Example #1
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, show, cm, grid, subplots
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from use_mspicer import outer_loop
from kmaspice import MarsSpicer
 # default time is now:
mspice = MarsSpicer()

# set up location
mspice.set_spoint_by(lat=85, lon = 0)

# set up starting time of analysis, l_s = 0
mspice.utc = '2011-09-13T14:24:33.733548'

# stopping l_s value
end_ls = 360

# l_s resolution
ls_res = 10

# save this time for multiple runs for resetting mspice each time
start_time = mspice.time

# container for all energy arrays
energies = []

# labels for the plotting
labels = []
Example #2
def main():
     # default time is now:
    mspice = MarsSpicer()

    # set up location
    mspice.set_spoint_by(lat=85, lon = 0)

    # set up starting time of analysis, l_s = 0
    mspice.utc = '2011-09-13T14:24:33.733548'

    # mspice.time += dt.timedelta(30)
    # ls1 = mspice.l_s
    # utc1 = mspice.utc
    # mspice.time += dt.timedelta(1)
    # ls2 = mspice.l_s
    # mspice.utc = utc1
    # stopping l_s value
    end_ls = 360

    # l_s resolution
    # ls_res = 0.02
    ls_res = 5.0

    # time resolution
    time_res = 3600
    # save this time for multiple runs for resetting mspice each time
    start_time = mspice.time

    # container for all energy arrays
    energies = []

    # labels for the plotting
    labels = []

    # tilt the surface normal by 30 degree to the north (north = default)
    # this creates an instance variable called 'tnormal'
    mspice.tilt = 30

    # first time, save the bigtimes array
    bigtimes, energies_t30 = outer_loop(mspice, end_ls, ls_res, 'tilted_normal',time_res=time_res)

    # rotate the tilted vector around the local surface normal to create an aspect 
    # angle
    # this creates an instance variable called 'trnormal'
    mspice.aspect = 90

    mspice.time = start_time
    energies.append(outer_loop(mspice, end_ls, ls_res, 'tilted_rotated_normal',time_res=time_res)[1])

    mspice.time = start_time
    energies.append(outer_loop(mspice, end_ls, ls_res, 'snormal',time_res=time_res)[1])

    mspice.aspect = 180
    mspice.time = start_time
    energies.append(outer_loop(mspice, end_ls, ls_res, 'tilted_rotated_normal',time_res=time_res)[1])

    fig = figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    for energy,label in zip(energies,labels):
        ax.plot(bigtimes,energy, '-*', label=label)
    ax.set_xlabel('L_s [deg]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Insolation per 10 L_s [MJ]')
    ax.set_title('Insolation of t_ilted and a_spected (rotated) surfaces at 85 N')
    return (energies, labels)
Example #3
# dline = newPoint.line - dem.center.line
# plt.quiver(dem.center.sample,dem.center.line,dsample,dline,angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)

# correct aspects for delta angle
# it needs to be added, because aspects go clock-wise
aspects.data += delta_angle
# bend around data > 360
mask = aspects.data > 360.0
aspects.data[mask] = aspects.data[mask] - 360.0

# # create MarsSpicer object
mspice = MarsSpicer()
utc1 = '2011-05-24T00:58:08.402'
utc2 = '2011-05-31T05:01:50.854'
mspice.utc = utc2

mspice.obs = 'MRO'
mspice.instrument = 'MRO_HIRISE'
phase = np.zeros_like(dem.data)

emissions = []
incidences = []
rev_srfvec = spice.vminus(mspice.srfvec)
for sample in xrange(phase.shape[0]):
    if sample % 10 == 0:
        print('Sample {0}'.format(sample))
    for line in xrange(phase.shape[1]):
        slope = float(slopes.data[sample, line])
        aspect = float(aspects.data[sample, line])