Example #1
    def parse_binary_search(self, response, minimum=None, maximum=None):
        offset = int(get_parameter_value(response.request.url, 'offset'))

        first_offset = response.request.meta['first']

        if minimum and maximum:
            self.logger.info(f'Starting binary search for {first_offset:,} within [{minimum:,}, {maximum:,}]')
        elif self.is_http_success(response):
            minimum = response.request.meta['minimum']
            maximum = offset
            minimum = offset + 1
            maximum = response.request.meta['maximum']

        # If the search succeeded, parse the response as usual. We use a threshold, because getting the exact
        # millisecond requires 27 requests.
        if minimum + THRESHOLD >= maximum:
            self.logger.info(f'New offset found after {first_offset:,} at {maximum:,}!')
            if offset == maximum:
                # If the last request used the offset, we can reuse its response.
                yield from self.parse(response)
                url = replace_parameters(response.request.url, offset=maximum)
                yield self._build_request(url, self.parse, {})
            url = replace_parameters(response.request.url, offset=(minimum + maximum) // 2)
            yield self._build_request(url, self.parse_binary_search, {'minimum': minimum, 'maximum': maximum,
                                                                      'first': first_offset})
 def parse_list(self, response, **kwargs):
     hrefs = response.xpath('//a/@href').getall()
     for href in hrefs:
         if '.json' in href:
             # the href looks like
             # http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2F116.202.173.47%3A8080%2Fmd_covid_2020-11-06.json&sa=D&sntz=1
             url = get_parameter_value(href, 'q')
             if not url:
                 url = href
             yield self.build_request(url, formatter=components(-1))
Example #3
    def parse(self, response):
        # If the request was successful, parse the response as usual.
        if self.is_http_success(response):
            yield self.build_file_from_response(response, data_type=self.data_type)

            # Use `dont_filter` in case the search for a successful timestamp used the same offset. Use `dont_retry`
            # since errors are expected.
            yield self.next_link(response, dont_filter=True, meta={'dont_retry': True})
        # Otherwise, parse the response as usual, then (1) pick a date range and (2) do a binary search within it.
        # This approach assumes that, if two offsets error, then intervening offsets error, too.
            yield self.build_file_error_from_response(response)

            # If the error occurs on the first request, we have no starting offset.
            if get_parameter_value(response.request.url, 'offset'):
                yield from self.parse_date_range(response)
Example #4
    def parse_date_range(self, response):
        offset = int(get_parameter_value(response.request.url, 'offset'))

        # Scrapy uses `datetime.datetime.utcnow()`, so we don't need to worry about time zones.
        start_time = int(self.crawler.stats.get_value('start_time').timestamp() * 1000)
        # We use the first offset to calculate the new offset, and in log lessages.
        first_offset = response.request.meta.get('first', offset)
        # The exponent for the exponential search.
        exponent = response.request.meta.get('exponent', -1) + 1

        # If this offset succeeded, do a binary search from the previous offset to this offset.
        if self.is_http_success(response):
            yield from self.parse_binary_search(response, response.request.meta['prev'], offset)
        # If this offset failed and reached a limit, stop.
        elif offset >= start_time or exponent > EXPONENT_LIMIT:
            self.logger.info(f'No offset found after {first_offset:,} within {2 ** EXPONENT_LIMIT} days.')
            yield self.build_file_error_from_response(response)
        # Otherwise, continue.
            new_offset = min(first_offset + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY * 2 ** exponent, start_time)
            url = replace_parameters(response.request.url, offset=new_offset)
            yield self._build_request(url, self.parse_date_range, {'prev': offset, 'exponent': exponent,
                                                                   'first': first_offset})
Example #5
def test_get_parameter_value(url, expected):
    assert get_parameter_value(url, 'page') == expected