def invSVD(A): try: u,s,v=np.linalg.svd(np.complex128(A))#+np.random.randn(*A.shape)*(1e-6*A.max())) except: Name="errSVDArray_%i"%int(np.random.rand(1)[0]*10000) print(ModColor.Str("Problem inverting Matrix, saving as %s"%Name)) print(ModColor.Str(" will make it svd-able")),A) # weird - I found a matrix I cannot do svd on... - that works Cut=1e-20 #Ar=np.complex64(Ar) u,s,v=np.linalg.svd(np.complex128(A)+np.random.randn(*A.shape)*(1e-10*np.abs(A).max())) #s[s<0.]=1.e-6 s0=s.copy() Th=1e-10 s[s<Th*s.max()]=Th*s.max() ssq=(1./s) #Asq=np.conj(,ssq),u.T)) v0=v.T*ssq.reshape(1,ssq.size) Asq=np.conj(,u.T)) #PlotMatSVD(A,s0.flatten(),Asq) return Asq
def __str__(self): ll = [] ll.append(ModColor.Str(" MS PROPERTIES: ")) ll.append(" - File Name: %s" % ModColor.Str(self.MSName, col="green")) ll.append(" - Column Name: %s" % ModColor.Str(str(self.ColName), col="green")) ll.append(" - Selection: %s" % (ModColor.Str(str(self.TaQL), col="green"))) ll.append(" - Pointing center: (ra, dec)=(%s, %s) "%(rad2hmsdms(self.rarad,Type="ra").replace(" ",":")\ ,rad2hmsdms(self.decrad,Type="dec").replace(" ","."))) ll.append(" - Frequency = %s MHz" % str(self.reffreq / 1e6)) ll.append(" - Wavelength = %5.2f meters" % (np.mean(self.wavelength_chan))) ll.append(" - Time bin = %4.1f seconds" % (self.dt)) ll.append(" - Total Integration time = %6.2f hours" % self.DTh) ll.append(" - Number of antenna = %i" % ll.append(" - Number of baseline = %i" % self.nbl) ll.append(" - Number of SPW = %i" % self.NSPW) ll.append(" - Number of channels = %i" % self.Nchan) s = " ".join(["%.2f" % (x / 1e6) for x in self.ChanFreq.flatten()]) #ll.append(" - Chan freqs = %s"%(ListToStr(s.split(" "),Unit="MHz"))) ss = "\n".join(ll) + "\n" return ss
def Print2(self,par,value,helpit,col="white"): WidthTerm=self.getWidth() Lpar=len(str(par)) Lval=len(str(value)) SFill="."*max(self.LeftW-self.Lproto-Lpar-Lval,2) WidthHelp=WidthTerm-(self.Lproto+Lpar+Lval+len(SFill)) Spar="%s"%ModColor.Str(str(par),col=col,Bold=False) Sval="%s"%ModColor.Str(str(value),col=col,Bold=False) if helpit=="": helpit="Help yourself" Shelp="%s"%helpit if WidthHelp<0: print(self.proto%(Spar,SFill,Sval)+Shelp) return Lhelp=len(str(helpit)) listStrHelp=range(0,Lhelp,WidthHelp) if listStrHelp[-1]!=Lhelp: listStrHelp.append(Lhelp) print(self.proto%(Spar,SFill,Sval)+Shelp[0:WidthHelp]) for i in range(1,len(listStrHelp)-1): parout="%s: %s"%(" "*(self.LeftW-2),Shelp[listStrHelp[i]:listStrHelp[i+1]]) print(parout)
def SaveVis(self, vis=None, Col="CORRECTED_DATA", spw=0, DoPrint=True): if vis == None: vis = if DoPrint: log.print("Writing data in column %s" % ModColor.Str(Col, col="green")) print("Givemain") table_all = self.GiveMainTable(readonly=False) if self.swapped: visout = np.swapaxes(vis[spw * self.Nchan:(spw + 1) * self.Nchan], 0, 1) flag_all = np.swapaxes( self.flag_all[spw * self.Nchan:(spw + 1) * self.Nchan], 0, 1) else: visout = vis flag_all = self.flag_all print("Col") table_all.putcol(Col, visout.astype(, self.ROW0, self.nRowRead) print("Flag") table_all.putcol("FLAG", flag_all, self.ROW0, self.nRowRead) print("Weight") if self.HasWeights: table_all.putcol("WEIGHT", self.Weights, self.ROW0, self.nRowRead) #print("ok w") print("Close") table_all.close()
def SharedToDico(Prefix): log.print(ModColor.Str("SharedToDico: start [prefix = %s]" % Prefix)) T = ClassTimeIt.ClassTimeIt(" SharedToDico") T.disable() Lnames = ListNames() T.timeit("0: ListNames") keys = [Name for Name in Lnames if Prefix in Name] if len(keys) == 0: return None DicoOut = {} T.timeit("1") for Sharedkey in keys: key = Sharedkey.split(".")[-1] log.print(ModColor.Str(" %s -> %s" % (Sharedkey, key))) Shared = GiveArray(Sharedkey) DicoOut[key] = Shared T.timeit("2a") log.print(ModColor.Str("SharedToDico: done")) return DicoOut
def SharedObjectToDico(SObject): if SObject == None: return None Prefix = SObject.prefixName Fields = SObject.DicoKeys log.print(ModColor.Str("SharedToDico: start [prefix = %s]" % Prefix)) T = ClassTimeIt.ClassTimeIt(" SharedToDico") T.disable() DicoOut = {} T.timeit("1") for field in Fields: Sharedkey = "%s.%s" % (Prefix, field) #log.print( ModColor.Str(" %s -> %s"%(Sharedkey,key))) Shared = GiveArray(Sharedkey) DicoOut[field] = Shared T.timeit("2a") log.print(ModColor.Str("SharedToDico: done")) return DicoOut
def DicoToShared(Prefix, Dico, DelInput=False): DicoOut = {} log.print(ModColor.Str("DicoToShared: start [prefix = %s]" % Prefix)) for key in Dico.keys(): if type(Dico[key]) != np.ndarray: continue #print "%s.%s"%(Prefix,key) ThisKeyPrefix = "%s.%s" % (Prefix, key) log.print(ModColor.Str(" %s -> %s" % (key, ThisKeyPrefix))) ar = Dico[key] Shared = ToShared(ThisKeyPrefix, ar) #T.timeit("getarray %s"%ThisKeyPrefix) DicoOut[key] = Shared if DelInput: del (Dico[key], ar) if DelInput: del (Dico) log.print(ModColor.Str("DicoToShared: done")) return DicoOut
def ToShared(Name, A): try: a = SharedArray.create(Name, A.shape, dtype=A.dtype) except: log.print(ModColor.Str("File %s exists, delete it..." % Name)) #DelArray(Name.decode("byte")) DelArray(Name) a = SharedArray.create(Name, A.shape, dtype=A.dtype) a[:] = A[:] return a
def __init__(self, BaseImageName, VS, IdSharedMem, *args, **kwargs): ClassImagerDeconv.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.BaseImageName = BaseImageName self.FileDicoModel = "%s.DicoModel" % self.BaseImageName if self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"]["DicoModel"] is not None: log.print( ModColor.Str("Using %s instead of %s" % (self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"]["DicoModel"], self.FileDicoModel))) self.FileDicoModel = self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"]["DicoModel"] self.ModelImageName = "%s.model.fits" % self.BaseImageName self.VS = VS if self.GD["CF"]["wmax"] == 0: log.print("Computing wmax from UVW column") t = table(self.VS.ListMS[0].MSName, ack=False) u, v, w = t.getcol("UVW").T t.close() self.GD["CF"]["wmax"] = np.max(np.abs(w)) log.print(" found a wmax=%f meters" % self.GD["CF"]["wmax"]) # DC=self.GD # MSName=DC["VisData"]["MSName"] # self.VS=ClassVisServer.ClassVisServer(MSName, # ColName=DC["VisData"]["ColName"], # TVisSizeMin=DC["VisData"]["TChunkSize"]*60, # #DicoSelectOptions=DicoSelectOptions, # TChunkSize=DC["VisData"]["TChunkSize"], # IdSharedMem=self.IdSharedMem, # Robust=DC["ImagerGlobal"]["Robust"], # Weighting=DC["ImagerGlobal"]["Weighting"], # Super=DC["ImagerGlobal"]["Super"], # DicoSelectOptions=dict(DC["DataSelection"]), # NCPU=self.GD["Parallel"]["NCPU"], # GD=self.GD) #self.GD["GAClean"]["GASolvePars"]=["S","Alpha"] self.IdSharedMem = IdSharedMem #kwargs["IdSharedMem"] self.SM = ClassImageSM() if self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"]["NodesFile"] is not None: self.GD["Facets"]["CatNodes"] = self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"][ "NodesFile"] self.GD["DDESolutions"]["DDSols"] = None # self.InitFacetMachine() self.CreateFacetMachines() self.LoadModel()
def print_logo(): #os.system('clear') version=report_version() print(""" __ _ __ __ ____ ____ ______ """) print(""" [ | _ (_) [ | [ | |_ \ / _|.' ____ \ """) print(""" | | / ] __ | | | | | \/ | | (___ \_| """) print(""" | '' < [ | | | | | | |\ /| | _.____`. """) print(""" | |`\ \ | | | | | | _| |_\/_| |_ | \____) | """) print(""" [__| \_][___][___][___]|_____||_____| \______.' """) print(""" This is version : %s""" %ModColor.Str(version)) print(""" """)
def PrintOptParse(Obj, ValObj, RejectGroup=[]): P = ClassPrint.ClassPrint(HW=30) LGroups = Obj.option_groups print(ModColor.Str(" Selected Options:")) for Group in LGroups: Skip = False for Name in RejectGroup: if Name in Group.title: Skip = True if Skip: continue print(ModColor.Str(Group.title, col="green")) option_list = Group.option_list for o in option_list: lopt = o._long_opts[0] oname = lopt.split("--")[-1] V = getattr(ValObj, oname) # if (V!="")&(V!=None): if True: #V!="": if V == "": V = "''" #P.Print(oname,V) default = o.default H = # if H!=None: #"%default",str(default)) # P.Print2(oname,V,H) # else: # P.Print(oname,V) P.Print(oname, V) # strName=%s # print " "oname,V print()
def Print(self, RejectGroup=[]): P = ClassPrint.ClassPrint(HW=50) print(ModColor.Str(" Selected Options:")) for Group, V in self.DefaultDict.items(): Skip = False for Name in RejectGroup: if Name in Group: Skip = True if Skip: continue try: GroupTitle = self.DicoGroupDesc[Group] except: GroupTitle = Group print(ModColor.Str(GroupTitle, col="green")) option_list = self.DefaultDict[Group] for oname in option_list: V = self.DefaultDict[Group][oname] if True: #V!="": if V == "": V = "''" P.Print(oname, V) print()
def ReClusterSkyModel(self, SM, MSName): SolRefFile = self.GD["PreApply"]["PreApplySols"][0] if (SolRefFile != "") & (not (".npz" in SolRefFile)): Method = SolRefFile ThisMSName = reformat.reformat(os.path.abspath(MSName), LastSlash=False) SolRefFile = "%s/killMS.%s.sols.npz" % (ThisMSName, Method) log.print( ModColor.Str( "Re-clustering input SkyModel to match %s clustering" % SolRefFile)) ClusterCat0 = np.load(SolRefFile)["ClusterCat"] ClusterCat0 = ClusterCat0.view(np.recarray) lc = ClusterCat0.l mc = ClusterCat0.m lc = lc.reshape((1, lc.size)) mc = mc.reshape((1, mc.size)) l = SM.SourceCat.l m = SM.SourceCat.m l = l.reshape((l.size, 1)) m = m.reshape((m.size, 1)) d = np.sqrt((l - lc)**2 + (m - mc)**2) Cluster = np.argmin(d, axis=1) #print SM.SourceCat.Cluster SM.SourceCat.Cluster[:] = Cluster[:] SM.ClusterCat = ClusterCat0 #print SM.SourceCat.Cluster SM.Dirs = sorted(list(set(SM.SourceCat.Cluster.tolist()))) SM.NDir = len(SM.Dirs) log.print(" There are %i clusters in the re-clustered skymodel" % SM.NDir) NDir = lc.size for iDir in range(NDir): ind = (SM.SourceCat.Cluster == iDir) SM.ClusterCat.SumI[iDir] = np.sum(SM.SourceCat.I[ind])
# test #import numpy #print numpy.__file__ #import pyrap #print pyrap.__file__ #stop if "nocol" in sys.argv: print("nocol") ModColor.silent = 1 if "nox" in sys.argv: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('agg') print(ModColor.Str(" == !NOX! ==")) import time import os import numpy as np import pickle from itertools import product as ItP NameSave = "last_plotSols.obj" def read_options(): desc = """killMS Questions and suggestions: [email protected]""" opt = optparse.OptionParser(
def ReadMSInfo(self, MSname, DoPrint=True): T = ClassTimeIt.ClassTimeIt() T.enableIncr() T.disable() #print(MSname+'/ANTENNA') # open main table table_all = table(MSname, ack=False) #print(MSname+'/ANTENNA') ta = table(table_all.getkeyword('ANTENNA'), ack=False) #ta=table(MSname+'::ANTENNA',ack=False) StationNames = ta.getcol('NAME') na = ta.getcol('POSITION').shape[0] self.StationPos = ta.getcol('POSITION') #nbl=(na*(na-1))/2+na A0, A1 = table_all.getcol("ANTENNA1"), table_all.getcol("ANTENNA2") ind = np.where(A0 == A1)[0] self.HasAutoCorr = (ind.size > 0) A = np.concatenate([A0, A1]) nas = np.unique(A).size self.nbl = (nas**2 - nas) // 2 if self.HasAutoCorr: self.nbl += nas if A0.size % self.nbl != 0: log.print(ModColor.Str("MS is non conformant!")) raise #nbl=(na*(na-1))/2 ta.close() T.timeit() #table_all=table(MSname,ack=False) self.ColNames = table_all.colnames() TimeIntervals = table_all.getcol("INTERVAL") SPW = table_all.getcol('DATA_DESC_ID') if self.SelectSPW != None: self.ListSPW = self.SelectSPW #print("dosel") else: self.ListSPW = sorted(list(set(SPW.tolist()))) T.timeit() self.F_nrows = table_all.getcol("TIME").shape[0] F_time_all = table_all.getcol("TIME")[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] self.F_A0 = table_all.getcol("ANTENNA1")[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] self.F_A1 = table_all.getcol("ANTENNA2")[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] #nbl=(np.where(F_time_all==F_time_all[0])[0]).shape[0] T.timeit() F_time_slots_all = np.array(sorted(list(set(F_time_all.tolist())))) F_ntimes = F_time_slots_all.shape[0] T.timeit() ta_spectral = table(table_all.getkeyword('SPECTRAL_WINDOW'), ack=False) reffreq = ta_spectral.getcol('REF_FREQUENCY') chan_freq = ta_spectral.getcol('CHAN_FREQ') self.NChanOrig = chan_freq.size chan_freq = chan_freq[:, self.ChanSlice] self.dFreq = ta_spectral.getcol("CHAN_WIDTH").flatten()[self.ChanSlice] self.ChanWidth = ta_spectral.getcol('CHAN_WIDTH')[:, self.ChanSlice] if chan_freq.shape[0] > len(self.ListSPW): print( ModColor.Str( " ====================== >> More SPW in headers, modifying that error...." )) chan_freq = chan_freq[np.array(self.ListSPW), :] reffreq = reffreq[np.array(self.ListSPW)] T.timeit() wavelength = 299792456. / reffreq NSPW = chan_freq.shape[0] self.ChanFreq = chan_freq self.Freq_Mean = np.mean(chan_freq) wavelength_chan = 299792456. / chan_freq if NSPW > 1: print("Don't deal with multiple SPW yet") Nchan = wavelength_chan.shape[1] NSPWChan = NSPW * Nchan ta = table(table_all.getkeyword('FIELD'), ack=False) rarad, decrad = ta.getcol('PHASE_DIR')[self.Field][0] if rarad < 0.: rarad += 2. * np.pi T.timeit() radeg = rarad * 180. / np.pi decdeg = decrad * 180. / np.pi ta.close() self.DoRevertChans = False if Nchan > 1: self.DoRevertChans = (self.ChanFreq.flatten()[0] > self.ChanFreq.flatten()[-1]) if self.DoRevertChans: log.print( ModColor.Str( " ====================== >> Revert Channel order!")) wavelength_chan = wavelength_chan[0, ::-1] self.ChanFreq = self.ChanFreq[0, ::-1] self.ChanWidth = -self.ChanWidth[0, ::-1] self.dFreq = np.abs(self.dFreq) T.timeit() MS_STOKES_ENUMS = [ "Undefined", "I", "Q", "U", "V", "RR", "RL", "LR", "LL", "XX", "XY", "YX", "YY", "RX", "RY", "LX", "LY", "XR", "XL", "YR", "YL", "PP", "PQ", "QP", "QQ", "RCircular", "LCircular", "Linear", "Ptotal", "Plinear", "PFtotal", "PFlinear", "Pangle" ] tp = table(table_all.getkeyword('POLARIZATION'), ack=False) # get list of corrype enums for first row of polarization table, and convert to strings via MS_STOKES_ENUMS. # self.CorrelationNames will be a list of strings self.CorrelationIds = tp.getcol('CORR_TYPE', 0, 1)[0] self.CorrelationNames = [(ctype >= 0 and ctype < len(MS_STOKES_ENUMS) and MS_STOKES_ENUMS[ctype]) or None for ctype in self.CorrelationIds] self.Ncorr = len(self.CorrelationNames) # NB: it is possible for the MS to have different polarization table_all.close() = na self.Nchan = Nchan self.NSPW = NSPW self.NSPWChan = NSPWChan self.F_tstart = F_time_all[0] self.F_times_all = F_time_all self.F_times = F_time_slots_all self.F_ntimes = F_time_slots_all.shape[0] self.dt = TimeIntervals[0] self.DTs = F_time_all[-1] - F_time_all[0] + self.dt self.DTh = self.DTs / 3600. self.radec = self.OriginalRadec = (rarad, decrad) self.rarad = rarad self.decrad = decrad self.reffreq = reffreq self.StationNames = StationNames self.wavelength_chan = wavelength_chan self.rac = rarad self.decc = decrad #self.nbl=nbl self.StrRA = rad2hmsdms(self.rarad, Type="ra").replace(" ", ":") self.StrDEC = rad2hmsdms(self.decrad, Type="dec").replace(" ", ".") if self.ToRADEC is not None: ranew, decnew = rarad, decrad # get RA/Dec from first MS, or else parse as coordinate string if self.ToRADEC == "align": stop if first_ms is not None: ranew, decnew = first_ms.rarad, first_ms.decrad which = "the common phase centre" else: which = "%s %s" % tuple(self.ToRADEC) SRa, SDec = self.ToRADEC srah, sram, sras = SRa.split(":") sdecd, sdecm, sdecs = SDec.split(":") ranew = (np.pi / 180) * 15. * ( float(srah) + float(sram) / 60. + float(sras) / 3600.) decnew = (np.pi / 180) * np.sign(float(sdecd)) * (abs( float(sdecd)) + float(sdecm) / 60. + float(sdecs) / 3600.) # only enable rotation if coordinates actually change if ranew != rarad or decnew != decrad: print(ModColor.Str("MS %s will be rephased to %s" % (self.MSName, which)), file=log) self.OldRadec = rarad, decrad self.NewRadec = ranew, decnew rarad, decrad = ranew, decnew else: self.ToRADEC = None T.timeit()
def ReadData(self, t0=0, t1=-1, DoPrint=False, ReadWeight=False): if DoPrint == True: print(" ... Reading MS") # TODO: read this from MS properly, as in DDFacet self.CorrelationNames = "xx", "xy", "yx", "yy" row0 = 0 row1 = self.F_nrows DATA_CHUNK = {} if t1 > t0: t0 = t0 * 3600. t1 = t1 * 3600. self.CurrentChunkTimeRange_SinceT0_sec = (t0, t1) t0 = t0 + self.F_tstart t1 = t1 + self.F_tstart #ind0=np.argmin(np.abs(t0-self.F_times)) #ind1=np.argmin(np.abs(t1-self.F_times)) # ind0=np.where((t0-self.F_times)<=0)[0][0] # row0=ind0*self.nbl # ind1=np.where((t1-self.F_times)<0)[0] # if ind1.size==0: # row1=self.F_nrows # else: # ind1=ind1[0] # row1=ind1*self.nbl ind = np.where((self.F_times_all >= t0) & (self.F_times_all < t1))[0] if ind.size == 0: return None # row0=self.ROW1 # row1=row0 else: row0 = ind[0] ind1 = row0 + ind.size row1 = ind1 # print("!!!!!!!=======") # row0,row1=1207458, 1589742 self.ROW0 = row0 self.ROW1 = row1 self.nRowRead = row1 - row0 # if chunk is empty, return None if self.nRowRead <= 0: return None log.print(" Reading rows [%i -> %i]" % (self.ROW0, self.ROW1)) DATA_CHUNK["ROW0"] = row0 DATA_CHUNK["ROW1"] = row1 DATA_CHUNK["nRowRead"] = self.nRowRead nRowRead = self.nRowRead #table_all=table(self.MSName,ack=False) table_all = self.GiveMainTable() try: SPW = table_all.getcol('DATA_DESC_ID', row0, nRowRead) except Exception as e: log.print( ModColor.Str("There was a problem reading DATA_DESC_ID:" + str(e))) DATA_DESC_ID = np.unique(table_all.getcol('DATA_DESC_ID')) if DATA_DESC_ID.size == 1: log.print( ModColor.Str( " All DATA_DESC_ID are the same, can proceed")) SPW = np.zeros((nRowRead, ), ) SPW.fill(DATA_DESC_ID[0]) else: raise A0 = table_all.getcol('ANTENNA1', row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] A1 = table_all.getcol('ANTENNA2', row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] #print(self.ListSPW[0]) time_all = table_all.getcol("TIME", row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] self.Time0 = table_all.getcol("TIME", 0, 1)[0] #print(np.max(time_all)-np.min(time_all)) time_slots_all = np.array(sorted(list(set(time_all)))) ntimes = time_all.shape[0] / self.nbl flag_all = table_all.getcol( "FLAG", row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]][:, self.ChanSlice, :] self.HasWeights = False if ReadWeight == True: self.Weights = table_all.getcol("WEIGHT", row0, nRowRead) self.HasWeights = True if self.EqualizeFlag: for i in range(self.Nchan): fcol = flag_all[:, i, 0] | flag_all[:, i, 1] | flag_all[:, i, 2] | flag_all[:, i, 3] for pol in range(4): flag_all[:, i, pol] = fcol self.multidata = (type(self.ColName) == list) self.ReverseAntOrder = (np.where((A0 == 0) & (A1 == 1))[0]).shape[0] > 0 self.swapped = False uvw = table_all.getcol('UVW', row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]] self.TimeInterVal = table_all.getcol("INTERVAL") if self.ReOrder: vis_all = table_all.getcol(self.ColName, row0, nRowRead)[:, self.ChanSlice, :] if self.zero_flag: vis_all[flag_all == 1] = 0. if self.zero_flag: noise=(np.random.randn(vis_all.shape[0],vis_all.shape[1],vis_all.shape[2])\ +1j*np.random.randn(vis_all.shape[0],vis_all.shape[1],vis_all.shape[2]))*1e-6 vis_all[flag_all == 1] = noise[flag_all == 1] vis_all[np.isnan(vis_all)] = 0. listDataSPW = [ np.swapaxes(vis_all[SPW == i, :, :], 0, 1) for i in self.ListSPW ] = np.concatenate( listDataSPW) #np.swapaxes(np.concatenate(listDataSPW),0,1) listFlagSPW = [ np.swapaxes(flag_all[SPW == i, :, :], 0, 1) for i in self.ListSPW ] flag_all = np.concatenate( listFlagSPW) #np.swapaxes(np.concatenate(listDataSPW),0,1) self.uvw = uvw self.swapped = True else: self.uvw = uvw if self.multidata: = [] for colin in self.ColName: print("... read %s" % colin) vis_all = table_all.getcol( colin, row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]][:, self.ChanSlice, :] print(" shape: %s" % str(vis_all.shape)) if self.zero_flag: vis_all[flag_all == 1] = 0. vis_all[np.isnan(vis_all)] = 0. else: vis_all = table_all.getcol(self.ColName, row0, nRowRead)[:, self.ChanSlice, :] #if self.zero_flag: vis_all[flag_all==1]=0. #vis_all[np.isnan(vis_all)]=0. = vis_all # import pylab # pylab.plot(time_all[::111],vis[::111,512,0].real) # fnan = np.isnan(vis_all) vis_all[fnan] = 0. flag_all[fnan] = 1 #flag_all[vis_all==0]=1 self.flag_all = flag_all self.uvw_dt = None if self.ReadUVWDT: tu = table(self.MSName, ack=False) ColNames = tu.colnames() tu.close() del (tu) if 'UVWDT' not in ColNames: self.AddUVW_dt() log.print("Reading uvw_dt column") tu = table(self.MSName, ack=False) self.uvw_dt = np.float64(tu.getcol('UVWDT', row0, nRowRead)) tu.close() if self.RejectAutoCorr: indGetCorrelation = np.where(A0 != A1)[0] A0 = A0[indGetCorrelation] A1 = A1[indGetCorrelation] self.uvw = self.uvw[indGetCorrelation, :] time_all = time_all[indGetCorrelation] if self.swapped: =[:, indGetCorrelation, :] self.flag_all = self.flag_all[:, indGetCorrelation, :] else: =[indGetCorrelation, :, :] self.flag_all = self.flag_all[indGetCorrelation, :, :] self.nbl = ( * ( - 1)) // 2 if self.DoRevertChans: self.flag_all = self.flag_all[:, ::-1, :] if not (type( == list): =[:, ::-1, :] else: for icol in range(len([icol] =[icol][:, ::-1, :] if self.ToRADEC is not None: DATA = {"uvw": uvw, "data":} self.Rotate(DATA, RotateType=["uvw", "vis"]) = DATA["data"] self.NPolOrig =[-1] if[-1] != 4: log.print( ModColor.Str("Data has only two polarisation, adapting shape")) nrow, nch, _ = flag_all = np.zeros((nrow, nch, 4), self.flag_all.dtype) data = np.zeros((nrow, nch, 4), flag_all[:, :, 0] = self.flag_all[:, :, 0] flag_all[:, :, -1] = self.flag_all[:, :, -1] data[:, :, 0] =[:, :, 0] data[:, :, -1] =[:, :, -1] = data self.flag_all = flag_all if "IMAGING_WEIGHT" in table_all.colnames(): log.print("Flagging the zeros-weighted visibilities") fw = table_all.getcol( "IMAGING_WEIGHT", row0, nRowRead)[SPW == self.ListSPW[0]][:, self.ChanSlice] nrr, nchr = fw.shape fw = fw.reshape((nrr, nchr, 1)) * np.ones((1, 1, 4)) MedW = np.median(fw) fflagged0 = np.count_nonzero(flag_all) flag_all[fw < MedW * 1e-6] = 1 fflagged1 = np.count_nonzero(flag_all) if fflagged1 > 0 and fflagged0 != 0: log.print(" Increase in flag fraction: %f" % (fflagged1 / float(fflagged0) - 1)) table_all.close() self.times_all = time_all self.times = time_slots_all self.ntimes = time_slots_all.shape[0] self.nrows = time_all.shape[0] self.IndFlag = np.where(flag_all == True) #self.NPol=vis_all.shape[2] self.A0 = A0 self.A1 = A1 return True
def GiveMappingAnt(self, ListStrSel, row0row1=(None, None), FlagAutoCorr=True, WriteAttribute=True): row0, row1 = row0row1 if type(ListStrSel) != list: assert (False) #ListStrSel=["RT9-RTA", "RTA-RTB", "RTC-RTD", "RT6-RT7", "RT5"] log.print( ModColor.Str(" ... Building BL-mapping for %s" % str(ListStrSel))) if row1 == None: row0 = 0 row1 = self.nbl A0 = self.F_A0[row0:row1] A1 = self.F_A1[row0:row1] MapOut = np.ones((self.nbl, ), dtype=np.bool) if FlagAutoCorr: ind = np.where(A0 == A1)[0] MapOut[ind] = False def GiveStrAntToNum(self, StrAnt): ind = [] for i in range(len(self.StationNames)): if StrAnt in self.StationNames[i]: ind.append(i) #print ind return ind #MapOut=np.ones(A0.shape,bool)###) LFlaggedStations = [] LNumFlaggedStations = [] for blsel in ListStrSel: if blsel == "": continue if "-" in blsel: StrA0, StrA1 = blsel.split("-") LNumStrA0 = GiveStrAntToNum(self, StrA0) LNumStrA1 = GiveStrAntToNum(self, StrA1) for NumStrA0 in LNumStrA0: for NumStrA1 in LNumStrA1: NumA0 = np.where( np.array(self.StationNames) == NumStrA0)[0] NumA1 = np.where( np.array(self.StationNames) == NumStrA1)[0] C0 = ((A0 == NumA0) & (A1 == NumA1)) C1 = ((A1 == NumA0) & (A0 == NumA1)) ind = np.where(C1 | C0)[0] MapOut[ind] = False else: #NumA0=np.where(np.array(self.StationNames)==blsel)[0] StrA0 = blsel LNumStrA0 = GiveStrAntToNum(self, StrA0) LNumFlaggedStations.append(LNumStrA0) for NumStrA0 in LNumStrA0: LFlaggedStations.append(self.StationNames[NumStrA0]) # NumA0=np.where(np.array(self.StationNames)==NumStrA0)[0] # stop # print NumStrA0,NumA0 C0 = (A0 == NumStrA0) C1 = (A1 == NumStrA0) ind = np.where(C1 | C0)[0] MapOut[ind] = False if WriteAttribute: self.MapSelBLs = MapOut self.LFlaggedStations = list(set(LFlaggedStations)) return self.MapSelBLs else: LNumFlaggedStations = sorted( list( set(range( - set(np.array(LNumFlaggedStations).flatten().tolist()))) return LNumFlaggedStations
def PrepareGridMachinesMapping(self): log.print(" Make the solution-directions to gridmachine mapping") ListGrid = [] NFacets = len(self.DicoImager.keys()) ClusterCat = self.ClusterCat DicoJonesDirToFacet = {} for iDir in range(self.ClusterCat.shape[0]): DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDir] = {} DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDir]["FacetsIDs"] = [] DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDir]["SumFlux"] = 0. model_dict = self.FacetMachine._model_dict model_dict.reload() for iFacet in sorted(self.FacetMachine.DicoImager.keys()): iDirJones = self.FacetMachine.DicoImager[iFacet]["iDirJones"] ThisFacetSumFlux = model_dict[iFacet]["SumFlux"] ClusterCat.SumI[iDirJones] += np.real(ThisFacetSumFlux) self.FacetMachine.DicoImager[iFacet]["SumFlux"] = np.real( ThisFacetSumFlux) if self.FacetMachine.DicoImager[iFacet]["SumFlux"] != 0.: DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["FacetsIDs"].append(iFacet) DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["SumFlux"] += np.real( ThisFacetSumFlux) for iFacet in sorted(self.FacetMachine.DicoImager.keys()): Grid = model_dict[iFacet]["FacetGrid"] ListGrid.append(Grid) self.DicoImager = self.FacetMachine.DicoImager self.DicoJonesDirToFacet = DicoJonesDirToFacet D = {} iDirNew = 0 self.ClusterCatOrig = self.ClusterCat.copy() self.NDirsOrig = self.ClusterCat.shape[0] self.NDirs = self.ClusterCat.shape[0] from killMS.Data import ClassBeam #self.GD["Beam"]["BeamModel"]=self.GD["Beam"]["Model"] Th = float(self.GD["GDkMS"]["ImageSkyModel"]["ThSolve"]) Keep = np.zeros((self.NDirs, ), bool) if Th > 0: log.print("Compute mean beam for direction removal...") BeamMachine = ClassBeam.ClassBeam( self.VS.ListMS[0].MSName, self.GD["GDkMS"], self.SM) #,ColName=self.GD["Data"]["ColName"]) AbsMeanBeam = BeamMachine.GiveMeanBeam(NTimes=10) AbsMeanBeamAnt = np.mean(AbsMeanBeam[:, :, 0, 0, 0], axis=1) AppFlux = np.array([ self.DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["SumFlux"] * (AbsMeanBeamAnt[iDirJones])**2 for iDirJones in sorted(DicoJonesDirToFacet.keys()) ]) else: AppFlux = np.array([ self.DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["SumFlux"] for iDirJones in sorted(DicoJonesDirToFacet.keys()) ]) MaxAppFlux = AppFlux.max() HasRemoved = 0 for iDirJones in sorted(DicoJonesDirToFacet.keys()): #print(self.DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["SumFlux"]) #if self.DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones]["SumFlux"]==0: if AppFlux[iDirJones] <= MaxAppFlux * Th: log.print( ModColor.Str( " Remove Jones direction %i [%f < %f Jy [Th = %f of Max %f Jy]]" % (iDirJones, AppFlux[iDirJones], MaxAppFlux * Th, Th, MaxAppFlux))) HasRemoved = 1 #print(" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") else: D[iDirNew] = self.DicoJonesDirToFacet[iDirJones] iDirNew += 1 Keep[iDirJones] = 1 if not HasRemoved: log.print( ModColor.Str("All directions have been kept in the solve")) #Keep.fill(0) #Keep[1:5]=1 self.MapClusterCatOrigToCut = Keep self.DicoJonesDirToFacet = D self.ClusterCat = self.ClusterCat[Keep].copy() # self.SourceCat=self.SourceCat[Keep].copy() self.Dirs = self.DicoJonesDirToFacet.keys() self.NDirs = len(self.Dirs) # NpShared.PackListArray("%sGrids"%(self.IdSharedMem),ListGrid) return True
def DoSimul(self): Noise = .01 MS = self.MS SM = self.SM VS = self.VS ApplyBeam = self.ApplyBeam na = nd = SM.NDir NCPU = 6 #PM=ClassPredict(NCPU=NCPU,DoSmearing="F") PM = ClassPredict(NCPU=NCPU) PM5 = ClassPredict5(NCPU=NCPU) na = nd = SM.NDir Load = VS.LoadNextVisChunk() Jones = self.GiveJones() log.print(ModColor.Str("Substract sources ... ", col="green")) #SM.SelectSubCat(SM.SourceCat.kill==0) t0 = np.mean(VS.MS.times_all) dt = VS.MS.dt def VariableFunc(t, nu): f = np.exp(-(t - t0) / (3 * dt)) if f > 1: return 0. else: return f # PredictData=PM.predictKernelPolCluster(VS.ThisDataChunk,SM,ApplyTimeJones=Jones,Noise=Noise, # VariableFunc=VariableFunc) PredictData = PM.predictKernelPolCluster(VS.ThisDataChunk, SM, ApplyTimeJones=Jones, Noise=Noise, VariableFunc=None) print(Jones["Beam"].ravel()[0]) # PredictData=PM5.predictKernelPolCluster(VS.ThisDataChunk,SM,ApplyTimeJones=Jones) # import pylab # ind=np.where((VS.ThisDataChunk["A0"]==7)&(VS.ThisDataChunk["A1"]==17))[0] # op0=np.real # op1=np.abs # pylab.clf() # pylab.subplot(2,1,1) # pylab.plot(op0(PredictData[ind,0,0])) # pylab.plot(op0(PredictData5[ind,0,0])) # pylab.plot(op0(PredictData[ind,0,0])-op0(PredictData5[ind,0,0])) # pylab.subplot(2,1,2) # pylab.plot(op1(PredictData[ind,0,0])) # pylab.plot(op1(PredictData5[ind,0,0])) # pylab.plot(op1(PredictData[ind,0,0])-op1(PredictData5[ind,0,0])) # pylab.draw() # # stop # #PredictData=PM.predictKernelPolCluster(VS.ThisDataChunk,SM) #SM.RestoreCat() = PredictData #VS.MS.SaveVis(Col="DATA") #VS.MS.SaveVis(Col="CORRECTED_DATA") VS.MS.SaveVis(Col="CORRECTED_DATA") #VS.MS.SaveVis(Col="CORRECTED_DATA") t = table(self.MSName, readonly=False) # dp=t.getcol("DDF_PREDICT") # dp.fill(0) # dp[:,:,0]=1. # dp[:,:,-1]=1. # t.putcol("DDF_PREDICT",dp) # t.putcol("DATA", f = t.getcol("FLAG") f.fill(0) #r=np.random.rand(*(f.shape[0:2])) #ff=(r<0.3) # indr,indf=np.where(ff) # f[indr,indf,:]=True # # MS.flag_all=f # #[f]=1.e10 t.putcol("FLAG", f) #t.putcol("FLAG_BACKUP",f) w = t.getcol("IMAGING_WEIGHT") w.fill(1) t.putcol("IMAGING_WEIGHT", w) # # ############################### # w.fill(0) # A0s = t.getcol("ANTENNA1") # A1s = t.getcol("ANTENNA2") #,self.Cr) # V=C2[A0s,A1s] # ind=(V==0) # V[ind]=1e10 # w0=1./(V+Noise**2) # w0[ind]=0 # for ich in np.arange(w.shape[1]): # w[:,ich]=np.abs(w0) #"WSim.npy",w) t.close() Sols = self.Sols FileName = "%s/killMS.%s.sols.npz" % (self.VS.MS.MSName, "Simul") print("Saving %s" % FileName) print(self.FreqDomains) if not self.DoClusterJones: np.savez(FileName, Sols=Sols, StationNames=MS.StationNames, SkyModel=SM.ClusterCat, ClusterCat=SM.ClusterCat, BeamTimes=np.array([], np.float64), FreqDomains=self.FreqDomains) else: np.savez(FileName, Sols=self.SolsCluster, StationNames=MS.StationNames, SkyModel=self.kMS_ClusterDirCat, ClusterCat=self.kMS_ClusterDirCat, BeamTimes=np.array([], np.float64), FreqDomains=self.FreqDomains)
def GiveJones(self): if self.Sols is None: Sols = self.GiveSols() else: Sols = self.Sols MS = self.MS SM = self.SM VS = self.VS ApplyBeam = self.ApplyBeam na = nd = SM.NDir if self.BeamAt == "facet": NDir = SM.SourceCat.shape[0] SM.SourceCat.Cluster = np.arange(NDir) SM.Dirs = SM.SourceCat.Cluster SM.NDir = NDir SM.ClusterCat = np.zeros((NDir, ), SM.ClusterCat.dtype) SM.ClusterCat = SM.ClusterCat.view(np.recarray) SM.ClusterCat.ra = SM.SourceCat.ra SM.ClusterCat.dec = SM.SourceCat.dec Jones = {} Jones["t0"] = Sols.t0 Jones["t1"] = Sols.t1 nt, nch, na, nd, _, _ = Sols.G.shape G = np.swapaxes(Sols.G, 1, 3).reshape((nt, nd, na, nch, 2, 2)) # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]/=np.abs(G[:,:,:,:,0,0]) # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=G[:,:,:,:,0,0] # G.fill(0) # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]=1 # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=1 nt, nd, na, nch, _, _ = G.shape # G=np.random.randn(*G.shape)+1j*np.random.randn(*G.shape) useArrayFactor = True useElementBeam = False if ApplyBeam: print(ModColor.Str("Apply Beam")) MS.LoadSR(useElementBeam=useElementBeam, useArrayFactor=useArrayFactor) RA = SM.ClusterCat.ra DEC = SM.ClusterCat.dec NDir = RA.size Tm = T0s = Sols.t0 T1s = Sols.t1 DicoBeam = {} DicoBeam["Jones"] = np.zeros( (Tm.size, NDir,, MS.NSPWChan, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex64) DicoBeam["t0"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) DicoBeam["t1"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) DicoBeam["tm"] = np.zeros((Tm.size, ), np.float64) rac, decc = MS.OriginalRadec def GB(time, ra, dec): Beam = np.zeros( (ra.shape[0],, self.MS.NSPWChan, 2, 2), dtype=np.complex) # Beam[...,0,0]=1 # Beam[...,1,1]=1 # return Beam for i in range(ra.shape[0]): self.MS.SR.setDirection(ra[i], dec[i]) Beam[i] = self.MS.SR.evaluate(time) return Beam for itime in range(Tm.size): print(itime) DicoBeam["t0"][itime] = T0s[itime] DicoBeam["t1"][itime] = T1s[itime] DicoBeam["tm"][itime] = Tm[itime] ThisTime = Tm[itime] Beam = GB(ThisTime, RA, DEC) ###### Normalise Beam0 = GB(ThisTime, np.array([rac]), np.array([decc])) Beam0inv = ModLinAlg.BatchInverse(Beam0) nd, _, _, _, _ = Beam.shape Ones = np.ones((nd, 1, 1, 1, 1), np.float32) Beam0inv = Beam0inv * Ones nd_, na_, nf_, _, _ = Beam.shape # Beam_=np.ones((nd_,na_,nf_),np.float32)*(1+np.arange(nd_).reshape((-1,1,1))) # Beam.fill(0) # Beam[:,:,:,0,0]=Beam_[:,:,:] # Beam[:,:,:,1,1]=Beam_[:,:,:] Beam = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(Beam0inv, Beam) ###### DicoBeam["Jones"][itime] = Beam nt, nd, na, nch, _, _ = DicoBeam["Jones"].shape #m=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # m=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,0:6,:,:,:]*=2 # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:]/=np.mean(np.abs(DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:])) # DicoBeam["Jones"][:,1,:,:,:,:]*=m # #################" # # Single Channel # DicoBeam["Jones"]=np.mean(DicoBeam["Jones"],axis=3).reshape((nt,nd,na,1,2,2)) # G=ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G,DicoBeam["Jones"]) # #################" # Multiple Channel Ones = np.ones((1, 1, 1, nch, 1, 1), np.float32) G = G * Ones G = ModLinAlg.BatchDot(G, DicoBeam["Jones"]) # #################" # G[:,:,:,:,0,0]=1 # G[:,:,:,:,0,1]=0.5 # G[:,:,:,:,1,0]=2. # G[:,:,:,:,1,1]=1 print("Done") # ################# # Multiple Channel self.ChanMap = range(nch) # ################# Jones["Beam"] = G Jones["BeamH"] = ModLinAlg.BatchH(G) if self.ChanMap is None: self.ChanMap = np.zeros((VS.MS.NSPWChan, ), np.int32).tolist() Jones["ChanMap"] = self.ChanMap # ###### for PM5 # Jones["Map_VisToJones_Freq"]=self.ChanMap # Jones["Jones"]=Jones["Beam"] # nt=VS.MS.times_all.size # ntJones=DicoBeam["tm"].size # d=VS.MS.times_all.reshape((nt,1))-DicoBeam["tm"].reshape((1,ntJones)) # Jones["Map_VisToJones_Time"]=np.argmin(np.abs(d),axis=1) return Jones