def kivy_benchmark(benchmark, kivy_clock): from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.cache import Cache from kivy.utils import platform import kivy from import glGetString, GL_VENDOR, GL_RENDERER, GL_VERSION from kivy.context import Context from kivy.clock import ClockBase from kivy.factory import FactoryBase, Factory from kivy.lang.builder import BuilderBase, Builder context = Context(init=False) context['Clock'] = ClockBase() context['Factory'] = FactoryBase.create_from(Factory) context['Builder'] = BuilderBase.create_from(Builder) for category in list(Cache._objects.keys()): if category not in Cache._categories: continue for key in list(Cache._objects[category].keys()): Cache.remove(category, key) gc.collect() benchmark.extra_info['platform'] = str(sys.platform) benchmark.extra_info['python_version'] = str(sys.version) benchmark.extra_info['python_api'] = str(sys.api_version) benchmark.extra_info['kivy_platform'] = platform benchmark.extra_info['kivy_version'] = kivy.__version__ benchmark.extra_info['gl_vendor'] = str(glGetString(GL_VENDOR)) benchmark.extra_info['gl_renderer'] = str(glGetString(GL_RENDERER)) benchmark.extra_info['gl_version'] = str(glGetString(GL_VERSION)) context.push() try: yield benchmark finally: context.pop()
async def kivy_app(request, nursery): gc.collect() if apps: last_app, last_request = apps.pop() assert last_app() is None, \ 'Memory leak: failed to release app for test ' + repr(last_request) from os import environ environ['KIVY_USE_DEFAULTCONFIG'] = '1' # force window size + remove all inputs from kivy.config import Config Config.set('graphics', 'width', '320') Config.set('graphics', 'height', '240') for items in Config.items('input'): Config.remove_option('input', items[0]) from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.context import Context from kivy.clock import ClockBase from kivy.factory import FactoryBase, Factory from import App from kivy.lang.builder import BuilderBase, Builder from kivy.base import stopTouchApp from kivy import kivy_data_dir from kivy.logger import LoggerHistory kivy_eventloop = environ.get('KIVY_EVENTLOOP', 'asyncio') if kivy_eventloop == 'asyncio': pytest.importorskip( 'pytest_asyncio', reason='KIVY_EVENTLOOP == "asyncio" but ' '"pytest_asyncio" is not installed') async_lib = 'asyncio' elif kivy_eventloop == 'trio': pytest.importorskip( 'pytest_trio', reason='KIVY_EVENTLOOP == "trio" but ' '"pytest_trio" is not installed') async_lib = 'trio' else: pytest.skip( 'KIVY_EVENTLOOP must be set to either of "asyncio" or ' '"trio" to run async tests') context = Context(init=False) context['Clock'] = ClockBase(async_lib=async_lib) # have to make sure all global kv files are loaded before this because # globally read kv files (e.g. on module import) will not be loaded again # in the new builder, except if manually loaded, which we don't do context['Factory'] = FactoryBase.create_from(Factory) context['Builder'] = BuilderBase.create_from(Builder) context.push() Window.create_window() Window.register() Window.initialized = True Window.canvas.clear() app = request.param[0]() app.set_async_lib(async_lib) if async_lib == 'asyncio': import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(app.async_run()) else: nursery.start_soon(app.async_run) from kivy.clock import Clock Clock._max_fps = 0 ts = time.perf_counter() while not app.app_has_started: await app.async_sleep(.1) if time.perf_counter() - ts >= 10: raise TimeoutError() await app.wait_clock_frames(5) yield app stopTouchApp() ts = time.perf_counter() while not app.app_has_stopped: await app.async_sleep(.1) if time.perf_counter() - ts >= 10: raise TimeoutError() for child in Window.children[:]: Window.remove_widget(child) context.pop() # release all the resources del context LoggerHistory.clear_history() apps.append((weakref.ref(app), request)) del app gc.collect()