Example #1
    def generate_default_config(definition: Definition, name: str) -> None:
        with open(f'generated/conf-{name}.rst', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            print('.. highlight:: conf\n', file=f)
            f.write('\n'.join(definition.as_rst(name, shortcut_slugs)))

        conf_name = re.sub(r'^kitten-', '', name) + '.conf'
        with open(f'generated/conf/{conf_name}', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            text = '\n'.join(definition.as_conf())
            print(text, file=f)
Example #2
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2021, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>

# After editing this file run ./gen-config.py to apply the changes

from kitty.conf.types import Definition

copy_message = '''\
Copy files and directories from local to remote hosts. The specified files are
assumed to be relative to the HOME directory and copied to the HOME on the
remote. Directories are copied recursively. If absolute paths are used, they are
copied as is.'''

definition = Definition(

agr = definition.add_group
egr = definition.end_group
opt = definition.add_option

agr('bootstrap', 'Host bootstrap configuration')  # {{{

opt('hostname', '*', option_type='hostname', long_text='''
The hostname that the following options apply to. A glob pattern to match
multiple hosts can be used. Multiple hostnames can also be specified, separated
by spaces. The hostname can include an optional username in the form
:code:`user@host`. When not specified options apply to all hosts, until the
first hostname specification is found. Note that matching of hostname is done
against the name you specify on the command line to connect to the remote host.
Example #3
def generate_class(defn: Definition, loc: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    class_lines: List[str] = []
    tc_lines: List[str] = []
    a = class_lines.append
    t = tc_lines.append
    a('class Options:')
    t('class Parser:')
    choices = {}
    imports: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()
    tc_imports: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()

    def type_name(x: type) -> str:
        ans = x.__name__
        if x.__module__ and x.__module__ != 'builtins':
            imports.add((x.__module__, x.__name__))
        return ans

    def option_type_as_str(x: Any) -> str:
        if hasattr(x, '__name__'):
            return type_name(x)
        ans = repr(x)
        ans = ans.replace('NoneType', 'None')
        return ans

    def option_type_data(
            option: Union[Option, MultiOption]) -> Tuple[Callable, str]:
        func = option.parser_func
        if func.__module__ == 'builtins':
            return func, func.__name__
        th = get_type_hints(func)
        rettype = th['return']
        typ = option_type_as_str(rettype)
        if isinstance(option, MultiOption):
            typ = typ[typ.index('[') + 1:-1]
            typ = typ.replace('Tuple', 'Dict', 1)
        return func, typ

    is_mutiple_vars = {}
    option_names = set()
    color_table = list(map(str, range(256)))

    def parser_function_declaration(option_name: str) -> None:
        t(f'    def {option_name}(self, val: str, ans: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:'

    for option in sorted(defn.iter_all_options(),
                         key=lambda a: natural_keys(a.name)):
        if isinstance(option, MultiOption):
            mval: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
                'macos': {},
                'linux': {},
                '': {}
            func, typ = option_type_data(option)
            for val in option:
                if val.add_to_default:
                    gr = mval[val.only]
                    for k, v in func(val.defval_as_str):
                        gr[k] = v
            is_mutiple_vars[option.name] = typ, mval
            sig = inspect.signature(func)
            tc_imports.add((func.__module__, func.__name__))
            if len(sig.parameters) == 1:
                t(f'        for k, v in {func.__name__}(val):')
                t(f'            ans["{option.name}"][k] = v')
                t(f'        for k, v in {func.__name__}(val, ans["{option.name}"]):'
                t(f'            ans["{option.name}"][k] = v')

        if option.choices:
            typ = 'typing.Literal[{}]'.format(', '.join(
                repr(x) for x in option.choices))
            ename = f'choices_for_{option.name}'
            choices[ename] = typ
            typ = ename
            func = str
        elif defn.has_color_table and option.is_color_table_color:
            func, typ = option_type_data(option)
            t(f'        ans[{option.name!r}] = {func.__name__}(val)')
            tc_imports.add((func.__module__, func.__name__))
            cnum = int(option.name[5:])
            color_table[cnum] = '0x{:06x}'.format(
            func, typ = option_type_data(option)
                params = inspect.signature(func).parameters
            except Exception:
                params = {}
            if 'dict_with_parse_results' in params:
                t(f'        {func.__name__}(val, ans)')
                t(f'        ans[{option.name!r}] = {func.__name__}(val)')
            if func.__module__ != 'builtins':
                tc_imports.add((func.__module__, func.__name__))

        defval = repr(func(option.defval_as_string))
        if option.macos_defval is not unset:
            md = repr(func(option.macos_defval))
            defval = f'{md} if is_macos else {defval}'
            imports.add(('kitty.constants', 'is_macos'))
        a(f'    {option.name}: {typ} = {defval}')
        if option.choices:
            t('        val = val.lower()')
            t(f'        if val not in self.choices_for_{option.name}:')
            t(f'            raise ValueError(f"The value {{val}} is not a valid choice for {option.name}")'
            t(f'        ans["{option.name}"] = val')
            t(f'    choices_for_{option.name} = frozenset({option.choices!r})')

    for option_name, (typ, mval) in is_mutiple_vars.items():
        a(f'    {option_name}: {typ} = ' '{}')

    for parser, aliases in defn.deprecations.items():
        for alias in aliases:
            tc_imports.add((parser.__module__, parser.__name__))
            t(f'        {parser.__name__}({alias!r}, val, ans)')

    action_parsers = {}

    def resolve_import(ftype: str) -> str:
        if '.' in ftype:
            fmod, ftype = ftype.rpartition('.')[::2]
            fmod = f'{loc}.options.utils'
        imports.add((fmod, ftype))
        return ftype

    for aname, action in defn.actions.items():
        action_parsers[aname] = func = action.parser_func
        th = get_type_hints(func)
        rettype = th['return']
        typ = option_type_as_str(rettype)
        typ = typ[typ.index('[') + 1:-1]
        a(f'    {aname}: typing.List[{typ}] = []')
        for imp in action.imports:
        for fname, ftype in action.fields.items():
            ftype = resolve_import(ftype)
            a(f'    {fname}: {ftype} = ' '{}')
        t(f'        for k in {func.__name__}(val):')
        t(f'            ans[{aname!r}].append(k)')
        tc_imports.add((func.__module__, func.__name__))

    if defn.has_color_table:
        imports.add(('array', 'array'))
        a('    color_table: array = array("L", (')
        for grp in chunks(color_table, 8):
            a('        ' + ', '.join(grp) + ',')
        a('    ))')

    a('    config_paths: typing.Tuple[str, ...] = ()')
    a('    config_overrides: typing.Tuple[str, ...] = ()')
    a('    def __init__(self, options_dict: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = None) -> None:'
    if defn.has_color_table:
        a('        self.color_table = array(self.color_table.typecode, self.color_table)'
    a('        if options_dict is not None:')
    a('            null = object()')
    a('            for key in option_names:')
    a('                val = options_dict.get(key, null)')
    a('                if val is not null:')
    a('                    setattr(self, key, val)')

    a('    @property')
    a('    def _fields(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, ...]:')
    a('        return option_names')

    a('    def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]:')
    a('        return iter(self._fields)')

    a('    def __len__(self) -> int:')
    a('        return len(self._fields)')

    a('    def _copy_of_val(self, name: str) -> typing.Any:')
    a('        ans = getattr(self, name)')
    a('        if isinstance(ans, dict):\n            ans = ans.copy()')
    a('        elif isinstance(ans, list):\n            ans = ans[:]')
    a('        return ans')

    a('    def _asdict(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:')
    a('        return {k: self._copy_of_val(k) for k in self}')

    a('    def _replace(self, **kw: typing.Any) -> "Options":')
    a('        ans = Options()')
    a('        for name in self:')
    a('            setattr(ans, name, self._copy_of_val(name))')
    a('        for name, val in kw.items():')
    a('            setattr(ans, name, val)')
    a('        return ans')

    a('    def __getitem__(self, key: typing.Union[int, str]) -> typing.Any:')
    a('        k = option_names[key] if isinstance(key, int) else key')
    a('        try:')
    a('            return getattr(self, k)')
    a('        except AttributeError:')
    a('            pass')
    a('        raise KeyError(f"No option named: {k}")')

    if defn.has_color_table:
        a('    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> typing.Any:')
        a('        if key.startswith("color"):')
        a('            q = key[5:]')
        a('            if q.isdigit():')
        a('                k = int(q)')
        a('                if 0 <= k <= 255:')
        a('                    x = self.color_table[k]')
        a('                    return Color((x >> 16) & 255, (x >> 8) & 255, x & 255)'
        a('        raise AttributeError(key)')
        a('    def __setattr__(self, key: str, val: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:'
        a('        if key.startswith("color"):')
        a('            q = key[5:]')
        a('            if q.isdigit():')
        a('                k = int(q)')
        a('                if 0 <= k <= 255:')
        a('                    self.color_table[k] = int(val)')
        a('                    return')
        a('        object.__setattr__(self, key, val)')

    a('defaults = Options()')
    for option_name, (typ, mval) in is_mutiple_vars.items():
        a(f'defaults.{option_name} = {mval[""]!r}')
        if mval['macos']:
            imports.add(('kitty.constants', 'is_macos'))
            a('if is_macos:')
            a(f'    defaults.{option_name}.update({mval["macos"]!r}')
        if mval['macos']:
            imports.add(('kitty.constants', 'is_macos'))
            a('if not is_macos:')
            a(f'    defaults.{option_name}.update({mval["linux"]!r}')

    for aname, func in action_parsers.items():
        a(f'defaults.{aname} = [')
        only: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, Callable]]] = {}
        for sc in defn.iter_all_maps(aname):
            if not sc.add_to_default:
            text = sc.parseable_text
            if sc.only:
                only.setdefault(sc.only, []).append((text, func))
                for val in func(text):
                    a(f'    # {sc.name}')
                    a(f'    {val!r},')
        if only:
            imports.add(('kitty.constants', 'is_macos'))
            for cond, items in only.items():
                cond = 'is_macos' if cond == 'macos' else 'not is_macos'
                a(f'if {cond}:')
                for (text, func) in items:
                    for val in func(text):
                        a(f'    defaults.{aname}.append({val!r})')

    t('def create_result_dict() -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:')
    t('    return {')
    for oname in is_mutiple_vars:
        t(f'        {oname!r}: {{}},')
    for aname in defn.actions:
        t(f'        {aname!r}: [],')
    t('    }')

    t(f'actions = frozenset({tuple(defn.actions)!r})')
    t('def merge_result_dicts(defaults: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], vals: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:'
    t('    ans = {}')
    t('    for k, v in defaults.items():')
    t('        if isinstance(v, dict):')
    t('            ans[k] = merge_dicts(v, vals.get(k, {}))')
    t('        elif k in actions:')
    t('            ans[k] = v + vals.get(k, [])')
    t('        else:')
    t('            ans[k] = vals.get(k, v)')
    t('    return ans')
    tc_imports.add(('kitty.conf.utils', 'merge_dicts'))

    t('parser = Parser()')
    t('def parse_conf_item(key: str, val: str, ans: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> bool:'
    t('    func = getattr(parser, key, None)')
    t('    if func is not None:')
    t('        func(val, ans)')
    t('        return True')
    t('    return False')

    preamble = [
        '# generated by gen-config.py DO NOT edit', '# vim:fileencoding=utf-8',
    a = preamble.append

    def output_imports(imports: Set, add_module_imports: bool = True) -> None:
        a('import typing')
        seen_mods = {'typing'}
        mmap: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
        for mod, name in imports:
            mmap.setdefault(mod, []).append(name)
        for mod in sorted(mmap):
            names = sorted(mmap[mod])
            lines = textwrap.wrap(', '.join(names), 100)
            if len(lines) == 1:
                s = lines[0]
                s = '\n    '.join(lines)
                s = f'(\n    {s}\n)'
            a(f'from {mod} import {s}')
            if add_module_imports and mod not in seen_mods and mod != s:
                a(f'import {mod}')

    if choices:
        a('if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:')
        for name, cdefn in choices.items():
            a(f'    {name} = {cdefn}')
        for name in choices:
            a(f'    {name} = str')

    a('option_names = (  # {{' '{')
    a(' ' + pprint.pformat(tuple(sorted(option_names, key=natural_keys)))[1:] +
      '  # }}'
    class_def = '\n'.join(preamble + ['', ''] + class_lines)

    preamble = [
        '# generated by gen-config.py DO NOT edit', '# vim:fileencoding=utf-8',
    a = preamble.append
    output_imports(tc_imports, False)

    return class_def, '\n'.join(preamble + ['', ''] + tc_lines)
Example #4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2021, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>

# After editing this file run ./gen-config.py to apply the changes

from kitty.conf.types import Action, Definition

definition = Definition(
    Action('map', 'parse_map',
           {'key_definitions': 'kitty.conf.utils.KittensKeyMap'},
           ['kitty.types.ParsedShortcut', 'kitty.conf.utils.KeyAction']),

agr = definition.add_group
egr = definition.end_group
opt = definition.add_option
map = definition.add_map
mma = definition.add_mouse_map

# diff {{{
agr('diff', 'Diffing')

    'pyj:py pyi:py recipe:py',
File extension aliases for syntax highlight For example, to syntax highlight
:file:`file.xyz` as :file:`file.abc` use a setting of :code:`xyz:abc`