def on_login(self): #def on_start(self): # Fix file names on ios self.saved_dates_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.saved_dates_file self.hundred_days_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.hundred_days_file self.color_theme_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.color_theme_file # Debug debug = False if debug: # Clear all saved info by the app, like the user login credentials # Forces user to sign in again (for testing the login screen) with open(self.root.ids.firebase_login_screen.refresh_token_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.saved_dates_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.hundred_days_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.color_theme_file, "w") as f: f.write("") # Read the color theme file try: with open(self.color_theme_file, "r") as f: self.theme_cls.primary_palette = except: # No saved color theme pass # Read the saved workout dates before loading calendar try: with open(self.saved_dates_file, "r") as f: self.saved_dates = ast.literal_eval( except: pass # Try to get their start time if it's not their first time in the app try: with open(self.hundred_days_file, "r") as f: self.hundred_days = ast.literal_eval( # Immediately build the calendar self.build_interface() # Immediately switch to the main screen self.switch_to_main_screen() except: # It is their first time in the app # Open the start date picker popup self.open_start_date_menu(is_editing_start_date=False) # Wait half a second while the popup is displayed, then quietly # switch screens behind it Clock.schedule_once( partial(self.switch_to_main_screen, duration=0), .5) # Build dropdown list items = [] options = [['View Motivation', self.view_motivation], ['Send Motivation', self.submit_motivation], ['Change Color', self.change_color_theme], ['Edit Start Date', self.open_start_date_menu]] for option in options: items.append({ 'viewclass': 'OneLineListItem', 'text': option[0], 'on_release': option[1] }) self.options_menu = MDDropdownMenu(items=items, width_mult=4) # Attempt to finish the options menu UrlRequest(self.firebase_url + "num_users.json", ca_file=certifi.where(), on_success=self.finish_dropdown_menu)
def open_menu(self, instance): MDDropdownMenu(items=self.right_menu, width_mult=3).open(instance)
class MainApp(App): # Color themes firebase_url = "" theme_cls = ThemeManager() md_theme_picker = None theme_cls.primary_palette = 'Blue' theme_cls.primary_hue = '700' theme_cls.accent_palette = 'DeepOrange' theme_cls.theme_style = 'Light' is_editing_start_date = False iphone_x_notch_height = dp(30) notch_color = ColorProperty([1, 1, 1, 0]) notch_source = StringProperty("FirebaseLoginScreen/wallpaper.jpg") # app height should be 30 px less if run on iphones type X, XR, or XS MAX window_height = Window.height if ( Window.height != 2436 and Window.height != 2688 and Window.height != 1792) else Window.height - iphone_x_notch_height options_menu = None # Dropdown menu celebrations = [ "Nice job!", "Keep it up!", "Way to go!", "Good going!", "Yes!!", "You rock!", "Great job!", "Sweet!", "Fantastic!", "Awesome!" ] workout_suggestions = [ "Jumping jacks", "Body weight squats", "Jogging", "Knee push-ups", "Sit ups", "Jogging", "Lunges" ] saved_dates_file = "saved_dates.txt" hundred_days_file = "hundred_days.txt" color_theme_file = "color_theme.txt" hundred_days = [] saved_dates = [] bottom_label = None date_picker = None # Main widget has_loaded_motivations = False # Used to make sure we only load them once submission_dialog = None view_submissions_popup = None def on_start(self): self.submission_dialog = SubmissionDialog() self.view_submissions_popup = ViewSubmissionsPopup() def on_login(self): #def on_start(self): # Fix file names on ios self.saved_dates_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.saved_dates_file self.hundred_days_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.hundred_days_file self.color_theme_file = App.get_running_app( ).user_data_dir + "/" + self.color_theme_file # Debug debug = False if debug: # Clear all saved info by the app, like the user login credentials # Forces user to sign in again (for testing the login screen) with open(self.root.ids.firebase_login_screen.refresh_token_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.saved_dates_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.hundred_days_file, "w") as f: f.write("") with open(self.color_theme_file, "w") as f: f.write("") # Read the color theme file try: with open(self.color_theme_file, "r") as f: self.theme_cls.primary_palette = except: # No saved color theme pass # Read the saved workout dates before loading calendar try: with open(self.saved_dates_file, "r") as f: self.saved_dates = ast.literal_eval( except: pass # Try to get their start time if it's not their first time in the app try: with open(self.hundred_days_file, "r") as f: self.hundred_days = ast.literal_eval( # Immediately build the calendar self.build_interface() # Immediately switch to the main screen self.switch_to_main_screen() except: # It is their first time in the app # Open the start date picker popup self.open_start_date_menu(is_editing_start_date=False) # Wait half a second while the popup is displayed, then quietly # switch screens behind it Clock.schedule_once( partial(self.switch_to_main_screen, duration=0), .5) # Build dropdown list items = [] options = [['View Motivation', self.view_motivation], ['Send Motivation', self.submit_motivation], ['Change Color', self.change_color_theme], ['Edit Start Date', self.open_start_date_menu]] for option in options: items.append({ 'viewclass': 'OneLineListItem', 'text': option[0], 'on_release': option[1] }) self.options_menu = MDDropdownMenu(items=items, width_mult=4) # Attempt to finish the options menu UrlRequest(self.firebase_url + "num_users.json", ca_file=certifi.where(), on_success=self.finish_dropdown_menu) def switch_to_main_screen(self, *args, duration=1): # Switch to the main app screen = CardTransition(direction='down', mode='pop', duration=duration) # Quickly add an image to the current firebase screen to fix eyesore when changing screen screen = self.root.ids.firebase_login_screen.ids.screen_manager.current screen = self.root.ids.firebase_login_screen.ids[screen] with screen.canvas.before: Rectangle(size=screen.size, pos=screen.pos, source='FirebaseLoginScreen/wallpaper.jpg') = 'main_screen' def finish_dropdown_menu(self, req, *args): num_users = req.result # Can only finish building dropdown menu after querying firebase self.options_menu.items.append({ 'viewclass': 'MDLabel', 'text': '[i]Global participants: %s[/i]' % num_users, 'halign': 'center', 'markup': True }) def open_start_date_menu(self, *args, is_editing_start_date=True): self.is_editing_start_date = is_editing_start_date if self.options_menu: self.options_menu.dismiss() StandardMDDatePicker(self.choose_start_date).open() def choose_start_date(self, start_date): # Get the next 100 days current_date = start_date self.hundred_days = [] self.hundred_days.append( [, current_date.month, current_date.year]) for i in range(99): next_date = current_date + timedelta(days=1) current_date = next_date self.hundred_days.append( [, current_date.month, current_date.year]) # Save their hundred days with open(self.hundred_days_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(self.hundred_days)) self.build_interface() def build_interface(self): # Change notch color and image self.notch_color = self.theme_cls.primary_color self.notch_source = "" # Buid the calendar widget if self.date_picker: # The user picked a new date and needs to update the calendar self.root.ids.main_layout.remove_widget(self.date_picker) self.root.ids.main_layout.remove_widget(self.bottom_label) self.date_picker = MDDatePicker(elevation=0) self.root.ids.main_layout.add_widget(self.date_picker) # Build the scrolling suggestion field day = calendar.day_name[] # 'Wednesday' colored_label = self.date_picker.ids.label_full_date self.bottom_label = MDLabel( text=day + "'s suggested activity: " + self.workout_suggestions[], text_color=colored_label.text_color, theme_text_color='Custom', halign='center') colored_label.bind(text_color=self.reset_bottom_text_color) self.root.ids.main_layout.add_widget(self.bottom_label) def reset_bottom_text_color(self, *args): self.bottom_label.text_color = self.date_picker.ids.label_full_date.text_color def display_menu(self, *args): def open_verify_workout_popup(self, daybutton, active): # Saves the date that was selected to local storage # displays a small popup (toasts) a compliment day = int(daybutton.owner.sel_day) month = int(daybutton.owner.sel_month) year = int(daybutton.owner.sel_year) if active: self.saved_dates.append([day, month, year]) with open(self.saved_dates_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(self.saved_dates)) self.toast_random_celebration() else: self.saved_dates.remove([day, month, year]) with open(self.saved_dates_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(self.saved_dates)) def toast_random_celebration(self): # Choose a random celebration from the list of celebrations r = randint(0, len(self.celebrations) - 1) toast(self.celebrations[r]) def view_motivation(self, *args): self.options_menu.dismiss() def submit_motivation(self, *args): self.options_menu.dismiss() def change_color_theme(self, *args): # Open up the themepicker popup self.options_menu.dismiss() if not self.md_theme_picker: self.md_theme_picker = MDThemePicker() def save_color_theme(self, *args): with open(self.color_theme_file, "w") as f: f.write(self.theme_cls.primary_palette) def update_notch_color(self, *args): self.notch_color = self.theme_cls.primary_color def calculate_remaining_days(self, *args): time_remaining = - date(self.hundred_days[-1][2], self.hundred_days[-1][1], self.hundred_days[-1][0]) if time_remaining.days > 0: # Past the end date return "100 Days of Sweat Complete!" else: return "Days remaining: " + str(abs(time_remaining.days))