Example #1
def read_objects(tracklet_file, frames_index):
    objects = []  #grouped by frames
    # frames_index = range(15)
    for n in frames_index: objects.append([])

    # read tracklets from file
    tracklets = parseXML(tracklet_file)
    num = len(tracklets)    #number of obs

    for n in range(num):
        tracklet = tracklets[n]

        # this part is inspired by kitti object development kit matlab code: computeBox3D
        h,w,l = tracklet.size

        # loop over all data in tracklet
        start_frame  = tracklet.firstFrame

        object_in_frames_index = [i for i in frames_index if i in range(start_frame, end_frame)]
        object_in_tracklet_index=[i-start_frame for i in object_in_frames_index]

        for i in object_in_tracklet_index:
            translation = tracklet.trans[i]
            rotation = tracklet.rots[i]
            state = tracklet.states[i]
            occlusion = tracklet.occs[i]
            truncation = tracklet.truncs[i]

            if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
                # print('truncation filter disable')
                # determine if object is in the image; otherwise continue
                if truncation not in (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, TRUNC_TRUNCATED):
                # pass
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
                raise ValueError('unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE))

            o = type('', (), {})()
            o.type = tracklet.objectType
            o.tracklet_id = n



    return objects
Example #2
def read_objects(tracklet_file, num_frames):

    objects = []  #grouped by frames
    for n in range(num_frames):

    # read tracklets from file
    tracklets = parseXML(tracklet_file)
    num = len(tracklets)

    for n in range(num):
        tracklet = tracklets[n]

        # this part is inspired by kitti object development kit matlab code: computeBox3D
        h, w, l = tracklet.size
        trackletBox = np.array([ # in velodyne coordinates around zero point and without orientation yet\
            [-l/2, -l/2,  l/2, l/2, -l/2, -l/2,  l/2, l/2], \
            [ w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2,  w/2, -w/2, -w/2, w/2], \
            [ 0.0,  0.0,  0.0, 0.0,    h,     h,   h,   h]])

        # loop over all data in tracklet
        t = tracklet.firstFrame
        for translation, rotation, state, occlusion, truncation, amtOcclusion, amtBorders, absoluteFrameNumber in tracklet:

            # determine if object is in the image; otherwise continue
            if truncation not in (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, TRUNC_TRUNCATED):

            # re-create 3D bounding box in velodyne coordinate system
            yaw = rotation[
                2]  # other rotations are 0 in all xml files I checked
            assert np.abs(rotation[:2]).sum(
            ) == 0, 'object rotations other than yaw given!'
            rotMat = np.array([\
              [np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw), 0.0], \
              [np.sin(yaw),  np.cos(yaw), 0.0], \
              [        0.0,          0.0, 1.0]])
            cornerPosInVelo = np.dot(rotMat, trackletBox) + np.tile(
                translation, (8, 1)).T

            # calc yaw as seen from the camera (i.e. 0 degree = facing away from cam), as opposed to
            #   car-centered yaw (i.e. 0 degree = same orientation as car).
            #   makes quite a difference for objects in periphery!
            # Result is in [0, 2pi]
            x, y, z = translation
            yawVisual = (yaw - np.arctan2(y, x)) % (2 * math.pi)

            o = type('', (), {})()
            o.box = cornerPosInVelo.transpose()
            o.type = tracklet.objectType
            o.tracklet_id = n
            t = t + 1

    return objects
Example #3
def read_objects(tracklet_file):
    objects = []  #grouped by frames

    # read tracklets from file
    tracklets = parseXML(tracklet_file)
    num = len(tracklets)  #number of obs
    objects = [[] for n in range(num)]

    for n in range(num):
        tracklet = tracklets[n]

        # this part is inspired by kitti object development kit matlab code: computeBox3D
        h, w, l = tracklet.size

        # loop over all data in tracklet
        start_frame = tracklet.firstFrame
        end_frame = tracklet.firstFrame + tracklet.nFrames

        object_in_frames_index = range(start_frame, end_frame)
        object_in_tracklet_index = [
            i - start_frame for i in object_in_frames_index

        for i in object_in_tracklet_index:
            translation = tracklet.trans[i]
            rotation = tracklet.rots[i]
            state = tracklet.states[i]
            occlusion = tracklet.occs[i]
            truncation = tracklet.truncs[i]

            if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
                # print('truncation filter disable')
                # determine if object is in the image; otherwise continue
                if truncation not in (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, TRUNC_TRUNCATED):
                # pass
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
                raise ValueError(
                    'unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(

            o = type('', (), {})()
            o.type = tracklet.objectType
            o.tracklet_id = n

            o.translation = translation
            o.rotation = rotation
            o.size = tracklet.size
            o.start_frame = start_frame
                (start_frame, translation, rotation, tracklet.size))

    return objects
Example #4
def read_objects(tracklet_file, frames_index):
    objects = []  #grouped by frames
    # frames_index = range(15)
    for n in frames_index:

    # read tracklets from file
    tracklets = parseXML(tracklet_file)
    num = len(tracklets)  #number of obs

    for n in range(num):
        tracklet = tracklets[n]

        # this part is inspired by kitti object development kit matlab code: computeBox3D
        h, w, l = tracklet.size

        if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2' or cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi' or cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
            h, w = h * 1.1, l
            trackletBox = np.array([
                [-l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2], \
                [w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2], \
                [-h/2, -h/2, -h/2, -h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2]])
        elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
            trackletBox = np.array([  # in velodyne coordinates around zero point and without orientation yet\
                [-l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2], \
                [w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, h, h, h, h]])
            raise ValueError(
                'unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(

        # loop over all data in tracklet
        start_frame = tracklet.firstFrame
        end_frame = tracklet.firstFrame + tracklet.nFrames

        object_in_frames_index = [
            i for i in frames_index if i in range(start_frame, end_frame)
        object_in_tracklet_index = [
            i - start_frame for i in object_in_frames_index

        for i in object_in_tracklet_index:
            translation = tracklet.trans[i]
            rotation = tracklet.rots[i]
            state = tracklet.states[i]
            occlusion = tracklet.occs[i]
            truncation = tracklet.truncs[i]

            if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
                # print('truncation filter disable')
                # determine if object is in the image; otherwise continue
                # print (OCC_VISIBLE)
                # print (occlusion[1])
                # print (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE)
                # print (truncation)

                if truncation not in (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, TRUNC_TRUNCATED):
                # if (int(truncation),int(occlusion[1]))  !=   (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, OCC_VISIBLE) :
                #     continue

                # pass
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
                raise ValueError(
                    'unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(

            # re-create 3D bounding box in velodyne coordinate system
            yaw = rotation[
                2]  # other rotations are 0 in all xml files I checked

            #assert np.abs(rotation[:2]).sum() == 0, 'object rotations other than yaw given!'
            rotMat = np.array([\
              [np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw), 0.0], \
              [np.sin(yaw),  np.cos(yaw), 0.0], \
              [        0.0,          0.0, 1.0]])
            cornerPosInVelo = np.dot(rotMat, trackletBox) + np.tile(
                translation, (8, 1)).T

            # calc yaw as seen from the camera (i.e. 0 degree = facing away from cam), as opposed to
            #   car-centered yaw (i.e. 0 degree = same orientation as car).
            #   makes quite a difference for objects in periphery!
            # Result is in [0, 2pi]
            x, y, z = translation
            yawVisual = (yaw - np.arctan2(y, x)) % (2 * math.pi)

            o = type('', (), {})()
            o.box = cornerPosInVelo.transpose()
            o.type = tracklet.objectType
            o.tracklet_id = n

            if o.type == 'Van' or o.type == 'Truck' or o.type == 'Car' or o.type == 'Tram':  # todo : only  support 'Van'
                o.translation = translation
                o.rotation = rotation
                o.size = tracklet.size


            objects[frames_index.index(i + start_frame)].append(o)

    return objects
Example #5
File: io.py Project: Bruslan/MV3D-1
def read_objects(tracklet_file, frames_index):
    objects = []  #grouped by frames
    # frames_index = range(15)
    for n in frames_index: objects.append([])

    # read tracklets from file
    tracklets = parseXML(tracklet_file)
    num = len(tracklets)    #number of obs

    for n in range(num):
        tracklet = tracklets[n]

        # this part is inspired by kitti object development kit matlab code: computeBox3D
        h,w,l = tracklet.size
        if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2' or cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi' or cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
            h, w = h*1.1, l
            trackletBox = np.array([
                [-l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2], \
                [w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2], \
                [-h/2, -h/2, -h/2, -h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2, h/2]])
        elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
            trackletBox = np.array([  # in velodyne coordinates around zero point and without orientation yet\
                [-l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2, -l / 2, -l / 2, l / 2, l / 2], \
                [w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2, w / 2, -w / 2, -w / 2, w / 2], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, h, h, h, h]])
            raise ValueError('unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE))

        # loop over all data in tracklet
        start_frame  = tracklet.firstFrame

        object_in_frames_index = [i for i in frames_index if i in range(start_frame, end_frame)]
        object_in_tracklet_index=[i-start_frame for i in object_in_frames_index]

        for i in object_in_tracklet_index:
            translation = tracklet.trans[i]
            rotation = tracklet.rots[i]
            state = tracklet.states[i]
            occlusion = tracklet.occs[i]
            truncation = tracklet.truncs[i]

            if cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'kitti':
                # print('truncation filter disable')
                # determine if object is in the image; otherwise continue
                if truncation not in (TRUNC_IN_IMAGE, TRUNC_TRUNCATED):
                # pass
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi2':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'didi':
                # todo : 'truncation filter disable'
            elif cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE == 'test':
                raise ValueError('unexpected type in cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE :{}!'.format(cfg.DATA_SETS_TYPE))

            # re-create 3D bounding box in velodyne coordinate system
            yaw = rotation[2]   # other rotations are 0 in all xml files I checked
            #assert np.abs(rotation[:2]).sum() == 0, 'object rotations other than yaw given!'
            rotMat = np.array([\
              [np.cos(yaw), -np.sin(yaw), 0.0], \
              [np.sin(yaw),  np.cos(yaw), 0.0], \
              [        0.0,          0.0, 1.0]])
            cornerPosInVelo = np.dot(rotMat, trackletBox) + np.tile(translation, (8,1)).T

            # calc yaw as seen from the camera (i.e. 0 degree = facing away from cam), as opposed to
            #   car-centered yaw (i.e. 0 degree = same orientation as car).
            #   makes quite a difference for objects in periphery!
            # Result is in [0, 2pi]
            x, y, z = translation
            yawVisual = ( yaw - np.arctan2(y, x) ) % (2*math.pi)

            o = type('', (), {})()
            o.box = cornerPosInVelo.transpose()
            o.type = tracklet.objectType
            o.tracklet_id = n

            if o.type == 'Van' or o.type == 'Truck' or o.type == 'Car' or o.type == 'Tram':  # todo : only  support 'Van'


    return objects