Example #1
class UserPrefs(EventDispatcher):
    A class to manage user preferences for the RaceCapture app
    DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_SCREENS = ['5x_gauge_view', 'laptime_view', 'tach_view', 'rawchannel_view']
    DEFAULT_PREFS_DICT = {'range_alerts': {},
                          'alerts': {}}


    prefs_file_name = 'prefs.json'

    def __init__(self, data_dir, user_files_dir, save_timeout=0.2, **kwargs):
        self._prefs_dict = UserPrefs.DEFAULT_PREFS_DICT
        self.config = ConfigParser()
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.user_files_dir = user_files_dir
        self.prefs_file = path.join(self.data_dir, self.prefs_file_name)

    def on_pref_change(self, section, option, value):

    def set_range_alert(self, key, range_alert):
        Sets a range alert with the specified key
        :param key the key for the range alert
        :type string
        :param range_alert the range alert
        :type object
        self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"][key] = range_alert

    def get_range_alert(self, key, default=None):
        Retrives a range alert for the specified key
        :param key the key for the range alert
        :type key string
        :param default the default value, optional
        :type default user specified
        :return the range alert, or the default value 
        return self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"].get(key, default)

    def get_alertrules(self, channel):
        Retrieve the alert_rules for the specified channel. If the
        alertrules do not exist for the specified channel, return an empty
        default AlertRuleCollection
        :return AlertRuleCollection
        alertrules = self._prefs_dict['alerts'].get(channel)
        if alertrules is None:
            alertrules = AlertRuleCollection(channel, [])
            self._prefs_dict['alerts'][channel] = alertrules

        return alertrules

    def set_alertrules(self, channel, alertrules):
        self._prefs_dict['alerts'][channel] = alertrules

    def set_gauge_config(self, gauge_id, config_value):
        Stores a gauge configuration for the specified gauge_id
        :param gauge_id the key for the gauge
        :type gauge_id string
        :param config_value the configuration value to set
        :type config_value string
        self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"][gauge_id] = config_value

    def get_gauge_config(self, gauge_id):
        Get the gauge configuration for the specified gauge_id
        :param gauge_id the key for the gauge
        :type string
        :return the gauge configuration
        return self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"].get(gauge_id, False)

    def get_dashboard_screens(self):
        return copy(self._prefs_dict['screens'])

    def set_dashboard_screens(self, screens):
        self._prefs_dict['screens'] = copy(screens)

# Regular preferences below here

    def get_last_selected_track_id(self):
        return self.get_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id')

    def get_last_selected_track_timestamp(self):
        return self.get_pref_int('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp')

    def get_user_cancelled_location(self):
        return self.get_pref('track_detection', 'user_cancelled_location')

    def set_last_selected_track(self, track_id, timestamp, user_cancelled_location='0,0'):
        self.set_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id', track_id)
        self.set_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp', timestamp)
        self.set_pref('track_detection', 'user_cancelled_location', user_cancelled_location)

    def datastore_location(self):
        return os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'datastore.sq3')

    def save(self, *largs):
        Saves the current configuration
        Logger.info('UserPrefs: Saving preferences')
        with open(self.prefs_file, 'w+') as prefs_file:
            data = self.to_json()

    def set_config_defaults(self):
        Set defaults for preferences 
        # Base system preferences
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'distance_units', 'miles')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'temperature_units', 'Fahrenheit')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'show_laptimes', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'startup_screen', 'Home Page')
        default_user_files_dir = self.user_files_dir
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'config_file_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'export_file_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'firmware_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'import_datalog_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'send_telemetry', '0')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'record_session', '1')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'global_help', True)

        # Connection type for mobile
        if is_mobile_platform():
            if is_android():
                self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'conn_type', 'Bluetooth')
            elif is_ios():
                self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'conn_type', 'WiFi')
            self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'conn_type', 'Serial')

        # Dashboard preferences
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'last_dash_screen', '5x_gauge_view')
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_enabled', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_trigger_speed', 5)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_alert_speed', 25)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_exit_speed', 55)

        # Track detection pref
        self.config.setdefault('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id', 0)
        self.config.setdefault('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp', 0)
        self.config.setdefault('track_detection', 'user_cancelled_location', '0,0')

        self.config.setdefault('analysis_preferences', 'selected_sessions_laps', '{"sessions":{}}')
        self.config.setdefault('analysis_preferences', 'selected_analysis_channels', ','.join(UserPrefs.DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CHANNELS))

        self.config.setdefault('setup', 'setup_enabled', 1)

    def load(self):
        Logger.info('UserPrefs: Data Dir is: {}'.format(self.data_dir))
        self.config.read(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'preferences.ini'))

            with open(self.prefs_file, 'r') as data:
                content = data.read()
                content_dict = json.loads(content)

                if content_dict.has_key("gauge_settings"):
                    for id, channel in content_dict["gauge_settings"].iteritems():
                        self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"][id] = channel

                if content_dict.has_key('screens'):
                    self._prefs_dict['screens'] = content_dict['screens']

                if content_dict.has_key('alerts'):
                    for channel, alertrules in content_dict['alerts'].iteritems():
                        self._prefs_dict['alerts'][channel] = AlertRuleCollection.from_dict(alertrules)

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.error('Error loading preferences, using defaults. {}'.format(e))

    def init_pref_section(self, section):
        Initializes a preferences section with the specified name. 
        if the section already exists, there is no effect. 
        :param section the name of the preference section
        :type string

    def get_pref_bool(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a bool. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default bool
        :return bool preference value
            return self.config.getboolean(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref_float(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a float. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default float
        :return float preference value
            return self.config.getfloat(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref_int(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as an int. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default user specified
        :return int preference value
            return self.config.getint(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a string. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default user specified
        :return string preference value
            return self.config.get(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref_list(self, section, option, default=[]):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a list. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default user specified
        :return list of string values
            return self.config.get(section, option).split(',')
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def set_pref(self, section, option, value):
        Set a preference value
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type string
        :param value the preference value to set
        :type value user specified
        current_value = None
            current_value = self.config.get(section, option)
        except NoOptionError:
        self.config.set(section, option, value)
        if value != current_value:
            self.dispatch('on_pref_change', section, option, value)

    def set_pref_list(self, section, option, value):
        Set a preference value by list
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type string
        :param value the preference value to set
        :type value list (list of strings)
            self.set_pref(section, option, ','.join(value))
        except TypeError:
            Logger.error('UserPrefs: failed to set preference list for {}:{} - {}'.format(section, option, value))

    def to_json(self):
        Serialize preferences to json
        data = {'range_alerts': {}, 'gauge_settings':{}, 'screens': [], 'alerts': {}}

        for name, range_alert in self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"].iteritems():
            data["range_alerts"][name] = range_alert.to_dict()

        for id, channel in self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"].iteritems():
            data["gauge_settings"][id] = channel

        for name, alertrules in self._prefs_dict['alerts'].iteritems():
            data['alerts'][name] = alertrules.to_dict()

        data['screens'] = self._prefs_dict['screens']

        return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
Example #2
    def update_program(self):
        """Проверяет наличие обновлений на сервере github,com.
        Проверяестя версия программы, версии плагинов, наличие измененных
        программых файлов."""

        if platform != "android":
            print("Проверка обновлений:")

        temp_path = "{}/Data/temp".format(core.prog_path)

        if not os.path.exists(temp_path):

        update_file = urllib.urlopen(
        open("{}/uploadinfo.ini".format(temp_path), "w").write(

        config_update = ConfigParser()

        info_list_update = []

        new_version_program = \
            config_update.getfloat("info_update", "new_version_program")
        updated_files_program = \
            eval(config_update.get("info_update", "updated_files_program"))
        dict_official_plugins_program = \
        official_plugins_program = dict(dict_official_plugins_program)

        install_user_plugins = self.started_plugins
        current_version_program = __version__

        if platform != "android":
            print("Проверка версии программы ...")
            print("Проверка актуальности плагинов ...")

        for plugin in install_user_plugins.keys():
                info_official_plugin = eval(official_plugins_program[plugin])
                if info_official_plugin[plugin]['plugin-version'] > \

                    if platform != "android":
                        print("Плагин '{}' обновился до версии '{}'!".format(
                            plugin, info_official_plugin[plugin][
            except KeyError:

        if platform != "android":
            print("Проверка обновлений завершена ...")

        if len(info_list_update) or new_version_program > \
            self.update = True

            if platform != "android":
                print("Доступны обновления!")
            if platform != "android":
                print("Обновлений нет!")
Example #3
class UserPrefs(EventDispatcher):
    A class to manage user preferences for the RaceCapture app
    _schedule_save = None
    _prefs_dict = {'range_alerts': {}, 'gauge_settings':{}}
    store = None
    prefs_file_name = 'prefs.json'
    prefs_file = None
    config = None
    data_dir = '.'
    user_files_dir = '.'

    def __init__(self, data_dir, user_files_dir, save_timeout=2, **kwargs):
        self.data_dir = data_dir
        self.user_files_dir = user_files_dir
        self.prefs_file = path.join(self.data_dir, self.prefs_file_name)
        self._schedule_save = Clock.create_trigger(self.save, save_timeout)

    def set_range_alert(self, key, range_alert):
        Sets a range alert with the specified key
        :param key the key for the range alert
        :type string
        :param range_alert the range alert
        :type object
        self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"][key] = range_alert

    def get_range_alert(self, key, default=None):
        Retrives a range alert for the specified key
        :param key the key for the range alert
        :type key string
        :param default the default value, optional
        :type default user specified
        :return the range alert, or the default value 
        return self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"].get(key, default)

    def set_gauge_config(self, gauge_id, channel):
        Stores a gauge configuration for the specified gauge_id
        :param gauge_id the key for the gauge
        :type gauge_id string
        :param channel the configuration for the channel
        :type channel object
        self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"][gauge_id] = channel

    def get_gauge_config(self, gauge_id):
        Get the gauge configuration for the specified gauge_id
        :param gauge_id the key for the gauge
        :type string
        :return the gauge configuration
        return self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"].get(gauge_id, False)

    def get_last_selected_track_id(self):
        return self.get_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id')

    def get_last_selected_track_timestamp(self):
        return self.get_pref_int('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp')

    def set_last_selected_track(self, track_id, timestamp):
        self.set_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id', track_id)
        self.set_pref('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp', timestamp)

    def datastore_location(self):
        return os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'datastore.sq3')

    def save(self, *largs):
        Saves the current configuration
        with open(self.prefs_file, 'w+') as prefs_file:
            data = self.to_json()

    def set_config_defaults(self):
        Set defaults for preferences 
        # Base system preferences
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'distance_units', 'miles')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'temperature_units', 'Fahrenheit')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'show_laptimes', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'startup_screen', 'Home Page')
        default_user_files_dir = self.user_files_dir
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'config_file_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'firmware_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'import_datalog_dir', default_user_files_dir)
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'first_time_setup', '1')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'send_telemetry', '0')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'record_session', '1')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'last_dash_screen', 'gaugeView')
        self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'global_help', True)

        if platform == 'android':
            self.config.setdefault('preferences', 'conn_type', 'Bluetooth')

        # Dashboard preferences
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_enabled', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_trigger_speed', 5)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_alert_speed', 25)
        self.config.setdefault('dashboard_preferences', 'pitstoptimer_exit_speed', 55)

        # Track detection pref
        self.config.setdefault('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_id', 0)
        self.config.setdefault('track_detection', 'last_selected_track_timestamp', 0)

        self.config.setdefault('analysis_preferences', 'selected_sessions_laps', '{"sessions":{}}')

    def load(self):
        Logger.info('UserPrefs: Data Dir is: {}'.format(self.data_dir))
        self.config = ConfigParser()
        self.config.read(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'preferences.ini'))

        self._prefs_dict = {'range_alerts': {}, 'gauge_settings':{}}

            with open(self.prefs_file, 'r') as data:
                content = data.read()
                content_dict = json.loads(content)

                if content_dict.has_key("range_alerts"):
                    for name, settings in content_dict["range_alerts"].iteritems():
                        self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"][name] = Range.from_dict(settings)

                if content_dict.has_key("gauge_settings"):
                    for id, channel in content_dict["gauge_settings"].iteritems():
                        self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"][id] = channel

        except Exception:

    def get_pref_bool(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a bool. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default bool
        :return bool preference value
            return self.config.getboolean(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref_float(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a float. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default float
        :return float preference value
            return self.config.getfloat(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref_int(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as an int. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default user specified
        :return int preference value
            return self.config.getint(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def get_pref(self, section, option, default=None):
        Retrieve a preferences value as a string. 
        return default value if preference does not exist
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type section string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type option string
        :param default
        :type default user specified
        :return string preference value
            return self.config.get(section, option)
        except (NoOptionError, ValueError):
            return default

    def set_pref(self, section, option, value):
        Set a preference value
        :param section the configuration section for the preference
        :type string
        :param option the option for the section
        :type string
        :param value the preference value to set
        :type value user specified
        self.config.set(section, option, value)

    def to_json(self):
        Serialize preferences to json
        data = {'range_alerts': {}, 'gauge_settings':{}}

        for name, range_alert in self._prefs_dict["range_alerts"].iteritems():
            data["range_alerts"][name] = range_alert.to_dict()

        for id, channel in self._prefs_dict["gauge_settings"].iteritems():
            data["gauge_settings"][id] = channel

        return json.dumps(data)