Example #1
def mintpy2kite(ifg, attr, date1, date2, inc_angle, az_angle, out_file):
    """Create KITE container.
    Parameters: fig       - 2D np.ndarray for displacement in meters
                attr      - dict, dictionary of mintpy metadata
                date1/2   - str, reference/secondary date in YYYYMMDD format
                inc_angle - 2D np.ndarray, incidence angle of the LOS vector in degree
                az_angle  - 2D np.ndarray, azimutth  angle of the LOS vector in degree
                out_file  - str, path of the output file name of the KITE container
    Returns:    scene     - kite.scene.Scene object
        from kite.scene import Scene, SceneConfig
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError('Can not import kite / pyrocko!')

    print('\n---------------PREPARING KITE CONTAINER-----------')
    # fill the Kite container
    config = SceneConfig()
    config.frame.llLat = float(
        attr['Y_FIRST']) + float(attr['Y_STEP']) * float(attr['LENGTH'])
    config.frame.llLon = float(attr['X_FIRST'])
    config.frame.dE = float(attr['X_STEP'])
    config.frame.dN = float(attr['Y_STEP']) * -1
    config.frame.spacing = 'degree'

    config.meta.scene_title = attr['PROJECT_NAME']
    config.meta.scene_id = attr['trackNumber']

    if date1 is not None:
        utc_sec = dt.timedelta(seconds=float(attr['CENTER_LINE_UTC']))
        config.meta.time_master = dt.datetime.strptime(date1,
                                                       '%Y%m%d') + utc_sec
        config.meta.time_slave = dt.datetime.strptime(date2,
                                                      '%Y%m%d') + utc_sec

    config.meta.orbital_node = 'Ascending' if attr['ORBIT_DIRECTION'].upper(
    ).startswith('ASC') else 'Descending'
    config.meta.wavelength = attr['WAVELENGTH']
    config.meta.satellite_name = attr['PLATFORM']

    scene = Scene(
        theta=np.flipud(np.pi / 2 - inc_angle * d2r),
        phi=np.flipud(az_angle * d2r) + np.pi / 2,

    #Save kite container

    # print out msg
    urLat = config.frame.llLat + config.frame.dN * float(attr['LENGTH'])
    urLon = config.frame.llLon + config.frame.dE * float(attr['WIDTH'])
    print('\nKite Scene info:')
    print('Scene title: {}'.format(config.meta.scene_title))
    print('Scene id: {}'.format(config.meta.scene_id))
    print('Scene orbit: {}'.format(config.meta.orbital_node))
    print('Scene platform: {}'.format(config.meta.satellite_name))
    print('Scene wavelength: {}'.format(config.meta.wavelength))
    print('Scene frame cols / rows: {0:g} / {1:g}'.format(
        float(attr['WIDTH']), float(attr['LENGTH'])))
    print('Scene frame first / last LAT: {0:.2f} / {1:.2f} °'.format(
        config.frame.llLat, urLat))
    print('Scene frame first / last LON: {0:.2f} / {1:.2f} °'.format(
        config.frame.llLon, urLon))
    print('Scene frame spacing in x / y: {} / {} {}'.format(
        config.frame.dE, config.frame.dN, config.frame.spacing))
        'Scene min / mean / max displacement    : {0:.2f} / {1:.2f} / {2:.2f} m'
        .format(np.nanmin(scene.displacement), np.nanmean(scene.displacement),
        'Scene min / mean / max incidence angle : {0:.2f} / {1:.2f} / {2:.2f} °'
            np.nanmin(scene.theta) * r2d,
            np.nanmean(scene.theta) * r2d,
            np.nanmax(scene.theta) * r2d))
        'Scene min / mean / max azimuth angle   : {0:.2f} / {1:.2f} / {2:.2f} °'
            np.nanmin(scene.phi) * r2d,
            np.nanmean(scene.phi) * r2d,
            np.nanmax(scene.phi) * r2d))
    print('\n---------------SAVING KITE CONTAINER-----------')
    print('Save KITE data in file: {0}.npz {0}.yaml'.format(out_file))
    print('Import to KITE: spool {}'.format(out_file))

    return scene
Example #2
def bbd2kite(filename, px_size=(500, 500), import_var=False, convert_m=True):
    '''Convert BGR BodenBewegungsdienst PS velocity data to a Kite Scene

    Loads the mean PS velocities (from e.g. ``ps_plot(..., -1)``) from a
    BGR BodenBewegungsdienst, and grids the data into mean velocity bins.
    The LOS velocities will be converted to a Kite Scene

    :param filename: Name of the BGR BBD as ESRI shapefile.
    :type filename: str
    :param px_size: Size of pixels in North and East in meters.
        Default (500, 500).
    :type px_size: tuple
    :param convert_m: Convert displacement to meters, default True.
    :type convert_m: bool
    :param import_var: Import the mean velocity variance, this information
        is used by the Kite scene to define the covariance.
    :param import_var: bool
    data = read_shapefile(filename)

    if convert_m:
        data.ps_mean_v /= 1e3

    if convert_m and import_var:
        data.ps_mean_var /= 1e3

    # lengthN = od.distance_accurate50m(
    #     data.bbox[1], data.bbox[0],
    #     data.bbox[3], data.bbox[0])
    # lengthE = od.distance_accurate50m(
    #     data.bbox[1], data.bbox[0],
    #     data.bbox[1], data.bbox[2])

    lengthE = data.bbox[2] - data.bbox[0]
    lengthN = data.bbox[3] - data.bbox[1]

    bins = (round(lengthE / px_size[0]), round(lengthN / px_size[1]))

    bin_ps_data(data, bins=bins)

    log.debug('Setting up the Kite Scene')
    config = SceneConfig()
    zone, letter = read_projection(filename)

    llLat, llLon = utm.to_latlon(data.bbox[0], data.bbox[1], zone, letter)
    config.frame.llLat = llLat
    config.frame.llLon = llLon

    config.frame.dE = data.bin_edg_E[1] - data.bin_edg_E[0]
    config.frame.dN = data.bin_edg_N[1] - data.bin_edg_N[0]
    config.frame.spacing = 'meter'

    scene_name = op.basename(op.abspath(filename))
    config.meta.scene_title = '%s (BodenbewegunsDienst import)' % scene_name
    config.meta.scene_id = scene_name
    # config.meta.time_master = data.tmin.timestamp()
    # config.meta.time_slave = data.tmax.timestamp()

    scene = Scene(theta=data.bin_theta,

    if import_var:
        scene.displacement_px_var = data.bin_mean_var

    return scene
Example #3
def stamps2kite(dirname='.', px_size=(800, 800), convert_m=True,
                import_var=False, **kwargs):
    '''Convert StaMPS velocity data to a Kite Scene

    Loads the mean PS velocities (from e.g. ``ps_plot(..., -1)``) from a
    StaMPS project, and grids the data into mean velocity bins. The LOS
    velocities will be converted to a Kite Scene (:class:`~kite.Scene`).

    If explicit filenames `fn_ps` or `fn_ps_plot` are not passed an
    auto-discovery of :file:`ps?.mat` and :file:`ps_plot*.mat` in
    directory :param:`dirname` is approached.

    .. note ::

        Running the stamps2kite script on your StaMPS project does
        the trick in most cases.

    :param dirname: Folder containing data from the StaMPS project.
        Defaults to ``.``.
    :type dirname: str
    :param fn_ps2: :file:`ps2.mat` file with lat/lon information about the PS
        scene. Defaults to ``ps2.mat``.
    :type fn_ps2: str
    :param fn_mv2: :file:`mv2.mat` file with mean velocity standard deviations
        of every PS point, created by `ps_plot(...)`. Defaults to ``mv2.mat``.
    :type fn_mv2: str
    :param fn_ps_plot: Processed output from StaMPS ``ps_plot`` function, e.g.
        :file:`ps_plot*.mat`. Defaults to ``ps_plot*.mat``.
    :type fn_ps_plot: str
    :param fn_parms: :file:`parms.mat` from StaMPS, holding essential meta-
        information. Defaults to ``parms.mat``.
    :type fn_parms: str
    :param fn_look_angle: The :file:`look_angle.1.in` holds the a 50x50 grid
        with look angle information. Defaults to ``look_angle.1.in``.
    :type fn_look_angle: str
    :param fn_width: The :file:`width.txt` containing number of radar columns.
        Defaults to ``width.txt``.
    :type fn_width: str
    :param fn_len: The :file:`len.txt` containing number of rows in the
        interferogram. Defaults to ``len.txt``.
    :type fn_len: str
    :param px_size: Size of pixels in North and East in meters.
        Default (200, 200).
    :type px_size: tuple
    :param convert_m: Convert displacement to meters, default True.
    :type convert_m: bool
    :param import_var: Import the mean velocity variance, this information
        is used by the Kite scene to define the covariance.
    :param import_var: bool

    :returns: Kite Scene from the StaMPS data
    :rtype: :class:`kite.Scene`
    data = read_mat_data(dirname, import_mv2=import_var, **kwargs)
    log.info('Found a StaMPS project at %s', op.abspath(dirname))

    bbox = (data.lons.min(), data.lats.min(),
            data.lons.max(), data.lats.max())

    lengthN = od.distance_accurate50m(
        bbox[1], bbox[0],
        bbox[3], bbox[0])
    lengthE = od.distance_accurate50m(
        bbox[1], bbox[0],
        bbox[1], bbox[2])
    bins = (round(lengthE / px_size[0]),
            round(lengthN / px_size[1]))

    if convert_m:
        data.ps_mean_v /= 1e3

    if convert_m and import_var:
        data.ps_mean_std /= 1e3

    bin_ps_data(data, bins=bins)

    log.debug('Processing of LOS angles')
    data.bin_theta = data.bin_look_angles * d2r

    phi_angle = -data.heading * d2r + num.pi
    if phi_angle > num.pi:
        phi_angle -= 2*num.pi
    data.bin_phi = num.full_like(data.bin_theta, phi_angle)
    data.bin_phi[num.isnan(data.bin_theta)] = num.nan

    log.debug('Setting up the Kite Scene')
    config = SceneConfig()
    config.frame.llLat = data.bin_edg_lat.min()
    config.frame.llLon = data.bin_edg_lon.min()
    config.frame.dE = data.bin_edg_lon[1] - data.bin_edg_lon[0]
    config.frame.dN = data.bin_edg_lat[1] - data.bin_edg_lat[0]
    config.frame.spacing = 'degree'

    scene_name = op.basename(op.abspath(dirname))
    config.meta.scene_title = '%s (StamPS import)' % scene_name
    config.meta.scene_id = scene_name
    config.meta.time_master = data.tmin.timestamp()
    config.meta.time_slave = data.tmax.timestamp()

    scene = Scene(

    if import_var:
        scene.displacement_px_var = data.bin_mean_var

    return scene