Example #1
def multi_knee(get_knee: typing.Callable, points: np.ndarray, t1: float = 0.99, t2: int = 3) -> np.ndarray:
    Wrapper that convert a single knee point detection into a multi knee point detector.

    It uses recursion on the left and right parts of the curve after detecting the current knee.

        get_knee (typing.Callable): method that returns a single knee point
        points (np.ndarray): numpy array with the points (x, y)
        t1 (float): the coefficient of determination used as a threshold (default 0.99)
        t2 (int): the mininum number of points used as a threshold (default 3)

        np.ndarray: knee points on the curve

    stack = [(0, len(points))]
    knees = []

    while stack:
        left, right = stack.pop()
        pt = points[left:right]
        if len(pt) > t2:
            coef = linear_fit_points(pt)
            if linear_r2_points(pt, coef) < t1:
                rv = get_knee(pt)
                if rv is not None:
                    idx = rv + left
                    stack.append((left, idx+1))
                    stack.append((idx+1, right))
    return np.array(knees)
Example #2
def multi_knee(get_knee: typing.Callable, points: np.ndarray, t1: float = 0.01, t2: int = 3, cost: lf.Linear_Metrics = lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe) -> np.ndarray:
    Wrapper that convert a single knee point detection into a multi knee point detector.

    It uses recursion on the left and right parts of the curve after detecting the current knee.

        get_knee (typing.Callable): method that returns a single knee point
        points (np.ndarray): numpy array with the points (x, y)
        t1 (float): the coefficient of determination used as a threshold (default 0.01)
        t2 (int): the mininum number of points used as a threshold (default 3)
        cost (lf.Linear_Metrics): the cost method used to evaluate a point set (default: lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe)

        np.ndarray: knee points on the curve

    stack = [(0, len(points))]
    knees = []

    while stack:
        left, right = stack.pop()
        pt = points[left:right]
        if len(pt) > t2:
            if len(pt) <= 2:
                if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe:
                    r = 0.0
                    r = 1.0
                coef = lf.linear_fit_points(pt)
                if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe:
                    r = lf.rmspe_points(pt, coef)
                    r = lf.linear_r2_points(pt, coef)

            curved = r >= t1 if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe else r < t1

            #coef = lf.linear_fit_points(pt)
            # if lf.linear_r2_points(pt, coef) < t1:
            if curved:
                rv = get_knee(pt)
                if rv is not None:
                    idx = rv + left
                    stack.append((left, idx+1))
                    stack.append((idx+1, right))
    return np.array(knees)
Example #3
def rdp(points: np.ndarray, r: float = 0.9) -> tuple:
    Ramer–Douglas–Peucker (RDP) algorithm.

    Is an algorithm that decimates a curve composed of line segments 
    to a similar curve with fewer points. This version uses the 
    coefficient of determination to decided whenever to keep or remove 
    a line segment.

        points (np.ndarray): numpy array with the points (x, y)
        r(float): the coefficient of determination threshold (default 0.9)

        tuple: the reduced space, the points that were removed

    if len(points) <= 2:
        determination = 1.0
        coef = lf.linear_fit_points(points)
        determination = lf.linear_r2_points(points, coef)

    if determination < r:
        d = perpendicular_distance_points(points, points[0], points[-1])
        index = np.argmax(d)

        left, left_points = rdp(points[0:index + 1], r)
        right, right_points = rdp(points[index:len(points)], r)
        points_removed = np.concatenate((left_points, right_points), axis=0)
        return np.concatenate((left[0:len(left) - 1], right)), points_removed
        rv = np.empty([2, 2])
        rv[0] = points[0]
        rv[1] = points[-1]
        points_removed = np.array([[points[0][0], len(points) - 2.0]])
        return rv, points_removed
Example #4
 def test_r2_two(self):
     points = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 5.0]])
     coef = lf.linear_fit_points(points)
     result = lf.linear_r2_points(points, coef)
     desired = 1.0
     self.assertEqual(result, desired)
Example #5
def rdp(points: np.ndarray,
        t: float = 0.01,
        cost: lf.Linear_Metrics = lf.Linear_Metrics.rpd,
        distance: RDP_Distance = RDP_Distance.shortest) -> tuple:
    Ramer–Douglas–Peucker (RDP) algorithm.

    Is an algorithm that decimates a curve composed of line segments to a similar curve with fewer points.
    This version uses different cost functions to decided whenever to keep or remove a line segment.

        points (np.ndarray): numpy array with the points (x, y)
        t (float): the coefficient of determination threshold (default 0.01)
        cost (lf.Linear_Metrics): the cost method used to evaluate a point set (default: lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe)
        distance (RDP_Distance): the distance metric used to decide the split point (default: RDP_Distance.shortest)

        tuple: the index of the reduced space, the points that were removed
    stack = [(0, len(points))]

    reduced = []
    removed = []

    # select the distance metric to be used
    distance_points = None
    if distance is RDP_Distance.shortest:
        distance_points = lf.shortest_distance_points
    elif distance is RDP_Distance.perpendicular:
        distance_points = lf.perpendicular_distance_points
        distance_points = lf.shortest_distance_points

    while stack:
        left, right = stack.pop()
        pt = points[left:right]

        if len(pt) <= 2:
            if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2:
                r = 1.0
                r = 0.0
            coef = lf.linear_fit_points(pt)
            if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2:
                r = lf.linear_r2_points(pt, coef)
            elif cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe:
                r = lf.rmspe_points(pt, coef)
            elif cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmsle:
                r = lf.rmsle_points(pt, coef)
                r = lf.rpd_points(pt, coef)

        curved = r < t if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2 else r >= t

        if curved:
            d = distance_points(pt, pt[0], pt[-1])
            index = np.argmax(d)
            stack.append((left + index, left + len(pt)))
            stack.append((left, left + index + 1))
            removed.append([left, len(pt) - 2.0])

    reduced.append(len(points) - 1)
    return np.array(reduced), np.array(removed)
Example #6
def grdp(points: np.ndarray,
         t: float = 0.01,
         cost: lf.Linear_Metrics = lf.Linear_Metrics.rpd,
         distance: RDP_Distance = RDP_Distance.shortest) -> tuple:
    stack = [(0, len(points))]

    reduced = []
    removed = []

    curved = True

    while curved:
        _, left, right = stack.pop()
        pt = points[left:right]

        d = distance_points(pt, pt[0], pt[-1])
        index = np.argmax(d)
        # add the relevant point to the reduced set
        reduced.append(left + index)
        # compute the cost of the left and right parts
        left_cost = np.max(distance_points(pt[0:index + 1], pt[0], pt[index]))
        right_cost = np.max(distance_points(pt[index:len(pt)], pt[0], pt[-1]))
        # Add the points to the stack
        stack.append((right_cost, left + index, left + len(pt)))
        stack.append((left_cost, left, left + index + 1))
        # Sort the stack based on the cost
        stack.sort(key=lambda t: t[0])
        length -= 1

        # compute the cost of the current solution

        curved = r < t if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2 else r >= t

    # add first and last points
    reduced.append(len(points) - 1)

    # sort indexes

    return np.array(reduced)

    while stack:
        left, right = stack.pop()
        pt = points[left:right]

        if len(pt) <= 2:
            if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2:
                r = 1.0
                r = 0.0
            coef = lf.linear_fit_points(pt)
            if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2:
                r = lf.linear_r2_points(pt, coef)
            elif cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmspe:
                r = lf.rmspe_points(pt, coef)
            elif cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.rmsle:
                r = lf.rmsle_points(pt, coef)
                r = lf.rpd_points(pt, coef)

        curved = r < t if cost is lf.Linear_Metrics.r2 else r >= t

        if curved:
            d = distance_points(pt, pt[0], pt[-1])
            index = np.argmax(d)
            stack.append((left + index, left + len(pt)))
            stack.append((left, left + index + 1))
            removed.append([left, len(pt) - 2.0])

    reduced.append(len(points) - 1)
    return np.array(reduced), np.array(removed)