(DicoOut["t0"]) DicoOut["t1"] = np.array(DicoOut["t1"]) DicoOut["tm"] = np.array(DicoOut["tm"]) nt0 = DicoJ0["t0"].size nt1 = DicoJ1["t0"].size fm0 = np.mean(DicoJ0["FreqDomain"], axis=1) fm1 = np.mean(DicoJ1["FreqDomain"], axis=1) fmOut = np.mean(DicoOut["FreqDomain"], axis=1) #nt,nd,na,_,_,_=G.shape _, nd0, _, _, _, _ = DicoJ0["Jones"].shape _, nd1, _, _, _, _ = DicoJ1["Jones"].shape _, nd, na, _, _, _ = DicoJ0["Jones"].shape if nd0 == nd1: _, nd, na, _, _, _ = DicoJ0["Jones"].shape ndOut = nd indexDirJ0 = indexDirJ1 = range(nd) else: if not self.FacetToJonesDir: log.print( " need to provide a direction mapping DicoJ0<-DicoJ1") stop else: if nd0 > nd1: stop log.print(" using provided FacetToJonesDir mapping [%i->%i]" % (nd1, nd0)) ndOut = nd1 indexDirJ0 = self.FacetToJonesDir indexDirJ1 = range(nd1) nt = DicoOut["tm"].size nchOut = fmOut.size DicoOut["Jones"] = np.zeros((nt, ndOut, na, nchOut, 2, 2), np.complex64) iG0_t = np.argmin(np.abs(DicoOut["tm"].reshape((nt, 1)) - DicoJ0["tm"].reshape((1, nt0))), axis=1) iG1_t = np.argmin(np.abs(DicoOut["tm"].reshape((nt, 1)) - DicoJ1["tm"].reshape((1, nt1))), axis=1) # log.print(fmOut,DicoJ0["FreqDomain"],DicoJ1["FreqDomain"]) for ich in range(nchOut): # log.print(fmOut[ich]) indChG0 = np.where((fmOut[ich] >= DicoJ0["FreqDomain"][:, 0]) & (fmOut[ich] < DicoJ0["FreqDomain"][:, 1]))[0][0] indChG1 = np.where((fmOut[ich] >= DicoJ1["FreqDomain"][:, 0]) & (fmOut[ich] < DicoJ1["FreqDomain"][:, 1]))[0][0] for itime in range(nt): for iDir in range(ndOut): G0 = DicoJ0["Jones"][iG0_t[itime], indexDirJ0[iDir], :, indChG0, :, :] G1 = DicoJ1["Jones"][iG1_t[itime], indexDirJ1[iDir], :, indChG1, :, :] DicoOut["Jones"][itime, iDir, :, ich, :, :] = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G0, G1) return DicoOut
def GiveJones(self): if self.Sols is None: Sols = self.GiveSols() else: Sols = self.Sols MS = self.MS SM = self.SM VS = self.VS ApplyBeam = self.ApplyBeam na = nd = SM.NDir if self.BeamAt == "facet": NDir = SM.SourceCat.shape[0] SM.SourceCat.Cluster = np.arange(NDir) SM.Dirs = SM.SourceCat.Cluster SM.NDir = NDir SM.ClusterCat = np.zeros((NDir, ), SM.ClusterCat.dtype) SM.ClusterCat = SM.ClusterCat.view(np.recarray) SM.ClusterCat.ra = SM.SourceCat.ra SM.ClusterCat.dec = SM.SourceCat.dec Jones = {} Jones["t0"] = Sols.t0 Jones["t1"] = Sols.t1 nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = Sols.G.shape G = np.swapaxes(Sols.G, 1, 3).reshape((nt, nd, na, nch, 2, 2)) # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]/=np.abs(G[:,:,:,:,0,0]) # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=G[:,:,:,:,0,0] # G.fill(0) # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]=1 # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=1 nt, nd, na, nch, _, _ = G.shape # G=np.random.randn(*G.shape)+1j*np.random.randn(*G.shape) useArrayFactor = True useElementBeam = False if ApplyBeam: print(ModColor.Str("Apply Beam")) MS.LoadSR(useElementBeam=useElementBeam, useArrayFactor=useArrayFactor) RA = SM.ClusterCat.ra DEC = SM.ClusterCat.dec NDir = RA.size Tm = T0s = Sols.t0 T1s = Sols.t1 DicoBeam = {} DicoBeam["Jones"] = np.zeros( (Tm.size, NDir,, MS.NSPWChan, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex64) DicoBeam["t0"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) DicoBeam["t1"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) DicoBeam["tm"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) rac, decc = MS.OriginalRadec def GB(time, ra, dec): Beam = np.zeros( (ra.shape[0],, self.MS.NSPWChan, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex) # Beam[...,0,0]=1 # Beam[...,1,1]=1 # return Beam for i in range(ra.shape[0]): self.MS.SR.setDirection(ra[i], dec[i]) Beam[i] = self.MS.SR.evaluate(time) return Beam for itime in range(Tm.size): print(itime) DicoBeam["t0"][itime] = T0s[itime] DicoBeam["t1"][itime] = T1s[itime] DicoBeam["tm"][itime] = Tm[itime] ThisTime = Tm[itime] Beam = GB(ThisTime, RA, DEC) ###### Normalise Beam0 = GB(ThisTime, np.array([rac]), np.array([decc])) Beam0inv = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(Beam0) nd, _, _, _, _ = Beam.shape Ones = np.ones((nd, 1, 1, 1, 1), np.float32) Beam0inv = Beam0inv * Ones nd_, na_, nf_, _, _ = Beam.shape # Beam_=np.ones((nd_,na_,nf_),np.float32)*(1+np.arange(nd_).reshape((-1,1,1))) # Beam.fill(0) # Beam[:,:,:,0,0]=Beam_[:,:,:] # Beam[:,:,:,1,1]=Beam_[:,:,:] Beam = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(Beam0inv, Beam) ###### DicoBeam["Jones"][itime] = Beam nt, nd, na, nch, _, _ = DicoBeam["Jones"].shape #m=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # m=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,0:6,:,:,:]*=2 # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:]/=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:]*=m # #################" # # Single Channel # DicoBeam["Jones"]=np.mean(DicoBeam["Jones"],axis=3).reshape((nt,nd,na,1,2,2)) # G=ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G,DicoBeam["Jones"]) # #################" # Multiple Channel Ones = np.ones((1, 1, 1, nch, 1, 1), np.float32) G = G * Ones G = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G, DicoBeam["Jones"]) # #################" # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]=1 # G[:,:,:,:,0,1]=0.5 # G[:,:,:,:,1,0]=2. # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=1 print("Done") # ################# # Multiple Channel self.ChanMap = range(nch) # ################# Jones["Beam"] = G Jones["BeamH"] = ModLinAlg.BatchH(G) if self.ChanMap is None: self.ChanMap = np.zeros((VS.MS.NSPWChan, ), np.int32).tolist() Jones["ChanMap"] = self.ChanMap # ###### for PM5 # Jones["Map_VisToJones_Freq"]=self.ChanMap # Jones["Jones"]=Jones["Beam"] # nt=VS.MS.times_all.size # ntJones=DicoBeam["tm"].size # d=VS.MS.times_all.reshape((nt,1))-DicoBeam["tm"].reshape((1,ntJones)) # Jones["Map_VisToJones_Time"]=np.argmin(np.abs(d),axis=1) return Jones