def predictKernelPolCluster(self, DicoData, SM, iDirection=None, ApplyJones=None, ApplyTimeJones=None, Noise=None): DicoData = NpShared.DicoToShared("%sDicoMemChunk" % (self.IdMemShared), DicoData, DelInput=False) if ApplyTimeJones != None: ApplyTimeJones = NpShared.DicoToShared("%sApplyTimeJones" % (self.IdMemShared), ApplyTimeJones, DelInput=False) nrow, nch, _ = DicoData["data"].shape RowList = np.int64(np.linspace(0, nrow, self.NCPU + 1)) row0 = RowList[0:-1] row1 = RowList[1::] work_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() workerlist = [] NCPU = self.NCPU NpShared.DelArray("%sPredictData" % (self.IdMemShared)) PredictArray = NpShared.SharedArray.create( "%sPredictData" % (self.IdMemShared), DicoData["data"].shape, dtype=DicoData["data"].dtype) for ii in range(NCPU): W = WorkerPredict(work_queue, result_queue, self.IdMemShared, SM=SM, DoSmearing=self.DoSmearing, BeamAtFacet=self._BeamAtFacet) workerlist.append(W) workerlist[ii].start() NJobs = row0.size for iJob in range(NJobs): ThisJob = row0[iJob], row1[iJob] work_queue.put(ThisJob) while int(result_queue.qsize()) < NJobs: time.sleep(0.1) continue for ii in range(NCPU): workerlist[ii].shutdown() workerlist[ii].terminate() workerlist[ii].join() return PredictArray
def Interpol(self): APP.startWorkers() if "TEC" in self.DicoFile0["SmoothMode"]: TECArray = NpShared.ToShared("%sTECArray" % IdSharedMem, self.DicoFile0["SolsTEC"]) CPhaseArray = NpShared.ToShared("%sCPhaseArray" % IdSharedMem, self.DicoFile0["SolsCPhase"]) nt, nd, na = TECArray.shape iJob = 0 for it in range(nt): APP.runJob("InterpolTECTime_%d" % iJob, self.InterpolTECTime, args=(it, )) #,serial=True) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("InterpolTECTime*", progress="Interpol TEC") iJob = 0 for it in range(nt): APP.runJob("InterpolAmpTime_%d" % iJob, self.InterpolAmpTime, args=(it, )) #,serial=True) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("InterpolAmpTime*", progress="Interpol Amp") # APP.terminate() APP.shutdown() Multiprocessing.cleanupShm()
def GiveCovariance(self, DicoDataIn, ApplyTimeJones, SM, Mode="DDECovariance"): DicoData = NpShared.DicoToShared("%sDicoMemChunk" % (self.IdMemShared), DicoDataIn, DelInput=False) if ApplyTimeJones != None: ApplyTimeJones = NpShared.DicoToShared("%sApplyTimeJones" % (self.IdMemShared), ApplyTimeJones, DelInput=False) nrow, nch, _ = DicoData["data"].shape RowList = np.int64(np.linspace(0, nrow, self.NCPU + 1)) row0 = RowList[0:-1] row1 = RowList[1::] work_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() workerlist = [] NCPU = self.NCPU # NpShared.DelArray("%sCorrectedData"%(self.IdMemShared)) # CorrectedData=NpShared.SharedArray.create("%sCorrectedData"%(self.IdMemShared),DicoData["data"].shape,dtype=DicoData["data"].dtype) # CorrectedData= for ii in range(NCPU): W = WorkerPredict(work_queue, result_queue, self.IdMemShared, Mode=Mode, DoSmearing=self.DoSmearing, SM=SM, BeamAtFacet=self._BeamAtFacet) workerlist.append(W) workerlist[ii].start() NJobs = row0.size for iJob in range(NJobs): ThisJob = row0[iJob], row1[iJob] work_queue.put(ThisJob) while int(result_queue.qsize()) < NJobs: time.sleep(0.1) continue for ii in range(NCPU): workerlist[ii].shutdown() workerlist[ii].terminate() workerlist[ii].join() DicoDataIn["W"] = DicoData["W"]
def InterpolTECTime(self, iTime): GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) nt, nf, na, nd, _, _ = GOut.shape TECArray = NpShared.GiveArray("%sTECArray" % IdSharedMem) CPhaseArray = NpShared.GiveArray("%sCPhaseArray" % IdSharedMem) for iDir in range(nd): for iAnt in range(na): GThis = TECToZ(TECArray[iTime, iDir, iAnt], CPhaseArray[iTime, iDir, iAnt], self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) self.GOut[iTime, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] = GThis self.GOut[iTime, :, iAnt, iDir, 1, 1] = GThis
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: Job = self.work_queue.get() except: break # ModelFacet=NpShared.GiveArray("%sModelFacet.%3.3i"%(self.IdSharedMem,iFacet)) # Grid=self.ClassImToGrid.setModelIm(ModelFacet) # _=NpShared.ToShared("%sModelGrid.%3.3i"%(self.IdSharedMem,iFacet),Grid) # self.result_queue.put({"Success":True}) iFacet = Job["iFacet"] FacetDataCache = Job["FacetDataCache"] Image = NpShared.GiveArray("%sModelImage" % (self.IdSharedMem)) #Grid,SumFlux=self.ClassImToGrid.GiveGridFader(Image,self.DicoImager,iFacet,NormImage) #SharedMemName="%sSpheroidal.Facet_%3.3i"%(self.IdSharedMem,iFacet) SPhe = NpShared.GiveArray(Job["SharedMemNameSphe"]) #print SharedMemName SpacialWeight = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSpacialWeight.Facet_%3.3i" % (FacetDataCache, iFacet)) NormImage = NpShared.GiveArray("%sNormImage" % self.IdSharedMem) Im2Grid = ClassImToGrid(OverS=self.GD["ImagerCF"]["OverS"], GD=self.GD) Grid, SumFlux = Im2Grid.GiveModelTessel(Image, self.DicoImager, iFacet, NormImage, SPhe, SpacialWeight, ToGrid=True) #ModelSharedMemName="%sModelImage.Facet_%3.3i"%(self.IdSharedMem,iFacet) #NpShared.ToShared(ModelSharedMemName,ModelFacet) _ = NpShared.ToShared( "%sModelGrid.%3.3i" % (self.IdSharedMem, iFacet), Grid) self.result_queue.put({ "Success": True, "iFacet": iFacet, "SumFlux": SumFlux })
def EstimateThisTECTime(self, it, iAnt, iDir): GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) g = GOut[it, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] g0 = g / np.abs(g) W = np.ones(g0.shape, np.float32) W[g == 1.] = 0 Z = self.Z for iTry in range(5): R = (g0.reshape((1, -1)) - Z) * W.reshape((1, -1)) Chi2 = np.sum(np.abs(R)**2, axis=1) iTec = np.argmin(Chi2) rBest = R[iTec] if np.max(np.abs(rBest)) == 0: break Sig = np.sum(np.abs(rBest * W)) / np.sum(W) ind = np.where(np.abs(rBest * W) > 5. * Sig)[0] if ind.size == 0: break W[ind] = 0 # gz=TECToZ(TECGrid.ravel()[iTec],CPhase.ravel()[iTec],self.CentralFreqs) # import pylab # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(2,1,1) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,rBest) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs[ind],rBest[ind],color="red") # pylab.subplot(2,1,2) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,rBest) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs[ind],rBest[ind],color="red") # pylab.draw() # # # ########################### # print iAnt,iDir # if iAnt==0: return # f=np.linspace(self.CentralFreqs.min(),self.CentralFreqs.max(),100) # ztec=TECToZ(TECGrid.ravel()[iTec],CPhase.ravel()[iTec],f) # import pylab # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(1,2,1) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,np.abs(g),color="black") # pylab.plot(self.CentralFreqs,np.abs(gz),ls=":",color="black") # pylab.plot(self.CentralFreqs,np.abs(gz)-np.abs(g),ls=":",color="red") # pylab.subplot(1,2,2) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,np.angle(g),color="black") # pylab.plot(self.CentralFreqs,np.angle(gz),ls=":",color="black") # pylab.plot(self.CentralFreqs,np.angle(gz)-np.angle(g),ls=":",color="red") # #pylab.plot(f,np.angle(ztec),ls=":",color="black") # pylab.ylim(-np.pi,np.pi) # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # # ############################### t0 = self.TECGrid.ravel()[iTec] c0 = self.CPhase.ravel()[iTec] gz = np.abs(g) * TECToZ(t0, c0, self.CentralFreqs) return gz, t0, c0
def FitThisTEC(self, it): nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape TECArray = NpShared.GiveArray("%sTECArray" % IdSharedMem) CPhaseArray = NpShared.GiveArray("%sCPhaseArray" % IdSharedMem) for iDir in range(nd): # for it in range(nt): Est = None if it > 0: E_TEC = TECArray[it - 1, iDir, :] E_CPhase = CPhaseArray[it - 1, iDir, :] Est = (E_TEC, E_CPhase) gz, TEC, CPhase = self.FitThisTECTime(it, iDir, Est=Est) GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) GOut[it, :, :, iDir, 0, 0] = gz GOut[it, :, :, iDir, 1, 1] = gz TECArray[it, iDir, :] = TEC CPhaseArray[it, iDir, :] = CPhase
def __init__(self, work_queue, result_queue, argsImToGrid=None, IdSharedMem=None, DicoImager=None, FacetMode="Fader", GD=None): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self.work_queue = work_queue self.result_queue = result_queue self.kill_received = False self.exit = multiprocessing.Event() self.GD = GD self.IdSharedMem = IdSharedMem self.DicoImager = DicoImager self.FacetMode = FacetMode self.SharedMemNameSphe = "%sSpheroidal" % (self.IdSharedMem) self.ifzfCF = NpShared.GiveArray(self.SharedMemNameSphe) self.ClassImToGrid = ClassImToGrid(*argsImToGrid, ifzfCF=self.ifzfCF) self.Image = NpShared.GiveArray("%sModelImage" % (self.IdSharedMem))
def GaussSmoothAmp(self, iAnt, iDir): #print iAnt,iDir GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) g = GOut[:, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] g0 = np.abs(g) sg0 = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(g0, self.Amp_GaussKernel) gz = sg0 * g / np.abs(g) #print iAnt,iDir,GOut.shape,gz.shape GOut[:, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] = gz[:, :] GOut[:, :, iAnt, iDir, 1, 1] = gz[:, :]
def FitThisPolyAmp(self, iDir): nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) g = GOut[:, :, :, iDir, 0, 0] AmpMachine = ClassFitAmp.ClassFitAmp( self.Sols.G[:, :, :, iDir, 0, 0], self.CentralFreqs, RemoveMedianAmp=self.RemoveMedianAmp) gf = AmpMachine.doSmooth() #print "Done %i"%iDir gf = gf * g / np.abs(g) GOut[:, :, :, iDir, 0, 0] = gf[:, :, :] GOut[:, :, :, iDir, 1, 1] = gf[:, :, :]
def Save(self): OutFile = self.SolsFileOut if not ".npz" in OutFile: OutFile += ".npz" log.print(" Saving interpolated solution file as: %s" % OutFile) self.DicoOut["Sols"] = self.SolsOut self.DicoOut["Sols"]["G"][:] = self.GOut[:] try: np.savez(OutFile, **(self.DicoOut)) except: log.print("There was an exception while using savez") log.print(" you should set the environment variable TMPDIR") log.print(" to a directory where there is enough space") NpShared.DelAll("%s" % IdSharedMem)
def ClipThisDir(self, iDir): nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) # g=GOut[:,:,:,iDir,0,0] AmpMachine = ClassClip.ClassClip(self.Sols.G[:, :, :, iDir, 0, 0], self.CentralFreqs, RemoveMedianAmp=self.RemoveMedianAmp) gf = AmpMachine.doClip() GOut[:, :, :, iDir, 0, 0] = gf[:, :, :] AmpMachine = ClassClip.ClassClip(self.Sols.G[:, :, :, iDir, 1, 1], self.CentralFreqs, RemoveMedianAmp=self.RemoveMedianAmp) gf = AmpMachine.doClip() GOut[:, :, :, iDir, 1, 1] = gf[:, :, :]
def InterpolAmpTime(self, iTime): GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) nt, nf, na, nd, _, _ = GOut.shape for iChan in range(nf): D = self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan] for iDir in range(nd): for iAnt in range(na): if D["Type"] == "Dual": i0, i1 = D["Index"] c0, c1 = D["Coefs"] g = c0 * np.abs(self.Sols0.G[ iTime, i0, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0]) + c1 * np.abs( self.Sols0.G[iTime, i1, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0]) else: i0 = D["Index"] g = np.abs(self.Sols0.G[iTime, i0, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0]) self.GOut[iTime, iChan, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] *= g self.GOut[iTime, iChan, iAnt, iDir, 1, 1] *= g
def Save(self): OutFile = self.OutSolsName if not ".npz" in OutFile: OutFile += ".npz" #self.SpacialSmoothTEC() if "TEC" in self.InterpMode: # OutFileTEC="%s.TEC_CPhase.npz"%OutFile # log.print(" Saving TEC/CPhase solution file as: %s"%OutFileTEC) # np.savez(OutFileTEC, # TEC=self.TECArray, # CPhase=self.CPhaseArray) self.DicoFile["SolsTEC"] = self.TECArray self.DicoFile["SolsCPhase"] = self.CPhaseArray log.print(" Saving interpolated solution file as: %s" % OutFile) self.DicoFile["SmoothMode"] = self.InterpMode self.DicoFile["SolsOrig"] = copy.deepcopy(self.DicoFile["Sols"]) self.DicoFile["SolsOrig"]["G"][:] = self.DicoFile["Sols"]["G"][:] self.DicoFile["Sols"]["G"][:] = self.GOut[:] np.savez(OutFile, **(self.DicoFile)) # import PlotSolsIm # G=self.DicoFile["Sols"]["G"].view(np.recarray) # iAnt,iDir=10,0 # import pylab # pylab.clf() # A=self.GOut[:,:,iAnt,iDir,0,0] # B=G[:,:,iAnt,iDir,0,0] # Gs=np.load(OutFile)["Sols"]["G"].view(np.recarray) # C=Gs[:,:,iAnt,iDir,0,0] # pylab.subplot(1,3,1) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(A).T,interpolation="nearest",aspect="auto") # pylab.subplot(1,3,2) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(B).T,interpolation="nearest",aspect="auto") # pylab.subplot(1,3,3) # pylab.imshow(np.abs(C).T,interpolation="nearest",aspect="auto") # pylab.draw() # # PlotSolsIm.Plot([self.DicoFile["Sols"].view(np.recarray)]) NpShared.DelAll("%s" % IdSharedMem)
def FitThisAmpTimePoly(self, it, iAnt, iDir): GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) g = GOut[it, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] g0 = np.abs(g) W = np.ones(g0.shape, np.float32) W[g0 == 1.] = 0 if np.count_nonzero(W) < self.Amp_PolyOrder * 3: return for iTry in range(5): if np.max(W) == 0: return z = np.polyfit(self.CentralFreqs, g0, self.Amp_PolyOrder, w=W) p = np.poly1d(z) gz = p(self.CentralFreqs) * g / np.abs(g) rBest = (g0 - gz) if np.max(np.abs(rBest)) == 0: break Sig = np.sum(np.abs(rBest * W)) / np.sum(W) ind = np.where(np.abs(rBest * W) > 5. * Sig)[0] if ind.size == 0: break W[ind] = 0 GOut[it, :, iAnt, iDir, 0, 0] = gz GOut[it, :, iAnt, iDir, 1, 1] = gz
def __init__(self, InSolsName, OutSolsName, InterpMode="TEC", PolMode="Scalar", Amp_PolyOrder=3, NCPU=0, Amp_GaussKernel=(0, 5), Amp_SmoothType="Poly", CrossMode=1, RemoveAmpBias=0, RemoveMedianAmp=True): if type(InterpMode) == str: InterpMode = InterpMode.split(",") #[InterpMode] self.InSolsName = InSolsName self.OutSolsName = OutSolsName self.RemoveMedianAmp = RemoveMedianAmp log.print("Loading %s" % self.InSolsName) self.DicoFile = dict(np.load(self.InSolsName, allow_pickle=True)) self.Sols = self.DicoFile["Sols"].view(np.recarray) if "MaskedSols" in self.DicoFile.keys(): MaskFreq = np.logical_not( np.all(np.all(np.all(self.DicoFile["MaskedSols"][..., 0, 0], axis=0), axis=1), axis=1)) nt, _, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"] = self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"][ MaskFreq] NFreqsOut = np.count_nonzero(MaskFreq) log.print("There are %i non-zero freq channels" % NFreqsOut) SolsOut = np.zeros( (nt, ), dtype=[("t0", np.float64), ("t1", np.float64), ("G", np.complex64, (NFreqsOut, na, nd, 2, 2)), ("Stats", np.float32, (NFreqsOut, na, 4))]) SolsOut = SolsOut.view(np.recarray) SolsOut.G = self.Sols.G[:, MaskFreq, ...] SolsOut.t0 = self.Sols.t0 SolsOut.t1 = self.Sols.t1 self.Sols = self.DicoFile["Sols"] = SolsOut del (self.DicoFile["MaskedSols"]) #self.Sols=self.Sols[0:10].copy() self.CrossMode = CrossMode self.CentralFreqs = np.mean(self.DicoFile["FreqDomains"], axis=1) self.incrCross = 11 iii = 0 NTEC = 101 NConstPhase = 51 TECGridAmp = 0.1 TECGrid, CPhase = np.mgrid[-TECGridAmp:TECGridAmp:NTEC * 1j, -np.pi:np.pi:NConstPhase * 1j] Z = TECToZ(TECGrid.reshape((-1, 1)), CPhase.reshape((-1, 1)), self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) self.Z = Z self.TECGrid, self.CPhase = TECGrid, CPhase self.InterpMode = InterpMode self.Amp_PolyOrder = Amp_PolyOrder self.RemoveAmpBias = RemoveAmpBias if self.RemoveAmpBias: self.CalcFreqAmpSystematics() self.Sols.G /= self.G0 self.GOut = NpShared.ToShared("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem, self.Sols.G.copy()) self.PolMode = PolMode self.Amp_GaussKernel = Amp_GaussKernel if len(self.Amp_GaussKernel) != 2: raise ValueError("GaussKernel should be of size 2") self.Amp_SmoothType = Amp_SmoothType if "TEC" in self.InterpMode: log.print(" Smooth phases using a TEC model") if self.CrossMode: log.print(ModColor.Str("Using CrossMode")) if "Amp" in self.InterpMode: if Amp_SmoothType == "Poly": log.print( " Smooth amplitudes using polynomial model of order %i" % self.Amp_PolyOrder) if Amp_SmoothType == "Gauss": log.print( " Smooth amplitudes using Gaussian kernel of %s (Time/Freq) bins" % str(Amp_GaussKernel)) if self.RemoveAmpBias: self.GOut *= self.G0 APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=NCPU, affinity=0)
def FitThisTECTime(self, it, iDir, Est=None): GOut = NpShared.GiveArray("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem) nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols.G.shape T = ClassTimeIt("CrossFit") T.disable() Mode = ["TEC", "CPhase"] Mode = ["TEC"] TEC0CPhase0 = np.zeros((len(Mode), na), np.float32) for iAnt in range(na): _, t0, c0 = self.EstimateThisTECTime(it, iAnt, iDir) TEC0CPhase0[0, iAnt] = t0 if "CPhase" in Mode: TEC0CPhase0[1, iAnt] = c0 T.timeit("init") # ###################################### # Changing method #print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" #print it,iDir TECMachine = ClassFitTEC.ClassFitTEC(self.Sols.G[it, :, :, iDir, 0, 0], self.CentralFreqs, Tol=5.e-2, Mode=Mode) TECMachine.setX0(TEC0CPhase0.ravel()) X = TECMachine.doFit() if "CPhase" in Mode: TEC, CPhase = X.reshape((len(Mode), na)) else: TEC, = X.reshape((len(Mode), na)) CPhase = np.zeros((1, na), np.float32) TEC -= TEC[0] CPhase -= CPhase[0] GThis = np.abs(GOut[it, :, :, iDir, 0, 0]).T * TECToZ( TEC.reshape((-1, 1)), CPhase.reshape( (-1, 1)), self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) T.timeit("done %i %i %i" % (it, iDir, TECMachine.Current_iIter)) return GThis.T, TEC, CPhase # ###################################### G = GOut[it, :, :, iDir, 0, 0].T.copy() if self.CrossMode: A0, A1 = np.mgrid[0:na, 0:na] gg_meas = G[A0.ravel(), :] * G[A1.ravel(), :].conj() gg_meas_reim = np.array([gg_meas.real, gg_meas.imag]).ravel()[::self.incrCross] else: self.incrCross = 1 A0, A1 = np.mgrid[0:na], None gg_meas = G[A0.ravel(), :] gg_meas_reim = np.array([gg_meas.real, gg_meas.imag]).ravel()[::self.incrCross] # for ibl in range(gg_meas.shape[0])[::-1]: # import pylab # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(2,1,1) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,np.abs(gg_meas[ibl])) # pylab.ylim(0,5) # pylab.subplot(2,1,2) # pylab.scatter(self.CentralFreqs,np.angle(gg_meas[ibl])) # pylab.ylim(-np.pi,np.pi) # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) iIter = np.array([0]) tIter = np.array([0], np.float64) def _f_resid(TecConst, A0, A1, ggmeas, iIter, tIter): T2 = ClassTimeIt("resid") T2.disable() TEC, CPhase = TecConst.reshape((2, na)) GThis = TECToZ(TEC.reshape((-1, 1)), CPhase.reshape((-1, 1)), self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) #T2.timeit("1") if self.CrossMode: gg_pred = GThis[A0.ravel(), :] * GThis[A1.ravel(), :].conj() else: gg_pred = GThis[A0.ravel(), :] #T2.timeit("2") gg_pred_reim = np.array([gg_pred.real, gg_pred.imag]).ravel()[::self.incrCross] #T2.timeit("3") r = (ggmeas - gg_pred_reim).ravel() #print r.shape #T2.timeit("4") #return np.angle((ggmeas-gg_pred).ravel()) #print np.mean(np.abs(r)) iIter += 1 #tIter+=T2.timeit("all") #print iIter[0] return r #print _f_resid(TEC0CPhase0,A0,A1,ggmeas) Sol = least_squares( _f_resid, TEC0CPhase0.ravel(), #method="trf", method="lm", args=(A0, A1, gg_meas_reim, iIter, tIter), ftol=1e-2, gtol=1e-2, xtol=1e-2) #,ftol=1,gtol=1,xtol=1,max_nfev=1) #Sol=leastsq(_f_resid, TEC0CPhase0.ravel(), args=(A0,A1,gg_meas_reim,iIter),ftol=1e-2,gtol=1e-2,xtol=1e-2) #T.timeit("Done %3i %3i %5i"%(it,iDir,iIter[0])) #print "total time f=%f"%tIter[0] TEC, CPhase = Sol.x.reshape((2, na)) TEC -= TEC[0] CPhase -= CPhase[0] GThis = np.abs(GOut[it, :, :, iDir, 0, 0]).T * TECToZ( TEC.reshape((-1, 1)), CPhase.reshape( (-1, 1)), self.CentralFreqs.reshape((1, -1))) T.timeit("done") return GThis.T, TEC, CPhase
def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) LMS = [l.strip() for l in open(self.MSOutFreq).readlines()] self.OutFreqDomains = np.zeros((len(LMS) * self.NFreqPerMS, 2), np.float64) iFTot = 0 for iMS, MS in enumerate(LMS): t = table("%s::SPECTRAL_WINDOW" % MS, ack=False) df = t.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH").flat[0] fs = t.getcol("CHAN_FREQ").ravel() f0, f1 = fs[0] - df / 2., fs[-1] + df / 2. ff = np.linspace(f0, f1, self.NFreqPerMS + 1) for iF in range(self.NFreqPerMS): self.OutFreqDomains[iFTot, 0] = ff[iF] self.OutFreqDomains[iFTot, 1] = ff[iF + 1] iFTot += 1 NFreqsOut = self.OutFreqDomains.shape[0] self.CentralFreqs = np.mean(self.OutFreqDomains, axis=1) log.print("Loading %s" % self.SolsFileIn) self.DicoFile0 = dict(np.load(self.SolsFileIn)) Dico0 = self.DicoFile0 self.Sols0 = self.DicoFile0["Sols"].view(np.recarray) DicoOut = {} DicoOut['ModelName'] = Dico0['ModelName'] DicoOut['StationNames'] = Dico0['StationNames'] DicoOut['BeamTimes'] = Dico0['BeamTimes'] DicoOut['SourceCatSub'] = Dico0['SourceCatSub'] DicoOut['ClusterCat'] = Dico0['ClusterCat'] DicoOut['SkyModel'] = Dico0['SkyModel'] DicoOut['FreqDomains'] = self.OutFreqDomains self.DicoOut = DicoOut self.CentralFreqsIn = np.mean(Dico0['FreqDomains'], axis=1) self.DicoFreqWeights = {} for iChan in range(self.CentralFreqs.size): f = self.CentralFreqs[iChan] i0 = np.where(self.CentralFreqsIn <= f)[0] i1 = np.where(self.CentralFreqsIn > f)[0] if i0.size > 0 and i1.size > 0: i0 = i0[-1] i1 = i1[0] f0 = self.CentralFreqsIn[i0] f1 = self.CentralFreqsIn[i1] df = np.abs(f0 - f1) alpha = 1. - (f - f0) / df c0 = alpha c1 = 1. - alpha self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan] = { "Type": "Dual", "Coefs": (c0, c1), "Index": (i0, i1) } else: i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(self.CentralFreqsIn - f)) self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan] = {"Type": "Single", "Index": i0} # for iChan in range(self.CentralFreqs.size): # print # print self.CentralFreqs[iChan]/1e6 # if self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Type"]=="Dual": # i0,i1=self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Index"] # print self.CentralFreqsIn[i0]/1e6,self.CentralFreqsIn[i1]/1e6,self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Coefs"] # else: # i0=self.DicoFreqWeights[iChan]["Index"] # print self.CentralFreqsIn[i0]/1e6 nt, _, na, nd, _, _ = self.Sols0.G.shape SolsOut = np.zeros( (nt, ), dtype=[("t0", np.float64), ("t1", np.float64), ("G", np.complex64, (NFreqsOut, na, nd, 2, 2)), ("Stats", np.float32, (NFreqsOut, na, 4))]) SolsOut = SolsOut.view(np.recarray) SolsOut.t0 = self.Sols0.t0 SolsOut.t1 = self.Sols0.t1 SolsOut.G[..., 0, 0] = 1. SolsOut.G[..., 1, 1] = 1. self.SolsOut = SolsOut self.GOut = NpShared.ToShared("%sGOut" % IdSharedMem, self.SolsOut.G.copy()) APP.registerJobHandlers(self) AsyncProcessPool.init(ncpu=self.NCPU, affinity=0)
def Evolve0(self, Gin, Pa, kapa=1.): done = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_done" % self.IdSharedMem) indDone = np.where(done == 1)[0] #print kapa #print type(NpShared.GiveArray("%sSharedCovariance_Q"%self.IdSharedMem)) Q = kapa * NpShared.GiveArray( "%sSharedCovariance_Q" % self.IdSharedMem)[self.iChanSol, self.iAnt] #print indDone.size #print "mean",np.mean(Q) ########## # Ptot=Pa+Q # #nt,_,_,_=Gin.shape # #print Gin.shape # g=Gin # gg=g.ravel() # #gg+=(np.random.randn(*gg.shape)+1j*np.random.randn(*gg.shape))*np.sqrt(np.diag(Ptot))/np.sqrt(2.) # # print Pa.shape,Q.shape # # print np.diag(Pa) # # print np.diag(Q) # # print np.diag(Ptot) # # print # return Ptot ############## # return Pa+Q if indDone.size < 2: return Pa + Q # ######################### # take scans where no solve has been done into account G = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_G" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone][:, self.iChanSol, self.iAnt, :, 0, 0] Gm = np.mean(G, axis=-1) dG = Gm[:-1] - Gm[1:] done0 = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_done" % self.IdSharedMem) done1 = np.zeros((done0.size, ), int) done1[1:1 + dG.size] = (dG != 0) done1[0] = 1 done = (done0 & done1) indDone = np.where(done == 1)[0] if indDone.size < 2: return Pa + Q # ######################### t0 = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_t0" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] t1 = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_t1" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] tm = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_tm" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] G = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_G" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone][:, self.iChanSol, self.iAnt, :, :, :] nt, nd, npolx, npoly = G.shape #if nt<=self.StepStart: return None if nt > self.BufferNPoints: G = G[-self.BufferNPoints::, :, :, :] tm = tm[-self.BufferNPoints::] G = G.copy() nt, _, _, _ = G.shape NPars = nd * npolx * npoly G = G.reshape((nt, NPars)) F = np.ones((NPars, ), G.dtype) PaOut = np.zeros_like(Pa) tm0 = tm.copy() tm0 = np.abs(tm - tm[-1]) w = np.exp(-tm0 / self.WeigthScale) w /= np.sum(w) w = w[::-1] for iPar in range(NPars): #g_t=G[:,iPar][-1] #ThisG=Gin.ravel()[iPar] #ratio=1.+(ThisG-g_t)/g_t g_t = G[:, iPar] ThisG = Gin.ravel()[iPar] #ratio=1.+np.std(g_t) #norm=np.max([np.abs(np.mean(g_t)) #ratio=np.cov(g_t)/Pa[iPar,iPar] #print np.cov(g_t),Pa[iPar,iPar],ratio ratio = np.abs(ThisG - np.mean(g_t)) / np.sqrt(Pa[iPar, iPar] + Q[iPar, iPar]) #ratio=np.abs(g_t[-1]-np.mean(g_t))/np.sqrt(Pa[iPar,iPar])#+Q[iPar,iPar])) diff = np.sum(w * (ThisG - g_t)) / np.sum(w) ratio = np.abs(diff) / np.sqrt(Pa[iPar, iPar] + Q[iPar, iPar]) F[iPar] = 1. #ratio#/np.sqrt(2.) diff = ThisG - g_t[-1] #np.sum(w*(ThisG-g_t))/np.sum(w) #PaOut[iPar,iPar]=np.abs(diff)**2+Pa[iPar,iPar]+Q[iPar,iPar] PaOut[iPar, iPar] = np.abs(diff)**2 + Pa[iPar, iPar] + Q[iPar, iPar] # Q=np.diag(np.ones((PaOut.shape[0],)))*(self.sigQ**2) PaOut = F.reshape((NPars, 1)) * Pa * F.reshape((1, NPars)).conj() + Q #print(F) #print(Q) # stop return PaOut
def Evolve(self, xEst, Pa, CurrentTime): done = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_done" % self.IdSharedMem) indDone = np.where(done == 1)[0] Q = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSharedCovariance_Q" % self.IdSharedMem)[self.iAnt] t0 = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_t0" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] t1 = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_t1" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] tm = NpShared.GiveArray("%sSolsArray_tm" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone] G = NpShared.GiveArray( "%sSolsArray_G" % self.IdSharedMem)[indDone][:, self.iAnt, :, :, :] nt, nd, npol, _ = G.shape if nt <= self.StepStart: return None, None if nt > self.BufferNPoints: G = G[-nt::, :, :, :] tm = tm[-nt::] G = G.copy() tm0 = tm.copy() tm0 = tm - tm[-1] ThisTime = CurrentTime - tm[-1] nt, _, _, _ = G.shape NPars = nd * npol * npol G = G.reshape((nt, NPars)) Gout = np.zeros((nd * npol * npol), dtype=G.dtype) Gout[:] = G[-1] F = np.ones((NPars, ), G.dtype) if self.DoEvolve: if self.WeightType == "exp": w = np.exp(-tm0 / self.WeigthScale) w /= np.sum(w) w = w[::-1] dx = 1e-6 for iPar in range(NPars): g_t = G[:, iPar] g_r = g_t.real.copy() g_i = g_t.imag.copy() #### z_r0 = np.polyfit(tm0, g_r, self.order, w=w) z_i0 = np.polyfit(tm0, g_i, self.order, w=w) poly_r = np.poly1d(z_r0) poly_i = np.poly1d(z_i0) x0_r = poly_r(ThisTime) x0_i = poly_i(ThisTime) Gout[iPar] = x0_r + 1j * x0_i #### g_r[-1] += dx g_i[-1] += dx z_r1 = np.polyfit(tm0, g_r, self.order, w=w) z_i1 = np.polyfit(tm0, g_i, self.order, w=w) poly_r = np.poly1d(z_r1) poly_i = np.poly1d(z_i1) x1_r = poly_r(ThisTime) x1_i = poly_i(ThisTime) # dz=((x0_r-x1_r)+1j*(x0_i-x1_i))/dx xlast = G[-1][iPar] dz = ((x0_r - xlast.real) + 1j * (x0_i - xlast.imag)) / np.sqrt( (Pa[iPar, iPar] + Q[iPar, iPar])) F[iPar] = dz / np.sqrt(2.) # if self.iAnt==0: # xx=np.linspace(tm0.min(),tm0.max(),100) # pylab.clf() # pylab.plot(tm0, g_r) # pylab.plot(xx, poly_r(xx)) # pylab.scatter([ThisTime],[x1_r]) # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) # print F # if self.iAnt==0: # pylab.clf() # pylab.imshow(np.diag(F).real,interpolation="nearest") # pylab.draw() # # pylab.pause(0.1) #Pa=P[self.iAnt] PaOut = np.zeros_like(Pa) #Q=np.diag(np.ones((PaOut.shape[0],)))*(self.sigQ**2) PaOut = F.reshape((NPars, 1)) * Pa * F.reshape((1, NPars)).conj() + Q Gout = Gout.reshape((nd, npol, npol)) print(np.diag(PaOut)) return Gout, PaOut
def run(self): while not self.kill_received: try: Row0, Row1 = self.work_queue.get() except: break D = NpShared.SharedToDico("%sDicoMemChunk" % self.IdSharedMem) DicoData = {} DicoData["data"] = D["data"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["flags"] = D["flags"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["A0"] = D["A0"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["A1"] = D["A1"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["times"] = D["times"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["uvw"] = D["uvw"][Row0:Row1] DicoData["freqs"] = D["freqs"] DicoData["dfreqs"] = D["dfreqs"] DicoData["freqs_full"] = D["freqs_full"] DicoData["dfreqs_full"] = D["dfreqs_full"] # DicoData["UVW_dt"]=D["UVW_dt"] DicoData["infos"] = D["infos"] #DicoData["IndRows_All_UVW_dt"]=D["IndRows_All_UVW_dt"] #DicoData["All_UVW_dt"]=D["All_UVW_dt"] if self.DoSmearing and "T" in self.DoSmearing: DicoData["UVW_dt"] = D["UVW_dt"][Row0:Row1] # DicoData["IndexTimesThisChunk"]=D["IndexTimesThisChunk"][Row0:Row1] # it0=np.min(DicoData["IndexTimesThisChunk"]) # it1=np.max(DicoData["IndexTimesThisChunk"])+1 # DicoData["UVW_RefAnt"]=D["UVW_RefAnt"][it0:it1,:,:] if "W" in D.keys(): DicoData["W"] = D["W"][Row0:Row1] if "resid" in D.keys(): DicoData["resid"] = D["resid"][Row0:Row1] ApplyTimeJones = NpShared.SharedToDico("%sApplyTimeJones" % self.IdSharedMem) #JonesMatrices=ApplyTimeJones["Beam"] #print ApplyTimeJones["Beam"].flags ApplyTimeJones["Map_VisToJones_Time"] = ApplyTimeJones[ "Map_VisToJones_Time"][Row0:Row1] PM = ClassPredict(NCPU=1, DoSmearing=self.DoSmearing, BeamAtFacet=self._BeamAtFacet) #print DicoData.keys() if self.Mode == "Predict": PredictData = PM.predictKernelPolCluster( DicoData, self.SM, ApplyTimeJones=ApplyTimeJones) PredictArray = NpShared.GiveArray("%sPredictData" % (self.IdSharedMem)) PredictArray[Row0:Row1] = PredictData[:] elif self.Mode == "ApplyCal": PM.ApplyCal(DicoData, ApplyTimeJones, self.iCluster) elif self.Mode == "DDECovariance": PM.GiveCovariance(DicoData, ApplyTimeJones, self.SM) elif self.Mode == "ResidAntCovariance": PM.GiveResidAntCovariance(DicoData, ApplyTimeJones, self.SM) self.result_queue.put(True)
def InterpolParallel(self): Sols0 = self.Sols nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = Sols0.G.shape log.print(" #Times: %i" % nt) log.print(" #Channels: %i" % nch) log.print(" #Antennas: %i" % na) log.print(" #Directions: %i" % nd) # APP.terminate() # APP.shutdown() # Multiprocessing.cleanupShm() APP.startWorkers() iJob = 0 # for iAnt in [49]:#range(na): # for iDir in [0]:#range(nd): if "TEC" in self.InterpMode: #APP.runJob("FitThisTEC_%d"%iJob, self.FitThisTEC, args=(208,)); iJob+=1 self.TECArray = NpShared.ToShared( "%sTECArray" % IdSharedMem, np.zeros((nt, nd, na), np.float32)) self.CPhaseArray = NpShared.ToShared( "%sCPhaseArray" % IdSharedMem, np.zeros((nt, nd, na), np.float32)) for it in range(nt): # for iDir in range(nd): APP.runJob("FitThisTEC_%d" % iJob, self.FitThisTEC, args=(it, )) #,serial=True) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("FitThisTEC*", progress="Fit TEC") if "Amp" in self.InterpMode: for iAnt in range(na): for iDir in range(nd): APP.runJob("FitThisAmp_%d" % iJob, self.FitThisAmp, args=(iAnt, iDir)) #,serial=True) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("FitThisAmp*", progress="Smooth Amp") if "PolyAmp" in self.InterpMode: for iDir in range(nd): APP.runJob("FitThisPolyAmp_%d" % iJob, self.FitThisPolyAmp, args=(iDir, )) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("FitThisPolyAmp*", progress="Smooth Amp") if "Clip" in self.InterpMode: for iDir in range(nd): APP.runJob("ClipThisDir_%d" % iJob, self.ClipThisDir, args=(iDir, ), serial=True) iJob += 1 workers_res = APP.awaitJobResults("ClipThisDir*", progress="Clip Amp") #APP.terminate() APP.shutdown() Multiprocessing.cleanupShm()