def set_name(cls, objs, name, extras={}): if len(objs) != 1: raise CustomAssertionError( 'Can\'t set the same name to more than 1 song.') obj = objs[0] is_unique = not AudioFile.objects.filter(database=obj.database, name=name).exists() if not is_unique: raise CustomAssertionError('File {} already exists'.format(name)) # If audio file is original, change the actual audio files' names as well if obj.is_original(): old_name = old_name_wav = wav_path(obj) old_name_compressed = audio_path(obj, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) try: = name new_name_wav = wav_path(obj) new_name_compressed = audio_path( obj, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) os.rename(old_name_wav, new_name_wav) os.rename(old_name_compressed, new_name_compressed) except Exception as e: = old_name raise CustomAssertionError('Error changing name') else: = name
def delete_audio_files_async(*args, **kwargs): audio_files = AudioFile.fobjs.filter(active=False) # Mark all segments belong to these audio files as to be deleted, then delete them segments = Segment.objects.filter(audio_file__in=audio_files) segments.update(active=False) delete_segments_async() # Now delete the audio files audio_files_ids = audio_files.values_list('id', flat=True) ExtraAttrValue.objects.filter(attr__klass=AudioFile.__name__, owner_id__in=audio_files_ids).delete() # If the audio file is not original - just delete the model # Otherwise, search if there are clones. If there are, make one of the clones the new original # If there is no clone, delete the real audio files (wav and mp4) for af in audio_files: if af.original is None: clones = AudioFile.objects.filter(original=af).order_by('id') first_clone = clones.first() # If there are clones, make the first clone original of the remaining # Also move the real audio file to the database's folder of the clone if first_clone: old_wav_file = wav_path(af) old_mp4_file = audio_path(af, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) clones.update(original=first_clone) first_clone.original = None new_wav_file = wav_path(first_clone) new_mp4_file = audio_path(first_clone, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) os.rename(old_wav_file, new_wav_file) os.rename(old_mp4_file, new_mp4_file) # Otherwise, delete the audio files too else: wav = wav_path(af) mp4 = audio_path(af, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) if os.path.isfile(wav): os.remove(wav) if os.path.isfile(mp4): os.remove(mp4) af.delete()
def get_audio_file_url(request): user = request.user file_id = get_or_error(request.POST, 'file-id') audio_file = get_or_error(AudioFile, dict(id=file_id)) assert_permission(user, audio_file.database, DatabasePermission.VIEW) # The audio file might have sample rate being faked - this is the only sample rate value the browser can see. # It has no idea what the real fs is unless we tell it. # However, when converted to MP3, the real fs can be changed anyways. For example, 44100Hz (wav) -> 48000 (mp3) # in which case there is a difference in real_fs and what the browser can see. # In this case we must tell the browser to use 48000 as the real_fs of the mp3 file. # We do that by omitting real_fs (returning NULL to the browser) real_fs = None if audio_file.fake_fs is not None: real_fs = audio_file.fs if audio_file.fs > 48000: real_fs = audio_file.fs return { 'url': audio_path(audio_file, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT, for_url=True), 'real-fs': real_fs }
def handle(self, testfile, fmt, *args, **options): if testfile is None: audio_files = AudioFile.objects.filter(original=None) conversion_list = [] for af in audio_files: wav_file_path = wav_path(af) conversion_scheme = dict(wav=wav_file_path) target_file_path = audio_path(af, fmt) conversion_scheme['other'] = (fmt, target_file_path) conversion_list.append(conversion_scheme) bar = Bar('Converting song ...', max=len(conversion_list)) for conversion_scheme in conversion_list: convert(conversion_scheme, print_stats=False) bar.finish() else: target_file_path = '/tmp/test-compress-wav.' + fmt conversion_scheme = dict(wav=testfile, other=(fmt, target_file_path)) convert(conversion_scheme) os.remove(target_file_path)
def compress_data(database): import tarfile tar ="user_data.tar.gz", "w:gz") segments_ids = Segment.objects.filter( audio_file__database=database).values_list('id', flat=True) audio_files = AudioFile.objects.filter(database=database).values_list( 'name', flat=True) bar = Bar('Zipping ...', max=len(segments_ids) + len(audio_files)) for s in segments_ids: seg_spect_path = spect_fft_path(s, 'syllable') seg_mask_path = spect_mask_path('{}'.format(s)) tar.add(seg_mask_path) tar.add(seg_spect_path) for a in audio_files: compressed_path = audio_path(a, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) if os.path.isfile(compressed_path): tar.add(compressed_path) tar.close() bar.finish()
def get_audio_file_url(request): user = request.user file_id = get_or_error(request.POST, 'file-id') audio_file = get_or_error(AudioFile, dict(id=file_id)) assert_permission(user, audio_file.database, DatabasePermission.VIEW) return audio_path(audio_file, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT, for_url=True)
def import_pcm(song, cur, audio_file, wav_file_path=None, compressed_url=None): if wav_file_path is None: wav_file_path = wav_path(audio_file) if compressed_url is None: compressed_url = audio_path(audio_file, settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) if not os.path.isfile(wav_file_path): # print('Importing {}'.format(song_name)) song_id = song['songid'] cur.execute('select wav from wavs where songid={};'.format(song_id)) data = cur.fetchone() raw_pcm = str_to_bytes(data[0]) nchannels = song['stereo'] bitrate = int(song['ssizeinbits']) fs = int(song['samplerate']) byte_per_frame = int(bitrate / 8) nframes_all_channel = int(len(raw_pcm) / byte_per_frame) nframes_per_channel = int(nframes_all_channel / nchannels) length = nframes_per_channel ensure_parent_folder_exists(wav_file_path) if bitrate == 24: array1 = np.frombuffer(raw_pcm, dtype=np.ubyte) array2 = array1.reshape((nframes_per_channel, nchannels, byte_per_frame)).astype(np.uint8) wf.write_24b(wav_file_path, fs, array2) else: data = array.array('i', raw_pcm) sound = pydub.AudioSegment(data=data, sample_width=byte_per_frame, frame_rate=fs, channels=nchannels) sound.export(wav_file_path, 'wav') else: fs, length = get_wav_info(wav_file_path) if not os.path.isfile(compressed_url): ensure_parent_folder_exists(compressed_url) sound = pydub.AudioSegment.from_wav(wav_file_path) sound.export(compressed_url, format=settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) return fs, length
def get_audio_files_urls(request): user = request.user file_ids = get_or_error(request.POST, 'file-ids') file_ids = json.loads(file_ids) format = request.POST.get('format', settings.AUDIO_COMPRESSED_FORMAT) audio_files = AudioFile.objects.filter(id__in=file_ids) database_ids = audio_files.values_list('database', flat=True).distinct() databases = Database.objects.filter(id__in=database_ids) for database in databases: assert_permission(user, database, DatabasePermission.VIEW) file_paths = [] for audio_file in audio_files: file_path = audio_path(audio_file, format, for_url=True) file_paths.append(file_path) return file_paths
def handle(self, testfile, tofile, fmt, *args, **options): if fmt is None: if tofile is None: raise Exception("Either format or --to-file must be provided") else: fmt = tofile.split('.')[-1] print("Format = {}".format(fmt)) if testfile is None: audio_files = AudioFile.objects.filter(original=None) conversion_list = [] for af in audio_files: wav_file_path = wav_path(af) conversion_scheme = dict(wav=wav_file_path) target_file_path = audio_path(af, fmt) conversion_scheme['other'] = (fmt, target_file_path) conversion_list.append(conversion_scheme) bar = Bar('Converting song ...', max=len(conversion_list)) for conversion_scheme in conversion_list: convert(conversion_scheme, print_stats=False) bar.finish() else: if tofile is None: target_file_path = '/tmp/test-compress-wav.' + fmt conversion_scheme = dict(wav=testfile, other=(fmt, target_file_path)) convert(conversion_scheme) os.remove(target_file_path) else: conversion_scheme = dict(wav=testfile, other=(fmt, tofile)) convert(conversion_scheme)