Example #1
def box(point1, point3, ex, ey):
    """ Returns a polygon of a box defined by point1, point3 and orientation ex.
    p2 ----- p3
    |        |
    p1 ----- p4
    ex --->


    point2 = project(point3 - point1, ey, ex) * ey + point1
    point4 = point1 + point3 - point2
    return kdb.DSimplePolygon([point1, point2, point3, point4])
Example #2
    def draw(self, cell, layer):
        """ Draws this port on cell's layer using klayout.db"""
        if self.name.startswith("el"):
            pin_length = self.width
            # port is optical
            pin_length = max(2, self.width / 10)

        ex = self.direction

        # Place a Path around the port pointing towards its exit
        port_path = kdb.DPath(
                self.position - 0.5 * pin_length * ex,
                self.position + 0.5 * pin_length * ex,

        # Place a small arrow around the tip of the port
        from zeropdk.layout.geometry import rotate90

        ey = rotate90(ex)
        port_tip = kdb.DSimplePolygon(
                self.position + 0.5 * pin_length * ex,
                self.position + 0.4 * pin_length * ex + 0.1 * pin_length * ey,
                self.position + 0.4 * pin_length * ex - 0.1 * pin_length * ey,
        # pin_rectangle = rectangle(self.position, self.width,
        #                           pin_length, ex, ey)
        # cell.shapes(layer).insert(pin_rectangle)

        # Place a text object annotating the name of the port
                kdb.DTrans(kdb.DTrans.R0, self.position.x, self.position.y),
                min(pin_length, 20),

        return self
Example #3
 def test_2(self):
     p = db.DSimplePolygon(db.DBox(1, 2, 3, 4))
     a = bridge.p2a(p)
     pp = bridge.a2p(a)
     self.assertEqual(str(pp), "(1,2;1,4;3,4;3,2)")
     self.assertEqual(type(pp).__name__, "DSimplePolygon")
Example #4
 def test_1(self):
     p = db.DSimplePolygon(db.DBox(1, 2, 3, 4))
     a = bridge.p2a(p)
                      "[(1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 4.0), (3.0, 4.0), (3.0, 2.0)]")
Example #5
def layout_waveguide_angle2(cell, layer, points_list, width, angle_from,
    """Lays out a waveguide (or trace) with a certain width along
    given points and with fixed orientation at all points.

    This is very useful for laying out Bezier curves with or without adiabatic tapers.

        cell: cell to place into
        layer: layer to place into. It is done with cell.shapes(layer).insert(pya.Polygon)
        points_list: list of pya.DPoint (at least 2 points)
        width (microns): constant or list. If list, then it has to have the same length as points
        angle_from (degrees): normal angle of the first waveguide point
        angle_to (degrees): normal angle of the last waveguide point

    if len(points_list) < 2:
        raise NotImplemented("ERROR: points_list too short")

    def norm(self):
        return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)

        if len(width) == len(points_list):
            width_iterator = iter(width)
        elif len(width) == 2:
            # assume width[0] is initial width and
            # width[1] is final width
            # interpolate with points_list
            L = curve_length(points_list)
            distance = 0
            widths_list = [width[0]]
            widths_func = lambda t: (1 - t) * width[0] + t * width[1]
            old_point = points_list[0]
            for point in points_list[1:]:
                distance += norm(point - old_point)
                old_point = point
                widths_list.append(widths_func(distance / L))
            width_iterator = iter(widths_list)
            width_iterator = repeat(width[0])
    except TypeError:
        width_iterator = repeat(width)
        points_iterator = iter(points_list)

    points_low = list()
    points_high = list()

    point_width_list = list(zip(points_iterator, width_iterator))
    N = len(point_width_list)

    angle_list = list(np.linspace(angle_from, angle_to, N))

    for i in range(0, N):
        point, width = point_width_list[i]
        angle = angle_list[i]
        theta = angle * pi / 180

        point_high = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(cos(theta + pi / 2),
                                                      sin(theta + pi / 2))
        point_low = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(cos(theta - pi / 2),
                                                     sin(theta - pi / 2))

    polygon_points = points_high + list(reversed(points_low))

    poly = pya.DSimplePolygon(polygon_points)
    return poly
Example #6
def waveguide_dpolygon(points_list, width, dbu, smooth=True):
    """Returns a polygon outlining a waveguide.

    This was updated over many iterations of failure. It can be used for both
    smooth optical waveguides or DC metal traces with corners. It is better
    than klayout's Path because it can have varying width.

        points_list: list of pya.DPoint (at least 2 points)
        width (microns): constant or list. If list, then it has to have the same length as points
        dbu: dbu: typically 0.001, only used for accuracy calculations.
        smooth: tries to smooth final polygons to avoid very sharp edges (greater than 130 deg)
        polygon DPoints

    if len(points_list) < 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("ERROR: points_list too short")

    def norm(self):
        return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)

    # Prepares a joint point and width iterators
        if len(width) == len(points_list):
            width_iterator = iter(width)
        elif len(width) == 2:
            # assume width[0] is initial width and
            # width[1] is final width
            # interpolate with points_list
            L = curve_length(points_list)
            distance = 0
            widths_list = [width[0]]
            widths_func = lambda t: (1 - t) * width[0] + t * width[1]
            old_point = points_list[0]
            for point in points_list[1:]:
                distance += norm(point - old_point)
                old_point = point
                widths_list.append(widths_func(distance / L))
            width_iterator = iter(widths_list)
            width_iterator = repeat(width[0])
    except TypeError:
        width_iterator = repeat(width)
        points_iterator = iter(points_list)

    points_low = list()
    points_high = list()

    def cos_angle(point1, point2):
        cos_angle = point1 * point2 / norm(point1) / norm(point2)

        # ensure it's between -1 and 1 (nontrivial numerically)
        if abs(cos_angle) > 1:
            return cos_angle / abs(cos_angle)
            return cos_angle

    def sin_angle(point1, point2):
        return cross_prod(point1, point2) / norm(point1) / norm(point2)

    point_width_list = list(zip(points_iterator, width_iterator))
    N = len(point_width_list)

    first_point, first_width = point_width_list[0]
    next_point, next_width = point_width_list[1]

    delta = next_point - first_point
    theta = np.arctan2(delta.y, delta.x)
    first_high_point = first_point + 0.5 * first_width * pya.DPoint(
        cos(theta + pi / 2), sin(theta + pi / 2))
    first_low_point = first_point + 0.5 * first_width * pya.DPoint(
        cos(theta - pi / 2), sin(theta - pi / 2))

    for i in range(1, N - 1):
        prev_point, prev_width = point_width_list[i - 1]
        point, width = point_width_list[i]
        next_point, next_width = point_width_list[i + 1]
        delta_prev = point - prev_point
        delta_next = next_point - point

        # based on these points, there are two algorithms available:
        # 1. arc algorithm. it detects you are trying to draw an arc
        # so it will compute the center and radius of that arc and
        # layout accordingly.
        # 2. linear trace algorithm. it is not an arc, and you want
        # straight lines with sharp corners.

        # to detect an arc, the points need to go in the same direction
        # and the width has to be bigger than the smallest distance between
        # two points.

        is_small = (min(delta_next.norm(), delta_prev.norm()) < width)
        is_arc = cos_angle(delta_next, delta_prev) > cos(30 * pi / 180)
        is_arc = is_arc and is_small
        center_arc, radius = find_arc(prev_point, point, next_point)
        if is_arc and radius < np.inf:  # algorithm 1
            ray = point - center_arc
            ray /= ray.norm()
            # if orientation is positive, the arc is going counterclockwise
            orientation = (cross_prod(ray, delta_prev) > 0) * 2 - 1
            points_low.append(point + orientation * width * ray / 2)
            points_high.append(point - orientation * width * ray / 2)
        else:  # algorithm 2
            theta_prev = np.arctan2(delta_prev.y, delta_prev.x)
            theta_next = np.arctan2(delta_next.y, delta_next.x)

            next_point_high = next_point + 0.5 * next_width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_next + pi / 2), sin(theta_next + pi / 2))
            next_point_low = next_point + 0.5 * next_width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_next - pi / 2), sin(theta_next - pi / 2))

            forward_point_high = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_next + pi / 2), sin(theta_next + pi / 2))
            forward_point_low = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_next - pi / 2), sin(theta_next - pi / 2))

            prev_point_high = prev_point + 0.5 * prev_width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_prev + pi / 2), sin(theta_prev + pi / 2))
            prev_point_low = prev_point + 0.5 * prev_width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_prev - pi / 2), sin(theta_prev - pi / 2))

            backward_point_high = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_prev + pi / 2), sin(theta_prev + pi / 2))
            backward_point_low = point + 0.5 * width * pya.DPoint(
                cos(theta_prev - pi / 2), sin(theta_prev - pi / 2))

            fix_angle = lambda theta: ((theta + pi) % (2 * pi)) - pi

            # High point decision
            next_high_edge = pya.DEdge(forward_point_high, next_point_high)
            prev_high_edge = pya.DEdge(backward_point_high, prev_point_high)

            if next_high_edge.crossed_by(prev_high_edge):
                intersect_point = next_high_edge.crossing_point(prev_high_edge)
                cos_dd = cos_angle(delta_next, delta_prev)
                if width * (1 - cos_dd) > dbu and fix_angle(theta_next -
                                                            theta_prev) < 0:
                        (backward_point_high + forward_point_high) * 0.5)

            # Low point decision
            next_low_edge = pya.DEdge(forward_point_low, next_point_low)
            prev_low_edge = pya.DEdge(backward_point_low, prev_point_low)

            if next_low_edge.crossed_by(prev_low_edge):
                intersect_point = next_low_edge.crossing_point(prev_low_edge)
                cos_dd = cos_angle(delta_next, delta_prev)
                if width * (1 - cos_dd) > dbu and fix_angle(theta_next -
                                                            theta_prev) > 0:
                        (backward_point_low + forward_point_low) * 0.5)

    last_point, last_width = point_width_list[-1]
    point, width = point_width_list[-2]
    delta = last_point - point
    theta = np.arctan2(delta.y, delta.x)
    final_high_point = last_point + 0.5 * last_width * pya.DPoint(
        cos(theta + pi / 2), sin(theta + pi / 2))
    final_low_point = last_point + 0.5 * last_width * pya.DPoint(
        cos(theta - pi / 2), sin(theta - pi / 2))
    if (final_high_point - points_high[-1]) * delta > 0:
    if (final_low_point - points_low[-1]) * delta > 0:

    # Append point only if the area of the triangle built with
    # neighboring edges is above a certain threshold.
    # In addition, if smooth is true:
    # Append point only if change in direction is less than 130 degrees.

    def smooth_append(point_list, point):
        if len(point_list) < 1:
            return point_list
        elif len(point_list) < 2:
            curr_edge = point - point_list[-1]
            if norm(curr_edge) > 0:
                return point_list

        curr_edge = point - point_list[-1]
        if norm(curr_edge) > 0:
            prev_edge = point_list[-1] - point_list[-2]

            # Only add new point if the area of the triangle built with
            # current edge and previous edge is greater than dbu^2/2
            if abs(cross_prod(prev_edge, curr_edge)) > dbu**2 / 2:
                if smooth:
                    # avoid corners when smoothing
                    if cos_angle(curr_edge, prev_edge) > cos(130 / 180 * pi):
                        # edge case when there is prev_edge is small and
                        # needs to be deleted to get rid of the corner
                        if norm(curr_edge) > norm(prev_edge):
                            point_list[-1] = point
            # avoid unnecessary points
                point_list[-1] = point
        return point_list

    if debug and False:
        print("Points to be smoothed:")
        for point, width in point_width_list:
            print(point, width)

    smooth_points_high = list(reduce(smooth_append, points_high, list()))
    smooth_points_low = list(reduce(smooth_append, points_low, list()))
    # smooth_points_low = points_low
    # polygon_dpoints = points_high + list(reversed(points_low))
    # polygon_dpoints = list(reduce(smooth_append, polygon_dpoints, list()))
    polygon_dpoints = smooth_points_high + list(reversed(smooth_points_low))
    return pya.DSimplePolygon(polygon_dpoints)