Example #1
def post_edit(request, kwargs):
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    result = ResultModel()
    formdata = request.POST.dict()
    id = kwargs.get('id', '')
    tableid = kwargs.get('value', '')
    tablecolumns = None
    table = None
    if tableid != '':
        table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=int(tableid))
        if table.allowedit != 1:
            return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
        update_filter = SysTableList.objects.get(
        condition = '1=1'
        if update_filter != '':
            condition = update_filter.replace('{UserId}', str(request.user.id))
        tablecolumns = list(
                Q(tableid=int(tableid)) & Q(editvisible=1)))
    editmodel = {}
    primarykey_cols = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, 'PrimaryKey=1',

    for col in tablecolumns:
        colvalue = ''
        if col.datatype == 'checkbox':
            colvalue = ','.join(request.POST.getlist(col.name, ''))
            colvalue = formdata.get(col.name, '')
        value_exist = '0'
        if col.name in primarykey_cols:
            value_exist = SqlHelper.single(
                'select count(*) from {0} where {1}=\'{2}\' and Id != {3}'.
                format(table.name, col.name, colvalue, id))
        if value_exist != '0':
            result.msg += col.description + '字段为主键,值"' + colvalue + '"已存在,'
            editmodel[col.name] = colvalue
    if result.msg != '':
        return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
    editmodel['ModifyDateTime'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    editmodel['Modifier'] = str(request.user.id)
    sql = 'update {0} set {1} where {2}'
    newvalues = ''
    for key, value in editmodel.items():
        newvalues += "{0}='{1}',".format(key, value)
    newvalues = newvalues.rstrip(',')
    sql = sql.format(table.name, newvalues,
                     'Id=' + str(id) + ' and ' + condition)
    affect_rows = SqlHelper.execute(sql)
    result.msg = '影响数据条数' + str(affect_rows)
    result.flag = affect_rows == 1
    return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
Example #2
def post_add(request, kwargs):
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    result = ResultModel()
    result.msg = ''
    formdata = request.POST.dict()
    tableid = kwargs.get('id', '')
    tablecolumns = None
    table = None
    if tableid != '':
        table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=int(tableid))
        if table.allowadd != 1:
            return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
        tablecolumns = list(
                Q(tableid=int(tableid)) & Q(addvisible=1)))
    addmodel = {}
    primarykey_cols = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, 'PrimaryKey=1',
    for col in tablecolumns:
        if col.name in formdata.keys():
            colvalue = ''
            if col.datatype == 'checkbox':
                colvalue = ','.join(request.POST.getlist(col.name, ''))
                colvalue = formdata.get(col.name, '')
            value_exist = '0'
            if col.name in primarykey_cols:
                value_exist = SqlHelper.single(
                    'select count(*) from {0} where {1}=\'{2}\''.format(
                        table.name, col.name, colvalue))
            if value_exist != '0':
                result.msg += col.description + '字段为主键,值"' + colvalue + '"已存在,'
                addmodel[col.name] = colvalue
    if result.msg != '':
        return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
    addmodel['CreateDateTime'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    addmodel['ModifyDateTime'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    addmodel['Creator'] = str(request.user.id)
    addmodel['Modifier'] = str(request.user.id)
    sql = 'insert into {0}({1}) values({2})'
    values = ''
    for v in addmodel.values():
        values += "'" + v + "',"
    values = values.strip(',')
    sql = sql.format(table.name, ','.join(addmodel.keys()), values)
    affect_rows = SqlHelper.execute(sql)
    result.msg = '影响数据条数' + str(affect_rows)
    result.flag = affect_rows == 1
    return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
Example #3
def post_build_column(request, kwargs):
    result = ResultModel()
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    tableid = request.POST.get('id', '')
    tablename = SysTableList.objects.get(id=tableid).name

    query_result = SqlHelper.query('desc ' + tablename)
    newmodels = []
    for row in query_result:
        field = row['Field']
        type = row['Type']
        if 'char' in type:
            type = 'string'
        elif 'int' in type or 'bit' in type:
            type = 'int'
        elif 'float' in type or 'decimal' in type:
            type = 'Decimal'
        elif 'datetime' in type:
            type = 'datetime'
        elif 'date' in type:
            type = 'date'
            SysTableColumn(tableid=tableid, name=field, datatype=type))
    deleted_objects = SysTableColumn.objects.filter(tableid=tableid).delete()
    objects = SysTableColumn.objects.bulk_create(newmodels)
    result.msg = '操作成功'
    result.flag = True
    return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
Example #4
def delete(request, kwargs):
    result = ResultModel()
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    ids = request.POST.getlist('ids[]')
    tableid = request.POST.get('value', '')
    forbidden_delete_filter = SysTableList.objects.get(
    condition = '1=1'
    if forbidden_delete_filter != '':
        condition = forbidden_delete_filter.replace('{UserId}',
    if len(ids) <= 0:
        result.msg = '操作失败'
        return JsonResponse(result.tojson())

    if tableid != '':
        table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=int(tableid))
        if table.allowdelete != 1:
            return JsonResponse(result.tojson())

    sqllist = []
    for id in ids:
        sqllist.append('delete from {0} where {1}'.format(
            table.name, 'Id=' + str(id) + ' and ' + condition))
    affect_rows = SqlHelper.bulk_execute(sqllist)
    result.msg = '影响数据条数' + str(affect_rows)
    result.flag = affect_rows == len(ids)
    return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
Example #5
def edit(request, kwargs):
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    id = kwargs.get('id', '')
    tableid = kwargs.get('value', '')
    if not tableid or not id:
        return render(request, 'adm/viewlist/index')
    tablecolumns = None
    table = None
    col_data = {}
    if tableid != '':
        table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=int(tableid))
        if table.allowedit != 1:
            return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
        tablecolumns = list(
                & Q(editvisible=1)).order_by('listorder'))
    columnnames = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, "EditVisible=1",
                                             "ListOrder", False)
    data = SqlHelper.query('select {0} from {1} where {2}'.format(
        columnnames, table.name, 'Id=' + str(id)))[0]
    for col in tablecolumns:
        if col.datatype == 'out':
            col_data[col.name] = SysHelper.get_out_list(col.outsql)
            for c in col_data[col.name]:
                c['selected'] = '1' if c['value'] == data[col.name] else '0'
        elif col.datatype == 'enum':
            enumdata = col.enumrange.split(',')
            enumlist = []
            for e in enumdata:
                selected = '1' if e == data[col.name] else '0'
                enumlist.append({'text': e, 'value': e, 'selected': selected})
            col_data[col.name] = enumlist
        elif col.datatype == 'radio' or col.datatype == 'checkbox':
            option_data = col.selectrange.split(',')
            options = []
            for text in option_data:
                selected = '1' if text in data[col.name].split(',') else '0'
                    'value': text,
                    'text': text,
                    'selected': selected
            col_data[col.name] = options
    colperrow = 1 if table.columnperrow < 1 else table.columnperrow

    return render(
        request, 'adm/viewlist/edit.html', {
            'id': id,
            'title': '编辑' + table.description,
            'tablecolumns': tablecolumns,
            'tableid': tableid,
            'table': table,
            'col_data': col_data,
            'data': data,
            'colperrow': colperrow,
Example #6
def detail(request, kwargs):
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    id = kwargs.get('id', '')
    tableid = kwargs.get('value', '')
    if not tableid or not id:
        return render(request, 'adm/viewlist/index')
    tablecolumns = None
    table = None
    out_col_data = {}
    if tableid != '':
        table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=int(tableid))
        if table.allowview != 1:
            return JsonResponse(result.tojson())
        tablecolumns = list(
                & Q(viewvisible=1)).order_by('listorder'))
    columnnames = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, "viewvisible=1",
                                             "ListOrder", False)
    data = SqlHelper.query('select {0} from {1} where {2}'\
        .format(columnnames,table.name,'Id=' + str(id)))[0]
    for col in tablecolumns:
        if col.datatype == 'out':
            col_data[col.name] = SysHelper.get_out_value(
                tableid, col.name, str(data[col.name]))
    colperrow = 1 if table.columnperrow < 1 else table.columnperrow

    return render(
        request, 'adm/viewlist/detail.html', {
            'id': id,
            'title': table.description + '详情',
            'tablecolumns': tablecolumns,
            'tableid': tableid,
            'table': table,
            'out_col_data': out_col_data,
            'data': data,
            'colperrow': colperrow,
Example #7
def get_page_data(request, kwargs):
    assert isinstance(request, HttpRequest)
    page = PageModel(request.POST)
    tableid = page.value

    table = SysTableList.objects.get(id=tableid)
    if table.allowview != 1:
        return JsonResponse({'msg': '请求参数错误'})

    _orderby = ''
    if page.orderdir == 'desc':
        _orderby = '-'
    if page.orderby != '':
        _orderby += page.orderby
    elif table.defaultsort != '':
        _orderby += table.defaultsort
        _orderby += 'id'

    condition = '1=1'
    alldata = None
    if page.searchkey != '':
        search_columns = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, "SearchVisible=1",
        condition = ''
        for sc in search_columns:
            condition += " {0} like '%{1}%' or".format(sc, page.searchkey)
        condition = '(' + condition.rstrip('or') + ')'

    if table.defaultfilter != '':
        table.defaultfilter = table.defaultfilter.replace(
            '{UserId}', str(request.user.id))
        condition += ' and ' + table.defaultfilter

    sql = 'select {0} from {1} where {2} order by {3} limit {4},{5}'
    list_columns = SysHelper.get_column_names(tableid, "ListVisible=1",
                                              "ListOrder", False)
    pagedata = SqlHelper.query(
        sql.format(list_columns, table.name, condition, _orderby, page.start,
    data_count = SqlHelper.single('select count(*) from {0} where {1}'.format(
        table.name, condition))
    out_type_column_names = SysHelper.get_column_names(
        tableid, "ListVisible=1 and DataType='out'", "ListOrder")
    checkbox_or_radio_col_names = SysHelper.get_column_names(
        tableid, "ListVisible=1 and (DataType='checkbox' or DataType='radio')",
    file_column_names = SysHelper.get_column_names(
        tableid, "ListVisible=1 and DataType='file'", "ListOrder")
    custom_columns_names = SysHelper.get_column_names(
        tableid, "ListVisible=1 and DataType='custom'", "ListOrder")
    rownum = int(page.start)
    for dic in pagedata:
        rownum = rownum + 1
        dic['rownum'] = rownum
        for key in dic:
            if key in out_type_column_names:
                dic[key] = SysHelper.get_out_value(tableid, key, dic[key])
            elif key in custom_columns_names:
                column = SysTableColumn.objects.get(
                    Q(name=key) & Q(tableid=int(tableid)))
                if not column:
                    dic[key] = '获取列对象出错'
                    dic[key] = column.customcontent.replace(
            elif key in file_column_names:
                url = text = style = ''
                if not dic[key]:
                    url = 'javascript:alert("无效文件")'
                    text = '无效'
                    style = "class='btn btn-danger'"
                    filepath = os.path.join(
                        ROOT_PATH, dic[key].lstrip('/').replace('/', '\\'))
                    if os.path.exists(filepath) and dic[key] != '':
                        url = '/adm/home/download?fileurl=' + dic[key]
                        text = '下载'
                        style = "class='btn btn-info' download"
                        url = 'javascript:alert("无效文件")'
                        text = '无效'
                        style = "class='btn btn-danger'"
                dic[key] = "<a href='{0}' target='_blank' {1}>{2}</a>".format(
                    url, style, text)
                if key == 'CreateDateTime' or key == 'ModifyDateTime':
                    dic[key] = str(dic[key])
        if table.extendfunction != '':
            dic['ExtendFunction'] = table.extendfunction.replace(
                '{Id}', str(dic['Id'])).replace('{UserId}',

    datatable = DataTableModel(page.draw, data_count, data_count, pagedata)

    return JsonResponse(datatable.tojson())