def test_if_card_id_and_markers_are_passed_in_markers_are_ignored( mocker, init_db ): """ If both card_id and markers are passed to the delete_card() method, markers are ignored and only the card with the card_id id is removed from the DB. """ card_obj1 = knards.Card(markers='python specific') card_obj2 = knards.Card(markers='python nonspecific') card_obj3 = knards.Card(markers='javascript specific') api.create_card(card_obj1, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj2, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj3, init_db) assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 3 mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(1, db_path=init_db) ) mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_set', return_value=api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db) ) assert api.delete_card( card_id=4, markers=['specific'], db_path=init_db ) is True mocker.stopall() assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 3 mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(1, db_path=init_db) ) mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_set', return_value=api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db) ) assert api.delete_card( card_id=1, markers=['specific'], db_path=init_db ) is True mocker.stopall() assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 2
def test_create_card_index_generation(mocker, init_db): """ Create multiple cards to test how new id are generated by the create_card() Also, it doesn't matter what ids do we explicitly assign to cards being passed to the method, those are being overwritten inside the method and this is expected behavior. """ card_obj1 = knards.Card(id=1) card_obj2 = knards.Card(id=1) card_obj3 = knards.Card(id=1) card_id = api.create_card(card_obj1, init_db) assert card_id == 1 card_id = api.create_card(card_obj2, init_db) assert card_id == 2 card_id = api.create_card(card_obj3, init_db) assert card_id == 3 # the removal of a card from the DB must free up its id and it should be # immediately available for new cards to take mocker.patch('knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(card_id=2, db_path=init_db)) assert api.delete_card(card_id=2, db_path=init_db) card_id = api.create_card(card_obj1, init_db) assert card_id == 2
def test_if_markers_passed_in_all_cards_with_those_markers_are_removed( mocker, init_db ): """ If markers list is passed to the delete_card() method, all cards that contain ALL of the specified markers are being removed from the DB. """ card_obj1 = knards.Card(markers='python specific') card_obj2 = knards.Card(markers='python nonspecific') card_obj3 = knards.Card(markers='javascript specific test') card_obj4 = knards.Card(markers='python special') card_obj5 = knards.Card(markers='python specific test') card_obj6 = knards.Card(markers='specifically test') api.create_card(card_obj1, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj2, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj3, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj4, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj5, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj6, init_db) assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 6 mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_set', return_value=api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db) ) assert api.delete_card(markers=['specific', 'test'], db_path=init_db) is True mocker.stopall() assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 4
def test_card_id_arg_must_be_a_number(mocker, init_db): """ One of the arguments delete_card() takes in is card_id, which must be a proper integer number. """ card_obj = knards.Card() card_id = api.create_card(card_obj, init_db) assert card_id == 1 mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(card_id, init_db) ) result = api.delete_card(card_id='1', db_path=init_db) assert result is False result = api.delete_card(card_id=1, db_path=init_db) assert result is True
def test_markers_arg_must_be_a_list_of_strings(init_db): """ One of the arguments delete_card() takes in is markers, which must be a list of strings. """ card_obj = knards.Card() api.create_card(card_obj, init_db) result = api.delete_card(markers='python', db_path=init_db) assert result is False result = api.delete_card(markers=1, db_path=init_db) assert result is False result = api.delete_card(markers=[1, 2, 3], db_path=init_db) assert result is False result = api.delete_card(markers=['python'], db_path=init_db) assert result is True
def test_if_card_id_is_passed_in_method_deletes_the_card_with_that_id( mocker, init_db ): """ If card_id argument is passed to the delete_card() method, the card with that id is removed from the DB. """ card_obj = knards.Card() card_id = api.create_card(card_obj, init_db) result = api.get_card_by_id(card_id, init_db) assert == card_id mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(card_id, init_db) ) api.delete_card(card_id=card_id, db_path=init_db) mocker.stopall() result = api.get_card_by_id(card_id, init_db) assert result is None
def delete(card_id, markers, series): """Delete a card/cards from the DB""" # Exit codes: # 0: success # 1: unknown error # 2: bad input arguments # 3: sqlite3 module exception # 4: api method got wrong input # 5: DB file not found # 6: object not found if not card_id and not markers and not series: with click.Context(delete) as ctx: click.echo(delete.get_help(ctx)) sys.exit(2) if markers: markers = [ a for a in \ re.split(r'(\s|\,)', markers.strip('')) \ if a != ' ' and a != ',' ] try: result = api.delete_card(card_id, markers, series) except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.IntegrityError) as e: click.secho(e.args[0], fg='red', bold=True) sys.exit(3) except TypeError as e: click.secho(e.args[0], fg='red', bold=True) sys.exit(4) except exceptions.DBFileNotFound as e: click.secho(e.args[0], fg='red', bold=True) sys.exit(5) except exceptions.CardNotFound as e: click.secho(e.args[0], fg='red', bold=True) sys.exit(6) assert isinstance(result, int) or isinstance(result, abc.Sequence) if isinstance(result, int): click.secho('Card #{} was successfully deleted.'.format(result), fg='green', bold=True) elif isinstance(result, abc.Sequence): click.secho('{} cards were deleted.'.format(len(result)), fg='green', bold=True)
def test_if_card_id_is_passed_in_and_card_doesnt_exist_method_returns_false( mocker, init_db ): """ If card_id argument is passed to the delete_card() method and the respective card doesn't exist in the DB, method returns False and nothing is removed from the DB. """ mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_by_id', return_value=api.get_card_by_id(1, init_db) ) result = api.delete_card(card_id=1, db_path=init_db) assert result is False
def test_if_markers_passed_in_method_returns_true_always(mocker, init_db): """ If no cards contain the specified set of markers, no cards are removed from the DB and True is returned. """ card_obj1 = knards.Card(markers='python specific') card_obj2 = knards.Card(markers='python nonspecific') card_obj3 = knards.Card(markers='javascript specific') api.create_card(card_obj1, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj2, init_db) api.create_card(card_obj3, init_db) assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 3 mocker.patch( 'knards.api.get_card_set', return_value=api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db) ) assert api.delete_card(markers=['specific', 'test'], db_path=init_db) is True mocker.stopall() assert len(api.get_card_set(db_path=init_db)) == 3